Bonn Foreign Minister Will Visit Israel at Eban's Invitation, Despite Arab Wishes BONN (JTA) — West German Foreign Minister Walter Scheel said that he would visit Israel next fall and didn't care whether the Arabs liked it or not. Dr. Scheel spoke after accepting an invitation to Israel extended to him by Foreign Minister Abba Eban. Eban, on an official visit at Dr. Scheel's invitation, attended a din- ner given in his honor by the West German foreign minister. Earlier Eban conferred for an hour with Chancellor Willy Brandt and also had talks with Dr. Scheel, Finance SCHECHTER & HIRSCH'S ZONE" C) GLATT KOSHER HOTEL Mire Mutant Ithick•3111i is Mk St. MIAMI BEACH, FLA. • Private Pool & Brach • Completely Air-Conditioned 14 •daily per person . double occupancy MAR. 22 to APR. 19 •25 of 157 rooms INCLUDING MEALS CALL MIAMI BEACH FOR YOUR • R ESERVATION FREE ' Dial: 800-327-8165 Or Coll N Y. Off: PL 7-4235 Eves. & Sun. FA 7-1742 One of the most beautiful resorts anywhere salutes the glorious celebration of the holiday of liberation. PASSOVER Mon.-Tues., April 20-28 Cantor Irving Rogoff And the Nevele Philharmonic-Choir Sedariza • Services Minister Alex Mueller and Eco- nomics Minister Karl Schiller. Dr. Scheel was asked by the Jewish Telegraphic Agency cor- respondent whether he was con- cerned over unfavorable Arab reaction to his projected trip to Israel. Ile replied, "I do what I please. Our relations with Israel have nothing whatever to do with our relations with the Arabs. They will have to get used to this attitude of mine. I visited India but did not visit Pakistan and nobody worried about it," he said. Eban and his entourage appear- ed to be satisfied with their talks At a news conference in Bonn. with West German leaders. About Eban declared that West Germany 200 Arab and left wing German must continue and expand its students demonstrated outside the "special" relationship with Israel. chancellory during his meeting whatever happens in the Middle with Brandt but attracted little East conflict or in other areas attention. Erich Mende, a former affecting the two countries. He leader of the Free Democratic also called for "wholehearted con- Party, said as long as there is demnation" from the entire world no peace in the Mid East, "Ger- of the "satanic piracy" against air- many must make it clear tliat her lines by Arab terrorists and "the supnort for Israel is not open to Arab states which shelter them." 1 negotiation." While praising West Germany, Eban's visit to Germany was Eban denounced the East Ger- linked to reports of Israeli wor- man Communist government, ries about West German moves saying "They have shown a cal- to improve relations with the Arab lous disregard of our historic world, broken by the Arabs in emotions and historic memories. retaliation for the establishment They maintain a constant and of full relations between Israel violent campaign against Israel's and West Germany four years ago. statehood, Israel's interests and Israel's honor." However, Eban responded to newsmen's questions that his gov- In reply to a question, Eban ernment was confident nothing de- accused the French governmet of trimental would occur. He replied: "painfully" undermining Israel's "Although diplomacy ought to be security by imposing an arms em- vigilant, I shouldn't think that it bargo, which ignored "that our ought to be hypochondriac." lives depend upon a small number Eban paid a visit to the Dachau of aircraft." concentration camp outside Munich, accompanied by West THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS German officials and representa- 18—Friday, March 6, 1970 tives of Munich's Jewish corn- m unity. A reception was given in his honor by the head of the Bavarian State government, Alfons Goppel. (Goppel invited Marguerite Kozenn Chajes of Detroit, who is now directing musical events in Ger- many and Austria, to be a guest at the reception.) Heavily guarded wherever he appeared, Eban completed the first official visit of an Israeli cabinet member to West Ger- many last week. EllenvIlle, New York Hotel Tel: 914647-6000 or Call Your Travel Agent A plot against his life was brought to light by Dr. Fritz Oberele, police chief of Karlsruhe. Dr. Oberele told the Jewish Tele- graphic Agency that the plot was revealed to police by a young Arab who telephoned a superior for instructions while he was be- BAISFFitae• The Oceanfront/Boardwalk Hotels [antis Oceanfront at 26th St. 2 Oceanfront at 27th St. Miami Beach Miami Beach as .zkan4A2,A.A&A. - . '12 See your Travel Agent or Write Direct. Max Melamed, Owner/Management Walter C. Hesse, General Manager '12 The Air Conditioned and Nested ,artiniqueEr," ON THE OCEAN AT 64th ST., MIAMI •Daily, per pers., dbl. occ. 19 of 162 rms. Mar. I to Apr. 6 $13.50 to Mar. 8. Net BEACH Reserve Now for the PASSOVER Holidays I * • flaily per person *mane occupancy Mar. 8 to Mar. 22 •SO of ISO rms. Including 3 Glatt A Kosher Meals. 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It was subse- quently found empty but there had been enough time to remove the contents, Dr. Oberele said. The KOSHER HOTEL of the Year! s You can be in Montego Bay for a swim or a round of golf this afternoon! Fly Delta one way via New Orleans or Miami and return the other way ... with no extra charge for stop - over in either city. Ask your Travel Agent or call Delta at WOodward 5-3000. Lv. Detroit 10am daily 1s Lv. New Orleans 11:45am Now! 21-day round-trip $212 Tourist excursion fare: See your Travel Agent or Write Direct. H. Melamed, Management J. J. Lindenfeld, Manager - 141 Swimming Pools & Beaches. Oceanfront Boardwalk • TY & Refrigerator in Every Room • Supervised Children's Activities • Oceanfront Coffee Shop & Snack Bar • Daily Planned Entertainment & Activities • Free Parking Delta is ready when you we! Arr. Montego • Bay 3:12pm Arr. Montego Bay 3:20pm CHILDREN FREE IN SAME ROOM fund. 12 — limit 2 par room) •Full Course Breakfast & Deluxe Dinner daily, 1.4.30. 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