• 32—Friday, November 21, 1969 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Cabinet Studies Attack by Frogmen at Eilat, Weighs Counter-Measures Fields Dedicate Carpentry Shop at Boys Town, Israel Koenig Hits Official for Saying France Backs Arab Cause PARIS (JTA)—A French For- eign Ministry official's statement "France supports the Arab cause" was sharply attacked by Gen. Pierre Koenig, a former lead- er of the French resistance during World Warr II and president of the French Committee for Solidar- ity with Israel. Gen. Koenig said that the state- ment, by Undersecretary of State , for Foreign Affairs Jean de Lip- ' kovsky, "places France in one of the two camps and thus deprives her of any possibility of acting as a mediator or in any other useful capacity in the Middle East con- flict. - De Lipkovsky made his state- ! ment Nov. 2 at the opening of a French industrial exhibit in Jed- dab, Saudi Arabia. Gen. Koenig urged the French government to "assume its responsibilities by showing due regard for Israel's rights and for justice." His re- ; marks were published in several French newspapers, but there has ' been no official comment from the , foreign ministry. TEL AVIV (JTA) — The attack by frogmen which damaged two Israeli ships in the port of Eilat early Sunday morning was dis- cussed at a special cabinet session devoted to security matters and foreign policy. Apparently, the cabinet is con- sidering what counter-measures, if any, to take, though it is yet to be determined just how and by whom the attack was carried out. Berlin Youths Suspected of Planting Time Bomb WEST BERLIN (JTA) — Three students found to be in possession of explosives were arrested Mon- day on suspicion of having plant- ed a time bomb recently in the synagogue of the Jewish Center here. The damaged vessels are the 14,000-deadweight-ton Zim Lines freighter Dahlia and the 1,000-ton former excusion boat Hey Daroma which has been used to carry tour- ists from Eilat to Sharm el-Sheikh at the southern tip of the Sinai Peninsula. Both vessels were holed in sev- SEE PAGE 19 eral places by underwater explo- sives fixed to their hulls by frog- men. But the damage was rela- tive slight. The Dahlia is expected to sail shortly for the Far East and will probably drydock at Sing- Orchestra and Entertainment apore for permanent repairs. The Detroiter Walter Field (left) Hey Daroma was beached in shal- and Mrs. Field are shown at low water after developing a list, ,ann ouncements Boys Town Jerusalem with Is- and repairs to her may take a raeli poet and writer A. Regel- Nov. 13—To Dr. and Mrs. Mur week. son, who translated Field's book ray Miskin (Ruth Baumer of De Israeli circles noted conflicting of poetry, "The Epic of a Peo- troit) of Downsview, Ont., a daugh announcements by an Egyptian ple" into Hebrew. The students ter, Rachel Aliza. military spokesman in Carlo and and instructors at Boys' Town • 4 El Fatah spokesmen in Amman, printed the volume in their school Nov. 12—To Mr. and Mrs. Ir- each claiming that its forces car- of printing. Mr. and Mrs. Field ving Tutunick (Ellyn Guss), 15010 ried out the attack. dedicated a workshop at Boys' Leslie, Oak Park, a son, Richard Israelis believe the claims were Town carpentry school, which Matthew. prompted partly to take the heat has grown from 40 to 91 stu- JNF Plans Forest • * off Jordan whose only seaport, dents. Nov. 8—To Mr. and Mrs. Law- for Zalman Shazar Aqaba, lies a few miles east of rence Levin (Carole Gould). 14841 Eilat. Israel and Jordan, by tacit JERUSALEM (JTA)—The Jew- Talbot, Oak Park, a son, Ronald agreement, have refrained from ish National Fund announced Mon- Mark. attacking each other's towns. day that it will conduct a special * * But initial investigations by Is- fund-raising campaign throughout Nov. 6—To Mr and Mrs. Merton raeli security officials indicate the world to finance a forest that S. Zatman (Carol Halpern of De- that the frogmen probably came will be planted outside Jerusalem troit) of London, a son, Michael from Aqaba or nearby. in honor of President Zalman Alexander. LAS VEGAS. (JTA) — A Las Shazar on the occasion of his 80th They ridiculed Cairo's claim that Vegas rabbi opposed to the erec- birthday. they were brought to Eilat by heli- Nov. 5—To M r. and Mrs. Stuart tion of a statue of Jesus as a The project was endorsed in a Jacobs (Susie Robbins), 1859 copter. The Israelis say the Egyp- peace symbol in front of the local resolution signed by Premier ✓ Napkins Shirley, Ann Arbor, a daughter, tians have no helicopters capable convention center reported that he Golda Meir; Louis A. Pincus, of reaching Eilat. But it was gen- Julie Michelle. ✓ Matches , erally acknowledged that the frog- has been assured by convention Jewish Agency chairman; Dr. Is- authorities that any statue plans rael Goldstein, president of Keren ✓ Thank You Notes Oct. 29—To Mr. and Mrs. Earl men may have been Egyptians and ■ they devise would be submitted for ,Hayesod; and Jacob Isur, presi- to" Etc: Zack (Penny Goldstein), 24710 that they were probably guided to his approval. Rabbi Aaron S. Gold, : dent of the JNF. Contributions Gardner,- Oak Park, a daughter, Eilat by El Fatah commandos. Rosalie Dean — 357-1658 Rabbi Aaron S. Gold of Temple will be solicited in Israel by the' According to Cairo radio , frog- Jodi Michelle. Molly Yagoda — 357-4526 • * men "sank" three Israeli ships. Beth Shalom, said that he also United JNF-Keren Hayesod Ap- accepted an invitation to become Oct. 25—To Mr. and Mrs. Ger- The Egyptians said the ships were a member of the Peace Memorial peal. ald M. Kirschner (Suzanne Med- equipped for military landing op- Committee. Israeli Firm Wins Bid yin), 27350 Marshall, Southfield, erations and that in the case of the The invitation was issued after Hey Daroma her role as a tourist TO ENJOY a son, Jeffrey Scott. $ s * ferry camouflaged her "real pur- the Clark County Ministerial As- for Coffee Plant in Korea sociation, of which Rabbi Gold is TEL AVIV—A bid for a com- pose." The El Fatah announce- YOUR MEALS Oct. 22—To Dr. and Mrs. Michael president, adopted a resolution Meskin (Barbara Goodfriend), 2446 ment credited what it called El opposing erection of religious sym- plete instant coffee processing in- SERVE Dorchester, Troy, a daughter, Jill Fatah's newly formed "frogmen" bols on public property. The Mini- stallation in South Korea has been won by Elite Ltd., a major Israeli units and warned that other Israeli Elyse. • * ships would be targets in the sterial Association is an interfaith producer of candies, chocolates group. Its other officers are Rev. and instant coffee. Oct. 15—To Dr. and Mrs. Arthur future. Glenn L. Tudor of the First Chris- Elite Ltd, will supply engineer- E. Millman (Sheila Falik), 22720 tian Church, Rev. Robert E. Bate- ing services and equipment, along Longacre, Farmington, a daughter. Israel High Court Rejects man of St. Christopher's Episcopal with operating knowhow and Rebecca Lynn. Church and Rev. O.T. Phillips of training. Four Korean citizens, Suit Against Agency * JERUSALEM (JTA)—The Su- the Christ Community Church. managing trainees for the new in- Oct. 12—To Dr. and Mrs. Mich- Their resolution said they op- , stallation, will soon leave for Is- ael K. Rosenberg (Joan Gantz), preme Court Monday unanimously posed religious symbols on public ' rael for on-the-job training with 6525 Beverly Crest, Birmingham, rejected an $87,000 damage suit property "in light of our national Elite, When the plant becomes filed against the Jewish Agency a son, Matthew Brian. and by an immigrant woman six years tradition of the separation of church operational, Elite experts will be ago. The decision ended one of and state and decisions which have sent to Korea to provide on-loca- the longest cases pending before been handed down by the Supreme tion training for local workers. Court . . . regarding religious the court. Nazareth Candy Co., a subsid- Experienced Mohel The complainant, Sally Blima. practices or symbols in public iary of Elite, exported in 1968 . who arrived in Israel in 1960, programs and places." more than S1 000 . , 000 n can d y an d Serving in Hospitals & Homes claimed that a smallpox vaccina- chocolates to 30 different countries. Classified Ads Get Quick Results tion administered to her by a doe- Pro-Arab Mrs. McKay 544-2864 ' for abroad before she emigrated caused partial paralysis and at- Faces Block in Plans MENTION THIS AD FOR SPECIAL RATES tacks of blindness. weakness and Recommended by Physicians depression. Medical experts rul- for Propaganda Center RABBI LONDON (JTA) — Mrs. Mar- ed, however, that a smallpox vac- REGISTER YOUR OUT-OF-TOWN GUESTS AT THE BEAUTIFUL cination could not cause such garet McKay, the pro-Arab Labor MP. has run into legal and fi- symptoms. Photographs presented Expert Mohel in evidence showed Miss Blima nancial difficulties in her efforts Serving Hospitals and Homes LI 2-4444 LI 1-9769 moving normally at a time when to establish an Arab propoganda ' Ideally Located 1/4 Mile From Northland she was supposed to have been and cultural center in London. Mrs. McKay, who claims hon- paralyzed. COLOR TV — Heated Pool — Hi-Fi — Restaurant orary membership in El Fatah. Airport Transportation Available Ben Halpern, co owner SHALOM RALPH Knesset Special Session the Palestinian guerilla organiza- 14380 W. 8 MILE, OAK PARK LI 8-1822 tion. has taken a 17 - year lease on NEXT TO VIC TANNY HEALTH CLUE Takes Up Soviet Jewry two five story buildings in the JERUSALEM (.JTA) — Premier Chelsea district. Goalda Meir pledged Wednesday She paid S110.000. which was LI 7-9489 that the Israel government and donated for the purpose by Sheikh people will do everything in their Zaid. of Abu Dahbi, an oil-rich power to enable Soviet Jews to Arab principality on the Persian RABBI SHAIALL emigrate to Israel. Gulf. But the Sheikh's contribu- Mrs. Meir spoke at the opening tion, which totals 5120.000. ..overs of a special Knesset session de- only the decoration of the prem- voted to the condition of Jews in ises, with no funds left over to the Soviet Union. It v-as the first run the center. The owners of the special session held by the newly two buildings, moreover, have ob- convened seventh Knesset. jected to the use contemplated for OPEN HOUSE Attended by President Zalman them. Sunday, Nov. 23rd, 1-4 p.m. Shazar, the session was scheduled The land belongs to the estate REV. GOLDMAN L. shortly after a letter appealing for of the Earl of Cadogan and the Gary B. Moss, M.A., B.S. — Shelly Moss, B.S. aid to emigrate was received in leases, originally granted in 1887. • Ages 3 through 5 • State Licensed • Transportation Israel from 18 Jewish families in allow the premises to be used only the Soviet Georgian Republic. The as a domestic residence or a girls' MOHEL letter was relayed to the United finishing school. The owners now Nations Human Rights Commis- I insist on compliance with the orig- 353-5444 4230 Middlebelt Rd. West Bloomfield Township inal terms of the lease. sion. cairtlz Las Vegas Rabbi Wins on Statue of Jesus Issue NEED WALLPAPER ? Larry Freedman 647-2367 gnvitations f or occasians GREENFIELD NOODLES RABBI JOSHUA SPIRO Leo Goldman •FARFEL HAVING A WEDDING or BAR MITIVA! EMBASSY MOTEL MOHEL ZACHARIASH- MO HEL 341-1595 MARSHALL Bloomfield Nursery School 4 Call 851-4666