THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, September 19, 1969-7 Boris Smolar's 0 'Between You ... and Me' (Copyright 1969; JTA Inc.) AS INSIDE ISRAEL : Israel is naturally very much alert to border provocations. Israeli armed forces keep a watchful eye on the enemy at the Suez Canal, on the Jordanian frontier and on the Syrian border. But even greater alertness is now required against enemy agents inside the country. E A L T O R S . . . Israel faces now a situation in Which the Arab pOpulation in the • country—especially in the territories acquired after the Six-Day War— is openly hostile. Not only are there Arab terrorists penetrating into ' - Israel from the neighboring enemy lands, there are terrorists on the inside. This is true not only with regard to the Arab population in the Gaza area, where acts of sabotage take place almost daily, but also in • other areas, including the Old City of Jerusalem. You travel on the roads in Israel and you come across police road- blocks on every- road, whether one that leads from an Arab-populated - section or one that lies between Jerusalem and Tel Aviv, between Tel Aviv and Haifa, between Haifa and any Israeli settlement in the Galilee. Policemen in groups stand at these highway posts and check any car or truck that provokes suspicion. They check drivers' licenses, examine bundles. ask questions and sometimes detain suspicious look- ing Arabs for examination even when they ride on donkeys or are on - foot. We believe the dedicated profes- sional, modern day Real Estate person is consumed with a desire to serve his fellow man and is guided in all things by the golden rule. So strongly does -he under- stand his responsibilities. He may work. untiringly for weeks, sus- tained not by money alone, but by the knowledge of a service well done. He loves his work -- He loves his fellow man more. Caution against the inside enemy — the Arab saboteur and the member of a terrorist gang—is high on Israel's priority list. You can fight the Arab terrorist groups when they are concentrated in Jordan or Syria or Lebanon and shell Israeli settlements across the border. - You can bomb them out of their positions or even attack them in hand- to-hand clashes. Not so simple is, however, the fight with the individual terrorist inside Israel. You have to discover him first. Individual Arab terrorists in Israel usually work either singly or in groups of two. What helps them to penetrate into Jewish crowds is the fact that a large part of the Jewish population in Israel is composed of immigrants from Moslem countries who look like Arabs and speak Hebrew with the same accent as native Arabs do. In a crowd you can hardly distinguish between an Arab who speaks Hebrew and a young Jewish immigrant from any of the North African countries. Therein - lid the difficulty in keeping. aneye on Israel's most dangerous enemy inside the country, even though every Jews in Israel is on the alert. 1 4- * B. F. "Bud" Chamberlain * THE ENEMY WITHIN: Alert against Arab terrorist activities in- side Israel are not only the police and military, but also taxi drivers, doormen in theaters and moving picture houses, -salesmen and sales- girls in stores, and even children in schools. A Tel Aviv mother tells me proudly that her nine-year-old son is a "captain" of a team of children who watch out against possible Arab terrorist acts in his school. What is his function? He and the team of pupils whom he heads are to report to school every morning 15 minutes ahead of the other pupils. They are then to make their round on the premises of the school to see whether anything that looks suspicious has been placed on the school grounds overnight. Suspicious material can be a simple paper-bag that the team had not noticed yesterday when inspecting the school premises. It can be a tin can. It can be a pencil that may be filled with explosives instead of lead. It can even be a small coin. The Arab saboteurs have been trained in the technique of sabotage even to a point of placing explosives inside split coins. When somthing "new and suspicious" is found by the team on the school grounds, the children are instructed not to touch it but to report it to one of the school teachers who is trained to dismantle explosives. If the teacher finds the object really suspicious. he calls the police who immediately send demolition experts to the school to handle the matter. * OPEN .SUNDAY 2-5 SOUTHFIELD 27234 Nantucket In beautiful Beacon Square is this sharp three•bedroom brick colo- nial. Multiple baths. Huge 25-foot family room with natural fireplace. 19-foot built-in kitchen. Basement.. Attached 2-car garage. 100-foot lot. Betty Grigg,' Saleslady, $41- ,900. EL 3-9000 OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 In Jerusalem. as well as in any other city in Israel, women enter- ing moving picture houses are ordered at the door to open their bags for inspection. Why? Why should Jewish women be subjected to sus- picion? The answer given to me was simple. You cannot tell the differ- ence between an Arab woman• and a darkish Jewish woman who immi- grated from North Africa, all women—including European-horn women —are told to open their handbags. Sometimes a simple lip-stick can be, filled with explosives. ON . THE ALERT: Taxi drivers in Israel are especially on the look- OAK PARK 10 Mile-Coolidge area. Custom- built 3-bedroom contemporary ranch. 20-ft. familj, room, modern kitchen with stainless steel stove, oven, dishwasher, freezer-refrig- erator, full oath plus 2 half baths, lovely carpeting, drapes. Immediate occ panty. Priced at $30,500 for qui k sale. LI 8-1500 SOUTHFIELD' 30036 Spring River Don't miss this 1965 brick and aluminum colonial in Cranbrook Village. Four spacious bedrooms, 21/2 baths. Formal dining room. Large family room with natural fireplace. First, floor laundry, built- in kitchen. Basement. Attached 2- car garage. $47,900. Marc Chalut, Salesman, EL 3-9000 out for Arab terrorists. They have been front line fighters in Israel's war and can still be called up at a moment's notice: They are well CONTEMPORARY BRICK RANCH trained militarily and have a sense of "smelling out" suspicious, char-' Ideal family home with circular acters. They drive in their cabs not only in. cities but also 'From one drive, central air conditioning and • city to another, and you can find them on all roads throughout the beamed ceilings. First floor utility country. Their trained eyes can usually detect suspicious elements room, large basement, 3 large. bedrooms and 2 full baths. Spa-' whether on public places or on the roads. cious 2.cor attached garage. Lo- Civilian car owners are similarly keeping an eye on suspicious cars. When they notice that a car is not properly parked, 'they imme- diately telephone the police.. A •car that is not properly parked can lead to Arab terrorists who don't know the parking regulations and who might have come to the city carrying explosives. All in all, one gains the impression now in Israel that the entire Jewish population is on the lookout against • the internal enemy—the Arab saboteur and terrorist. This may indicate a feeling of nervousness to a certain extent, but it is not. It expresses the determination of the nation as a whole to defeat the Arab terrorists inside the country just • as the Arab armies are kept in check outside the country. • Arabs in Israel—and there is no use of closing eyes to their growing hostility—sense the suspicion which they arouse. That is why so few of them are now seen in the Jewish section of Jerusalem: None of them are seen any more in Tel Aviv in their long robes admiring the lobbies of the - big ;hotels and the front windows of stores. They used to flock to the Jewish part of Jerusalem in the early weeks after the city was reunited. They discovered a new world there. Now they are either being terrorized by their own gangs and do not fraternize with Jew's, or they are simply afraid to visit Jewish localities to avoid suspicion: cated on professionally-maintained 300-ft. lot. Very close to transpor- tation. If quality is a mustoriyou call Albert Cohen 398-42 7 and a see this Southfield home priced at $52,900. LI 8-1500 BEAUTIFUL HOME OAK PARK picturesque setting. Count the trees. 2 large bedrooms, love- ly living room, manteled fireplace, country kitchen, and attached ga- rage. Asking $31,900. LI 8-1500 4-bedroom brick colonial in very choice Palmer Woods Manor area. This home hos everything includ- ing central iliir'..conditioning, four bedrooms plus d beautiful large Paneled fart- lily room, 2 complete bathrooms lus attractive powder room on firs floor, w/w carpeting and drapes throughout. Kitchen with all b ilt-ins, double oven, dishwasher, lus large eating area. Attached 2 '2-car garage. Quick occupancy. sking priCe $49,500. Must be se n—coll for appoint- ment. LI 8-1500 in o • FAST OCCUPANCY for this 3-bedroom brick conch with 2-car garage located 1 /z block from _elementary school and 11/2 blocks from bus line. Stove and refrigerator included in selling price of $25,500. LI 8-1500 OPEN This brick ranch is simply emacu- late. Three Idrge bedrooms, 11/2 baths. 24-foot living and dining room. 19-foot built-in kitchen. Fireplace, basement, 70x120 nice- ly landscaped lot. Attached -go- ' rage. Imediate occupancy. $36,- 500. Doris Hill, Saleslady. EL 3-9000 OAK K PARK 3 bedrooms plus * family room, beautifully fi ished rec. room and a 2-cor gar , ge. Also .included in this really neat, sharp - house is a stove, refrigerator and 2 air con- ditioners. 0 , ners must sell. Priced at only 526,500. LI 8-1500 • OP DAY 2-5 a SOUTHFIELD 30260 Rock Creek—A large brick four-bedroom colonial with 21/2 tiled bothrotms:, Lovely family room with n turdl fireplace. For - mat dining room. Built-in kitchen. Carpet and 'rapes. Large nicely landscaped I t. Bosmeent. Attach- ed two-car arage. $42,900. EL 3-9000 • OPEN sluoN,DAY DON'T HESITATE or this gorgeous 1967-built brick colonial will be sold. Four very large bedrooms, 21/i baths. 27-, foot family room. Central air con- . ditioning. Large family kitchen. Basement. 57x117 landscaped lot. Attached 2t , -car garage-. Asking $39,900. EL 3-9000 OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 SOUTHFIELD 29459 McDonnell - Ct. 3-9000 PARK 4-bedroom brick colonial, 2 Vz baths, country kitchen, attached garage, close to schools and syna- gogues. Pick up a good assumable mortgage or any offer considered. Only $35,500. LI 8-1500 OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 This 1965-built Dutch colonial is n on excellent area. Three good- ize bedrooms. 1 %z baths. Family r oom with fireplace. 75x140 lot. Attached 2-car garage. • $39,900. s hirley Hellman, Saleslady. EL SUNDAY 2-5 SOUTHFIELD 79741 Silver Spring - This executne colonial is simply magnificent Four very large bed- rooms. 21 2 baths. Huge modern kitchen. Pan4led basement, 80x 140' landscaped lot, has under- ground sprink er system. Attached garage.,Load d with extras. Just • reduced to $ 7,900. EL 3-9000. NO SEE THIS! SOUTHFIELD 28930 AN CARLOS A newly listed 1963 Brick Colti- nial in Greentrees 'Four large bedrooms. 2' 2 baths. Gorgeous family room with fire- place. Large kitchen with built- $46,900. EL 3-9000. ' 26840 Southfield Road Lathrup Village EL. 3-9000 2 5 28620 BROOKS LANE TWYCKINGHAM VALLEY Professionally- ecorated Ook Pork brick ranch i excellent neighbor. hood. Desirobl home with features designed lor omfort and conven- icrice. Three edroms or 2 plus den with bat -anda-holf on first floor. $31,900 Please call for ap- pointment to see this attractise place. LI 8-15 0 24621 Coolidge wy. Oak Park LI. 8-1500