16 Parties Compete in Knesset Election TEL AVIV (ZINS)—Sixteen et candidates are competing in the Knesset elections to be held Tuesday. Many parties, in revising their dates, have dropped older illeU111- bents in favor of younger men. The socialist labor alignment (Maarakh) has made the most drastic reshuffle, eliminating such notable figures as David Hacohen head of the Knesset foreign affair,: committee; Akiva Govrin, former- ly minister of tourism; Mordecai Namir, once minister of labor and mayor of Tel Aviv; and many others.. A last-minute change of heart resulted in the retention of the minister of police, Eliahu Sasoor,, who represents citizens of 'East-I ern' origin. Most of the competing parties play a minor role in the Knesset elections. The main contest cen- teirs on the socialist Maarakh and Gahal (Herut-Liberal bloc.) .Maarakh is determined to hold on to the 63 seats it now controls —or do better—in order to secure' a firm grip on the next govern- ment by winning an absolute ma- jority of parliamentary scab,. Gahal is battling to strengthen its own position and to block Maarakh's bid for a Knesset majority. In this latter respect, there is common cause with the minor par- ties, such as Mizrachi, Independ- ent Liberals and Aguda, who realize that, while they themselves can never hope to gain the reins of government, a Maarakh ma- jority in the Knesset would reduce their status to that of mere satel-: lites having no voice whatever in governmental affairs. A peace demonstration in the heart of West Jerusalem last week ended in a street battle and the arrest of four demon- strators. The group, which ap- parently had no permit, assem- bled in Zion Square in support of Knesset candidates on the so-called Peace List, a small new faction advocating Israel's withdrawal from the occupied Arab territories. The demonstrators drew a crowd !when they announced from a loud- speaker truck that they were "going to dig up Zion Square to uncover a Moslem holy site.' , When they accused Israel of con-, verting Old Jerusalem into an Arab ghetto, they were attacked by some onlookers, and a pitched battle developed. Police who were originally sent out to disperse the demonstrators for obstructing traf- fic, had to take them into protec- tive custody. Four men were arrested. Belgian Paper Implicates Arab Envoys in Blast BRUSSELS (JTA) —The news- paper Le Soir has implicated two un-named Arab Embassies here in the Sept. 8 grenade attack on the El Al Brussels office by teen-a ge Arab commandoes. The newspaper Ascribed its information to - knowl- edgeable sources." It said that two Arab youngsters arrived at an Arab embassy "in- volved in the struggle against Israel - by taxi on the day of the attack. A short time later they left, accompanied by two members of the embassy staff • and walked Ito an "African Arab embassy." One of the youngsters was re- Ported to have escaped later and flown to Baghdad with the aid of the Iraqui Embassy in Paris. Le Soir published claims by witnesses that the boy who appeared in pashdad was not the grenade thrower, implying that the latter may still be in Belgium. The for- eign ministry has refused to coin- irnent on these allegations. The police are conducling.its.investiga - tion in secret, Le Soir said. I'm living so far beyond my in- come that we may almost be said to be living apart.—Saki. Friday, October 24, 1969 - 19 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS r you , I Flow much does it cost to fly to Israel? Well, usually, the roundtrip economy fare is $840. But after October 14th, you can fly to Israel and back for $405' on a nine day tour. At these prices, how can you afford to stay home? You'll land in Tel Aviv, and from there it's just a short distance to all the really interesting points on the map. For example, Jaffa, Tel Aviv's twin city, is an ancient port men- tioned in the Bible. (It was after leaving Jaffa that Jonah had his unfortunate en- counter with the whale.) And today while Tel Aviv is a modern, thriving city, Jaffa is a carefully preserved artists' colony whose shoreline hasn't changed much since the time of Jonah. When you go to Jerusalem, you can take a guided tourgf the new Knesset (Parliament) 4 Building, and if you're lucky see the Prime Minister, herself, address - tsrael's governing body. HAW , 11. 0 r legr jod CAESAREA gob; as 'Mc NAZARETH JERUSALEM ■ ■■ •••• anall ft......10.0.`• " owa And in the Old City expect to shed a few tears: You've heard stories, you've seen pictures, but no one can de- scribe the emotion charged min- utes when you put a yarmulke on your head and actually touch the Wailing Wall. Is nine days in Israel long enough? That's hard to say. Especially since our history is not only recorded in the Bible, but in countless Roman, Cru- sader, Moslem, and Byzantine relics from small coins to entire cities. (For such a little country, the guidebooks are awfully thick.) So you may want to stay even. longer. But regardless of which fare plan you choose, you'll save a lot of money from October 15th through March 14th when our winter rates are in effect. So this year instead of settling fora hotel room on Collins Avenue, or a dice game in San Juan, come home with us. from S. lock to Ye, 4..1 s., ..nennent.t.“ mew, class group rouni tr, The Airline of Israel For more information contact your travel agent or EL AL Israel Airtioca„ 24100 Southfield Road, Southfield, Nlichigan, 352-5737 EL AL