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October 10, 1969 - Image 2

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The Detroit Jewish News, 1969-10-10

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Purely Commentary

Will Pope Paul Begin to Mention Israel?

By Philip

The Vatican and Israel and
the Jerusalem issue . . City
of Hope 'Normal Lk ing'

FTC Chairman
Named by Nixon

destroyed by the Jordanians. It is doubtful whether there was much
and the battles among

freedom alloted to the numerous Christian sects

Perhaps we shall get closer to pearte possibilities when the Vatican religions had made Jerusalem a city of strife under Arab'rule.
people who fall prey to claims that Jeru-
begins to mention Israel by name.
The irony is that there arc
of David
When Pope Paul visited Israel, after a rather disturbing tour of salem is not historically Jewish. The very name of the City
and history's
Jordan and the Holy City of Jerusalem which was then in the hands refutes the silly arguments against Jewish possession
of the Jordanians, he never once referred to the state as Israel.
records can not be erased.
Again last month, when he sent a message urging peace to the
been claimed that Jerusalem ceased to be a Jewish
It might have
Temple. So, we now
Islamic conference in Rabat, Morocco, he spoke of Palestine.
expulsion and the destruction of the
There is the Jewish State of Israel, Your Eminence. The big prob- have this AP story from Jerusalem:
lem is the insistence of the Arab potentates to recognize Israel's exist-
from the Bible has been discovered on
A 1,500 }car old q uote
ence. Does the Vatican share that view by failing to refer to Israel as
the sacred Western Wailing Wall of the Great Jewish temple.
A leading Israeli archeologist says it proves Jews lived and
But the audience Abba Eban had with the Pope may have led
worshiped in Jerusalem in A. D. 400.
to better relations. If we only had a transcript of their conversa-
Prof. Benyamin Mazar, heading excavations around the temple
tion! Perhaps Pope Paul DID speak of Israel rather than limit
walls, said the sentence was from Isaiah, Chapter 66, Verse 14:
himself to comments on the Holy Land or Palestine. It is good to
"And when ye see this, your heart shall rejoice, and your bones
have emphasis on Christianity's debt to the Jewish people, but what
shall flourish like an herb."
about the sacred heritage of that people represented in its home-
Prof. Mazar said the inscription was written at the time Jeru-
salem was ruled by Roman Emperor Julian, who permitted the
The historic meeting that brought Eban together with the Pope may
Jews to rebuild part of the temple destroyed by an earlier Roman
have very great significance in view of the deep interest in and dedi-
cated friendship for the Zionist idea among leading Catholics. Most
"The inscription proves we were there at that time, and that
noteworthy of all is the statement that was made last week in Boston,
we longed for Jerusalem even then," Prof. Mazar said.
at a gathering in Temple NIishkan Tefila, by Richard Cardnial Cushing.
In the course of his address Cardinal Cushing, one of the most revered
• hardly necessary to offer arguments in defense of the fact
that Jews never left Israel or Jerusalem, even during the tragic years
Catholic dignitaries, declared:
"I think it is true that many Christians have not even yet come of the rule under the Crusaders. Yet a bit of added proof that Jews
to the comprehension of the way in which Jews in all parts of the lived in Jerusalem 1,500 years ago might help to set some of the
word look upon the State of Israel. It is not just a homeland for the skeptical straight on basic historic facts.
Will it help with the propagandists who have only one objective—
persecuted and the oppressed, it is not just a refuge for a people
the world has abused—it is for the Jews the fulfillment of pro- Israel's destruction? It may not for a while, but perhaps even the ex-
phecy, the return to the Promised Land, the realization of the tremists will come to their senses. After all, peace will be for the
di v i ne
of generations of the
h • benefit as well as Israel's.
co% the answer to the prayers
o ther- A ra s e
Chosen People. When it is seen in this light, so muc
wise hidden becomes clear, so much that is incomprehensible Newspaper Week .. Tracing Source of All Actions
becomes full of meaning. Of course, only a portion of the Jews of
"Your Newspaper Takes You Where The Action Is" is the telling
the world will ever settle in Israel, but some part of every Jew
belongs there; some portion of his heart, if we may say it, watches and realistic slogan adopted for this year's Newspaper Week which
this week-end.
and waits upon its fortunes.
President Nixon evaluated the annual observance well in this
"Christians in our country, and Christians everywhere, must
learn of the relationship of these people with their land. They must statement he issued this week:
National Newspaper Week, Oct. 5-11, provides a welcome oc-
come to see it not just in terms of politics and foreign policy, not
casion for all of our citizens 'to think about our newspapers and
just in terms of geography and development, not just in terms of
traditions in which they work. I am pleased to have this oppor-
humanity and humanitarianism—they must see it in terms of the
tunity to add my own words of greeting.
covenant, the prophets, and the total history of the Jewish people.
A free and unmanaged press is one of the great products of
This is why we cannot put off efforts for progress in understanding
our system of government and one of its most important guarantors.
—because we need them now; we cannot wait upon a better day in
of the wo-Id does not know this freedom, nor has it always
some future we cannot foresee—because there is work to be done
been present in America. In 1690, one of the first American news-
Publick Occurences Both Forreign and Domestick, was sup-
"Israel is a part of world history, it is a state that here and
pressed after one issue. Only 14 years later did another newspaper
now exists; we must insure its permanent place among the family
appear in the colonies.
of nations. To do this—to insist upon this— is not to deny the legiti-
Over the years bold and brilliant men and women won for the
mate rights of any other people; it is not to take sides, it is merely
American press the freedom it enjoys today, both to report and to
elementary justice. No human situation is so complex that solutions
interpret the events of our time. Now, with the whole field of com-
are impossible, no quarrel among states is so permanent that
munications revolutionized beyond man's farthest dreams, it is
efforts toward its settlement are too much for human endeavor. We
incumbent upon all of us—journalists and readers alike—to see that
must believe this, and our actions must reflect our beliefs. Chris-
this freedom is maintained and used in a way that is both creative
tians and Jews together, Arabs and Jews together, can build a
and responsible. Today's newspapers are heirs to a great tradition
future on this earth which will stand against the ages, but we can
—one which must be honored and extended.
never do it apart. The three great religious traditions have so much
National Newspaper Week need not and must not be limited to
to contribute, in this as in so many other ways, if we will only
direct them toward that peace in which they can flourish and the daily press. For the Jewish communities there are the important
weekly newspapers—forming collectively the English-Jewish Press—
enrich the world... ."
These may well be messianic times. In spite of the horrors that that are the backbone of communal living, the source of all Jewish
are being perpetrated, contrary to the confusions created by those who news, the instruments that bind our people together with the daily
lack vision in the Middle East, we live in an era in which there are newspapers during the observance of Newspaper Week.

people with understanding and with compassion. Cardinal Cushing has
the reputation for compassion. He demonstrates it frequently. He has Concern for Family Aspect in City of Hope Program
done it again. He links himself this time with the hasidei umot ha-olam
Several instances of Detroit families whose members were afflicted
—the saintly among the nations of the blessed. Blessed be these saintly! with the dreaded leukemia disease having been given comfort and deep
concern are on the record of the activities of the City of Hope in



Jerusalem and the Arab Propagandists

Caspar W. Weinberger, promi-
nent California Republican, has
been named by President Nixon
to be chairman of the Federal
Trade Commission. Weinberger,
leaving his position as Califor-
nia's director of finance, pledges
"aggressive enforcement of all
the laws" to protect American

Klutznick Chairs
Education Parley



Philip Klutznick
of Chicago, distinguished Jewish
leader and former member of the
United States delegation to the
United Nations, has been named
chairman of the 1970 national eel-
ference on Jewish education, ft
was announced by Isadore Bres-
lau, president of the American
Association for Jewish Education.
The conference, held once every
five years, is to take place May 11
through May 17 at Grossinger's,
New York, and will bring together
delegated representatives from na-
tional and local Jewish educational
agencies throughout the United
States and Canada.

Basic Books Publishes
Kurt Lewin Biography
The first biography of Kurt
Lewin , the Jewish refugee from

It is hardly to be expected that Arab propagandists will be silent Duarte,
Calif. whose children suffered from the disease were enabled to
G Id a
Hitler Germany who revolutionized
when' Israel's impressive personalities — ,,
idence in Duarte and to be with their children for prolonge
set up residence
social psychology in America, has
Meir, Abba Eban, Moshe
P eriods of time.
platforms and plead the cause of a people that was homeless a mere !
This is a type of service that is not generally available at hospitals. just beenpublished by Basle
not to have its national life snuffed out again.
keep the family together, to assure encouragement for patients, to
Entitled "The Practical Theor-
So—they speak and they propagate and
enable relatives to retain a family unity.
ist," the book is by Dr. Alfred J.
leading newspapers.
himself a distinguished
Thus, during the visit of Golds Meir in New York there was a full I type of normal living available, occupational therapy has been intro- behavioral scientist and a leader
page ad in the New York Times, signed by the Arab Information duced and children at the hospital that has become famous for its of the American Jewish Congress.
Center, proclaiming that "Phantoms Will Not Bring Peace."
research work had added to the good feelings, to the bridge that has
In a dazzling career that was
One is immediately impelled to substitute Russian Mirages for been created to assure a path of normality while efforts are being cut short by his death in 1947
Phantoms and ask whether the many billions in armaments poured into I made to cure and to make life more pleasant.
the age of 56, Lewin invented sen-
Arab countries have brought peace.
There are many such factors that have made City of Hope an insti- sitivity training, founded group
It is questionable whether this argument will bear fruit. The Arab tuition that has enrolled the devotion and dedicated labors of thousands dynamics, originated the idea Of
to cleverness.
It Einstein:
appended "Peace
to the can-
head- ' throughout the land. The Detroit Businessmen's City of Hope Group has
Phantoms this
from Albert
level-of-aspiration and—amid other
become especially noted for its loyalty to an ideal, and the annual achievements--pioneered in using
not be achived by force. It can only be achieved by understanding." , function, like the one to take place here on Oct. 19, is evidence of a the insights of psychology to probe
Exactly! countrywide devotion to a cause involving research, warmhearted care th
ofopzejudice and combat
for patients, a desire to retain family unity while sufferers receive
And when the Arab advertisement continues to state that the Arab st ecialized care. Those who are engaged in the City of Hope project
A fervent Zionist, Lewin looked
states want peace with a just settlement," the question pops up at once: here
l have cause to en j o y genuine satisfaction in an undertaking highly
forward to settling in Palestine
"Why don't you sit down and reach the desired agreement through deserving of support.
teaching at the Hebrew
err an
University, where he planned to
But if they sit down with Israel they recognize Israel, and since Berger and Menuhin ... the Never Say Die Anti Israelis
they refuse to do that they disrobe, show their true colors and indicate
establish an International Jewish
why understanding is so difficult to arrive at. By understanding one teacher never give up. Regardless of developing situations they hate
Research Foundation to under-
must assume mutual respect between parties involved. Such respect is Israel and Zionism, they are the pals of Israel's enemies and are
take a systematic research pro-
gram in Palestine aimed at the
denied to Israel by failure to acknowledge the state's existence.
Basic to the problem is the status of Jerusalem. A so-called Jerusa- There is an interesting report that Rabbi Berger (formerly of Pon-
rehabilitation of Nazi concentra.
lem Committee, in London, inserted a full page ad in the London tiac and Flint), having left the post of executive vice president of the
tion camp survivors.
Times about strife in Jerusalem, about shrines no longer protected, American Council for Judaism, (anti-Israel, anti-Zionist), when his
It was under Lewin's direction
associates in the movement adopted somewhat of a sympathetic atti-
wonders how many people fall for such nonsense, when it Is so tude toward Israel, is now planning a new organization to be known as that the American Jewish Con-
well known that only now, under an Israel administration, all of the Jewish Alternatives to Zionism, Inc., and his associates are said to gress launched the first scientific
religious denominations in Israel have full protection. Until June of include Moshe Menuhin and others of their thinking. Moshe apparently studies of anti-Semitic
his task as not
1967, Jews could not come to the Western Wall or to any of the many does not have the support of his son Yehudi. It is doubtful whether But Lewin saw
studying racial and religions
synagogues that existed in the Holy City. Most of the synagogues were either Elmer or Moshe will draw much encouragement for their new only studying
prejudice but also doing something
about iL
Haven't they caused enough trouble already?



2 Friday, October



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