Dr. Sabin Honored in' Mexico 47 National GroUpg Grand Rapids News Notes Hopeful Senate to OK Genocide Pact 20—Friday, February 27, 1970 THE DETROIT JEWISH HEWS • I OPENING SOON MRSEDGAR 5 Feb. 27—Temple Youth Oneg NEW YORK (JTA)—Their hopes Shabat buoyed by President Nixon's mes- March 1—Temple Youth Meeting sage urging ratification of the long- —United Synagogue Youth pending Genocide Convention, sup- Executive Board porters of the treaty will gather in 5—Temple Emanuel Sister- Washington Tuesday and Wednes- hood Board day to open a campaign for prompt —Bnai Brith HAIR STYLING Senate action. 6—USY Service (TOUPES-FACIALS Herschel Halbert, chairman of 7—Bnai Brith Girls Beau the Ad Hoc Committee on the Hu- MANICURING Dance man Rights and Genocide Treaties HONEYWELL BLDG 8—Temple Emanuel Men's and director of the International 1 17515 W. NINE MILE Club Brunch Meeting League for the Rights of Man, said, "We commend the President most heartily. The United States has deferred much too long its adher- ence to this treaty to which 75 oth- er nations already are parties. Dr. Albert B. Sabin, president of the Weizmann Institute, receives Mexico's highest award from Mexican President Gustavo Diaz Ordaz. "For the first time in almost two Shown here is Dr. Sabin (left) being invested with the Sash, First decades," he added, "there is real 4.1%..hosaboliericies Class of the Decoration of the Aztec Eagles. Presntation is made reason to hope for Senate ratifica- by the Mexican ambassador to Israel, Joaquin Bernal, at a farewell tion." Because they have reception for participants in the Latin American Symposium on Among other encouraging indi- Science Policy and Organization of Research, dedicated to the mem- cations he cited the recent endorse- ory of Dr. Amos de Shalit, and held both in Jerusalem and on the ments of ratification by Secretary campus of the Weizmann Institute at Rehovot. of State William Rogers and At- at torney General John Mitchell. The genocide pact has never been brought to the Senate floor. President Nixon's call for ratifi- 14240 W. 7 Mile Road at the Lodge X Way cation is the first such Presiden- DI 1-3800 Dr. Meyer Teitelbaum, a special- tial initiative since the pact was How can the teaching of Jewish originally submitted to the Sen - subjects be linked with the urgent ist in internal medicine, will dis- ate by President Harry S. Tru- issues of our times? In an effort cuss euthenasia in the light of man in 1950. to find answers to this question, Jewish tradition. members of the United Hebrew In addition, two lectures will be One discouraging note, however, Schools teaching staff are attend- given by Morris Nobel, principal was the vote by members of the C.L.U. ing a series of lectures on con- of the UHS Bnai Moshe branch, American Bar Association retain- temporary society and Jewish mor- on personalities and ideas in He- ing its 20-year opposition to the ality. The division of graduate brew literature. Nobel will dis- treaty. studies of the Midrasha is spon- cuss and analyze the works of The bar association reaffirmed IT IS A PLEASURE TO soring this course on the first and Hillel Zeitin, Matitvah Shoham, its opposition by a vote of 130-126. third Thursday of each month. and Rabbi Chaim Joseph David The vote was considered a defeat ANNOUNCE THAT The first session began Feb. 19, Azulai. He will show how these for President Nixon, who had hop- MELVIN WEISZ with Rabbi James Gordon of writers exerted a great influence ed to get the bar to reverse its Young Israel of Oak Woods dis- on their time and helped shape position. The vote by the bar's rul- C.L.U. the beliefs and views of their own ing House of Delegates came after cussing some of the problems confronting the Jewish family to- and future generations. Nobel has a 21/2-hour debate by such noted been one of the moving spirits in Has received the man-of-the-month award as the most outstand- lawyers as former Attorney Gen- day, such as intermarriage, di- ing Representative of our Detroit-Gold agency for the month ad vorce, illegitimacy, abortion, birth the Kvutza (Hebrew Cultural eral Nicholas deB. Katzenbach and Society) and is one of the editors several former association presi- January. control and juvenile deliquency. of its publication, Hed Hakvutza. dents. Rabbi Gordon, who will continue The award is in recognition of his excellent service to his policy- Bernard G. Segal, president of the discussion at the session on holders and our Agency during the month of January. Thursday, is a member of the U.S. Oilmen Not in Panic the ABA, told the delegates that all the U.S.' allies had ratified the staff of the Psychological Clinic Over Mid East Situation treaty. "We stand alone," he said. at the University of Detroit where NEW YORK (ZINS) — Middle Delegates representing the 47 he is engaged in psycho-therapy. East experts for the major oil national religious, labor, veterans, In subsequent lectures, Rabbi companies are convinced that the civic and other organizations that Irwin Groner of Cong. Shaarey political situation in the Arab MASSACHUSETTS MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY LA Zedek, chairman of the Michigan world is more critical that at comprise the Ad Hoc Committee SPRINCIIIZLIN MAISACHIJIMITS. ORCIANT7212 ION Citizens Concerned About Anti- any time since the Six-Day War, for the Human Rights and Geno- cide Treaties will come from all Ballistic Missiles, will speak on but they are not panicking about parts of the United States to at- Jewish attitudes towards war the prospects for their industry tend the Washington meeting, Hal- and peace; Sherwood Sandweiss. in the area, according to the New bert said. "We intend to demon- •411j, director of the Michigan area of York Times. strate to Senator Fulbright and to the American Jewish Committee, The American businessmen be- other members of the Foreign Re- on the Jew and the Negro; and lieve that "The Arabs have be- lations Committee that there is Rabbi Milton Rosenbaum of Tem- come far too sophisticated to cut firm and widespread public sup- ple Emanu-El on anti-Semitism. off oil supplies, except in the most port for ratification of the treaty," presents Rabbi Rosenbaum is a member extreme circumstances. But the he declared. on the Committee on Religious oilmen are quick to add, this only education of the Central Confer- holds true if everything remains ence of American Rabbis and vice rational. If the Arabs are pushed president of Psychological Studies too far by Israel then it will be and Consultation Programs, Inc. burned, even if it means destroy- ing their own economies." . . . If the Arabs were to stop Rocky Asked to Intervene production to spite the United in Gravediggers' Strike States, industry in Europe and NEW YORK (JTA) — As the Japan would be severely crippled *Bet Midrash Letorah College cemetery workers' strike enters in six months, but the Arab na- for Torah and Jewish Studies its seventh week, the Emergency tions would also suffer major set- NO-TAP backs, including the stoppage of in Jerusalem Committee for Jewish Burial called BEST BALL on Gov. Nelson Rockefeller to money used to support the Arab *Machon Gold Teachers Institute guerrillas," the Times writse. make good a previous pledge that SCOTCH DOUBLES in Jerusalem (for girls) negotiations were to continue REGULAR DOUBLES *Special half year programs for "around the clock" until a settle- American High School Senionrs ment was reached. in Israel (Tochnit Tad Beit) Buffet Supper, Cash Prizes The commitee's findings, accord- *Special half year programs for ing to Rabbi Samuel Schrage, '■ rkfr Surprises, Trophies American Junior High School chairman of the emergency group, "are shocking." "We saw coffins Seniors (9th grade students) by the hundreds piled in makeshift in Israel (Tochnit Tet) tents, laid on cemetery driveways, only $ *A year of stades in an Israeli and storaged in tool sheds and FROM THE Yeshiva for High School Gradu- warehouses as if it were excess ates and College Students baggage." Starts at 10:30 p.m. *Gesher Summer Seminars for In addition, it was ascertained WYNINDUIt High School Youth that many coffins, in violation of OPEN BOWLING health laws, were not properly KAPLAN ADULTS ALL DAY SATURDAY & SUNDAY sealed. At least one cracked coffin Also Israel Summer Seminars and. Co. was observed, and there was evi- for Rabbis and Educators dence of leaks on other coffins. IMPORTER AND CUTTERS For Further information The committee questioned the OF FINE DIAMONDS Please Contact: added security promised by ceme- Northwestern Hwy., S. of 12 Mile, Southfield 15738 LIVERNOIS TORAH EDUCATION DEPARTMENT JEWISH AGENCY teries particularly in view of the DI 1-5515 515 Park Avenue, • fact that Mount Hebron cemetery, New York City, 10022 352-3333 • • as an example, was vandalized • Tel: (212) PL 24600 • the night of Feb. •11., I MEN'S HAIR BOUTIQUE ' IRV KATZ McDONALD FORD United Hebrew Schools Introduces New Lecture Course for Teachers - Melvin Weisz Man of the Month RUBEN GOLD, C.L.U.-GENERAL AGENT 20800 Greenfield Road 564-5275 Detroit 1•00••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Something Different • • • • EVERY SAT. NIGHT • • • • • • Moonlight Bowling ARK LANES WEST ISRAEL PROGRAMS FOR ORTHODOX YOUTH • • • • • • • • • SAVE!" SAVE! BUY DIRECT IMPORTER ti • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • aI • • • II I • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • : • • •4 • I 750 per couple ARK LANES WEST ti • • •11111••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••MMOMINIIIN