THE JEWISH NEWS Incorporating The Detroit Jewish Chronicle commencing with issue of July 20, 1951 Association of English-Jewish Newspapers, NI iehlean Press Associ.dom. National Detroit, Kano: ial Mich. Association 48-35. Member American Se5,1 Mile 110:111. PubIts•hcci every Friday by The Jewish News Publishing Co., 17100 West VE 8-9364. Subscription $7 a sear. Foreign $8. Second Class Postage Paid at Detroit, Michigan PHILIP SLOMOVITZ Editor and Publisher CARMI M. SLOMOVITZ Business Manager SIDNEY SHMARAK Advertising Manager . _ .. CHARLOTTE DUBIN City Editor __ __ ._ Sabbath Scriptural Selections This Sabbath. the 29th day of Tishri', 5730. the following scriptural selections u-ill be read in our synagogues: Pentatelwhal portion, Gen. 1:1-6:8. Prophetical portion. I Samuel 20:1S 42. Rosh Hodesh Ileshran Torah readings, Sunday and Monday, Num. 28:1-I5. Candle lighting, Friday, Oct. 10, 5:40 p.m. VOL LVL No. 4 Page Four October 10, 1969 New Hopes for Peace in Middle East? Golda Meir, the grandmother, the former retain the right to security, Israel strives for teacher in a Milwaukee grade school, the peace. and the fortunate possibility that woman who as early as 1921 settled in Pales- may yet emerge from the Golda Meir visit tine and became a farm worker, has emerged is that there may now be a closer approach as one of the great diplomats, skilled in to peace than has been in evidence for some statesmanship. She represented her country, time. with great dignity, and she emerged not only One of Mrs. '.Heir's most interesting de- as a spokesman for Israel but also for the clarations was to the effect that she, as a Jewish people. For an obvious reason: she grandmother, believes that her grandchildren was firm in asserting that never again shall will live in peace 10 years from now. The there be a Holocaust such as was inflicted reason she believes is because of her con- upon the Jewish people. It was important for in Jerusalem, Mrs. Meir spoke similarly: her to appeal for remembrance of the Holo- On June 16 of this year. in an address caust because what the Arab chieftains have in Jerusalem, Mrs. Meir spoke similarly: threatened, what the terrorists who are re- "An Arab mother whose son falls in pudiated by many Moslem leaders continue battle weeps as bitterly as an Israeli to threaten, is another Holocaust. mother. We didn't raise our sons to kill Much of what Golda Meir said in her ap- and be killed. There is more glory in want- pearances before statesmen and the vast ing peace than in wanting war. The Israeli audiences she faced was not new. In Novem- army of 1967 was the saddest victorious ber of 1956 after the Sinai Campaign, in her army in history. We want to live. There historic address before the United Nations is no joy in shooting, no joy in killing. General Assembly, she stated: There is no joy in winning wars. We say, We are a small people in a small barren let us sit down and negotiate, not a dic- land which we revived with our labor and tated peace, but as equals at the table. our love. The odds against us are heavy; It is on the basis of Such aspirations that the disparity of forces is great, but we have aims for peace are never abandoned. Aspir- no alternative but to defend our lives and ing for amity and for an end to warfare, all freedom and the right tU security. We de- peoples must be viewed as looking forward sire nothing more than Peace, but we can- to a time when there will be harmony on not- equate peace merely with an apathetic their borders, the right to life, liberty and readiness to be destroyed. If hostile forces the pursuit of happiness for themselves and gather for our proposed destruction, they their children. must not demand that we provide them The Moslems are not as one in their treat- with ideal conditions for the realization ment of terrorism. Moroccan King Hassan II of their plans. This is as vital today as it was in 1956: may have led the way to sanity when he as a warning that Israel and the Jewish peo- rebuked the guerrillas who are attacking ple "cannot equate peace merely with an civilians and are threatening Jews not only apathetic readiness to be destroyed." Any- in Israel but in Europe and the United States thing pointing to destruction will never again as "wild and harebrained." There are others who view existing con- he condoned. While adhering to the determination to ditions rationally, and therefore there is hope Kahn Analyzes Jewish Authors, Offers Vigorous Judaism Plan Fears That Create Arab Enmity Israel bends backward to assure oppor- tunities for the Arabs living in her midst. Yet she is abused, too few of the Arabs who benefit from Israel's government come forth with defense of her position, and there is a basic factor in the Middle East's dominant condition: fear influences all actions with the result that truth is sacrificed needlessly and brutally. The fire in the Jerusalem mosque proved to what extent enmity will be spread in order to harm Israel. There were fires in religious shrines during Jordanian rule in the Old City, and it took much longer to extinguish them and there was less effort to rebuild them. But Jordan was not blamed either for accidents or for arson. In the case of the Al Aksa Mosque there is a confession by a Pro- testant, but it does not matter: Israel must he blamed if damage can be done to the Jewish state! In spite of the enmity, Jerusalem's Mayor Teddy - Kollek goes to great length to co- operate with Arabs, to provide opportunities for them to improve their economic status, to establish friendships with Moslems. One of the results of Israeli rule has been an increase in Jerusalem's Moslem popula-• tion. In June of 1967 there were 65,000 Mos- lems in the Old City. Now there are 70,000. They came because of the opportunities cre- ated for them, because of the freedom they enjoy living with Israelis. But they won't concede it. They will accept it but won't commend it. The attitude is the result of fear instilled by fellow-Moslems who threaten their very lives! Proof of the extensive fear that has gripped the Arabs was provided dur1ng the recent election. James Feron described it as follows in his cabled report about Israel's efforts to assist the Jerusalem Arabs: "Seven East Jerusalem Arabs agreed to be candidates in a recent labor-union elec-1 tion. Six dropped out at the laSt moment, citing threats from Arab guerrilla organiza- tions." This is how the entire Arab-Israel rela- tionships have been subverted — with fear injected into every Arab community, with I few Moslems daring to speak up in repudia- tion of the rumors intended to undermine confidence in Israel or any effort at establish- ing the best relations among the people of the Middle East. Nevertheless, under Mayor Kollek's guid- ance, housing units at Wadi Joz are being established for Arabs in Jerusalem, Arabs have been encouraged to establish business partnerships with Jews, Arabs from Gaza have been permitted to enter business enter- prises in the Holy City, and other benefits are being provided. There is an interesting bit of news that serves as commentary on existing conditions in Feron's cabled report to the NYTimes. He told how, two days after the laying of the cornerstone for the new hous- ing in Wadi Joz, Kollek presided at the plant- ing of olive trees for the start of a new huge park to surround the Old City walls. Kollek told of having discussed the plan with the Moslem leaders: "They went over it very I carefully. We discussed Moslem shrines and Arab history. They thought it was fine. But ! if you ask them publicly, they will say it is terrible. What else can they say?" It's the old query: what can one do to off- set prejudices, and when they are fortified ' by fears, how can you fight the perversions and the panic in the human mind? . Prof. Lothar Kahn of Central Connecticut State College probed the hearts and minds of noted Jewish writers for definitions of their status as Jews. What was their thinking? How did they react to Jewish challenges? How did they judge their status as Jews? The series of essays in Dr. Kahn's "Mirrors of the Jewish Mind," published by Thomas Yoseloff, are revealing indications of attitudes that have a bearing on Jewish life everywhere, in these critical times. Elie Wiese], and it is in the nature of an There is the essay analysis of the eminent author's neo-Hasidisin. The Arnold Zweig article, outlining the noted author's transfor- mation from Zionism to Marxism is a significant statement, and II throws light on events that affected the writer's motivations. Then there is the piece on Arthur Koestler's "Dejudaized Zionism" that recalls the former Communist's experience in Israel, his expose of the Communists' detrimental aims and purposes. There is special merit in the essay on Edmond Fleg in which we have the eminent French Jewish writer's preachments and approach to "Messianic Judaism." Other writers dealt with include Andre Spire, Lion Feuchtwanger, Max Brod. Julien Benda, Josue Jehouda, Alfred Doeblin, Piotr Rawicz, Jakob Lind, Albert Memmi, Andre Schwarz-Bart, Isidore Isou, Jean Bloch-Michel. Peter Weiss. Prof. Kahn explains how the universalist ideal of many of the writers "tended to exclude as too parochial or activistic the teach- ings of Judaism." He points to the confusion, "the element of dis- order in the dogmatic garden of Judaism, that made it difficult for a strong unifying voice to be heard in Judaism." He speaks of "such a voice which might attract the intellectual to Jewish stn. dies." Otherwise he "might dismiss Judaism as an antiquated, narrow and parochial set of rules." His essays are like a warning against shutting the doors of Ju daism forever. He calls for the synthesizing of the "eternally competing ten- dencies between universalism and particularism." He admonishes: "The problem of choice with which the Jewish intellectual and writer has been faced since emancipation can only be solved by adherence to a vigorous Judaism which reconciles the Use tendencies within it." - the It is evident that the author of this volume has not only analyzed writings of eminent Jewish authors but has evolved a program of action to prevent disintegration and to assure positive Jewish approaches. Wilson's 'Dead Sea Scrolls' World attention was especially drawn to the Dead Sea Scrolls hi the original description of them by Edmund Wilson, first in the New Yorker and later in book form. With new manuscripts having been discovered, Wilson brings the thesis up to date in a new volume, "The Dead Sea Scrolls, 1947- 1969," published by Oxford University Press. Aramaic versions of Genesis, new copper scrolls, the Temple Scroll, the discovered directions for the building of Solomon's TemPle that were acquired by Israel since the Six-Day War, the excavation at Masada and much additional data have been complied for inclusion in this new work. Application of his findings to modern theological thinking, coni- Judaism, and with regaed ments on Christianity's role in relation to are linked with the findings to reactions of many notables in our time, in the Old and law as represented with theDivine Revelation s ta T an ed that MIS Wilson's new work adds renewed interest in a subject become one of major discussion in theological circles and has aroused the interest of laymen everywhere who are fascinated by the findings atein ton sll uence exerted by the Dead Sea Scrolls upon religious a e n v d aluth