Large-Scale Israel Raids Reduce Egyptian Fire Power TEL AVIV (JTA1—Israeli tanks landed in Egypt Tuesday and again Wednesday in large-scale raids. Tuesday's attack was the largest in the Middle East since the June 1967. Six-Day War. (For the first time since the Six-Day War, Egyptian planes raided Israel. But they were repulsed without injury to Is- raelis.) A military spokesman said that assault craft landed the tanks on the Egyptian coast of the Suez op- posite the Sinai Desert and that Israeli forces smashed through a front of 30 miles of Egyptian posi- tions. --, The spokesman said the attack Monday night and that began dozens of Egyptians were killed or wounded as the Israelis moved forward. The military spokesman said that the raid took place at El Hafayer, 24 miles south of Suez. and Ras Zafrana, 54 miles south of the city, which is at the south- ern end of the 100-mile long canal. The Israeli force was reported to have returned to its base with all its equipment intact. Among the reported targets were radar stations used to spot attack- ing Israeli aircraft. The Israeli military spokesman said that one of it planes was downed by Egyp- tian anti-aircraft fire during the raid. (Cairo radio said that there were dogfights along the canal Monday but gave no details.) Israel said the plane was shot down by an American-made Sky- hawk missile. But there was no- indication of how Egypt obtained the missile; it is using Russian- thorities and other Arab states that • aggression cannot fail to evoke appropriate reaction." Premier Golda Meir said that during August Egypt violated the cease fire more than 500 times. These violations, she said, included opening of fire, shelling. sabotage and mining ac- tivities. Mrs. Meir reiterated that "In the absence of peace, we are ready and willing to comply strictly with the cease fire. The only condition is reciprocity. This applies to Egypt as to all neighboring Arab states." She said that "Egypt not only flagrantly violates the cease fire day in and day out, but the Egyptian president has proclaim- ed that he does not recognize the very existence of the cease fire and continuously acts accord- ingly." In the past week. Israeli forces at the canal have lost 13 men killed and 12 wounded. They are bombed daily by Egyptian gun bat- teries. Gen. Haim Bar Lev. commander- in-chief of Israel's armed forces, in a broadcast on the army radio Tuesday night, told his forces — and the nation and Egyptians who were listening — "The attack was aimed at explaining to them (Egypt) and showing them and making them realize that in the war of attrition, they are bound to wear themselves down first." Gen. Bar Lev said, "The Egyp- tian army prov e d its complete helplessness. It simply did not suc- ceed in preventing, disturbing or intervening — not in the air, nor on the ground. or in the sea." supplied ground-to-air missiles. Hundreds of men and vehicles— The pilot of the Israeli plane was tanks and armored infantry- were seen parachuting into the Gulf of ferried across the 20-mile wide gulf Suez. and a military spokesman and sped down the costal road, un- said that while he was officially opposed. They landed at El Hafa- listed as "missing" ships and yer, 24 miles south of the port of planes were searching for him. Suez (at the tip end of the canal) There was no indication of and sped southward to Ras Zafa- American-made F-4 Phantom jet , rana, about 54 miles south of the used in the attack. The first city. before returning to the Israeli- consignment of 50 Phantoms arriv- occupied Sinai Peninsula. ed last week in Israel. Gen. Dayan said in a televised No Egyptian jets or troops at- interview Tuesday night that be tempted to fight off the raid by- doubted Tuesday's operation Israeli armed units, the military- would lead to war, which would spokesman said. One Israeli was require a crossing of the canal. listed as wounded. Eli Landau, military correspond- Columbia Broadcasting System ent for the newspaper Maariv, who correspondent Anthony Hatch said accompanied the task force, said from the attack area that armored the handful of Egyptian defenders units including tanks and sup- were so surprised by the appear- port vehicles landed under pro- ance of the Israelis that they ran tective cover of Israeli planes. when the first shots were fired. Israeli jets returned to Egypt's "All hell was let loose," he wrote. Gulf of Suez Coast Wednesday and "Tanks were firing away at all bombed and strafed Egyptian targets, and the road we followed army vehicles and troops. was lined on both sides with burn- A military spokesman here term- ing vehicles of all descriptions, de- ed the new raid a reply to "further stroyed buildings and shot up po- Egyptian cease-fire violations sitions." along the Suez Canal Wednesday The Egyptians mistook the ad- morning." He did not describe the ' vancing Israeli tank columns for new alleged violations or the size their own. "A good many vehicles of the attacking force. that came our way must actually The jets destroyed Egyptian ve- have mistaken us for somebody hicles near Abu Darag and Ras else and even made way for us. Zafrana Wednesday. edging over to the roadside. They No casualty figures were given made good targets." for either side here Wednesday, He said that the Israelis threw but the first raid, Israel said, left explosives and hand grenades into between 100-150 Egyptians dead sandbagged fortifications as they and a wide swath of destroyed headed southward. At Ras Abu Egyptian military positions, radar Dareg, a main target, the Egyp- sites, missile bases, armored per- tians had placed an antitank gun sonnel carriers, tanks and other on top of a lighthouse that was vehicles. blown u p, Landau reported. He Wednesday's air operation ap- quoted an officer as saying "That parently gave substance to De- was the most stupid positioning of fense Minister Gen. Moshe Da- an antitank gun I have ever seen." yan's warning Tuesday that One injured Israeli soldier was further blows could be expected. removed from the scene by heli- (Lt. Gen. Odd Bull, chief of the copter, and all other personnel and United Nations Truce Supervision equipment returned intact. One jet Organization at the canal, was in , was reported downed by antiair- Cairo Tuesday and was later sched- craft fire. The pilot was still miss- uled to visit observers' positions ing in the Gulf of Suez into which along the waterway. The location he parachuted. of the Israeli raids do not fall (In Egypt, a military spokes- within the competence of the ob- ; man continued to deny the sue- servers, whose duties are confined ! cess of the raid. He said that to the canal, where Israeli and the landing force had been forced Egyptian forces confront each other to retreat with sizeable losses and that the Israeli claims of directly.) Explaining to the nation that success were mere propaganda. Tuesday's operation "was aimed at (An Egyptian official said "I can driving home to the Egyptian au- assure you this is one of their dreams that never took place. Three the spokesman said. Cairo claimed of Israeli premises in Europe. One saboteur was killed in an Israeli jets were shot down, two destruction of the torpedo boat and , encounter with an Israeli patrol Israeli boats were sunk and there its crew. near Al Hamma. Other members were huge losses of Israeli men The torpedo boats destroyed at of the saboteur gang, which had and equipment.) Ras Sadat were similar to those There were a numoer of ex- hit and sunk by Israel naval units crossed the Yamouk River into planations for the attack Tuesday. in the Rumani region east of Port Israel-held territory, returned to In addition to Mrs. Meir's state- Said on the Mediterranean over a Jordan. There were no Israeli casualties in the clash. Another ment that the raiders struck bases year ago. saboteur was killed and an Israeli and concentrations of Egyptian The Popular Front for the Lib- soldier injured early Sept. 4 troops which had served as bases eration of Palestine warned in the Gaza Strip north of Khan for commando units laying mines Tuesday in Amman that It would Yunis when an Israeli patrol en- and launching attacks against Is- escalate its terror campaign countered a gang of saboteurs. raeli positions, military observers against Israel and installations Two Israeli soldiers were killed also saw it as a message to abroad with "more dangerous, Sept. 3 and two injured when an Egypt that it was not ready for a possibly fatal" attacks. Israeli patrol encountered a group major war with Israel. It was gen- It claimed credit for the recent of saboteurs south of the Damiyah erally- agreed that the assault had strategic and tactical significance. hijacking of the TWA airliner to Bridge. One of the saboteurs was (Continued from Page 11) Damascus and Sept. 1 bombings Cairo radio broadcasts moni- tored in Tel Aviv said that Is- raeli aircraft assaulted Egyptian observation posts along the canal and that the Israeli aircraft had been engaged. The raid followed naval military action in the Gulf of Suez on Sun- day. Israel commandos destroyed two Egyptian Russian-made tor- ' pedo boats at their mooring on the Red Sea coast. A military spokesman said that the boats were destroyed at a naval base at Ras Sadat, some 14 miles south of Suez City. He said that they "had been used for acts of sabotage and the mining of the Israeli coastlines." On the way back from the raid. three Israeli commandos were killed when explosives detonated accidentally in their attack craft. ly 10 Friday, September 12, 1969 — THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Here's GREAT News ! Allen's Back! ALLEN CHARNES Yes' Allen Charnes has returned to his old position at Barnett Pontiac. 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