34—Friday, November 7, 1969 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS New York Family Agency Starts `Out reach Project for Teen Drufr Users Paris Police Arrest Seven l in Connection With Attack on Rothschild Bank, Paper PARIS (JTA)— Police arrested seven men believed to be mem- bers of. or sympathizers with, El The two street aides are work- Fatah, in connection with the By BEN GALLOB (Copyright 1969, JTA, Inc.) ing in Jewish neighborhoods, attack on the Rothschild Bank establishing themselves in one Two 19-year-old Jewish college and the offices of the newspaper dropouts are serving in a new neighborhood as visible sources L'Aurore. of help from the agency, and "outreach" program of a New Most of those arrested were York Jewish social service agency then moving on to another sec- said to be Arabs. They were held tion with the same objective. aimed at finding Jewish adoles- for arraignment before an investi- cents involved in drug abuse and The selected areas are known gating magistrate. The police also persuading them to make use of the to be sites where drug-using raided the offices of an El Fatah agency's facilities for the help teen-agers gather. front organization, the "Move- The help provided by the agency ment Against Anti-Arab Racism," they need. Another element of the program to the adolescents and their fain- and seized documents and pamph- is a series of meetings for parents, ilies, Rothman explained, is based lets which they described as incit- arranged through local Jewish or- on the thesis that teen-agers who ing to racial and religious hatred ganizations, to help the parents abuse drugs are often acting out —a violation of French law. understand the problem and to problems which can often be dealt The arrests followed the inci- deal with it more effectively, if with through casework counseling dents when a mob of about 100, and when it affects one of their and psychiatric treatment. carrying El Fatah and Egyptian Children, according to George Rothman stressed that the flags, tried to storm the office of Rothman, executive director of agency's point of entry into the L'Aurore, which they accused of the Jewish Community Services of,_fainily situation is with the adoles- being pro-Israel. and the Roth- Long Island. *tent, who has asked for help, with schild Bank, where windows were The assignment of the two the parents brought in subsequent- broken and some equipment street workers is to win the trust ly. He said those teen-agers who destroyed. of troubled adolescents and to turn out to be psychotic are help- In New York, three members of persuade them to meet a JCS case- ed to get hospitalization or other the Action Committee on Amer- worker. The professional staff of appropriate treatment. He report- ican-Arab Relations will be tried caseworkers for the program is ed that in the first month of the Feb. 10 on disorderly conduct backed by a part-time psychologist program, more than half a dozen charges stemming from their who gives a day a week to the teen-agers had been brought into burning of an Israeli flag in a program, and by four psychia- the agency's treatment facilities, half boys and half girls. demonstration near the Israeli trists, also members of the agency Mission. The adult education phase in- staff. Manhattan Criminal Court Judge Each of four JCS offices has a volves a series of three to four s John Brickley dismissed charges supervising psyc h i a t r i s t, who meetings for eight to 10 parents h t at each session, usually arranged against the three defendants ta serves as a consultant to the new by a local Jewish organization as , the act was illegal but denied a program. The goal is to get into motion to dismiss the disorderly the earliest possible contact with p art of its program for members , conduct charges. In the demon- the community. the drug-using adolescent, Roth- and The JCS has been offering fam- stration, which took place last man explained. ily life institutes for years, but the April 12, Mohammed T. Mehdi, emphasis now is on the drug use secretary general of the commit- Earl Warren Receives roblem. Six such gatherings have tee, joined Ghazi Khankan and p he program Mohammed Rabic in unfurling the been scheduled . since t Honorary Degree From started. } flag and setting fire to it after Hebrew U.; Backs Dissent Emphasis is on small groups of they cut out the Star of David. JERUSALEM (JTA) — For- parents who are taught how to Police put out the fire and issued mer Chief Justice Earl Warren detect symptoms of drug use and summonses to the three. Was awarded an honorary degree who are informed about the over- by the Hebrew University last all problem of drug use as part of Change in Soviet Atti ude week and it was disclosed that the general rebellion of children Toward Israel Possi le? he had agreed to serve as chair- against authority. I LONDON (ZINS)-11 Israe con- man of the international board s = • tinues military expeditions against Of overseers for the Harry S. Tru- Egypt, the Soviet Union may re- man Center for the Advancement Centers for Emergency Aid consider recognition of the Jewish of Peace, on Mount Scopus to Youth Are Proposed state and support the Arab call for Five university professors each WASHINGTON, D.C. — A series a binational Palestine, a top Hun- received the Morris J. Kaplun in- garian official told Charles Feny- ternational prize of $5,000 to fur- of centers sponsored by organiza- lions throughout the country, vesi of the Near East Report staff. ther their research. They were Arye Dvoretsky, Shmuel Eisen- especially geared to provide emer- in Budapest. stadt Jacob Mager, Isadore Twer- gency help to young people in dis- ' He stressed that the Soviet Union sky and Ephraim Urbach. A sixth tress—whether financial, legal or and other Communist governments • award will he made at a later date emotional in nature—was proposed cannot be expected to do anything ignores demands for with- in the United States to Prof. Milton :by Dr. Joseph H. Douglass, execu- if Israel of Cornell University tive director of next year's White ! drawal and indulges in further J. who will come to the Truman House Conference on Children and "aggressive 'action." The official Center as a visiting professor. I Youth. He said Jewish organiza- said that Egypt was ready for set- Warren said in his acceptance tions could help to develop such tlement but that Israel was not. If I Israel withdrew, all she could ex- speech that he was not worried Projects. Dr. Douglass told the annual Peet would be freedom of naviga- by student unrest. While he believes change is es- conference of the headquarters tion, he said. sential in many institutions, War- and field staffs of the Bnai Brith ran said he differs with "some Youth Organization there is need Pro-Arab MPs Supply of the more extreme because I for a new around-the-clock serv- — oney for Propaganda, m believe that there is enough flexi- ice to minister to those in the M bility built into our institutions so particular kinds of trouble that i British Zionist Charges LONDON (JTA)—A Labor Zion- that real social change is possi- afflict increasing numbers of the young in today's world. The pro- ist leader charged recently that ble." posal had been prompted, he said, huge sums of money are being by a little-known experiment in provided for pro-Arab, anti-Israel Center Helps Poor Cope England and by anti-suicide cen- propaganda in Britain. With Rising Food Prices Sidney Goldberg, general secre- ters in the United States and other tary of the British Poale Zion and NEW YORK (JTA) — Residents countries. The project, he added, could the Labor Friends of Israel, said of the Sunset Park section of be modeled upon the Red Cross that between $240,000 and $600,000 Brooklyn. a poverty area, are in- or Travelers Aid centers--"not has been supplied to two pro-Arab creasingly using a unique counsel- tag service offered by the Mai- so much in the sense of the Imembers of Parliament for anti- monides Hospital Center to help 'crash pad' as in the sense of Israel propaganda activities here. extending a helping hand at a He noted that Jordan, which has them cope with constantly rising food prices. The advice is provided critical time when it is needed received more than $1,200,000,000 —whatever the nature of the from British taxpayers, has pur- by Mrs. Azucena Volmer, staff chased a $338,000 home for its am- dietitian at the medical center's crisis." According to Dr. Douglass, bassador in London. Neinken Outpatient Center. It is available to patients attending the studies and in-depth interviews More than 60 clinics of the hospi- based on an "inter-disciplinary" Computerized Federation LOS ANGELES (JTA) — A tal, medical center officials re- team approach, might bring to ported. light vital information on the na- data processing operation, devel- ture of crisis among youth and oped by the Jewish Federation- provide insights into their possible Council and the Cedars-Sinai Med- Israel Hosted -432,000 treatment. ical Center to serve the Federa- Tourists Last Year Involvement • of young people tion-Council and the medical cen- ASUNCION (ZINS)—A General themselves in assembling the data ter as well as the entire Los An- Zionist Organization has been es- I would be especially helpful, he geles Jewish community, is now tablished in Paraguay following a said. Visit by Max Starkman, president Ronald Cahn of Atlanta was of the Latin American Confeder- ' elected president of the National ation of General Zionists, and Staff Association of BBYO. The Mordecai Dayan, a representative association is comprised of pro- of the World Union of General fessional workers serving the Zionists. Itzhak Goldenberg was BBYO in the United States and elected head of the organization. Canada. in its third year of operation, ac- cording to JFC President Bram Goldsmith. The Jewish Community Data Processing Center is used for such affiliates as the Los An- geles Jewish Home for the Aged and the Jewish Centers Associa- tion. U. of California Grants Accreditation to American College in Jerusalem JERUSALEM — The American dertake special courses of study m any f r onrdd e dHebrew College in Jerusalem. Israel's Eng- onheHoa lnyd Land a a are lish language liberal arts college language, opportunities to visit archeological which recently opened its second digs, religious sites, museums and year. has been accepted for ac- historical institutions in Israel. creditation by the University of Two world famous artists, pianist California system. VLADIMIR ASHKENAZY and Work completed at the Amer- violinist ITZIIAK PERLMAN, will ican College in Jerusalem will be treated in the same manner by all return to Oakland University next units of the University of Cali`or- summer to continue their master nia network as though completed classes for promising young artists. at regionally accredited institu- tions in the United States. The ar- MOVING TO SOUTHFIELD rangement for accreditation was reported to the American College by Lyle C. Hainsley, director of Photographers admissions of the University of California. For Engagements The American College in Jeru- UN 4-8785 SRAM 3.atini2 salem offers a U.S.-type four- year liberal arts curriculum and is designed specifically for for- eign students wishing to study in Israel in the English lan- guage. It grants an AB degree in social science, humanities, Middle Eastern a n d Israeli studies. The student body currently in- cludes 140 students. In addition to regular curriculum, they un- — - FOR THE HY YOUR AFFAIR " SPOT OF MUSIC" by HY HERMAN (UTCHENIK) and his Orchestra 342-9424 Personalized to Suit Your Party MENTION THIS AD FOR SPECIAL RATES ! HAVING 'A WEDDING or BAR MITIVA! 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