Purely Commentary By Philip Slomovitz shortcoming in the Jewish humani- tarian ranks that seek amity but get no comfort for their views from Arabs. There are other mounting prob- lems in the field of public rela- tions, in the propaganda mills that are grinding out so much hatred. A typical example con- fronted us this week in the re- port of a Detroit church page ed- itor who, in Israel, was troubled by the reports of the demolition of Arab terrorists' homes by Is- rael. But he used as the basis for his inquiry the vilest state- ments that had been leveled against Israel in some years— the untruths that emanated from the correspondent of the London Times, E. C. Hodgkin, who charged that '7,500 or more such homes were destroyed. The ac- tual figure is less than 600, and the Detroiter was given that data. But the same sort of hurt that created a story in England when the London Times story was published could arise here because the locally published statement really emphasized the untrue large figure and might never get a hearing for the refu- tation. There were other imnuendos in the locally presented report that may serve damagingly to Israel's discredit—all because there is an insufficiency of truth in reports from the Middle East. It would have been wiser, if the actual con- dition is to be outlined, to quote the story on both the Arab and Is- rael sides. The story from Cairo brought by Time was that the cur- rent comment about Nasser's an- alysis is in the Egyptian dictator's capital: "If it took us nine months to destroy 60 per cent of the Bar- The Enemies Within Lev line, how long will it take us If we are to look for enemies, we won't have far to go. There are to destroy' the remaining 100 per the enemies within. cent?" Alfred Lilienthal, who shares with Moshe Menuhin the role of the It vilest in animosity of Jews towards Jews, spoke in Windsor last week. He emitted all his hatred against Israel and even chastised Americans Genocide and the Bar Will the American Bar Associa- for permitting UJA to be a tax deductible cause. And his pal Moshe Menohin keeps writing poison letters against Israel to many news- tion again stand in the way of our government's ratification of the papers. We don't have to look for enemies among the assimilated and International Convention for the assimilating: you'll find them in an extreme orthodox circle. Neturei Prevention and Punishment of Karta have come to life again — from headquarters of the Brooklyn Genocide? Secretary of State William P. chapter that has found some dough for a paid advertisement in the New York Times to call Zionism "the enemy of the Jewish people." Rogers and Attorney General John They resort to the shocking repetitive accusation of double loyalty. Mitchell have reportedly recom- Here is an example of the inhumanity that is certainly stupidity mended to President Richard 31. inserted in that ad: "Zionism aims at uprooting Jews in countries Nixon that this convention, which throughout the world in order to find immigrants for its nationalistic was first adopted by the United and militaristic state which usurps, without any justification, the holy Nations in 1948, should be ratified by the United States which has name of Israel." There is no doubt that 99.9 per cent of orthodox Jews, after squirm- failed to join the other 75 ratify- ing upon reading such an ad, must have decided to ignore the insane ing nations in approving the im- who speak in the name of God. Indeed, they do not deserve being dig- portant international decision. nified, except that they are spending lots of money to harm the Jew- The Genocide Convention went ish people and that, at least, should be called attention. into effect without U.S. ratifica- So—who do we boycott first—France or the insane in our ranks tion on Jan. 12, 1951. President who call themselve the guardians of the gates (Neturei Karta)? Harry S. Truman urged the U.S. * * * Senate foreign - relations commit- tee to give it an okay as early !bud Seeks New Breath of Life as 199. There are many ways of harming a cause. One is by one-sided Great Britain, like the U.S., approaches to humane ideas. hesitated to ratify the important Before statehood in Eretz Israel, there was a powerful and well- decision but it finally became the meaning group—among them Dr. Judah L. Magnes, then president of 75th nation to adopt it on Jan. 30. the Hebrew University, Prof. Martin Buber and Henrietta Szold—who But the United States remains formed an organization known as Ihud which sought the unity of Jews hesitant because the American and Arabs and advocated a bi-national state as a way of eliminating Bar Association has acted to dis- strife and merging the two peoples into one government. courage it. Will the ABA continue The trouble with these early efforts Was that while it needed aban- to be a stumbling block in an donment of Jewish aspirations for sovereignty as Jews, it never as important international obligation? much as received evidence of interest in the idea from any responsible There will no doubt be a lot of Arab. pressure finally to assure Ameri- This movement seems to have received a bit of breath through the can action. Perhaps this will be efforts of a Dr. Simon Shereshevsky. It has even acquired support another of the good luck occur- from a group that lists itself as "Friends of the 'Ihud' in 'America." rences for President Nixon who And now as before the question must be posed: does this group have may be blessed with the privilege even the minutest support in Arab quarters? of signing the Genocide Conven- There is lots to be said about new proposals—such as a Palestinian tion document. • • • Arab state, and occasional referral to the idea of binationalism. But all are one-sided. There are few Arabs who grasp at the Jewish-made Essentials of a Cease Fire ideas. If Arabs were truly interested in a new Palestinian Arab state A battle on the Golan Heights they would, of necessity, have to go to Hussein, ask him to abdicate lasted for four hours was termi- and take that area which was Trans-Jordan as a creation of Winston nated when a truce was arranged Churchill. by United Nations observers. Indeed, there never was an Arab nation in Palestine as it does not This was accomplished at about now exist in or near Israel. But something akin to it is emerging in the same time that Israel's Prime the ranks of refugees residing in Jordan. They could, as perhaps they Minister Golda Meir stated that should, merge with the refugees in Gaza who have been kept stateless Israel was ready to stop retaliat- by Nasser, and jointly form the state envisioned for them within the ing for Arab terrorist acts as soon Jordanian area in the United Nations partition plan. as the Arabs stop shooting. In Meanwhile all sorts of pamphlets have been published advocating other words, Israel desires. to ad- a variety of ideas relating to Palestinian Arabism. All come from Jews: here to a cease fire. That would none has gotten Arab approval or any sentiments from quarters where introduce preliminaries to negotia- THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS all you hear is either "kill the Jews" or "destroy Israel." That's the tions. 'Who Is a Jew?' , , Complications Galore, With Secularists Playing Significant Role Lt. Comm. Benjamin Shalit of the Israel army gained a point In his suit which resulted in the abortive Supreme Court decision on "Who Is a Jew" in that his children were registered as Jews. The entire case poses many interesting points. First, there is the case of Shalit's wife, Anne, who, like her husband, is not at all religious, refuses to adopt the Jewish faith because she does not even adhere to that of her birth, Christian in background. Their children speak Hebrew and are like all Israeli children except that they do not attend synagogue. But neither do many of the Jewish children who are of acknowledged Jewish parentage on both sides. - Then there are the secularists in our ranks who will not recognize anything relating to religion or the synagogue but who insist on being listed as Jews. On this score it is interesting to note that in another Israeli case several years ago, when the Jewess-by-birth Tereska Levin, who had become a Catholic, was denied recognition in Israel and the Israeli viewpoint was disputed by Irving S. Abrams, a secularist Jewish scholar, a leader in Arbeiter Ring and Jewish Labor Committee, who wrote his protest to the magazine Point of View of Workmen's Circle. Abrams' views were answered by an eminent American Jew- ish scholar, Prof. Israel Knox, who stated then: "What makes the Jews a people is not race nor political-territorial national- ism but their membership, as it were, in a community of memory and imagination as orchestrated by a vision of life. We can talk about secularism significantly only in a specific, empirical sense. But in the perspective of our millennial his- tory, there is no denying that the Jewish people and the Jewish idea (call it re- ligion, if you will) grew up together, and Prof. Knox to read Jewish history exclusively in terms of the one or the other, is to distort Jewish history and to miss its interior quality. You can extol secularism to the very sky, but can one possibly celebrate Jewish holidays without some trace of Jewish tradition? The so-called third seder is still called seder, and it is, despite all efforts (and perhaps intentionally so) a modified and modu- lated version of the Passover seder, of the epic story of the Exodus, of the deliverance from the bondage of Egypt. To denude Jewish holi- days, Jewish existence, of all tradition is to empty it of content, of dis- tinctiveness, indeed, is to cheapen and debase it. (For myself, I'm anxious to add that I cannot see how one can omit from the list of Jewish holidays the Sabbath, how one can fail to light the Sabbath candles on Friday evening or say the Kiddush.) "To be a Jew is not dependent on race or biology or a segment of space; to be a Jew is to belong to an ethical-spiritual community, to a community of memory and imagination. Friend Abrams is a Jew be- cause he is one of this community, because his parents chose to step into Jewish history, and because like them he is the son and heir of a hundred generations with their cumulative and collective joys and sorrows, heroism and martyrdom (including their tragic experiences during the Crusades). One need not cite corroborative authority for this, but there is a classic precedent. It is the famous letter of Maim- onides (1135-1204) to a ger, a convert to Judaism, who was baffled by this very question and wanted to know whether he too was entitled to refer to Abraham and Isaac and Jacob as his "fathers." And Maim- onides answered him, long before Hitler, yemach sh'mo (may his name be obliterated), that to be a Jew is not a function of race but of ideas and convictions, and that it may well be that his status is higher because he chose to become a son of the "fathers," to embrace freely and voluntarily their heritage. And the Talmud itself contains this beautiful thought (among others): The souls of all the gerim of all the ages were at Sinai together with the souls of the rest of the Jews when God formed his covenant with Israel. "Friend Abrams states that he is a confirmed atheist. Well, so are many other Jews—some are agnostics and some are atheists and still others are just non-religious (in the institutional or in the formal sense). I repeat that the Jew who describes himself as agnostic or atheist or secularist is still a Jew, but he is no longer a Jew if he goes over to Christianity or Islam. This very act of going over takes one out of the house of Jewish history; he is then no longer a sharer in Jewish experience; he has cut himself off from a community of memory and imagination; he has severed himself from a hundred generations. And this too must not be left out of sight: the agnostic or secularist or atheist has no special bias against Judaism, he rejects religion as such, and if he rejects Jewish religion or is indifferent to it, he com- pensates for it by stressing other aspects of Jewish existence—history, culture, ethics—aware all the time that there is the breath of eternity in them. The convert to another religion has a special bias against Judaism and a special bias for the new religion and is aware all the time that there is a clash—not necessarily contradiction, yet at least a clash—between them. The agnostic or atheist regards religion as out- moded or as a relic of man's ancient past, but the convert regards religion as the road to salvation and as the repository of supreme truth. For the convert Judaism is a false religion or a religion that has been superseded, or else it is no religion at all, and he would equate Judaism solely with race or territory. Tereska Levin, Brother Daniel, and their like, may be good citizens of Medinat Yisrael, of the state of Israel, but they have no share in the history and culture and destiny of Am Yisrael, of the people that is Israel." And so, the atheists do not have it their own way altogether: there is a complicated Jewish position which becomes less complicated when the overwhelming attitude among Jews is considered; that attitude accepts a Jewish perspective that can not be denied. But it will need further clarification and eventually there may be less and less pro- testing against the root in Judaism, which is the faith idea. It should be noted, in the case of Shalits, that Anne Shalit is a granddaughter of the great town planner, Sir Patrick Geddes. Sir Pat- rick, a noted sociologist, was irreligious. But he came to Palestine in 1918 and became one of the great friends and supporters of the Zionist cause. Mrs. Shalit's mother, a French women, was a direct descendant of the French anarchist Elisee Reclus who did not believe in God and opposed marriage. The Shalits were married in Scotland in 1960, came to Israel in 2—Friday, February 13, 1970 Requisite of Jewish Fealties in Arriving at Definition of Who is a Jew . . . Numerous Enemies Within . • . Correspondents' Failures 1964, their son Oren was born that year and his father registered him as of Jewish nationality but religion "none." The recording clerk marked both "none." When Galya was born another clerk marked the record as father's nationality Jewish, mother being noted as a "foreigner" and religion "none." It has been rumored that Mrs. Shalit had reached a point of willingness to adopt the Jewish faith, but her husband, the extremist in atheism, stood in the way. That, too, is understandable in consider- ing many secularist, atheist or agnostic attitudes. The Shalit case is one of many that have arisen in Israel. There was, for example, the incident involving David Ben-Gurion's son, who was married to a non-Jewish girl who was converted to Judaism by a Reform rabbi in London, 20 years ago. When Ben-Gurion's granddaugh- ter wanted to get married she faced the very strict Israeli regulations and both she and her mother, the former Christian whose conversion in a Reform temple was not recogni7Pd, had to undergo conversion all over again. That's how complications set in and it may be some years before Israel has a definitely established code in this matter of Jewishness and acceptability either of converts or of naturalized citizens who do not abandon the faith into which they were born. Yet it must be conceded that what is happening now is to the good, that it must lead to clarification of the muddied issues, that it will undoubtedly lead to adoption of more sound, more pragmatic, more reasonable regulations for conversions to Judaism. Every wholesome debate should lead to pragmatic accomplish- ments. That's the expectation from the current "Who's a Jew" discus- sion and conflict. • • • The Boycott ... Who's First? Lots of people would like to boycott France. They mean, of course, Pompidou, just as they would have liked to punish de Gaulle. When you speak of boycotts, who's to be the fiirst to be punished? Is it Great Britain for some of its antagonisms, or Greece for training Arabs to fly jets in attacks on Israel, or so many others who try to harm us and often succeed? How can we boycott France when so many Frenchmen protest as vigorously against Pompidou as we do? Or—should we boycott the Pentagon for training Arab flyers on a par with Israelis—which really is the case? But a majority in both houses of Congress is pro-Israel—favoring Israel in the sense that they will not condone another Holocaust? Perhaps it isn't the boycott. It is the vigilance that counts—and our people's vigilance in defense of Israel also is related to practical help. That's where UJA and Israel Bonds and the various Zionist causes come in for generosity, without which not only Israel but all of us will be lost. • * • • •