Zeitlin's Studies, Scholarly Classics in New Editions (Continued from Page 36) old Law for the new Law of the Gospel that offers an easy yoke to all who are 'willing to BE- LIEVE in the claims of Jesus. No Jew could possibly admit these claims, which involve (11 his right to abrogate the divine law, (2; his power to forgive sins, the efficacy of his vicarious atonement, and (4) his ability to reveal God the Father of man to whomsoever 'he will. Underlying these stupendous claims is the belief in the divinity of Jesus and his unique divine sonship. There was nothing to be urged against all these claims on the part of a heathen in the year 33 C.E. Then, as now, the Jew has refused to admit the validity of these claims. They are contrary to the specific teaching of the Old Test- ament, and are therefore reject- ed by Israel. Nevertheless, the Jew admits that Jesus, the Gos- pels and Christianity have been the greatest benefit to non-Jewish people. The same applies to Mohammed, the. K or a n and Islam. According to Maimonides, both of these daughter-religions have been providentially sent into the world to prepare the way for the coming Messianic age (Hilchoth Melachim xi. 4; cf. Kuzari iv. 23 and Nachmanides, Derasha). We do not fail to rec- ognize that there is a very large common ground that brings Jew and Christian together. If the Gospels divide the Jew from the Christian, the Old Testament unites them. God the Father of all is also admitted by Christians to be the God of Israel, as well as the God to whom Jesus cried: "My God, My God, why hast Thou forsaken me?" (Matt. xxvii. 46). We have seen that even in the Gospels there is a consider- able Jewish element. Four-fifths of the Sermon on the Mount is exclusively Jewish. These facts have been recognized by the rab- bis, who in the early Middle Ages proclaimed the Christians to be Gere Toshab (i.e. prosely- tes of the Gate; see Isaac b. Sheschet, Response 119). Juda- im has repeatedly declared that Christians are not to be identified with Nochrim or Goyim (heath- ens; cf. Shulin, 13b, and Tosa- phot, Aboda Zara, 2a, and Tosa- phot, Bechoroth, 2b). Israel has not forgotten that his mission is to cause all the families of the earth to be blessed through his medium. Israel is the hedge guarding the garden of humanity (Exodus Rabba, ii. P 5). Israel gave the world the belief in one Heavenly Father, the precious Greece Denies Ii has Postponed Terrorist Trial, Plans It Soon WASHINGTON (JTA) -- The Greek ambassador has denied re- ports that his government has postponed the trial of two Arab terrorists who attacked an El Al airliner at Athens airport last Dec. 26. word of God enshrined in the Hebrew scriptures and the belief in the coming Messianic age, when universal brotherhood, and Jew and Christian will forget their differences in the great joy that each will have found in the other his brother and friend. Shall WE see the dawn of this day of true religion? Then shall God return to Zion, and the Re- deemer will come to lead men to the everlasting light of truth and love." The introductory essay by Prof. Zeitlin is of added importance in considering the subject of Jewish sources in the Sermon on the Mount. Dr. Zeitlin's prolegomenon is a valuable analysis of New Test- ament preachments and Jew- ish interpretations and criticisms. It touches upon prayer, on the Lord's Prayer, indicating that no- where is it mentioned in Paul's Epistles or by the Apostolic Fa- thers. Dr. Zeitlin describes Fried- landers' book as a catechism: "The author wanted to instruct the Jewish theologians how to defend Judaism and how to answer th"ir opponents. Caution must be used in utilizing this book. It is a pol- emical treatise. The author did not exercise historical discipline in his citations from the rabbinical liter- ature. The purport of the book was to serve as an answer to the well- meaning and sincere Christian the- ologians who have maintained thz.t the teachings of Jesus as given in the Sermon on the Mount are su- perior to the teachings of the sages." In the course of his scholarly analysis, Dr. Zeitlin also touches upon the lex talionis and we quote it: "You have heard that it was said, •An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.' But I say to you. Do not resist one who is evil, But if any one strikes you on the right cheek turn to him the other also; and if any one would sue you take your coat, let him have your cloak as well" (Matt. 5.35-40). To comprehend the Biblical law "An eye for an eye," one must bear in mind that the ancients had a conception of the nature of crime and wrongdoing that was different from that of the moderns. Many wrongs which are today considered crimes against the state, and for which the state is empowered to impose punishment, were not so re- garded in ancient times. Injury and bodily mutilation were considered Pri - vate wrongs. The sufferer had the right to fix the punishment. and if he lost an eye or a tooth, he possessed the right to take out the eye or the tooth of the offender. The law of TALIO, as described in the Bible, was not for the state to en- force, since the action was not consid- ered a crime against society, and the state was not empowered to punish the offender. It was a case between the person who inflicted the injury and the man who was injured. The man who suffered the injury could entirely ab- solve from punishment the man who caused the injury, or he could demand any satisfaction he desired, even to taking out the eye of the man who caused the loss of his eye. TALIO was the ultimate and extreme satisfaction which the plaintiff could exact. How. eter, he might take his satisfaction to the form of money. Ile was the sole judge. Josephns interprets the law of TAI.10 in the Pentateuch as follows: -Ile that maimeth any one, let him undergo the like himself, and be de- priced of the same member of which he ha th deprived the other, unless he that Is maimed will accept of money instead of it; for the law makes the sufferer the judge of the value of what he hash suffered, and permits him to estimate it, unless he n ill be more set err." During the Second Commonwealth, the Pharisees abolished the lex tali. This was done by a legal fiction which limited the right of the man who suffered the loss of an eye that was exactly like his own in size and color. Since it was impossible for men to have precisely the same organs in esery respect the injured could not make use of the law of TALIO. Thus, by this legal fiction, the law of TALI() was in reality abolished. The injured person had the right to demand only money satisfaction for the loss of his e. for the pain, for medical care, for disability, and for humiliation. The law of TALI() was in reality replaced by a law of monetary compensation. Jesus, in the Sermon on the Mount, speaks as a utopian moralist when he says. "Do not resist one who is evil." Ile asks not only to refrain from de- manding satisfaction, TA1.10, but not to resist evil at all. JVSIts approached the problems of his day purely as an ethical leacher. He disreearded stale and society in his preaching. and ad- dressed himself to the Indiridual and his needs. He made ethical appeals, seeking the retronstruction of innate human nature. The sages. on the other hand, sought ethical goals by means of the social controls provided by law and its interpretation. 'MOS. even as a polemical cate- orris. chism, Friedlanders' "The Jewish Sources of the Sermon on the Mount" is a very valuable work. BEST WAY TO SEE IT LIKE IT IS ! Rahamim will face three judges and a panel of nine jurors. He is accompanied by Gabriel Bach. the Israeli state attorney who will ob- serve the trial and assist the defendant's lawyers if necessary. Swiss police reportedly had in- formation that members of the l'opular Front for the Liberation of Palestine were in Switzerland to murder Rahamim in revenge for the death of one terrorist. The three other Arabs will go on trial shortly on charges of murder and face the maximum penalty of life imprisonment. Their attack fatally wounded an Israeli pilot trainee, He said a statement by the pub-' Yoram Peresz. tic prosecutor in Athens had been misinterpreted and that the date of the trial has simply not been Historical Society Moving set." 93-Year-Old DC Temple The Israel government, mean- WASHINGTON (JTA) — A 93- while, was reported to have been year-old synagogue building that formally advised that Greece is once housed Washington's Adas proceeding with preparations for Israel congregation will be moved a January or February trial. The virtually intact next month to to conveyed information was representative new location three blocks from Israel's diplomatic its present one so that it can be in Grece, Yaacov Carot. preserved as an historic site. The Jewish delegation asked The brick and wood structure Ambassador Witsaxis for clarifi- was purchased by the Jewish cation of a public statement by the Greek Orthodox archbishop in Am- Historical Society of Washington man, Jordan that the two terrorists from the Metropolitan Area Transi sub- would be freed. The envoy said Authority, which is building a sub- he would communicate with his way where the synagogue originally tood. The Historical Society, a government. nonprofit group. paid a token fee The Greek prosecutor's office of S10 and is . seeking a federal had announced that a decision had grant for historic preservation. been reached to postpone the trial The Department of Housing indefinitely to avoid damaging has and Urban Development Greek relations with Arab states. agreed tentatively to pay half The Athens announcement evoked of the 5150,000 moving cost. The a strong protest from Israel. which balance and funds for restora- was conveyed to friendly nations. tion of the building will come Meanwhile, Mordehai Rahamim, from bank loans secured by per- the El Al security guard who gun- sonal notes of leaders of the ned down one of four Arab ter- Jewish Historical Society. The rorists who attacked an Israeli synagogue was constructed in airliner at Zurich .airport early 1876. this year, arrived in Zurich Tues- day to face trial. Adas Israel moved out in 1908 According to the latest informa- but retained the property which tion, he will be charged with has now been sold to the Transit Ambassador Basil Witsaxis told a delegation representing the Con- ference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations that news stories that the trial was deferred "for political reasons" or any other reasons were incorrect. An Israeli passenger was killed in the attack. manslaughter, rather than with Authority. The lower floor of the synagogue murder under extenuating circum- had been converted to stores. Only stances, as originally reported. the upper floor, containing the Swiss police have taken elab- sanctuary, will be moved to the orate security precautions fol- new site, which the Historical Soci- lowing Arab threats on Raha. ety has leased from the District of mim's life. The young Israeli Columbia government. It will be was driven from the airport to put on a new foundation. The old a secret residence near Zurich synagogue is of Federal style under police guard. The trial architecture. The interior is of will take place in the town of pine paneling painted white and Winterthur, which is considered is well preserved. safer from a security standpoint. -111E NETWIT.JBVISIVIIIWS 1Fridey, Nevembor u,:1969 - 37 the ideal gift for any occasion ORDER ONE TODAY The Jewish _News 17515 W. 9 Mile Rd., Suite 865, Southfield, Mich. 48075 356-8400