36—Friday, October 3, 1969 Jews. ACLU Say N.J. Schools Evaded Prayer Ban Ruling THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS NEWARK. N.J. (JTA)—A Jew- tation" period in which the 6,500 whose religious backgrounds for- ish group here and the New Jersey students were given time to pray bids them to participate in the kind of religious ceremony spon- Salem, Dearborn Heights. chapter of the American Civil Lib- silently if they chose. •8614 According to state ACLU di- sored by the Netcong schools are Each scholarship entitles the erties Union have expressed con- placed in a cruel and intolerable recipient to full tuition for the cern over what they consider to be rector Stephen M. Nagler, the school year, plus $200 for miscel- the evasion by two New Jersey use of the nondenominational dilemma. They must either parti- cipate in religious ceremonies of prayer culled from the Congres- laneous expenses. There are no townships of the U.S. Supreme sional Record was "simply a a plainly Christian, sectarian char- financial or length of service re- Court's 1962 decision barring pray- acter or subject themselves to be- dodge" that violated the doctrine quirements for the scholarships. ers in public schools. ing singled out as different and The ACLU said it was preparing of separation of church and unwilling to conform to the plain- a suit against the Netcong, N.J. state. Counselors-in-Training school board. Recently a non-de- The New Jersey Ad Hoc Com- ly expressed desires of the school nominational prayer was recited to mittee on Church and State, which authorities. Intited to 'Workshop Rabbi Dresner said further 300 students assembled in the represents 16 Jewish organiza- Teens in grades 10-12 with a de- Netcong high school gymnasium that "the fact that the prayer tions, secular and religious groups, , sire to work at camp are invited before classes started. reading is advertised as 'volun- condemned the use of non-denom- to join Counselors - in - Training tary' makes the dilemma for the Similarly in Sayreville, N.J., inational prayers and meditation Workshop, a series of 10 two-hour classes started in all eight public Jewish child worse rather than periods because they "place great sessions meeting on alternate schools with a two-minute "medi- better. It leaves him with full pressures on those students whose Thursdays starting Nov. 6. responsibility for the decision as conscience or religion does not Drama, crafts, games, songs, to whether to violate his con- permit them to participate in a gym and swim. , basic first aid.- science and expose himself to religious service not of their own nature lore, program design and the penalties of non-conformity. faith." group dynamics will be included No child of any faith should be in the workshop. Each session is I John Kaufman, chairman, and placed in that position." Meyer Fine, secretary of the Ad headed by a resource person. Netcong is a predominently Ro- Hoc Committee, claimed in a man Catholic and Italian commu- The program will provide a test- statement issued here that the By HERBERT G. LUFT ing ground for abilites in camp nity of 3,500 whose residents ap- (Copyright, 1969, JTA, Inc.) "voluntary" aspect of the religious i work. parently supported the school The training workshop also is ' Sophia Loren was on the set of exercises in Netcong did not alle- board's decision. viate the pressure because "it is open to those who already have the Joseph E. Levine' picture camp experience. A wider variety "Sunflower," produced by Carlo clear that the school is sponsoring and encouraging a form of worship of assignments requiring greater Ponti and Arthur Cohn. Otte ~ inat atop ualituatia She gave her impression of Is- and those who do not participate skills will be included. Registeration in the group serv- rael where she made a movie will be under great pressure to do so." ices office of the Jewish Center is "Judith," just five years ago. , "Israel derives much of its necessary by Oct. 31. The statement said, "We do strength from the soil of the Holy not recognize a neutral religious Land; her people have an earthy, service. The variety of religions Israeli Gets Vienna Lead healthy quality—a will power and has enriched American life and VIENNA (JTA)—The municipal- ' ingenuity that makes the dry, and the imposition of, or encourage. ly-owned Theater an der Wein has barren desert bloom again after ment for, .a neutral religious signed the Israeli actor, Yossi S I-1 (1 E ti 2,000 years of erosion," said the exercise is similar to the form of Yadin, to play the principal role famed Italian star who speaks state worship from which the in a new musical based on the English with the poise and per- Pilgrims fled and whose experi- novel "The Postmaster" by Alex- real queen. "I do love ence led to the prohibition of ander Pushkin. Yadin has pre- fection of a establishment of religion by the SHOES FOR viously appeared in Vienna as the the Israelis very much!" " 'Sunflower' shows the effect of state in the First Amendment." milkman Tevya in "Fiddler on THE FAMILY the Roof." He has been signed for war on the lives of little people," The Netcong school superintend- 15224 W. 7 MILE ROAD the title role in the musical says Miss Loren. Its theme em- ent, Joseph M. Stracco, said that it Blks. E. of Greenfield braces all the profound drama in was not the intention of the school "Zorba." a double odyssey in which a wife board to violate the Constitution or PHONE: 342-8559 searches for her husband lost at defy the Supreme Court. He said Hours: 10 to 6 the battlefield of Russia and the the prayer service before the spouse in return vainly tries to school day was intended to encour- 110 II 1 .1 find his woman until it comes to age "the love of one's neighbor, i's*" Sept. 25—To Mr. and Mrs. Den the tragic encounter that enfolded brotherhood and respect for the in- nis Green (Anita Sheppard), 29315 before the cameras just during our .dividual." brief visit to the set. It is a story Rambling Rd., Southfield, a son, Rabbi Israel Dresner, of Spring- of heartbreak, hope, and despair Todd Alan. field, N.J., president of the New • • * of two Neapolitan newlyweds (So- •;) Jersey Region of the AJ Congress, Sept. 25—To Mr. and Mrs. Paul phia Loren and Marcello Mastro- claimed that the prayer which con- ianni) who are torn apart when Shwedel (Adrienne Baron), 20821 ' eluded with the words, "In the Kenosha, Oak Park, a daughter, the husband is sent to the Russian Redeemer's name we pray" was front in World War II, Alysa Robin. - unacceptable to those not of the * * * I The film reveals that the Nazis. Christian faith." rather than treating the Italians Sept. 24—To Mr. and Mrs. Arn- Rabbi Dresner said in a tele- old M. Fink (Barbara Stern), as allies on the battlefields, actu- gram to Palmer NI Stracco, presi- ally turned on them with a ferocity 15643 Jeanette, Southfield, a son, , dent of the Netcong school board which is hard to fathom. Resentful Robert Aaron. - of the fact that Italy was giving that "Jewish children and others * * V* Expectation way to the advancing Allied forces. Shop inc. Sept. 20 — To Mr. and Mrs. A. the German army withheld food, Stuart .Schwartz (Sandra Gold- ammunition and clothing from their 141 West Maple Rd. berg), 19884 Cranbrook. a son. Da- comrades in arms during the ter- Birmingham Midwest 6 - 1440 vid Adam. Photographers rible winter campaign, abandoning * * * Dony10.5a0 them when injured or in need of Thu re., Fr i. Sept. 18—To Dr. and Mrs. Ber- help. Mastroianni portrays one of UN 4.8785 nard L. Toft ( Marlene Soverinsky), the Italian soldiers, an unwilling 22700 Shevington, Southfield, a patriot, who is left to die by the daughter, Alyssa Joyce. scornful Nazis. * * * The Russian press labeled "Sun- Sept. 16—To Mr. and Mrs. Her- flower" a "great anti-war story" bert Freedland (Rona Lawson), and called Sophia Loren an 17600 Adrian. Southfield, a son, "ambassador of world understand- Stuart Jeffrey. ing" when she went with the pro- * * * duction company to the Soviet Sept. 12—To Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Union this summer for exteriors Edelstein (Barbara Boxman of De- in Moscow, and in Poltova within troit) of Honolulu., a son, David the agricultural center of the Adam. Ukraine. * : Sept. 7—To Mr: and Mrs. Rich- "When I was young I had an ard Walker (Carole Ross), 14761 elderly friend who used often to Talbot, Oak Park, a daughter, Mi- ask me to stay with him in the chelle Rae. country. Be was a religious man • • * and he read prayers to the assem- Aug. 31 — To Mr. and Mrs. Lee bled household every morning. But Matt rsittlutt.to Lasser (Edene Ogoroskin), 5508 he had crossed out in pencil all Tamerlane, Birmingham, a daugh- the passages in the Book of Com- (DecO/Uciivt.../1-CattiOkie4 ter, Allison Renee. mon Prayer that praised God. He * • * said that there was nothing so vul- 1800 S. Woodward, Birmingham f•p•••• 0;11G•ri:Cialts Aug. 19—To Mr. and Mrs. Law- gar as to praise people to their 1. Wks. north of If Mi.. West side-corner of Smith ) rence K. Snider (Maxine Bobman faces and, hi self a gentleman, he .ta•i • 447-6233 of Philadelphia). 1312 Lafayette could not bell ve that God was so For your convenience ... we hare hot coffee 7 dap a D.ne , t C , vb week, Is to p p.m., Sundays from 12 to 6 p.m. Loy Awoy Towers E., a daughter, Stephanie ungentlemanly as to like it."—W. Brooke. Somerset Maugham. Central Overall Awards Scholarships to 6 Students Central Overall Supply Co. hon- ored the first six Schaver Scholar- ship holders and their parents at a dinner Wednesday at the Engi- neering Society of Detroit. The scholarships at Wayne State University are the first to be grant- ed to children of employes of Cen- tral Overall through the Morris and Emma Schaver Foundation. Mr. Sehaver was the late president of the company. The scholarship holders are: Mary Whitaker, 4486 Sheridan: Patricia Davis, 6396 Canfield: Sharon Leonard, 14753 • Novara: Anita Cohen, 23011 Radelift. Oak Park: Rebecca Groff, 507 Vester, Ferndale: and Paul Maceri Jr., OP Symphony to Open Season Under Rosen ▪ The Oak Park Symphony, under the direction of Jerome Rosen, will open its fifth concert season 8:30 p.m., Oct. 14 at the Oak Park High School Auditorium. The program will include per- formances of the Rosamunde Over- ture by Schubert. Symphonie Con- certante by Mozart, and Braham's Symphony No. 1. Rosen will be featured on violin in the Symphonic Concertante. In addition to directing the Oak Park Symphony, he is associate con- certmaster of the Detroit Sym, phony. Philip Porbe• also of the Detroit Symphony, will be featured on viola in the Symphonic Concer- tante. The symphony will present three more concerts. Nov. 30, Feb. 15 and April 7. Season tickets may be obtained at the Oak Park Com- munity Center, Oak Park Library and Mumford Music. Birth An Sept. 28—To Mr. and Mrs. Ger- ald Cook (Barbara Pollak). 28150 Sutherland, Southfield, a daugh- ter, Cheryl Rebecca. • * * Sept. 27—To Dr. and Mrs. Ken- neth L. Shmarak (Suzanne Plot- kin) 25603 Briar, Oak Park. a son, Michael Kevin. Recommended by Physicians RABBI Leo Goldman Expert Mohel Serving Hospitals and Homes LI 2-4444 LI 1-9769 S ophiaLoren' sNew lim Emphasizes Anti-War Theme PERSONALIZED FITTING f LEIB SHOES cements 1 sulfa ;wine 4 FOR CHILDREN RABBI SHAIALL ZACHARIASH MOHEL 341-1595 REV. GOLDMAN L MARSHALL MOHEL RABBI JOSHUA SPIRO Experienced Mohcl 544-2864 of Incomparable Elegance ° 353-5444 Serving in Hospitals & Accessories Homes aSim tW ereiallialallieRMillittaliftillangfageteK2GaiMQ6.=3Nesr GROSS REALTY CO. "Smartest Move You'll Ever Make" 17350 LIVERNOIS DI 2-1300