14—Friday, September 12, 1969 TH """"'""' Detroiters Join With Israeli Minister in Plea for Increased Bond Activities A group of Detroit volunteer workers for Israel Bonds joined last Friday noon, at the offices of the Detroit Israel Bond Organiza- tion. in an appeal that was marked terror. It is filled with murderous by a nationwide telephone confer- assaults of terrorists on border ence linking Israel with the United kibutzim. It is filled with the terror States, in a plea for increased ef- of a bomb exploding in a crowded forts for investments in Israel. bus station. It is filled with the The major appeal, in the tele- terror of Arab leaders who vow to phone conference in which Israel destroy the state of Israel. Bond workers in 69 American cities Israel will survive because there is no alternative. But if participated, was by Israel Finance daily survival is the immediate F inance Minister' - Sharef. necessity, it is still not enough. 1 More than 2,700 Jewish lead. Israel seeks a fuller, more mean- ers in communities from coast ingful existence — a productive to coast joined in the parley in- future as a people, as a nation. augurating the fall phase of the Israel needs the tools of peace as 1969 Israel Bond campaign to much as, perhaps more than, it provide $200,000,000 for econom- requires the means of defense. ic development. And for these tools, they ask our Sharef called for maximum sup- help. Rosh Hasimna Message From ALFRED KLEIN, President Flint Jewish Community Council This Rosh Hashana, which will mark the year 5730, is truly one of ••flays of awe." In the other reaches of the universe, man has set foot on the moon. Here on earth, man- kind continues to struggle for spiritual freedom and physical sur- vival. For the people of Israel. every day and every night is filled with Ellvn 11 -1i/cowl -den 11",-(1 to 1171liain Eliott Sudo-a. We must listen. And our answer —the only answer—must be: "We hear you, Israel!" For myself, the officers and staff of the Flint Jewish Comunity Coun- cil. and for the hundreds of thou- sands of Jews who depend on you, I extend my best wishes for a year of peace and prosperity. Bnai Brith Honors Leaders Bnai Brith Flint Lodge. at a re- cent meeting, presented a 50-year certificate to Max Severin and the Morris Gold Memorial Trophy to Ted Vinacow, president of the Michigan Council of Bnai Brith, for his outstanding service to Bnai MRS. WILLIAM SUDOW Brith. in Flint and statewide. The president's pin was present- F.Ilyn Dinner Winegarden and Eliott Sudow, children of ed to Hy Klein, president of the lodge last year. Mr and Mrs. Jerome Dallas Wine- ❑ arden of Western Hills Dr. and port of Israel's economy which he described as crucial to the coun- try's capacity to withstand the pressures of unrelieved crisis. Samuel Rothberg, national cam- paign chairman of the Israel Bond Organization, and Dr. Joseph J. Schwartz, its vice president, dealt with the campaign program in the conference which originated from the national headquarters of the Israel Bond Organization in New York City. In his address to the conference, Finance Minister Sharef empha- sized his country's determination to defend itself against attack and •to prevent its enemies from bring- ing about "another Hitlerian Holo- caust" directed against the Jews of Israel. Defense needs, Sharef indi- Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Z. Sudow of USY Dinner Prepared Peoria. dB_ were married recently Flint Chapter. United Synagogue at Temple Beth El. Youth, invites 8th-12th graders and The bride wore a gown of Brus- their parents to a membership sels lace with a jeweled neckline dinner 5:30 p.m. Sept. 28 at Cong. and a court train. She wore a juliet Beth Israel. Featured on the pro- cap of matching lace and carried gram will be Larry Stok e and • a bouquet of yellow and white Steven Fuerst of Somervill'W N.J., roses. chairmen are Mrs. Carl Meyers Judith Epstein of Washington, and Mrs. Edward Osher. I) C.. was maid of honor, and bridesmaids were Ellen Sudow of Washington. D.C. Ann Gross. New ton. Mass., Melinda Winegar- den and Mrs. Jerome D. Wine- garden Jr. Robert Waxman of Washington, The engagement of Steven Paul C.. was best man, and ushers ere Jerome D. Winegarden Jr.. Fogel to Riitta Karina Antikinen Robert W. Steiner Jr. of Boston, was announced by Mrs. Antikinen Sit Fuerst of Somerville. N.J., in Helsinki, Finland. Miss Anti- and Andrew Skodol of Glassport• kinen is a student at the Univer- . sity of Helsinki. Her fiance, the Pa. The neN%lyweds left on a honey- son of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Fogel, ' nifmn trip to Europe. On return attends the University of Michigan. Grand Rapids News Notes they will make their home in Phil- adelphia. Life Begins at 40 for Ann Lebster Unit U.S. Nazis Convene National Congress WASHINGTON (JTA)—Assorted home-grown Nazis gathered at Ar- lington, Va. recently for what they Preparations are under way for called the first "North American the 40th annual donor luncheon of Congress of the World Union of Ann Lebster Chapter, Hadassah, National Socialists." According to to be held 12:30 p.m. Nov. 19 at a press release from the group, Cong. Beth Israel. the event was attended by 127 del- Chairmen are Mesdames Jerome egates from 28 states and Cana- Arenson. Marshall H. Cossman and dian provinces. Henry Schafer. In a policy statement, the Nazis This year's program is an orig- pledged the "spiritual and political inal musical, "If It's Wednesday,. unification of North America from It Must Be Hadassah," written by the Arctic to the Rio Grande in a Mrs. Peter Kronick and Mrs. Al- National Socialist New Order to fred Rosenthal. serve as a base for the construc- Tickets are in the hands of Mrs. tion of a greater Aryan community' Sidney Hartman. assisted by Mrs. throughout the world." Arthur Silverman and Mrs. Harry Delegates commemorated the Katz. Working on the doner book 50th anniversary of the founding of are Mesdames Hyman Loikrec, the Nazi Party by Hitler and view- H. H. Kesten, Joseph Megdell, ; ed German Nazi films. They were Asher Marder, Harry Feldman, I addressed by Matt Koehl, "corn- Joseph Weinstein and Morris Gold- : mander" of the "World Union" of enberg. Mrs. Jerome Mills is lunch- Nazis; John Beattie, leader of the eon chairman, and her co-chair- Canadian Nazi Party; and Robert men are Mrs. Ben Epstein and Lloyd, executive officer of the Na- Mrs. David Schafer. Decorations tional Socialist White Peoples will be done by Mrs. Leonard Party. Shulman and Mrs. Harold Plotnik. I thank fate for having made me Publicity and invitations are by Mrs. Samuel Cossman, with the born poor. Poverty taught me the assistance of Mrs. Raymond m.1 true value of the gifts useful to life. I —Anatole France. Engelman. sures on the economy of the country. Yet Israel must con- tinue investing in economic de- velopment, he said, pointing out that 35,000 newcomers will ar- rive this year, and 40,000 to 45,- 000 are expected in 1970. He noted also that Israel has just added another year to the today, and added: "They have shown that they can hold the line, that nothing will weaken their resolve to obtain a real and lasting peace, no matter how long they have to wait." Robert Brody, chairman of the Detroit Israel Bond Organization, presided at the Detroit session of minimum education required, so the telephone conference and par- that all children must now com- ticipants In the Detroit appeal in- plete at least nine years of school- eluded Mrs. Morris Schaver, Louis Levitan and a number of others ing. Rothberg underlined the crucial who volunteered to assist in the nature of the position in which the cash collection effort currently In people of Israel find themselves progress. The Gift of Gifts from the Holy Land exquisite ISRAEL MAIL ORDER CATALOGUE Presenting an impressive variety of Israeli-made merchandise of excellent taste and design at wholesale prices GET YOUR COPY NOW Mail coupon below with one dollar. You will receive this attrac- tive 100 page catalogue by return mail. You may then deduct $1.00 from cost of your first order of $10.00 or more. AMERICAN ISRAEL "DIREX" CO. P.O. Box 1973, Dept. A-6, Wheaton, 1 1 cated, require Israel to spend 1 between $2,800,000 and $3,000,000 per day, producing great pres- Please send me your Israel "Gift of logue. Enclosed is $1.00 Md. 20902 Gifts" mail order cata- NAME - I I ADDRESS CITY ;TATE Zip Code nzniz run sew nra rn5tv .1zrzral 1-1ANANA 5730 Our best wishes for a year of abundance, peace and prosperity Hordes Agency, Inc. INSURANCE Imperial Office Plaza 17220 West 8 Mile Road, Southfield 48075 Mrs. Mr. & I I I I 358-1300 Wordes, Mr. & ?Ms. 8ar1 hordes, Wi//iam A seder and Staff I