Ur. Salo W. Baron's Scholarly Encyclopedic Work Grows in Immensity With 2 New Volumes The encyclopedic "A Social and Religious History of the Jews," by Prof. Salo Wittmayer Baron, con- tinues to gain in immensity with , the appearance of two additional volumes. Co-published by the Jewish Pub- lication Society of America and Columbia University Press, Vol- umes XIII and XIV mark the con- DR. SALO W. BARON tinuity of a literary effort that represents one of the most note- worthy scholarly achievements by one of the world's most disting- uished Jewish historians. The period 1200-1650 is covered in these two new volumes in which the author deals with "Late Middle Ages and Era of European Expulsion." Vol. XIII is devoted to "Inquisition, Re- naissance and Reformation," and Vol. XIV continues with "Catho- lic Restoration and Wars of Religion." towards Marranos he states: "Apart from the rabbis' personal leanings and individual tempera- ments, the varying views often reflected divergent external cir- cumstances. In general, the rab- bis did not wish to appear in- human by maltreating martyrs for the faith. Nor did they wish to establish a reputation for rigidity, which might discourage future Marranos from leaving the Iberian peninsula and pub- licly returning to Judaism. On the other hand, while prepared to make concessions in monetary matters, they were extremely reluctant to weaken the pillars of ritual and family laws by overly lenient interpretations. At times the overbearing attitude of some Marranos antagonized rab- binic leaders and the public alike. Most of the new arrivals felt that the Jewish people `owed them' something for their martyrdom. Because of their previously high social standing, wealth, and general education, many of them looked down upon the old-fashioned Jews of their new places of residence. On the whole, one may detect a pro- gressive decline in the Jews' sympathetic treatment of Mar- ranos and a growing alienation between the two groups from the 16th and 18th centuries. As gen- eration followed generation, the Iberian Marranos became ever more estranged from Jewish modes of living and thinking. At the same time the halo of their martyrdom gradually dimmed in the eyes of onlookers. Neverthe- less, to the very end the Mar- ranos kept on arriving in Muslin lands, Amsterdam, Bordeaux, London, or the New World. In the 1750s the later Jewish mag- nate Aaron Lopez of Newport, R.I., sent one of his ships to Lis- bon to rescue his Marrano brother and family, who turned professing Jews when they reach- ed America." The Inquisition and related sub- jects, the church attitudes, Vatican prejudices and the emergence of Popes who negated the prejudicial decisions are among the important In view of the current debates subjects covered in both volumes, with related issues linking the two i over "who is a Jew," it is worth in the presentation of events start- I noting an interesting comment in ing with the 13th, concluding with Dr. Baron's historic references: "Upon their settlement in a the mid-17th centuries. The great merits in the works of Jewish community Marranos were not formally treated as proselytes. Dr. Baron which emerge as a bookshelf of greatest significance , Of course, uncircumcized men had is the presentation of facts that to undergo the painful operation. negate fiction and the gathering of But neither men or women were data that provides students of t subjected to the ordinarily re- Jewish history with the most_ im- quired abolutions. "More importantly, Marrano ar- portant information regarding the religious and social factors of rivals did not have to prove that their mothers were Jewish, al- Jewish experiences. Major in his conerns delineated though, according to Jewish law, in the two new revised volumes is children of Gentile women were the role of the church and the considered Gentiles even if their workings of the Inquisition, and fathers were full-fledged Jews ..." ' There were incidents of libelous Prof. Baron describes, inter alia, "the rise of a vast and variegated treatments, the bearing of false Marrano diaspora, which, like testimony, the rendering of accusa- other great migrations of religious) tions against Marranos who settled persecutees, served as a yeast in in communities other than Spain the growth of new forms of life and Portugal, and there was the matter of fraternization. Dr. Baron and thought." In the analysis of this "Marrano makes these added vital com- diaspora," touching upon many ments: "Opponents of this fraterniza- aspects of the Marrano dispersion, tion . . . could readly invoke the Dr. Baron describes the growing rule formulated by Maimonides racialism of that period, the resist- (who in his youth had himself ance, partial as it may have been, experienced the travails of liv- of the New Christians, the emer- ing in a community forcibly con- gence of false messianic move- ments related to messianic hopes, like those represented by David Reubeni and Solomon Molkho, the situation in Portugal, the Jewish reaction to Marranism and the developing depth of despair in that era. Drawing upon the views of eminent rabbis of the period, like the scholar Jacob Berab, the noted authority Rabbi Isaac b. Sheshet and others, to indicate the various opinions regarding the status of the Marranos, upon their escape from danger areas into free communities and in his summation of Jewish attitudes 14. Friday, February 27, 1970 - verted to another faith) that 'any Jew worshipping another God is like a Gentile in every respect . . . for a renegade to another faith is like a renegade toward the entire Torah.' However, in his comment on that passage, the 16th Century Palestinian scholar Jacob Rebab pointed out that the rule, even if generally valid, did not affect the legality of marriages among Marranos ..." Delicate questions involving un- ion of Marranos and resultant divorces are elaborated upon. While the Inquisition and the Marranos are major elements for THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS consideration in the latest Baron volumes, the role of the Church is significantly studied. Entering im- portantly in the discussions is the Protestant Reformation and its impact on the time and on Jewry. In the process, Calvinism is de- fined and the role of John Calvin in Jewish history is reviewed, and Dr. Baron points out: "Judaism as a religious tradi- tion necessarily loomed large in Calvin's mind, as it did in that of other religious reformers. In fact, the epithet `Judaizer' served him in good stead to combat the views of opponents, as it had served in other Catholic-Protestant and in- ternal Protestant controversies. The Geneva reformer hirled that appellation with particular venom at Miguel (Michael) Servetus (1511-53), whose peculiar antitrini- tarianism made him a ready tar- get . . ." Papal roles, subsequent Catho- lic reforms, the acts of antagon- istic Popes as well as of the more liberal, charges of Judaiz- log, extortions of ransom and instances of Popes forbidding it .. . these are among the many experiences of Jews under Vati- can domination. Dr. Baron states after the vari- ous analyses that "the Catholic Restoration, which had started with the threatening autos-da-fe of both the Talmud and the Ancona Marranos and was climaxed by the expulsion of Jews from most areas of the Pontificial States, passed without uprooting the Jew- ish communities in most Catholic lands." Of noteworthy significance in the new Baron editions is the re- view of the events that marked the Thirty Years' War. The changes in Jewish economic trends during and after the war, the concentra- tion of Jews in cosmopolitan areas, the attainment of a measure of religious rights, although not on an extensive basis, marked turn- ing points in the history of Ger- Baron volumes can be rea4117 man Jews. Dr. Baron believes Jews lost understood and appreciated. A fewer lives in the war than Chris- great work continues to grow Lis tians and he judges that war as immensity. having indicated how helpful Jew- ish capital and managerial skill proved to the modern state's dom- estic, foreign and political policies. Thus a new epocj began in the be- ginning of the 17th century, with the subsequent developments to'be It's Nice To Deal With • Joe Slatkin's looked for in Prof. Baron's forth- coming volumes in his "Social and Religious History of the Jews." With 160 pages of notes for 300 pages of text in Vol. XIII and 110 pages of notes for another 300 pages of text in Vol. XIV, the scholarly impacts of the new DEXTER CHEVROLET 20811 W. 8 Mile between Southfield The Golden Link Telegraph 534-1400 HOSTESS PARTIES Jewelry and Scarves 545-1502 .1 547-7561 Prices Quoted Over The Phone. Newest Styles in .. . SPRING. 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