1?nai Moshe Series on .11f tlern Jewish inthol-s to 1;egin Pr 1-:11: tithes. chairman of the S,•ho. , 1 of Adult Study of ltra: `';hi, announces a series Of lee C.- on modern Jewish authors. III open 9.10 p m Tuesday with an introductory lecture on the- ori. tn and background of American I•icral -are SchedUled arc Members of the Rabbinical Coun- cil of America from the Mid western states will hold an area meeting in Bnai David Synagogue 30 a m. Wednesday. Rabbi Israel I. Halpern of song Beth Abraham. president of the Alichtgan Region. will pre:ide at the morning business session. Rabbi Jay Braverman, principal of the Hebrew High School Of the United Hebrew Schools, and assist ant dean . of the Midrasha. will de- Parents to Have Their Say in New Temple Discussion Coin 'Portnoy's the r•dal , :ishment '2:: ''Short Stones nel a is the and Tex te rtle Nos. 1:1 of the 2. Dee Other , Singer. - of If.a.h• 9. - 1-11 Wiesel .t::.: Ai.11CS at the Bit- mingha m Unitarian Pee 16. and 13er Church. 'Ntagie Tiarroi . Se:,:tioui 'Moderated by Mrs Shon Siortes. Dec 2.3 Fel.7. the panel ofparents. . The faculty consists of Dr. in; Mrs. .lanet Linn and Dr 1 aw fence 11Vrkil% , as.ar late pro. Jerome Pet cry, w ill be responding fe•sor of English and American to a teen-age prc`SentatIon, - Youth literature and chairman of the Confronts the Establishment. - Hum atilt ir s Section. UM% ens ity held the previous week. Adults and of Michigan at Dearborn: Mrs. young people in the congregation Ilene' Berri:. general chairman 1%111 be Ole 0111- 11;Zeti to challenge the of the 196S and 196'9 Detroit Jew- panel and present their own views Rabbi Ernst J. Conrad will con- ish Bool, Fairs: and Seymour Riklin. coordinator of special duet the worship service prior 10 projects .UniNersity Center for the discussion. -Guests are wc1. Adult Education and moderator come. of the Channel FR: series "Con- \ ersations in Depth. - • lloth Nov N% The four tIrst-hour co 11 continue to meet at S - 1: io al These courses are be•rai!iers lie brew, elementary cent ersaimr..il Ilebrew. •chant and the music of the Prayer Book. and. t: Chl---es in the Ett.7"• lit' 111.s:.:" ■ at le • Business Brief JOHN H. ROSEN ADVERTIS IN . Lathrup. Village, has been appointed advertising agency to. Castilhan Imports, Inc., Southfield and San Diego. The client imports ,lit iron and wood occasIonal .n.:Inre. and this is its first ad gency. - 1:sing 1'..1\ sign up .ary. .ontact Falai N. Illinois and Ontario City's Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theo- liver a paper, •"rhe Importance of tacky, Ohio, , logical Seminary and Yeshiva Col- a Good Afternoon Weekday He- will attend. membership is corn- lege and graduates of the Hebrew brew School.• ; The RCA York Theological College of Chicago. of graduates of New Maurice Jaffe. executive prised director of Ileichal Shlomo. Seat of the Chtef Rabbinate in Jeru- salem. will be guest speaker at the morning regional session. In the afternoon. the national executive of the RCA will hold its with National President Rabbi 2c% Segal of Newark presui tng the executive %kV president of the 11 ablunicat Council. Rabbi Help Build a strong community in Israel Israel 1.1a. an, will Present an interim report of the national rabbinical body': activities in Imerica, Europe and Israel. Michigan. front Ilabbis SCHOLARSHIPS at eRaiL-.91an_ BAKER'S Mfltit O~ BIG & TALL MEN SUITS OR SPORT COATS TO SI 7.F. 66 oN,-. on snout. . 1114.1. F . \ 111.% 1 ong 545-2112 Socres of Israe: ill panic:pate in Israel let::: Pay Noy. 23. it was announced Pearl Nosan. Action Pay o'r..-tt:- man. The Israel Bond office. Greenfield. Southfield. will he at 9:30 a.m. A brief breakfast will be served before the ve: ...n- teers start on their calls to .ser.• 7: unpaid Israel Bond p:deges in' , cash for Israel. Israel Bond subscribers wuc have not yet paid on their pledges were asked to send in their checks to the Israel Bond office, and thus or Master Charge 309 S. Main St. Royal Oak, Mich. To enroll as a volunteer, call the Israel Bond office, 352-6779. s.; : 4 JOSEPH H. JACK1ER Do,i.er Om.? '1111 sa/L -gtan_ euniv ivmitik DECEMBER 3. 6 P.M. at the Shaarev Zeilek WEDNESDAY. 353-1300 - IRWIN 1. COHN Bar-Ilan Committee italic your reservations at once for the annual dinner of t7U.S 2S5S5 TELEGRAPH ROAD opposite Tel-Twelve Mall Call 39S-7180 23125 Coolidge -911119— CONG. BETH ACHIM MEN'S CLUB 1969-1970 CULTURAL SERIES Presents 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 w save the volunteers a call. I JERRY BAKER easy to get to... and zvell worth the trip Co!p.mit:ce • et BUICK- OPEL' Teeter 0:!he • • T•pcoats to sz. 70 Jackets 66 Dress Slacks 66 Work Slacks 46 Sweaters 66 Boxer Shorts 22 Dress Shirts 22 Sport Shirts 20 Knit Shirts 16 Dress Socks 16 Casual Shoes Dress Jt. Work 15 Shoes "By providing scholarships for Israeli students at Bar-Ilan University, we help build a strong Israeli cultural community. We attest proride 300 - more scholarships at the great university and We appeal to the Jewish community to help make a success of the annual dinner of Detroit Friends of Bar-Ilan Uni- versity, to be' held Wednesday. December 3, at the Shaarey Zedek. Please' make your contribution and your res&ration to the dinner NOW." Ba nka rd—Sec c rity at Fein ple Reception Bond Action Day Nov. 23 An Appeal to the roit Jewish Community TaMaRCIFF .1111. Director to Speak I ocy. %ilk, served as di Joint Distributive, .11 C:echoslovakia. Bul- garia Tunisia and Algeria. Will he guest speaker at a leadership re- ception S:30 p.m. Nov. 24 hosted by Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Trull- sky. fi:347 North- field. 13 ir m in g- ham. The reception on behalf of Tem- ple Israel. is :n advance of the tribute dinner honoring Leonard N. Simons. Levy played a key role in the rescue and reha- bilitation of Jew- ish survivors in levy Europe after World War II. He was a member of the first group of representatives of the .ITIC to enter areas formerly occupied by the Na:is. Her served as director-gen- eral of European operations for HIAS and during WorId War II. was home service director for the Red Cross for the i S Air Force in England. Contino- to Rabbinical Council Area Meeting National President. Zev THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 20—Friday, November 14, 1969 4 4 4 4 4 Rabbi Hailu Moshe Paris ON TIIE SUBJECT "What Can We Do About Black A is ti-Semitism" SUNDAY, NOV. 23 8:00 P.M. At the SOUTHFIELD BUILDING 21100 West Twelve Mile Road Tickets A vailable at SYNAGOGUE OFFICE or at the Door STUDENTS $1.00 ADMISSION 52.00