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February 27, 1970 - Image 11

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 1970-02-27

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Failure of a Mission: Paul Jacobs Reveals
Arab Refusal to Participate in Peace Talks

How does one attain peace he- I published by Random House.
tween two factions when only one
The efforts of this peace seeker
wishes to negotiate?
ended in a symposium in Washing-
Under auspices of the Center for ton, with an Israeli, an Arab and
the Study of Democratic Institu- leftist — Dellinger, Chomsky — as
tions, Paul Jacobs, former labor participants. And there, too, the
leader, an associate of many who true aspects of a tragic situaion be-
are in the New Left movement, came apparent. The Arab spokes-
undertook to bring Arabs together men are out for one objective:
with Israelis. The New Left was to Israel's destruction. Israelis were
be the pivotal group to end the willing to confer, to seek a solu-
condition that created stumbling tion, to strive for peace. The Arabs
blocks in the Middle East.
were adamant: they talked about a
Jacobs went to Israel, his pass- non-denominational stat e, with
port was not stamped there at his Jews to be welcome, and it meant
request and from there, by way an end to Israel.
of Cyprus, he was in Beirut. There Professor Sayegh of the Beirut
he conferred with spokesmen for American University was there, at
El Fatah, met with Arab profes- the Beirut meeting, first to talk
sors and with associates in the calmly, then to show his bitterness
American University in Beirut.
and his determined adherence to a
The upshot was that Israelis, program for destruction of Israel.
though skeptical, consented to
Jacobs could have indicated

participate in the planned sym-
posia. Arabs did not budge. The
Israeli suspicions proved correct.
There was no response from
enemy ranks, although Jacobs
did meet with Arabs and New
Leftists and their associates on
numerous occasions.

Jacobs' depressing story, his ac-
count of a failure to get the two
sides together, is told in "Between
the Rock and the Hard Peace,"

that the Beirut American Uni-
versity is a source of much trou-
ble: it is the best where the anti-
Israel propagandists get their
training and many of them
spread the venom in this country
and elsewhere.

While Jacobs exposes the ex-
tremism of some Israelis—his re-
port of the symposium in Tel Aviv
is one of the revealing indications
of the concern in Israel among

Jarring Mission Postponed;
Nasser Again Rejects Cease Fire

GENEVA (JTA) — United Na-
tions Secretary General U Thant
announced here, after a meeting
with Gunnar Jarring, that the
UN special representative would
not resume his Mid East peace-
- seeking mission, at least in the
immediate future.
The UN official noted that Dr.
Jarring was reluctant to return
to the region simply to resume
his "fruitless" rounds of visits to
Jerusalem and the Arab capitals.
The secretary general said he
was optimistic about posibilities
of Four Power agreement, declar-
ing he had studied the United
States, Soviet and French pro-
posals and that he' had found
"common denominators" which
could be translated into guide-
PARIS (JTA)—President Gamal
Abdel Nasser of Egypt rejected
proposals to restore the cease fire
along the Suez Canal but decalred
that he was ready for peace with
Israel if Israel withdrew from all
occupied Arab territories and
agreed to accept or compensate
Arab refugees. Nasser's stipula-
tions for peace were contained in
an interview published by Le
Monde. The interviewer, Eric Rou-
leau, reported that during the
interview the Egyptian leader
claimed that he never wanted war
with Israel and that the two coun-
tries could eventually have normal
economic and diplomatic relations
although that was a very long-term
Nasser's rejection of the cease
fire in the canal zone was re-
garded as Erivnt's reply to Pre-
mier Golda Meir's statement in
the Knesset that Israel would halt
military activities if the Arabs did.
With respect to the status of

Jerusalem, he said the Old City
must be returned to Jordan but
the entire city could remain open
and unified by agreement of both
sides. Nasser claimed that the
only issue outstanding between
his country and Israel at the time
of the latter's independence in 1948
was the refugee problem. Had
Israel accepted the United Nations
resolution to permit the return of
the refugees or to compensate
them for their property "We would
have established a genuine peace
20 years ago." Now, he added, the
situation has been complicated by
Israel's occupation of Arab ter-
TEL AVIV (JTA) — There must
be no territorial concessions what-
ever to the Arabs, Gen. Ezer
Weizmann, Israel's minister of
transport, declared at a United
Jewish Appeal fund-raising dinner.
He told his audience, "We must
be suffering from some psychosis
to think that we have to give
back territory." He maintained:
"Once the ancestral Israel is on
our hands, any talks with the
Arabs must be centered on Israel's
rights with no territorial conces-
sion." Gen. Weizmann, a nephew
of the late Dr. Chaim Weizmann,
Israel's first president, did not
specify what he meant by "ances-
tral Israel."

man said. ,,,,, • - • •

S.C.M., 1.13.M., Rem., Victor, Etc.

Suit Against Israel Seeks
to End Army Exemptions
of 5,000 Yeshiva Students

intellectuals as well as the fears—
and the feelings as they exist be-
come a matter of the record of
what is transpiring today.
Jacobs certainly can not be con-
sidered a propagandist for Israel.
He can not be viewed as a Zionist.
But in his report he admits to a
reality: when the Arabs speak of
hatred for Zionism they really do
not mean it: their hatred is for the

reserve officer has brought suit
against the government to end the
exemption of yeshiva students
from military service. The suit
named Defense Minister Moshe
The Supreme Court opened hear-
ings and will decide whether Gen.
Dayan will be required to answer
the suit. Yeshiva students in Israel
have been exempt from military
service since the state was estab-
lished in 1948. They remain one
of the few draft exempt groups in
a country where every able-bodied
male and female faces military
The plaintiff in the case, a
mathematics student, claimed that
the policy was politically motivated
and therefore invalid. He sal the
exempt status of some 5,000 yeshi-
va students imposed undue hard-
ship on reservists who must serve
for longer periods owing to the na-
tion's mounting defense needs since
the Six-Day War.
He said his own studies had been
intreferred with and that the draft-
ing of yeshiva students would ease
the burden somewhat for all.

There are several instances of
his quotations from assertions by
Arabs in which it is the Jews
who are the objects of their hate,
and the Jews are blamed for
everything. The Zionist bogey
emerges merely as a ruse.


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American Jews are the specially
chosen targets of the Arabs. They
kept questioning Jacobs why Amer-
ican Jews should be so interested
in Israel.
TY 7-1915
Out of his experiences in Leb-
annon, Jacob shows how many
Lebanese resent the terrorists, how
they desire to prevent their activi-
ties and hope for a return of con-
ditions that will revive a dying
Dances - Factories
industry — their tourism. Jacobs
Stores - Markets —
does not commence his report in a
All Special Events
friendly spirit. He is critical of
American Jews referring to the
Israelis as "your boys" and he im-
899-23 1 5
It is the absence of all affecta-
plies that Israelis are more critical tion or even of consciousness, that
8544 GRAND RIVER — Rm. 210
of Americans than they realize.
constitutes the perfection of nature
The center of his activities in or art. —James Northcote.
Israel was the office of New Out-
look, the magazine that seeks ac-
cord with Arabs and has some
support from Arabs within Israel.
But it becomes evident that even
the extremist Hashomer Hatzair
and Mapam are embarrassed be-
cause in spite of all they offer the
Arabs in peace efforts . they get
nothing but rebuke and abuse and
Jacobs' report throws more light
CALL BUS. MI 4-1930
RES. 642-6836
on existing conditions than all pre-
vious evaluations of New Left
tactics, false peace reports, im-
aginary amity. It is clear there is
Pinsker Progressive Aid Society
hope for peace and a desire for it
Invites you to a concert
in Israel; it is rejected by the
Arabs who have only one aim:
8:30 P.M. Monday
Israel's destruction. In the light of
Cong. Beth Hillel—Featuring
the new terrorist attacks, the bru-
talities against civilians not only in
Cantor Reuven Frankel
Israel but in the world's capitals,
the Israeli demand for security and
Bella Goldberg, Accompanist
the attacks on enemy positions be-
and the
come more understandable. Even
Admission Free — Refreshments
Jacobs and Stone and Chomsky,
Nathan P. Rossen, President
the Leftist, undoubtedly will begin
Harry Laker, Nathan Samet
to understand it.
Program Chairmen
—P. S.







But is he doing you any good ...

There's a simple way to find out

... you'll be surprised about "your

$234,000 in Scholarships
Go to Technion Students

friends"—WE LOVE YOU ! ! !

HAIFA— Alexander Goldberg,
president of the Technion — Israel
Institute of Technology, announced
that more than $234,000 in scholar.
ships and grants, the largest
amount in Technion history, are
being provided this year.
Goldberg, speaking at the annual
Scholarship-Prize Day ceremonies
at Technion City, said academic
scholarships have been awarded to
California Communities
477 students. Funds for Technion
Form Legislative Service
student scholarships represent, in
NEW YORK (JTA)—Seven Cali- large part, contributions from the
Technion Society.
fornia Jewish communities have
Of the 6,350 Technion students,
joined to form a statewide legisla-
tive service and to underwrite em- more than 2,400 are receiving stu-
ployment of a legislative consult- dent aid, according to Goldberg.
ant, according to a report from the
Prof. Samuel Sideman, dean of
Council of Jewish Federations and students, said the Technion is now
Welfare Funds.
concentrating on aiding students
The participating communities from large, low-income families
are those of San Francisco, Los who previously could not afford a
Angeles, San Diego, San Jose, Long college education.
In addition to the announced
Beach, Oakland and Sacramento.
The arrangements for the service scholarships, long term, low inter-
were completed at a meeting in est loans repayable after the stu-
January convened by the Western dent graduaes are available, Side-

• States office of the •CJF4•• - • • • • -

Friday, February 27, 1970-11

- 7


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