Present-Day Zionist Image From a Special Correspondent pean origlon, which is due not only "Bitfutzot Hagola" (In the Dis- to "biological factors," but also to persion), the quarterly published the participation of young and new by the organization and informa- forces. Delegates born in Eastern tion department of the Zionist exec- Europe accounted for 44 per cent utive and dedicated to surveys and at the 20th Congress, but only for monographs on the Jewish world, 30.9 per cent at the 27th. includes a detailed analysis by Dr. Business was represented this A. Zwergbaum on the composition time by only 12.7 per cent of the Of the 27th Zionist Congress (1968). delegates, instead of 25 per cent It is aptly called "A Contribution four years ago, while the share of to the Image of Present Zionist the liberal professions of all kinds Leadership," because the 400-odd increased from 37 per cent to 44 delegates from 29 countries outside per cent. Israel may be regarded as largely There was a considerable rise identical with the Zionist key in the number of those who are sometimes called "professional workers in the Diaspora. Questionnaires were sent out to Jews" such as officials of Jew- all full Congress delegates from the ish organizations, secretaries of Diaspora, but were completed and parties, etc., from 4.5 per cent to returned by only 204 delegates (86 7.8 per cent. The percentage of from U.S. and 118 from other housewives - mostly Hadassah countries) belonging to all Con- delegates--was considerable: 17 gress parties and groups. Since per cent. the percentage of participants was The survey refutes the allegation high, the results may be regarded that the Congress delegates from as rather representative of the the Diaspora do not know Hebrew. delegates as a whole, though the Only 4.9 per cent admitted that author cautiously remarks that one they had no knowledge whatsoever may assume that in general only of the language; more than half delegates replied who could give a (50.5 per cent) indicated that they positive answer to "delicate" ques- had acquired a perfect or good tions, such as aliya, knowledge of knowledge. At the last Congress Hebrew, Jewish education, etc. they accounted for only 45 per cent. While 42 per cent of the delegates Maybe, therefore, the picture is less bright in regard to the "silent received a full or partial tradition- al Jewish education (yeshiva, half" of the delegates. Yeshiva University, heder, Tal- The average age of the delegates mud Torah), the percentage in was 52.1 years, as against 54.8 at regard the children of the dele- the previous Congress. The modest gates was only 19.6 per cent. This "rejuvenation" w a s occasioned discrepancy may be largely ex- Mainly by countries outside the plained by the fact that many dele- U.S. from which the average age gates were born and received their was 48.8 years, compared with 53.3 education in Eastern Eupore, while in 1965. The 51-60 age group was practically all the children are the strongest, accounting for 34.9 natives of Western countries. The per cent of the total. The youngest percentage of delegates who en- age group increased considerably; joyed a complete modern Hebrew while at the 26th Congress only a5 or Jewish education (Hebrew or per cent of the delegates had not Jewish day schools) rose to 20.6 yet completed their 30th year, in per cent as against 16.5 per cent at 1967 this group accounted for 12.7 the previous Congress. So has that per cent. This positive phenomenon of their children, from 12 per cent is to be ascribed to youth delega- to 17.8 per cent; and 7.3 per cent of tions who participated with full the delegates admitted that they rights in the 27th Congress, but not had received no Jewish education in the 26th. whatsoever, but in many cases For exactly 50 per cent of the they added that as adults they have delegates it was their first Con- been making efforts to acquire a gress, and only 25.6 per cent Jewish knowledge. could be called "veterans" who Perhaps the most important and had : attended more than three gratifying single fact emerging from the analysis is the high per- Congresses. No less than 52.4 per cent of the centage of delegates desirous of delegates were born in the country settling in Israel: 35.2 per cent, in- which they represented at the 27th cluding 6.8 per cent organized for Zionist Congress, in 1960 such "na- the purpose in the Aliya movement, tive representatives" reached only as against 9.5 per cent four years 40.5 per cent. The "Americaniza- ago. tion" of Zionism in the U.S. is In summing up, one may say evidenced by the fact that the rate that the picture reflected by the of native-born delegates is even poll is definitely gratifying, and greater than the average, namely that there is ground to state that 63 per cent. The analysis showed by and large the Congress dele- also a second interesting trend, gates have proven their Zionism namely, the decrease in the per- also by this observance of import- centage of delegates of East Euro- ant "practical Zionist precepts." Orthodox Rabbi Sees Grave Problem in. Conservative, Reform Conversions Pidyon IlaBen Coin Legal Tender issued by the BANK OF ISRAEL Nominal Value IL 10 Silver 900, 26 gr, 37 mm, smooth edge Minted by the Government Mint in Jerusalem The coin is issued especially for the ceremony of the Redemption of the First Born Son, thereby restoring to this ancient tradition its Hebrew character. The five coins required for the Redemp- tion ceremony together weigh 130 gr., of which 117 are pure silver, thus fully com- plying with the biblical ordinance. 1970 Pldyon HaBen Coin: $8.00 each Price per set of five, with official certificate and presentation box: $42.25 each Price per set of five. with official Certificate and do use olive-wood box: $50.00 each • met, Icon Ora tts 24e tirstrarl T10121212nerorci -p-oa man err po row rrnmitsun 21-7irt FIRST ISRAEL BANK AND TRUST COMPANY OF NEW YORK awn ran ■ "' . ,rwararrh. rwrIlwann Iron, 4s. urn ISRAEL DISCOUNT BANK LIMITED P.O. Box 1655, Grand Central Station New York, N.Y. 10017 (A subsidiary of Bank Leon el to Israel. &M., Tel Aviv) P.O. Box 642, Wall Street 'sat %a ORDER FORM Mail to any one of these three participating banks: New York, N.Y. 10005 DriTV M.A.., The coin will be issued annually In Regular and Proof condition. This sequence will be of interest to collectors. Station AMERICAN BANK AND TRUST COMPANY P.O. Box 233, Wall Street Station New York, N.Y. 10005 1970 Pidyon HeBen Coin(s) at $8.00 each Sets of 5 coins in a presentation case and certificate. $42.25 each Sets of 5 coins in a deluxe Olive wood box(s) with certificate. $50.00 each Tax• • Postage and delivery for each coin 25r Postage and delivery for each set of 5 coins in either case or box with certificate• • '''11.00 Total $ NAME ADDRFqS CITY L STATE ZIP • in B.U. condition • •New York City add 6% sales tax. New York State • • •will be provided only with set of 5 coins All orders must be received by the bank prior to March 31, 1970 3% sales tax AIRIIII*11**•••1•••111111M1W1••••••11111****••1 114 ■ JO IL ■ M WALLPAPER SALE • U JO •111=MINIMIMM===IIMINN= ============== 1.1. U NEW YORK (JTA)-The debate ing in Israel is told that they are Birge - Vinyl : ■ in the Israeli Parliament concern- not Jewish because the conversion & Flocks on Vinyl ing the supreme court ruling on was done by a non-Orthordox - ' • II the who is a Jew question is not Rabbi?" Rabbi Gross said. S i only an Israeli problem but an In fairness to both adults and II Over 2000 s R i n og l I l e I * actual growing concern in America children, Rabbi Gross urged that * as a , result of the increased con- they be told their true status to rolls available I * )/ versions by Conservative and Re- avoid future problems. form, rabbis, declared Abraam Meanwhile, however, an immi- • ... I= .. i b Gross, president of the Rabbinical grant girl whose father is Jewish Alliance of America. JUST ARRIVED We 1 Ng 1 •Grasscl oth 1 but whose mother professes no I The Orthodox rabbinate In Am- faith will be registered as Jewish ii mi Hundreds of Rolls of * Burlaps erica and the rabbinate in Israel by nationality, the ministry of jus- • I Discount 1 . Indoding I HAND SCREENED ALSO MATCHING • I do not recognize conversions by tice announced. The ruling was I Reg. to a I WET- I II the 'non-Orthodox group. There- made in the case of Nelly Miller, FLOCKS FOILS ; 1 $16.00 • All Other 1 : fore, these converts are not 23, a member of Kibutz Nahshon, ■ I LOOKS I II Reg. 21.00 Value Reg. 10.05 Value - . Now from I : Jews and in a case where a who has served in the Israeli Reg. to 4.9S Books : : ii Woman converted, her children Army. I Now Now I • 495 I would not be considered Jewish It stemmed from the Supreme I Stop In 1 ii 3 49 I I I $ 2 99 or allowed to enter into a mar- Court's ruling in the case of Lt. 6 39 And _ : Coupon Good III I 1 I. riage with a Jew, Rabbi Gross Commander Benjamin Shalit that I I thru I eau Roll roll Good I March 6 said. I Compr.. K a person may be registered as of I Coupon Good thru March ill 1.1 .111 '1 .. =I I= m1 He called upon the Reform and Jewish nationality even if not II a it ru A1ah:111! AR NM I Roll II Conservative clergy to inform can- Jewish by religion. An amendment didates that their conversion is to the Law of Return which will re- only accepted and recognized with- strict Jewish nationality to persons in their limited group. "Can one born of a Jewish mother or con- imagine the agony caused to a verted to Judaism has yet to pass converted family who upon arriv- its final reading in the Knesset. In Sunday 11-4 the meantime, the Shalit ruling 14960 Livernois - UN 2-5272 Mon. thru Fri. 7-5; Closed Sat. applies, according to Deputy States THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Maly; 'Fsbribiy 27, 1970-17 Attorney Yoram Barsela. ALLTEX • w1TAZ r • ! VINYL o 1 1.89 .1 h 1 1 1 ii ..... * ' ■ . m ■ ■ . I KNOPPOW PAINT CO • • Open mi • • ■ • •