Medics, Dentists Aid Magen David Adorn; ! Israel's Prisoners Are Well Treated Israel Consul Ramati to Sp eak Tuesday LONDON (JTA)—Officials of Physicans and dentists have been movement, Israel's equivalent to enrolled in the Detroit project to the Red Cross. Dr. John J. Mames. chairman assist the Magen David Adorn of the Michigan region of Magen David Adorn, announced that med- ical and dental teams are assisting in organizing the local effort which will be stimulated at a champagne leadership reception at Town and Country Club. 8 p.m. Tuesday. Guest speaker at the meeting will be the new Midwest Israel consul, Shaul Ramati. Appearing here with him will be Roger N. Rosengartem national associate director of American Red Magen David for Israel. Gen. S. L. A. Marshall will greet the gathering. An invitation has been estended Louis and Samuel Hamburger - - - - Advertising Organization Headed by Richard Jacobs Succeeds with 'Jewish Look' by Dr. Mames and by Dr. Morris Starkman, who heads the med- ical-dental council of the Michigan Magen David. to all interested to attend the reception. Functioning committees in behalf of the Michi- gan Magen David Adorn will he named at Tuesday's reception. Dr. and Mrs. Sheldon M. Mintz are in charge of hospitality and planning for the evening. Reservations can be made by calling Dr. Mantes, LI 6-6698. The local chapter of Magen David Adorn will sponsor the Ash- dod Medical First Aid Center in Ashdod, Israel. The center will have an underground clinic with a decontamination room. Dr. Mames announced that a $10,000 gift has been made by Louis and Samuel Hamburger for a room in the Ashdod Center. Birmingham Temple 'Sets Sunday Registration Registration for Birmingham Temple Sunday school and Hebrew school will take place 10 a.m.-noon "It was a different audience in NEW YORK—Glance through a ish - oriented periodical and those days. - says Richard Jacobs. Sunday at Robert Frost Junior you're likely to see a Gillette ad- who wasn't around in "lose days. High School. Oak Park. The Sunday school — nursery vertisement featuring entertainer "Ads used to he tied in with reli- Joey Adams or an ad showing a gion. Today the audi e nce is much through grade 8—is designed to provide a basic education in the man in a delicatessen claiming. more cosmopolitan. - concepts and ceremonies of a hu- "After a corned beef on rye. there's When asked about the future of manistic Judaism. nothing like a Winston! - media appealing only to Jew s. Rabbi \Vine instructs the three- This emotional approach Jacobs stated: year Hebrew school program in has worked successfully for the - Jewish people are assimilated modern Hebrew. which is a re- .itiscph Jacobs Organization. Inc.. but more ethnically oriented than quirement for Bar or Bat Mitzva. a specialized publishers repre- sentative. For over 50 years. the e‘t r This he adds, means mar- All students in grade 5 and above company has been trying to prove keting opportunities for comp:- are eligible to enroll. The confirmation program is de- to .talional advertisers that the nit' s that believe Jews to be above. public will react positively to av?rsge consumers of their mer- signed for the confirmation cere- mony at age 16. and an adult edu- prodect• whose ads have an ethnic chandise. So it's "Shalom - from Colg:tte- cation group will meet every Sun- appeal day morning. "ii • net a question of seeing an Palmolive, General Foods. Sea Senior high school students are adv t!ti•ement. - says Richard A. grams and American Ilome Prod Vets. eligible for the youth group. Jacobs. 46-year-old president of the organization founded by his :all father. "Ads in certain Peri- odicals are going to have more meaning for people. - The strength of the Joseph Jacobs organization lies in its knowledge of the Jewish market and ability to develop sales tech- niques to reach it. This some- times involves special copy or art for ads that run in some of the 100 representative periodi- cals over 90 per cent of which are printed in English. — The company was founded in : 1919 when Joseph Jacobs left the field of education to become ad-' ■ ertising manager of the Jewish Forward. The other two Yiddish dailies also wanted him to sell their advertising, so he went into business for himself. opening an office on the Lower East Side. Swiss to Prosecute Israeli Who Killed Arab Terrorist JERUSALEM (JTA) — Govern- ment circles here are deeply dis- turbed over the intention of Swiss authorities to prosecute Mordecai Rahamin. an El Al security guard who- shot and killed one of four Arab terrorists when they attacked an El Al airliner at Zurich airport earlier this year. The three surviving terrorists will go on trial for murder. Re- hamin is charged with murder un- der mitigating circumstances and with the illegal use of weapons on Swiss soil. The Israeli's Swiss lawyers have reportedly told authorities in Zu- rich that the charges are grossly unfair because Rahamin had fired in defense of the aircraft and its passengers in the face of a crimi- nal act. If we must study, let us choose a subject suitable to our condition, so that we may answer like the man who, when asked why he was learning in his old age, replied: "In order to leave the world a bet- ter and more contented man. -- Michael de Montaigne (1533-1592). Florsheim's "Broadmoor" keeps your feet in step. THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 6-Frid.y, September 5, 1969 MORRIS BUICK Amnesty International, a private organization working on behalf of political prisoners, have been per- mitted to inspect Israeli prisons where Arabs are incarcerated and have drafted a largely favorable report on the treatment of the inmates. IS THE BUY The report has been submitted to Israeli officials. United Nations Secretary-General U Thant was apprised of its contents which will be disclosed at a Meeting of the organization's council in 'Ge- neva Sept. 13. Israel has sent its comments on the report. Martin Ennals, secretary-general of Amnesty International, said in his report that "we are satisfied that in the Israeli prisons under the prison administration, there is a serious overcrowding in some cases but there is no evidence of ill treatment." You Get More Buick For Less Money ! AT MORRIS BUICK 14500 W. 7 Mile AT LODGE X-WAY 342-7100 Classified Ads Get Quick Results FINAL CLEARANCE! $167 50 LOWEST PRICE EVER . . . Plus Installation At Low Cost THERMO-KING AUTO-AIR CON- DITIONER. YOU CAN BE SURE WHEN IT'S SOL'S AUTO-AIR CENTER CALL: 532-1097 24750 FIVE MILE RD. SECURITY CHARGE CARD DINERS OLLIMI I WE SERVICE ANY CAR AIR CONDITIONER COME ON IN AND WE'LL HAVE COFFEE AND CONVERSATION Some wild new fashions have crept into your wardrobe lately. You're wearing clothes you never dreamed of before. But are your feet in step with the rest of you? They'll catch up fast in Florsheim's - Broadmoor; buckled in silver with squared toe and richly-grained Black and Brass Calais Calf. $25.95 at Phillip% where you'll find all the new shoes for. moving your feet. Come to Phillips and don't leave your feet behind. phillips shoes Northland Center (2 stores) Security Charge Michigan Bankard