Anti-Jewish Libya Gets U.S. Bases (Continued from Page 1) years with the mounting Soviet naval and air buildup in the Mediterranean, but the Moscow- backed leftist clique that seized the Libyan government this year decided to kick the Americans out without further delay. The Libyan press invented stories alleging that Israeli air force personnel were trained at Wheelus. Americans were abused by Libyan mobs. The State De- partment responded to the abuse by accommodating the Libyan ulti- matum for immediate withdrawal. State Department officials ad- mitted that the hangars, runways, workshops, fuel facilities, ma- chinery, ground transport, radar, meteorological installations, de- fense positions, ammunition revet- ments and other aspects of Wheelus would be turned over in- tact to Libya. The U.S. planes, weapons, missiles, ammunition and some tools and supplies will be removed. There will be no assur- ance that the abandoned base will not be used to mount air strikes against Israel. Nor is there any guarantee that Libya's Soviet friends will not be invited to move in. State Department experts said that a generous policy is applied because of concern over U.S. oil investments in Libya. It is also possible that some token pay- ment may be made for installa- tions and equipment left at Wheelus. Libya has emerged as one of the most vociferous anti-Jewish re- gimes. Jews are refused entrance visas even if they carry American paSsports. Libya sought to re- strict U.S. Air Force personnel of Jewish faith from landing at Wheelus. Libya demanded that no U.S. Jewish chaplain be permitted to establish Jewish religious facili- ties or a chapel to accommodate American Jews serving at Wheelus. Oil-rich Libya has increased con- tributions to El Fatah and other Arab terrorist groups. It has urged that heavier and deadlier blows be struck at the Israelis. The Libyan Voice is now loudly demanding annihilation of Israel. Soviet military advisers, includ- ing Air Force officers, have begun arriving in Libya. They are advis- ing the Libyan army on technical matters involving the take-over from the "imperialists." Israeli security as well as American interests are involved. But the State Department has not consulted with Israel on the precipitate abandonment of the Wheelus facilities. The Dapart- ment may be too busy pressing Israel to withdraw from occupied Is It Good to Take Advice? By DAVID SCHWARTZ so we can eat meat and ice cream THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Gift-Wrapped Friday, December 26, 1969-5 sources here that the French positions without a peace treaty. weapons, particularly the Mirages, Rep. Hamilton Fish, Jr., New would find their way into the ar- York Republican, has asked Sec- senal of President Gamal Abdel retary of State William P. Rogers Nasser of Egypt. They said the some penetrating questions. Noting that Libya has violated contrac- tual obligations in pushing the United States out of Wheelus ahead of schedule, Fish found it "reason- able to assume that Russian mili- tary forces will have access to Wheelus." He asked whether "we are not within our rights to de- stroy, if necessary by demolition, such facilities built by us that would be used by the Russians or leftist military forces." Fish termed Wheelus "a key factor in the defense of free world interests in the Mediterranean." He said that "We may not be able to retain a presence at Wheelus. But we should at least not present the Libyan leftists with a "give- away worth hundreds of millions." Libyan Air Force lacked the tech- nical proficiency operate the high- ly sophisticated supersonic Mir- ages and that they were unneces- sary to Libya's defense. These sources said that despite the usual safeguard clauses forbidding "third party" use of military material, the French could not prevent Libya from lending its jets and tanks to Egypt. _ • 95 g • I 45 YERRS EXPERIENCE Murry Koblin Advertising 8440 W. 9 Mile England invades Detroit! The Congressman noted that Sixth Fleet units were "already harrassed and shadowed by Soviet naval and air units based in Arab states. Fish asked if the State Depart- ment intended to consult with con- gress on disposition of the base. He pointed out that "the recent leftist coup in Libya represented the seizure of power by a clique friendly to the Soviet Union and antagonistic to the United States." Secretary Rogers was asked to tell Congress what steps are being taken to assure that "strategic in- stallations and equipment are not abandoned for possible Soviet use." Fish felt that nothing of value should be left for the radical Arabs of Libya. He stressed that "The de- fense funds of the United States are restricted by economy needs." Fish was the first Congressman to raise the Wheelus giveaway issue. But many other Congress- men are also likely to ask why the United States should not take away or blow up everything of value at Wheelus. at the same meal. We are glad Is it good to take advice? There they took their own advice. • • • is an old Hebrew expression, "leo- lam tikach" (always take). Be- Bonds in the Bible The other day we came upon a sides, what else can you get free? A fellow on a farm wrote to Hor- young man who is engaged in one ace Greeley asking his advice on of the most important fields of re- whether he should come to New search. He was trying to find out York. The New York Tribune edi- what the Bible and Shakespeare tor wrote back: "Don't come to thought of Israel Bonds—well, any- way, of bonds. this Babylon of inquity." Regular order of Shakespeare, he found, used the But the young man didn't take fake-out fish & chips the advice. He came to New York word bond 92 times while the Bible Israel Calls In French Envoy now 99c and eventually got what he de- only used it 25 timed. Almost every to Discuss Reported Sales served. He was elected mayor of play of Shakespeare has some of Mirages to Libyans mention of the word. "His words New York. If he had taken the TEL AVIV (JTA) — Israel is advice, he would have lived the are bonds" is in Gentleman of perturbed over a reported $400,- happy life of a farmer instead of Verona. "You make my bonds still 000,000 French arms deal with having to trudge the congested greater" in Measure for Measure. Libya. That and France's con- The Hungry Penguin opens. Features The Merchant of Venice is full of tinued arms embargo against Is- pavements of New York. authentic English fish and chips. Did Moses take advice? We know the word. In the Bible, the expres- rael will be the subject of talks from the Bible that some Israelites sion "Loosening the bonds" is a shortly between the French am- England's favorite fish dish is now available in Detroit at the Hungry advised him to quit interfering favorite. But if the Bible doesn't bassador, Francis Hure, and Penguin. Two delicious chunks of deep fried fish surrounded by crisp fried use the word bond as much, it uses Gideon Rafael, director general with Jewish life in Egypt. potatoes; all for lust one American dollar. Try sprinkling Hungry Penguin the word covenant a great deal, Walt Whitman said: "Take my of the foreign ministry. Hure has fish & chips with our own malt vinegar. And wash 'em down been summoned to the foreign advice, don't take advice." One if and a covenant is also a bond. with our special punch. Finish off your fish & chips right at the • • • the hardest things, we believe, is ministry for the talks. Penguin ... or take some home in a copy of the London Times. to take your own advice. There is The Government Tax Press reports said that Presi- And, for a limited time, get your change in real English pennies. Jews traditionally wish one an- dent Pompidou has approved the a fellow within each of us who Sample a bit of England today, at the, Hungry Penguin. Don't gives us good advice, but we say, other to live to 120 years. In Israel Libyan deal which is said to in- forget to try our Yorkshire Bisquits. "Look at who's talking! What does the other day, according to a He- volve the delivery of Mirage jets brew paper, a man speaking at the to Libya, tanks and an air base he know?" agreement. The latter reportedly Anyway, it's charming when you birthday party of a labor leader expressed the wish that he live till would involve France's takeover see a person acting on his own of U.S. and British airbases in advice. We heard a story the other 100 years instead of 120. "Why did you cut it down to Libya that are being evacuated day of the Katzen brothers of 11 Mile Rd. & Coolidge—Berkley Arizona who have immigrated to 100," he was asked later. "Well," on the demand of the new Li- Division of Susie-Q Restaurants, Ine• byan regime. Israel and in the new town of Arad he replied, "I took 20 off for the • Fear was expressed in some are establishing a plant for the government tax." manufacture of artificial meat. They have found that a number of materials with high protein content are available in Israel, so they are going to make steaks and chops You are cordially invited to purchase your tires at BIG SAV- from them. That's what we have INGS at UNION TIRE. Available are: been waiting for—"milchige meat" (Copyright 1969, JTA, Inc.) Hungry Penguin • You Are Invited... , Fri., Sat., Mon. CHOICE ANY $69 AFTER-5 GOWN Radial Belted Glass Wide Ovals Original Equipment Premiums Snow Tires with General Electric Set Carbide Studs Truck Tires . 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