ANIPSITZfO THE JEWISH NEWS Priority for Education and the Major Problems Facing Our Community Editorials Page 4 Michigan Weekly Review of Jewish. News Michigan's Only English-Jewish Newspaper — Incorporating The Detroit Jewish Chronicle Vol. LVI, No. 16 17515 W. 9 Mile Rd., Suite 865, Southfield, Mich. 48075 — 356-8400 —January 2, 1970 Our New Offices are in Honeywell Center 9 Mile and Lodge Service Drive Phone: 356-8400 $7.00 Per Year; This Issue 20c Meany Sees Danger in 'Bartering Israel's Freedom,' Warns That Oil Interests Misdirect U.S. Policies WASHINGTON (JTA) — President George Meany of the AFL-CIO, speaking for the American trade union movement, called upon the U.S. government Tuesday to "cease bartering away the freedom of Israel and trying to appease Soviet and Arab dictators." Meany called a special press conference because he viewed Israel's plight as critical and thought too little public attention was focused upon the Nixon administra- tion's "change of direction." Official Israel Is Mum. But People in Street Gay Over L'Af faire Gunboat The union leader openly charged that "big business interests" were influencing the administration against Israel. He said that "certain American bankers and oil in- terests" were concerned about investments in Arab states, and he insisted that for- eign policy should not be determined by "the profit picture." Meany asked the government to "insist that the only mechanism to achieve a lasting peace in the Middle East is direct negotiations," rather than an imposed Big Power settlement. He called for the supply of Phantom jets and other arms to Israel to maintain a balance. Meany also charged that "The administration is changing direction, it is LONDON (JTA)—Five gunboats speeding across the Mediterranean In the direction of Israel were reported Tuesday to be playing tag with Soviet ships trying to shadow them. The Royal Air Force also has appeared on the scene. The London Daily Express correspondent reported from Malta Sat two Soviet ships that looked like tankers maneuvered close to the gunboats' course but were soon left behind by the small craft that ware making their top speed of 40 knots. The correspondent said that moving down the road of appeasement." Iwo RAF Canberras dived down within 1,200 feet of the Russian ships and also criscrossed the two gunboats. The gunboats were reparted to have made rendezvous with Israeli He warned that "such appeasement would only give credit to the Soviets and Egypt for achieving through diplomatic blackmail and political maneuvering all they failed to win on the battlefield." He said that such appeasement was "unworthy of America." A secret State Department study has concluded that any attempt to pressure Is- naval units between Sicity and Sardinia Sunday and to have refueled from an Israeli tanker. Maritime sources said the gunboats were moving steadily toward Israel, keeping well north of the Egyptian shoreline. They were ex- (Continued on Page 40) rael by withholding arms deliveries would be useless or even counterproductive. The (Continued on Page 5) ARAB MILITARY FORCES ARMY TANKS ARTILLERY AIR FORCE PLANES I NAVY VESSELS 180,000 900 150,000 400 700,000 575 6,000 213 JORDAN 53,000 330 30 1,750 11 SYRIA 60,000 450 SOVIET? 9,000 145 EGYPT IRAQ 750 12,000 100 1 PATROL 3 ' 7 " BOATS Shades of Mid-1940s: Expedience Again Afflicts Israel's Position Exclusive to The Jewish News WASHINGTON, D. C.—When Dr. Stephen S. Wise, on a Zionist mission in London, in the mid-1940s, pleaded for the lives of fellow Jews who were still in displaced persons camps and were homeless and helpless, with hardly an avenue open to them toward a haven of refuge, he was told by British Foreign Office spokesmen that it was expedient not to open Palestine's doors to the survivors from Nazism. Then—it was in the era when President Harry S Truman first asked Great Britain to admit 100,000 DPs—it became evident that the British mandatory power not only was appeasing Arabs but was turning its back on the Balfour Declaration and on pledges for the creations of a Jewish State . . Then—in the period of Ernest Bevin's rule—the British Foreign Office gave evidence of being an anti-Semitic cell. In our Nation's Capital there is evidence at this moment that what had happened in the years of Zionist struggles to provide homes for the remnant of Jews who survived the Holocaust. may be repeating itself today as a negation of the humanitarian efforts of President Truman. If ever there was suspicion that claims to expedience again are being made by those who are making concessions to the pro-Arab elements. to Nasser and to Hussein. it is now. It is as if the pages of history are being turned back and what the Benin crowd told the late Rabbi Wise 25 years ago are being repeated in an atmosphere in Washington which spells danger to Israel and to Israelis, to the Zionist idea and to the hopes of the Jewish people to perpetuate the gains which have been acquired through the superhuman .lowish tasks for all time to end the home- lessness of Jews who w ere the victims of centuries of persecutions. As in the time of Bevin and (lenient Attlee, just about 25 years ago, the rumors that fly about again involve the oil interests. Once again we hear about the oil magnates pressuring President Nixon and his administration, warning of the dangers to the vast oil empires from enraged Arabs who are threatening the Big Powers, especially the United States, if Israel is permitted to retain the newly acquired territories. and to have the security that acquisition has given the people whose very existence still is being threatened by Nasser, regardless of whether he speaks in Cairo, Rabat, This chart shows the "real estate" situation posed as a problem at the abortive Arab 1111111mit conference in Rabat, Morocco, last week. "Organized military action" is what the enemies of Israel demanded in their advocacy of complete mobilization of forces listed here Libya. There is repetition of historic experiences. In the mid-1940s Jews were begrudged the right to settle at least 100.000 Jews who had just survived Hitler. In 1970 Israelis are begrudged the right to defend the territories wherein an- other million Jews found refuge but whose haven is insecure if there are not direct peace talks. (Continued on Page 40)