THE JENS 1SI I NEWS poi atm] The VI /iefrort 1.. 4 I'brootelr .‘ , ••• Iallo0 Of 1.11, I.•• ■■ alt OA. 111I.et11.0.1 00101 -.1 , 10E II. , Je•sna , l • hI•11 -. 1 Iea en. In 1 , I , Ien , I. 11 , . . 11•! 111.1 I I on. 1•.••1,Le I . •141 Se, 4..1.1 att., I•..10011e, 10 .• 1• • ties.. lions is••• ■ whir ot Scle, 1.1.5 t N. ,. 11 I 57,1/114 .4 :1 :10r: V•01. 1. Cf I ,1 en, I i \lox 1 n,t.r1 rage 1 y1 No 11,111. , ,1.'1 C/IAlli 0I I I 01111IN t Adv." 10.100 Manauct 19 •5 o nooios. eia •, it 01 01 ;•0 . In .1 ♦ 11,101,an SIDNIY SIIMARAK Sabbath 5E1 iploi ': 1 1 1 . 41.14 I .- 0 55 lh 04.11 Ai CARMI M S1 OMOVIT Z StOMOVI 1 1.1411 of .71111, tl I:1 ,1 0 1 . 11. 4 . Smashing Customs... Protecting Roots 1i0 .111 \ 10 1 he folk we opposition to e s tatilislieit 1 • 11 stmlls• a 41. . 1 \ 111 11 tor total independence from rule of eldt)r. or mthience Dom society. ,114• demonstration of defiance of the mores That might dominate the lice. of .1 new i;en ('radon these come into contlict in the process Of .1 W14'117( 1 77 of youth that has he cotne a part of o u r Ines There are very few u 110 do not grant to youlli the right to rebel or to 'speak up tie of Wilily in Ilie process of \vim( tlicv 0.711 the smashing of idols The accept•il code tod,iv it'‘' ■ 1 , 11 11111c1 11.ttit e III lee..16,0 are linked IS .11 to 1111..111 5511 VOIII II 11111 C01111111111191t 1;E:11111 . 11 Mat not to Mt VIIVIV. a g • llera11 ,1 11 y fat . : 1111`.111 to Willet1 that process Mt . elders open 1 1101 1. III 01 Its t 111Ie t 10 . 1111.1 . 1 They seen' .ISI ray in a stale of helplessness Unready 10 Meet the el1.111elle.e inherent In the revolt, and where and \Olen it is sect's .lary to give credence 10 Inherited cosies .717(1 ideals there Is a 0 e.1kIlesS .1111011g the par rills that makes them incapable, to tackle the challenges of the children • This is especially true ill the instance of 'tie Jewish rebels ttlio seem ready' to retain the legacy of Judaism hill are determined at the same time to destroy the customs that have made that heritage so valuable. They affirm loyalty I() some ideas but in tht•ir role of defiance of the aged traditions seem to lack an understanding of the importance of the roots. that are '1 dal 10 Je\VIS11 survival. ‘.i ‘. :0 NVe (hi not speak of the need f or stii. to the eXiSlellee IN if "Ivryryas:;real 1. *) II the C0111 Vary. We live III Of our people the faith that Israel's indestructibility is un- deniable because (tie values that are inherent in our very c\istence are theinselYes struchide • el that confront its must deal with the tssIles frankly. realistically and (II'ill stns NVe approach the problem '\ith concern as a result of the attitudes that become more evident is time goes 'on We are not dis- turbed hy the refection of the traditions of of mich university by a Sabbath o l,„,,,• \ anct , Wall soPlionlo re !see letter box) to the point fo believing that we .ire on the brink of collapse .Hecatist• the temporary rejections of reali- lies might strike al the roots of our tradi- Dons and \4r certainly desire to preserve the customs that have beCOIlle Sae it'd be- cause of their validity it is neCeSSary that the attitudes - that color the youthful defiance should he reviened. studie, atialwed for a I I I . 1, II 1' Anil Obst•I c.lnrr (hal .11 t• 10 del -11111e 1Dle•.. s01111' 01 1%1111 II .71 1' 1101 , • II Is 7:1 .1111ed (Ilal tine . 11 11 1 •11 % • l of the mitt 'button, to mankind 11.1'. time It ion hit' .1 cw ish iimple tit the o r ld In a wo S.110).1111 tin. `.1.15 01 5 11 l• Ili/ x0,111, 55 III , Jul 1101 1,11055 011 • 11 th..1 00111es .1 I 41 , 15 " • 11, :::1''Ird .1 11 , 1' , 1 10111 1.1110I'S N:055 film hell l a da' 01 I c ■ .1 i••.1 able tit On II5 .‘1111111:; 55 Ilk II I II NS5f* 1 , 11111, tt .111i1 " 111 : 111•I 10\ 11 ■■ •1‘ NVI 1 1) 11 111 . 1 ‘ 1101 In itself he cause for gre.11 alarm, e\cept • • if .111 i•tahlp-lied lorm of ,ahhatailan Ism P. destroyed, tile Sery Sahhoth Itself could be III danger 01 being undermined. mined Set eral '5 Var.:, .1:;11, a 111101111•1" 01 NC1101.11••• 0 ere asked III 1101 110 . I Ill' ILISIC Ideals III pro Ales at 1' 111.111 . d 55 II II I he V11111'11 Nat IOUS In Many Legends of the Baal-She Buber's Description of Hasidim :11.ii tot Itolici •. mill tit rti‘ i• %%I ihni, ... on 11.1 . .011 1 .01 I 1 . 111.101 III,• 111:1_11.( guide, 101- all 1111,11 . 1 ••tatlaIllr. .111,1 alp! vcialmn of no• l:i Vat .7,•'v i%li I he Jeuish scholar tt 110 anttiorued I h t , .1,.„ ,..i i (no\ einem !Wh•t's '''Iii,' schoeken Is. k... Lc I ePtintloi: as a t•ip•rhaek lit (• ■ Attain 1' 1 . S5.1 V 1/0111 t VII 011t 111.11 there u et e by Dr. Matinee Ft of thr (III , ' , ' I huh:. that contributed to the stir\ iya, 1 I ,•1111,1- ;, ,Ii.agg.,•( •,,,, I ' , In ,I,,_ , 1114' '1)1111"t • that 'sat. PlIblIS10 • 11 !IV lilt' I'\.. 01 the .1t•WIS11 111• 0111e Ill slide Ill I lit• ilt•FNICii lions and the worldwide campaigns aimed a 31'55 1 . 5 • S lieStIlle1I1111 . TIle S.11111.11 II. .10,IIIISI1ea h./1,, it,: .,,‘,I li,,, II, 10:,;,. , it 'hems of Ill‘•,I1,•,•,o, kaS11111' for the restoration of .11•wish nationhood in Kret7 Israel. and the hope to L iy ri „ ii i i .„ w h o al ., mii. i. i .,. ii , i i in .h .„ oi .itent, ol theology f olkhic. to .ta 'this ii. one of the Srry notable works from which knowledge 1,.•no nt. the Baal- ter of the Hasidic is acquired about the f Shell! • about the life of the Hasidim.. and the major and distinct al I. avoda, If we accept tins view in principle and asliects of the religious (eel or and teachings kayatia and shiflul -about eclasy, intention and humility. there is little cause for denying the reasons AllvalleVtl We colllt1 not possibly iSolate the • To ifilistrah• the .aih•et, under discussion, Dr. Ituber presents In Sabbath as tht• least illIDOrtallt in JeWISII life. this work more than a score of Hasidic legends, whi);:t.,4:41.(• narrated even if we did not grant it priority over all by him in his unusual and fascinating style - each of;;; ,4city, an inter- 01 her reasons. ttretation of the movement. its faith. its to•rsonalitn•s.f.t.til: Illinseif one of the 1)(•st known authorities 011 •e.SidiS111. the It does not mean that we deny to those translator. Prof. Friedman. has ably provided an 1.:11;:iish test that 5\110 .10111SV a 'Way for oneg Shabat for en - :ISSIII"e!, eXte11111 . 11 1111,1 . 1 , I III 11010•I'S writines and in the subject he Joyment Of the Sabbath their owes right for h as si ,„„„ i i i..„,i i n preferential methods of honoring the day. I " is out that the stories in this volume tell The introduce But neither does it mean that recognition of ter, "Rabbi Israel ben Eliezer, who was the life of the Ilasittic f the valued day permits lilt` ruling out of called the Baal -Shinn. lhat is, the Master of God's florae, and s\ IlagogUt• life. of pride in tradition. of ac 0110 115'1 . 11 from about 1700 to 1760. mostly In Podolia and Wohl- ceplance of codes that have elevated Jewish contributions to civilization to the highest nis.• There is an historic analysis of the Jewish myth and the author asserts: -The ita.idic leaching Is the proclamation of rebirth. No renewal of Judaism is possible that does not bear rume of the ladder of htlInallitarianiStn. in itself the elements of Hasidism." When We Seek testes Of preserving Jet\ ish There is this added inspirational and instructive comment In existenee. We tIO 1101 sermonize: we nitional- introduction: "The legend is the myth of I and Thou, of Hie ize on the basis of pr.igni,itisin. recognizing Butler's caller and the called, the finite which enters into the infinite and the lhe haste values in a people's mode of his infinite which has need id the finite. The legend i'lf um na:II-Shein is ing and code of honor. There air some not the history of a mall but die history of a calling. It does not symbols that are not easily tivstruetiblo or tell of a destiny Inaoi a vocation. Its end is already contained in in any way erasable. There are many Jew - its beginning, and a nc5t beginning in its end." practices and can defy certain practices. But they do not deny the sanctity of a day The interpretive. th e iii,i-iiiiti,i, in this work add 0ffe ,.. tieety to the understanding of the Hasidim priwided by the movements skill- ful historian. Dr. Martin 'tuber. the master knowledge - provider about of rest in established Jewish law. The late mysticism in Jewish life :Sit SeCtdarists who can argue against Jew- i iSh ■ lla iin Nahman Rialik. scores of Jewish in- , understanding. Indeed, we urged stricter adherence to tellectuals like him, were not religiously ob- the Sabbath When the late Dr. B. Benedict servant Jews, but their homes were centers for imgei Shabat - - for joyous Saturday after- to Detroit. he pleaded with us to assist ill every possible way in ruling out noon celebrations---because the Sabbath was Jewish public affairs that are 'frequently One of the roots of great Jewish traditional proper tw a Mal ion and ■ .kviosposisomwoommamimmi t ho rhrrl.hrs lici ci„,,.,. „am,. Nu late ,lidian Krolik was Splendid Short Story Collection in Ofek's 'The Dog That Flew' AM Sabbath t'Ve or 011 the Sabbath. The values. Without television and other distractions. Israeli children 'remain disturbed when young \\Thy debate the Sabbath alone'? We among the most avid readers to be found anywhere. Therefore, from Jews could find no better. way of ushering treat it here as merely one of the symbols their preferences of fiction and other writings emerge some of the best out the Yoni Kippur than by immediately in Jewish existence that have come under selected works. planning public dances. Several rabbis, more challenge and have been threatened by a This is the ease with the favorite short stories from Israel appearing recently, expressed concern over public funs- revolt. They are not in great danger: they 1 in the Sabra Books collection under the title "The Dog That Flew." tions on the Sabbath eve winch gained Jew - suffer only temporarily. But even the tell' - it was edited by Uriel Ofek and the translations from the Hebrew are ish participation. Since we had not heard porary setbacks are painful, and when young in excellent English. similar protests from parents. from whose Jews are not in the ranks that take pride Ofek himself is represented with his story "The Big Secret.' Several of Israel's best known writers of children's stories are homes should come the impressive influence in our great gifts to humanity, we are pained. So - when we debate with them we really represented in this volume. including. besides Ofek, Nathan Shaham, upon youth not to desecrate the Sabbath. the problem involving the desecrators be- plead with them, we invite them not to Yossi Margalith, Menahem Talmy, Nathan Vonathan, Nahm Gutman, comes more or less insoluble. It is W hell 'abandon the glory that makes life worth lit'- Baruch Oren. Devorah Omer, Yifrach Ayiy and Yemima Avidar. Drama. adventure, history, the various nationality backgrounds the parents begin to think in terms of honor- in.z. They return-but it must not be too ing the custom and the tradition that we late. They rebel-but we wish them to know the facts so that rebellion can be, as reach safe ground. For the youth who do not aicept the in our traditions. against injustice, in protest of people who settled in Israel, the Yemenites and other Oriental Jews whose tiles are intermingled with that of the Occidental Jews are linked in this series of stories which depict Israel and its people. term desecration as valid in an age of it-- against oppression and poverty. in the de- . . This anthology had the benefit of the editorship of one of Israel's religiosity. this is not an argument. - We mand for human kindness for all If we : • known short story writers for children. Uriel Ofek, who bad won understand ' that fully. We must. therefore, destroy one root in the traditions that are • best the Lamdan Prize for best children's stories. is associate editor of go to thel'oot we wish to preserve for a better aimed at such ideals, it may harm the very Davar LeYeladim. the popular children's magazine. Born in Tel Aviv, understanding of our aims. foundation in the indestructible Jewish strut- , in 1926 . h e was graduated from the Hebrew University and studied Having taken the Sabbath as a sample ture. This is what we hope to avert with literature at th e university of Toronto. He fought in the Israel 194 8 in the goal for preservation of valued tradi - an .invitation to youth to be with us and not' War of Independence and was a prisoner in Jordan of the Arab Legion Units, we' reiterate -tirat 'there are bases for. 'against themselves and their legacy. - i for 10 months.