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December 12, 1969 - Image 12

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 1969-12-12

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Israelis See U.S. Peace Proposal as Retreat

(Continued from Page 1)

They viewed Rogers• speech as
"another retreat" in American
global position vis a cis the Rus-
The three points, as outlined by
Ro •ers are:

"First, there should be a bind-
ing commitment by Israel and
the United Arab Republic to
peace with each other, with all
the snecific obligations of peace
spelled out, including the obliga-
tion to prevent hostile acts origi-
nating from their respective

israel and Egypt. under United
Nations auspiees, should work out
"security safeguards" in border
areas. This should he done under
the "Rhodes formula" of 1949
which permits a form of indirect
neeriVatinns that actually lead to a
direct agreement.
"Third. in the context of peace
and agreement on specific security
care'-cards. withdrawal of Israeli
for-es f r o m Egyptian territory

wou'd rermired."

Premier Golda Moir had bitter

worts for Syria and Fevnt as she

rereal•d details of the three-cor-
nered deal by which Israel ex-
chaneed Syrian and Egyntian
pri-oners of war for two
cir - Bans he'd in Damasens since
and two downed Israeli
f;e 1 -1-r- nitnts imnrisoned in
re••t. The ci-ilians, Prof.
Shlonto Samueloff 49. of the He-
brew •Universit--flulassuh
cal School. and S,dilh m- a pom.
••1• tray el :went. were
44. a Tel
pa- s -e-s a'-eard a TIV a airlin-

er h'j -• l-e•-1 to r1•,u.....-ors by Arab
cormuancles. The t•vo 'Tots. 3T ,, j.

12—Friday, December 12, 1969


, were embraced by their wives and Romm's first question after his re-
week ago.
The exchanged Syrians included • . iildren and received warm hand- lease was, Who won the elec-
two jet pilots who landed in Israel shakes from Prcmier Golda Meir, tions?"
in August 1968, apparently because Foreign Minister Abba Eban and
The excitement of having the
of an error in navigation, and a Minister of Transport Moshe ' prisoners home overshadowed, at
number of captured Syrian soldiers Carmel.
, least for the time being, the fact
and civilians. The two Israeli pilots
The men, unshaven and wearing that Israel had to ■ telt! to a kind
were returned at Kantara in the open collar shirts looked worn and of "blackmail" to secure their re-
Milan Wineries. Detroit. Mich.
Canal zone for one Egyptian pilot, haggard as they recounted their lease, observers said.
five soldiers and 52 civilians. Ac- ordeal. Muallem. who speaks fluent
cording to Israeli authorities, the Arabic, said he was beaten and
Egyptian and Syrian civilians were tortured for days as the Syrians
active terrorists or intelligence attempted to extract military infor-
agents. mation intelligence he could not
Maj. Ashkenazi and Capt. Romm have given since he was excused
were renortedl• in poor condition from military service for health
when ferried across the canal Fri- reasons. Ile said the Syrians wanted
(lay. They were taken to a hospital to know about tanks and planes. •
where both will undergo treatment They questioned him. took him into
for several months, An Israeli a darkened room where he was
RES. 642 - 6836
spokesman said they suffered frac- beaten and finally threw him into
CALL BUS. MI 4-1930
lures of hands and legs and both solitary confinement. Later he was
underwent surgery at Egyptian placed in the same cell with Prof. -
hands. Maj. Ashkenazi underwent Samueloff, he said.
an operation for the seventh time
The professor said he was not




only four days before his release subjected to physical maltreatment
and will have to have further or- but to psychological torture. "We
thonedic surgery. Israeli doctors came face to face with hatred," he
who examined the pilots said their said. "We do not hate them, and

medical care in Egypt was made- yet such hatred as they showed for
us I have never seen in my life."
Israel published the list of the
Prof. Samueloff said the only
Eevntians and Syrians freed. In Syrian who was humane was a
addition to the two fighter pilots. young doctor who treated both pris-
the Syrians included five intelli- oners. The others, he said, "have
Bence agents captured in the Golan a very different conception of hu-
froiehts and six civilians who had manity, human rights, liberty and
infiltrated into Israel since the Six- of humane treatment."
Day War. The Egyptians included ,
Both men said that during in-
the pilot of a Sukhov bomber, Maj.
carceration they read chapters
Nabil Said: six soldiers who re-
Psalms from a Bible which
mained in Sinai after the Six-Day
Muallem's family sent them in a
War and tried to enter Jordan dis-
Cross parcel. Mnallem also
guised as civilians; 28 fishermen
gave Prof. Samueloff lessons in
captured in the Gulf of Suez last
"So the days passed."
June and September: seven sabo-
Prof. Samueloff said later at his
teurs. a"parentty soldiers in mufti,
home. He said he felt like the
who were captured in a boat in the
Gestapo was present every time
Gulf of Suez while en route to a
a Syrian came into his cell. He
sabotage mission; and 11 civilians
said that when he was permitted
captured by Israeli forces during
write to his family, a Syrian
a raid last Oct. 25 on Egyptian po-
once looked over his shoulder as
sitions on the west shore of the
tried to put down a few innoc-
Gulf of Suez.

Ni , sirn Ashkenazi a n d Cant.
Ciara Pomm, were in-
jured when they h - l'ed mgt of
their jets over the Suez Canal
rorn.hs ago and 1"f.•'(• held in
so"t-ry confinement in a Cairo
prison hospital. The four were
released Friday.
At the UN, Thant "warmly
In an official statement. Mrs.
welcomed" the Israelis' release
Voir denounced Damascus as "the
but said he could not be certain
ca Pita I of international Pirary"
whether his good offices had
and fief-used the 1-7--vntian with°
been instrumental. News of the
tie of (•Mons and inhumane treat-
release came just before the
ment of tho two injured pilots who
General Assembly's legal com-
were denied visits by renresenta-
approved a resolution
tives or the International Red Cross
urging all governments to insure
during mort of their imprisonment.
that hijackers are punished.
Mrs. Meir listed the internation-
Cuba cast the only dissenting
al aeencies that had tried in -vain
in the 67-1 decision, and the
to secure the release of the hi-
ja-kod Israeli civilians. "Any civil- Soviet bloc and Arab states ab-
ized country." she said. "would stained. The measure, sponsored
have swiftly released all the Das- by the Netherlands, called on na-
se•Peers regardless of their nation- tions to enact adequate legal frame-
aFty. as required by international works against interference with
law " But Syria turned a "(leaf aircraft, to prosecute hijackers and
ear" to pleas by the United States to coonerate with efforts of the in-
government. TW 1. United Nations ternational Civil Aviation Organiza-
Secretary General U Thant. Miss Lion, a UN-related agency, to ap-
Angie Brooks "resident of the UN ply international conventions.
General Assembly. International , In New York, TWA said on Fri- -
Federation of Airline Pilots Asso- day that "of necessity" its efforts
dation International Air Transport on behalf of the two Israelis "had
Association and various govern- to he conducted in secrecy. Our
ments. She said the International dealings were further complicated
Red Cross was apnroached when it by the fact that we do not serve
hecarbe anparent ,that ordinary Syria . . . and the U.S. does not
diplomatic means had failed. maintain diplomatic relations with
Mrs. Meir said that at first that country."
In Washington, it was reported
Syria refused unconditionally to
free the two Israelis. But gradu- that Israel was absent from a list
ally, through intermediaries, a of 13 nations that will hold a spe-
cial meeting Dec. 16-19 to "supple-
deal was evolved involving not
only Syria but FKvptian prison- ment and support international
ers in Israeli The premier made efforts" to deal with hijacking of
it clear that the idea of an ex- commercial airliners. A State De-
change was distasteful to the Is- partment spokesman said the
rael government because it re- countries which will attend pro-
quired the return of legitimately vide most of the world's civil air
held prisoners of war for civil- service. The number of partici-
ians whose detention was in gross pants will be restricted "to permit
violation of international law. full discussion in the limited time
Eventually, the Israeli cabinet available." The nations attending
agreed unanimously to the ex- will be the U.S., Australia, Brazil,
change, Mrs. Heir's statement Canada, Denmark, Sweden, Nor-
said. but the Syrians continued to way, England, France, West Ger-
stall. Finally the exchange was many, Italy, Japan and the Nether-
carried out in two stages. Thirteen lands.
Syrians were handed over to their Former Captives Tell
government Friday through the In Story of Tension, Abuse,
ternational Red Cross at Kuneitra Hatred in Damascus Jail
in the Golan Heights in-return for
TEL AVIV (JTA) — Joy was
Prof. Samueloff and Muallem. The boundless at Lydda Airport on Fri-
two were flown to Athens in the day when the two hijack victims
same TWA jet which was hijacked were reunited with their families

more than three months ago. The after more than three months' cap-
plane had been severely damaged, tivity in Damascus. Prof. Shlomo
and repairs were completed only a Samueloff and Sallah Muallem

trees will soon have been planted in Israel.
That's a lot of trees, but not nearly enough to
arrest soil erosion ... to drain marshes ... to
provide security belts in border regions .
to preserve the very life of Israel! Make every
happy occasion and every sad occasion a
humanitarian occasion by giving — —

uous lines. "The Syrian seemed
to enjoy his job. My hands were
trembling. At that moment I
cquld have killed him," he said.

There was an equally poignant
if more quiet scene of reunion at a
military hospital where two downed
pilots exchanged for 58 Egyptian
war prisoners saw their families
for the first time in months. Maj.
Nissim Ashkenazi and Capt. Giora
Romm were greeted by Defense
Minister Moshe Dayan and Chief
of Staff Chaim Bar Lev. Both said
they were held in solitary confine-
ment and neither was aware of the
other's presence until freed. Capt.




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