Prof. Leeds' Social Study of Mailer's Works Prof. Barry H. Leeds of Cen - social critic in the constant prox- imity to contemporary social is- tral Connecticut State College tho- roughly reviews the writing of racteristics serve a definite pur- pose in a critical review. sue in America." individual Mailer the From Norman Mailer. His analyses. pub- The characters Roth and Gold- I poems, Dr. Leeds selects a num- lished by New York University stein in "The Naked - and the Press, are a mark of splendid re- Dead" are contrasted in the crit- ber, including: search and of remarkable exami- ical review and the attitudes are if nation of an author's intent as well quoted to indicate the conflict be- Harry Golden as accomplishment. tween Roth who is proud that his is the gentile's In "The Structured Vision of parents were "modern" and who' J eri; Norman Mailer," Dr. Leeds treats sees Goldstein as an "old grand- and his novels chronologically. He poses father full of mutterings con I h ' the question why Mailer did not curses." the Golden Goy? achieve "the degree of fictional Prof. Leeds points out that "it control to- write the massively sig- is Goldstein's grandfather, in fact, nificant work which he himself who in the time machine sequence ! The Vietnam issue, the Mailer and his readers have expected of presents the most valid definition view of President Johnson, the vast variety of other Mailerisms are of what is a Jew." him." Mailer is adjudged "cynical There is the anti - Semitic angle part of this study which adds val- and pessimistic" in his role as "a perceptive and conscientious to which reference is made and uably to discussions of contempo- the analyses of the Jewish cha- rary literature. Robbins' Inheritors' Completes .Trilogy In the new novel, Sam Benja- a Merchants" in 1949, "The Carpet- Harold Robbins completed trilogy about the motion picture baggers" in 1961" and now, in min emerges as a dynamic per- industry, begun 20 years ago, in "The Inheritors," he emerges as sonality who gambles for high his new novel, "The Inheritors," a brilliant story teller, as well as stakes. The other major charac- published by Trident Press. a thoroughly informed writer on ter is Stephen Gaunt, who is de- scribed by the author as "The He had written "The Dream the Hollywood industry. Reflexible Man." The contest for power between these strikingly disparate char- acters provides the stirring drama "Treatise on Language" by aspirations to culture, snobbish of the book — and shares many of A. B. Johnson (1786 - 1867) was like pretcntions and pedantic folly that the same roots of the present gen- an introduction to modern studies are involved in the evolution of eration gap. of semantics. Today this work is any language. Benjamin and Gaunt are per- a guide to language studies, haps most alike in the depth of and its significance gains momen- their commitment to what each of Gibson Girl' them believes. One a slugger, the turn by virtue of its introduction of I 1 .. the concept that "tio language is a counterpuncher, they other more important than a correct ap- Historic choose opposite personal morali- preciation of language." America's unforgettable "Gibson ties and each does battle in his Dover Publications has just re- Girl" is recognized all over the own way. The reader, thrown back Treatise on Pioneering in Semantics , TRADER VIC•S AT vzota plat iaelcct ~ r perback. world as the embodiment of the mood and fashion of the 1890s. ' work is edited and introduced by Elegant. aloof, and cooly seduc- David Rynin of the University of tive, she was the epitome and California. Berkeley, who dis- idealization of femininity, and her cusses Johnson's philosophy of lan- popularity foreshadowed that of guage in a critical essay at the end of the book. According to movie stars. Her creator, Charles Dover's edition of this important Rynin, this work on "the relation Dana Gibson (1867-1944) became which words hear to things" , one of the most popular illustrators (caches us the constitutional capa- this country ever produced. Now upon his own experience, must privately conclude which of these men truly wins and which loses. Other characters in the novel, actors and actresses, some recog- nizable in the Hollywood arena, combine to offer a panoramic view of a great industry, of the con- diets within it, of the human fac- tors and rivalries that make the film center so attractive to all, viewers of movies and those who are anxious for the gossip as well as news about the acting pro- Willies and incapabilities of lan- his heroine and her beaus have a starring role in Edmnd Gillon's guage. fine selection of Gibson's drawings fession. The history of the English Ian- guage—from the adoption of East The Gibson Girl and Her Amer- as a paperback. Midland dialect as standard form tea," issued The effect that Gibson's draw- in the '1\4th Century to the present level of English as almost a uni- ings had on his cont%mporaries is versal language—is the subject of clearly traced by Henry C. Pitz in George II. McKnight's "The Evo - an introductory essay. He says that lution of the English Language: Gibson intuitively absorbed the from Chaucer to the Twentieth yearnings of his time and crystal- Century" (Dover paperback re- lized them into captivating pic- print). This clear, informal, yet torial images. comprehensive study proves to be Gibson's drawings were known entertaining and amusing as well in practically every home in the as enlightening. According to its land. The craze soon included Gib- author, the book was written as a son albums, large-size reproduc- remedy for the inadequate knowl- tions, china plate and saucers, edge of earlier periods of the Eng- tiles, textiles, and even a Gibson lish language. This "remedy," an Girl wallpaper designed for bache- absorbing survey of the history of and ceonle7 riental ataine W g e,../0/ elevewer for reservations telephone: (313) 965-7800 Drawings issued this historic work as a pa - THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 16—Friday, December 12, 1969 DETROIT HILTON Washington Blvd. at Grand Circus Park Nerthlton lowers e5C9, dee efloa 6coee'nzbeer4 Saveho 9. go anywhere in Michigan for a nickel•a•minute. lors' rooms. His drawings of girls' heads were traced onto handker- chiefs and embroidered. All of these are- now collector's items, but Dover's collection reveals the superb quality of his pen and ink drawings. Graphic artaists, fash- `Waders of Jacob Street' ion designers, social historians, and casual readers will all find Story of Survival in War this volume to be an accurate To count the novels about Jews chronicle of a gilded age. in World War II, one would need the language, shows the corre- sponding progress of the culture and the shaping power of genius, the changing social ideals, exhibi- tions of amusing ignorance, vain a computer. To know the despera- tion, the fear, the hopelessness, and most of all, the will to live, one need read only "The Baders of Jacob Street." Henia Karmel- Wolfe lived in the setting and time of licr novel. This, as much as any other first novel, is her story, and sh e tells it with a haunting sim- plicity. The Baders, their friends and rwiylibors. settle down to watch, with inounting, horror and disbelief, as their lives, their homes, the very basis of their being, are sys- tematically destroyed. No one has to tell them, or any of the Jews, that they have to live. They know it, and their overriding thought is to survive and, in doing so, to re- main the people they have always been. To do this, they must rely on the only weapon left them: love. The Amida The Amida is the name given to the basic body of prayer which is composed of the well-known 18 benedictions (Shmoneh Esreh). The reason for giving these bene- dictions the collective name of Amida (i.e. standing) is because the worshipper is required to stand at attention while reciting his prayers, although he may sit down during some other parts of the liturgy. FOR AMERICA AND FOR Sign up for U. S. Savings Bonds. New Freedom Shares O For a nickel, we'll carry your voice a long distance. You pay just $2 a month, and from 10 at night till 7 in the 'morning, you can direct dial calls to anyplace in Michigan. For a Nickel-a-Minute. 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