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March 06, 1970 - Image 12

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 1970-03-06

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o n
Adversity has the same effect
to direct talks
a man that severe training has on
the New York police and the United Pompidou's press aide, the presi- with Israel. He reportedly replied the puilist—it reduces him to his
Nations security guards. Police dent told the Jewish leaders that that as long as the current situa- fighting weight. —Josh Billings.
birders were placed alt around i "it was in the interests of Israel tion exists "such talks would

(Continued from Page 11)

Libya. According to Jean Beliard,

the hotel, and the United Nations to become a state in the geo-

was converted into a veritable graphical sense like all other
fortress as thousands of demon. states and that as long as Israel
strators, most of them school continued to be a religious state,
youngsters, paraded across the it would be surrounded by hostile
street or in Hammarskjold Plaza. people." Two Chicago newspapers
Pompidou and his p a r t y were reported that Pompidou had
smuggled into the UN through the told the Jewish leaders that Israel
garage. Among the guests at the must stop using racial and reli-
UN luncheon were Prof. Rene Cas- gious ties abroad to further its
sin, Nobel Peace Prize winner. policies. But the Jewish leaders
former president of the French who met with the President have
Counci 1 of State and a leading categorically denied that he made
figure in the French Jewish com. such a statement to them.
Spokesmen for the group—Ray-
munity. Thant and Pompidou
spent an hour in private confer- mond Epstein, president of the
ence before their luncheon. A UN Chicago Jewish Welfare Board, and
spokesman said the entire conver- Rabbi Seymour J. Cohen, presi-
sation was on the Middle East dent of the Chicago Board of Rab-
situation. He termed the talks "cor- bis—told JTA that what President
dial and fruitful." Later, when Pompidou said to them was that
Pompidou came down to the Se- Israel is a state, and quarrels and
curity Council chamber, he spent differences often arise between
a few moments in separate conver- states but as far as France and
sation with the ambassadors of Israel are concerned, these have
nothing to do with religious issues.
each of the Big Four powers.
They said that Pompidou, who
An estimated 5,000 persons
accompanied by Schumann
staged a protest demonstration was
and the French ambassador to the
at Westchester County Airport U. S., Charles Lucet, went out of
Sunday when Pompidou arrived his way to stress that France's
there from Chicago. Ile stayed current posture in the Mid East
overnight at the White Plains was not affected by religious con-
home of Emil Mossbacher, chief , siderations nor is Franc e, the
of protocol of the U. S. State
French government or its presi-
dent in any way anti-Semitic. The
During Pompidou's visit to alleged warning to Israel was
Chicago. an estimated 10.000 per- front-paged by the Chicago Trib-
sons from that city and other Mid- one and also appeared in the Chi-
western cities staged a massive cago Sun-Times. It was attributed
but peaceful' demonstration outside to Beliard, who purportedly quoted
of the Palmer House where a din- President Pompidou's remarks to
ner in honor of the French leader the Jewish leders. The latter said
was held. Prior to the dinner, they were not sure that Beliard
President Pompidou met for a half was even present at their meeting
hour with a delegation of Chicago with the French president.
leaders who conveyed to
Beliard also reported that the
him their deep concern over Jewish leaders had asked President
France's sale of Mirage jets to Pompidou why the Arab countries

White House Aide Te!ls Attitude:
Jewish Vote Is Not Written Off

Kenneth Bronson, president of
the Washtenaw County Jewish
Community Council, has just re-
leased an important statement he
received from the White House
with regard to the administration's
attitude on Israel, the Jewish peo-
ple and the voters' status in this
In one of the frankest messages
ever written regarding the role of
the Jewish community, the mes-
sage refutes charges that the ad-
ministration is "writing off the
Jewish vote."
In the message from the White
House to Bronson, Harry D. Dent,
special counsel to the President.
IA rote:

ter has somewhat clarified the
misimpressions that the media
have created.
I would like to assure you that
this administration is by no
means "writing off the Jewish
vote," as you put it. Any mem-
ber of the press who makes
such a charge is totally irrespon-
sible and doing a great disservice
to the administration and to the
American people.
Again, I would like to thank
you for having taken the time to
write to the President, and on his
behalf I would like to assure
you of his appreciation.
Bronson also released the text of


12—Friday, March 6, 1970

Pompidou Adamant on Jet Embargo


would not agree

unacceptable" because they would
be between "a conquering nation
and a conquered nation." Epstein
and Rabbi Cohen subsequently told
JTA that M. Pompidou had told
them that France's Mideast poli-
cies were based on considerations
larger than the immediate ques-
tion of the sale of 110 jets to Libya.
He said further that France had

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taken precautions to prevent the

use of the Libyan jets against Is-
rael but if they proved inadequate,
France would then reconsider its
Mid East policies. Rabbi Cohen
told JTA that the meeting with the
French president was cordial but
left the Jewish leaders "disappoint-


Harry Abram
Res. LI 8-4119

ed" because he indicated no change
in France's policies.
The demonstration at West-
chester Airport was organized by
the Westchester Board of Rabbis
and supported by major Jewish
organizations in the area. It was
termed a "very defiinte success"
by Rabbi Ludwig Madelmann,
chairman of the Westchester
Board of Rabbis. "It exceeded
all our expectations," he told the
Jewish Telegraphic Agency. The
demonstrators carried picket
signs reading: "Water, Not Oil;"
"We Work For Peace. What Does
Pompi-do?"; a n d "Pompous
Pompidou Pumps Pan-Arabian
Petroleum." A number of signs
were written in French.
At a protest rally at Hunter Col-

their consistent demand for the de-
struction of the Jewish state, to
control the terrorists who prey on
civilian life in the air and on the
ground, or to play their proper
role in the solution of the refugee

Some 200 youths picketed the

French Consulate in New York
carrying signs reading "France
Kills Freedom" and "Israel Must
Live." After half an hour, they
shifted to the French Cultural Serv-
ices Center, five blocks away.

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lege Monday night, sponsored by 11
major American Jewish organiza-
tions, the 2,200 persons attending
adopted unanimously a resolution
assailing French policy as "anti-
Israel," "pro-Arab" and "one-
sided." The resolution stated: "We
heard him (M. Pompidou) call for
Israel to withdraw from the occu-
pied territories, and to settle the
refugee problem (in his speech

last week to the joint session of
Congress), but we heard no paral-
lel call to the Arab states to come
to the negotiating table, to end


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There were additional rallies in
Queens. Rabbi Meyer Cohen, execu-
tive director of the Union of Ortho-
dox Rabbis of the United States
and Canada, in a telegram to
President Pompidou, called French
a message he received from Rog-
The President has directed me ers C. B. Morton, chairman of the Mid East policy "hostile" and
"one-sided" and said that "This
to reply to your letter of Jan. 12
Republican National Committee, situation constitutes tragedy for
addressed to him.
who wrote to him:
Israel and tragedy for France."
Let me say that I certainly
"This will acknowledge a copy
share your concern for the total-
ly inaccurate reports by various of your letter of Jan. 12 to
members of the media which President Nixon expressing your
would lead you to the conclusions concern relative to present rela-
Pledged is Quallty—Buy with Oortt•i.neit
which you have stated in your tions between the United States
letter regarding any change of and the state of Israel.
administration policy toward the ; "I, too, read a number of poli-
S. R .
state of Israel. To a certain ex- tical columnists' interpretation of
tent, I expect that Secretary our government's relation with
Rogers' statement on this mat- Israel. I must say, after noting
Ferrier Werdmis, Mekeln, Mellen Silk, Skarkskies, Terkmm

Dave Fenton

548 - 1000



these articles, one could be easily
confused because each writer has
his own interpretation of the

"As a member of Congress I
have supported all legislation help-
ful in developing the state of Is-
rael, and I shall continue to do so.
It is difficult for me to believe
our government relations with Is-
rael could be severed. I believe
the U.S. government will stand
firmly by its pledge of security."



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