Human Rights Chief Warns Employers . on Job Discrimination Marx 's, ult .., Opinions on Jews Reveided in Shloin° Avineri's Book NEW YORK I JTA h e Chairman of the- City Commission- On Human Rights warned em- ployers that they were violating the city law against dis•riinina- Hon if they denied jobs to Ortho- dox Jews and members of other faiths because of their religious practices er at the Hebrew University in douin tribe" and in reference to Jerusalem, an eminent translator Hebrew scriptures as related to of the writings of Karl Marx into Mohammedanism stated: Hebrew and an outstanding auth- "That the so-called :Holy Scrip- ority on Marxian philosophy, pro- ture is nothing more than a record vides important material on the of old-Arabic religious and tribal Marxian theories and the relation- tradition, modified by the early ship of Marx with other Socialists separation of the Jews from their of his time in "Karl Marx on Col- tribally-related but nomadic neigh- onialism and Modernization" pub- bors—this is now perfectly clear lished by - Doubleday. , to me. The circumstance that In these collected works, Avineri Palestine is surrounded on the utilizes the dispatches of Marx on Arabian side by nothing but de- Cuba, the Middle East, China and serts, Bedouin land, explains the many related matters when the separate development . - ." Socialist exponent' was foreign 1 One wonders. what the reactions correspondent for the New York of the Socialist pioneers would be today. But their misconceptions Daily Tribune. These dispatches emerge in become quite clear in a volume as major significance at this time, in significant as Shlomo Avineri's. view of the various involvements • • After the war, 5,500 Egyptian of the countries and issues upon - i prisoners of war, officers and en- which Marx wrote. , listed men—including four generals Among the references that —were exchanged for nine Israelis. were made to Jews, Moslems Christians, Marx commented on the miseries that were suffered Who's Christopher • Columbus? by Jews in Palestine more than a century ago. "The Jews," he Just an also-ran, according to Photographers wrote in 1853, "are not natives, Rabbi Jacob Friend, an Atlanta but from different and distant scientist as well as rabbi. He For Restoration countries, and are only attract- claimed in 1966 that the sailors of UN 4.8785 ed to Jerusalem by the desire of Kings Solomon and Hiram dis- inhabiting the Valley of Jehos- covered America about 3,000 years ago. haphat; and to die on the very Since that time, Brandeis archae- place where the redemption is to be expected. 'Attending their ologist Dr. Cyrus H. Gordon lids death,' says a French writer, cited evidence of what he believes 'they suffer and pray. Their re- is proof that Phoenician seafarers gards turned to that mountain discovered the New World 2,000 of Moriah where once rose the years before Columbus. Dr. Gordon bases his claim on a temple of Lebanon, and which they dare not approach, they new analysis of a long-suspect in- shed tears on the misfoitunes of scription found on a crude stone Zion, and their dispersion over tablet in Parahyba, Brazil, in 1872. For nearly a century, scholars the world.' " have puzzled over the words: ".We Simeon Claiar said his el/111111k- Sion is currently. investigating com- plaints by Orthodox Jews against several large firms. The State Ho- man Rights Commission is also studying the job status of Sabbath observers. Golar said Seventh Day Adven- tists and members of several other faiths were also affected by job discrimination on religious grounds. But the problem was greatest among Orthodox Jews be- cause of the High Holy Days and the changeover next month from Daylight Savings to Standard Time. Golar said that Hasidic. Jews in particular complained of job dis- crimination because of their beards and form of garb. He said the guidelines on re- Lgious discrimination adopted by the Federal Equal Employ- ment Opportunity Commission two years ago correspond to the spirit and letter of the city's law against discrimination on religious grounds. The guidelines oblige an employ- er "to make reasonable accommo- dations to the religious needs- of employees and prospective . em- ployes where such accommoda- tion can be made without undue hardship on the conduct of the employer's business." The burden of proving "undue hardship" rests with the employer. Hearst Jr.'s Support of Israel Published in Pamphlet Form ALBANY, . N.Y. (JTA) — A dozen articles on the Mid East crisis written for the Hearst chain of newspapers between May 1967 and April 1969 by William Ran: dolph Hearst, Jr., have been pub- lished in pamphlet form under the title "The Case for Israel." The pamphlet, with a foreword by Israel's Foreign Minister Abba Eban, is being distributed to churches, schools and news media in an effort to counteract Arab propaganda. The Jewish Community Coun- cil of Albany disclosed that the' late Gene Robb of Capital Newspapers, publisher here of Shlomo Avineri, a senior lectur- are nothing more than a small Be- tion of Saul's body. Friday, September 19, 1969-19 Best Wishes To All For A Happy. New Year MILT LEVIN is now on the sales staff of Packer Pontiac, America's largest Pontiac dealer. He's - waiting to give his customers a great deal on a new '69 or '70 Pontiac, Tempest or Firebird. See or call him today. guizi 3.atpuz PACKER PONTIAC Livernois one block south of Seven Mile Rd. PHONE • 863-9300 HARRY THOMAS presents the exclusive "ALBITINI" Limiting himself to Jerusalem, Marx had no way of knowing • tra Jews bad never entirely left the Holy Land, that there were natives of Palestine in Jerusalem and in Safed. Pursuing his report in the above quoted statement, he had written: "To make Jews more miserable, England and- Prussia appointed, in 1840, an Anglican bishop at Jeru- salem, whose avowed object was their conversion. He was dreadful- ly thrashed in 1845, and sneered at alike by Jews, Christians and Turks. He may, in fact, be stated 'to have been the first and only cause of a union - between all the religions at Jerusalem. It will now be understood that the common worship of. the Christians at the Holy Places revolves itself into a continuance of desperate Irish rows between the diverse sections Hearst-owned Times-Union Knickerbocker News and Cremation Cremation is forbidden by Ortho- dox rabbis as a means of dispos- ing of the dead. Part of this re- striction is based on the three years of famine during the reign of King David following the crema- THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS The "Chabad" movement is con- sidered to be the intellectual move- rn'•nt in Hasidism. It was founded by the famous Rabbi Schneor Zit] man of Liady, and has a tendency to meditate and engage in contem- plation of Kabbalistic themes. — The word "Chabad" is an abbre- viation, of three words and is com- posed of the first letter of each of them. The three words are Choch- ma (wisdom), Bina (understand- ing) and Da'as (knowledge). The wisdom referred to is a wisdom in its potential stage like the flash of an idea. The understanding refer- red to. is one of deep reflection. The knowledge referred to is that state of mind whereby the idea be- comes a part of the person him- self. The contemporary Lubavitch Hasidim come from this move- ment. Amer ca Discovery • Amer Wasn't Columbus Doing, Experts Say are the Sobs of Canaan from Sidon, the city of the king. Commerce has ''cast us on this distant shore, a land of mountains." It describes the trip of 10 Phoe- nician trading vessels that em- barked from the ancient port of Ezion-geber (near today's Eilat), possibly in the 7th Century BCE. Presumably, they sailed through the Red Sea, rounded the tip of Africa and were caught by a fierce ocean storm. One of the ships must have been swept across the Atlantic to the coast of Brazil,', where the voyagers left their me- - moir, said Dr. Gordon. Dr. Friend offered proof for his . own contention in a passage from the Hebrew work "Nechmad v'Naim" written by David Ben Solomon Gans (1541-1631), an astronomer, geographer and phi- losopher.. Gans wrote that the first -contact between Asia, Europe and Africa with America took place some 3,000 years ago when the navies of Solo- mon and Hiram went through the Atlantic Ocean and the Amazon River which reaches almost to the Pacific Ocean- in Peru {called "Ophir - . . in the Bible"). There. they "fetched untold quantities of gold, silver, ivory, apes and pea- of the faithful;, that, on the other hand, these sacred rows merely conceal a profane battle, not only of nations but of races; and that Union Star, offered shortly be- the protectorate of the H o 1 y fore his death to underwrite the cost of distributing the pamph- Places,- which appears ridicialous to the Occident. but all important let locally. The Hea rst articles generally to the Orientals, is one of the supported Israel's stand in its dis- phases of the Oriental question in- pute with the Arabs, admonished cessantly reproduced, constantly Arab intransigence and refusal to stifled, but never solved." Especially revealing is the ex- cocks." talk peace with Israel and were change of correspondence be- sharply critical of the alleged one- Because of the great distance tWeen Friedrich Engels and Karl and slow speed of sailing ships in sidedness of the United Nations Marx in which Jews and Juda- those days, each round trip took which was characterized as the ism are derided. EngelS wrote three years, wrote Gans. "double-talk debating society." Rabbi Friend said the same facts Some articles were also critical - to Marx from Manchester in 1853 about 'mingling a corrupt were in the book of "Sepher Ha- of alleged American tendencies to nature-cult, with corrupted Juda- brith" written in 1896 by Rabbi appease the Arabs and of the ism and Christianity." - Pinchas Elija of Vilna, Lithuania. Four Power Mid East talks which . In 1851 Engels wrote about Po- Israel opposed. The once nation- wide Hearst chain now publishes land, Christian and Jewish busi- The Bailin Tragedy The German-Jewish industrialist, nine daily newspapers in seven ness deals, and stated: "The Ger- mans in the cities are and remain Albert Bailin, was responsible for cities. German. HoW Russia manages to the American-German shipping the and Chabad Movement russify Germans and Jews — for this every Russian-German of the second generation serves as a glaring example. Even the Jews develop their Slavonic cheek- bones." Engels also wrote in comments on Arabia that "Jews themselves by one of the finest makers in America Successful men are showing their preference for the decisively shaped silhouette of Albitini's 'International Executive' with its slighter longer jacket, bolder lapels, higher armholes, narrower sleeves, deeper side vents, slightly slanted pockets and tie-silk linings. ' agreements of 1912 'which were de- signed to eliminate unnecessary competition among shippers be- tween the United States and Ger- many: German U-boats scuttled the agreement and BallM com- mitted suicide in 1918 following Germany's military defeat. 57th ANNUAL DINNER DANCE OCTOBER 19th TROPHIC DISEASE .... 863-4649 or 894-5133 From 135 HARRY THOMAS 15200 W. 7 MILE ROAD 5 Blocks East of Greenfi t d, Corner Sussex Opqn Daily 9:30 to 6 Sunday 11-4 MICH. BANKARD — DINERS — SECURITY