THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 14—Friday, August 29, 1969 State Dept. Condemns Iraqi 'Blood Bath' l 'All Issues Open Except Jerusalem, Refugee's WASHINGTON (JTA)—Secre- tary of State William P. Rogers called Monday for an end to the mass executions of Iraqi citizens allegedly spying for the United States and Israel. Rogers deplored the executions at dawn Monday of 15 Iraquis, in- cluding two Christian and two Jews, in Baghdad. According to Iraqi radio, six of the condemned were military men and were shot by a firing squad. The nine others were hanged in the central prison. All had been - accused as espionage agents for Israel and the U.S. Central Intel- ligence Agency (CIA). Baghdad 'radio made no mention of a trial. saying merely that the accused had been convicted.. Rogers' statement, read by State Department spokesman Robert J. McCloskey, said "the current blood bath in Iraq is a matter of serious concern to people everywhere. We hope this will be recognized and serve to bring an end to the series of executions in Iraq." At the United Nations . Monday. Secretary-General U Thant dis- closed that he had intervened in a last-minute attempt to influence the Iraqi government to delay the executions. He said he asked the Iraqi representative at the UN Sunday night "to convey to his government my serious concern about the international repercus- sions that would be likely to follow the executions." Thant added that he did not "question the right of the govern- ment of Iraq to try and sentence anyone within its jurisdiction who might be charged with a serious offense. But I did question the contemplated action on both hu- manitarian and political grounds." • The secretary general said he felt the executions "will increase ten- sion and danger in the Middle Ea st . • Monday's executions brou4ht to 51 the number of Iraqis put to death for spying since last Jan. 27. Eleven of them were Jews. Mc- Chskey recalled that on Jan. 27. when 14 persons. including nine Jews were hanged and publicly displayed in Baghdad and Basra, Secretary of State Rogers de- nounced Iraqi authorities for put- ting on a "spectacle repugnant to the conscience of the world. - The U.S. has no diplomatic relations with Iraq. Thant's 11th hour attempts to have Iraqi executions postponed followed a meeting he had Sun- day night with Israel's chief rep- resentative to the UN, Ambassa- dor • Yosef Tekoah. Tekoah in- formed the secretary general of Israel's appeal for intercession with the Baghdad regime to pre- vent the executions. Israel called on world political and religious leaders Monday to "act immediately to save the re- maining Jews in Iraq. Syria and Egypt" by making it possible for them to leave those countries. Foreign Minister Abba Ehan said Sunday night that there would be further trials and executions in Iraq on trumped-up spy charges unless all the weight of world opinion is brought to bear on Iraqi authorities. He disclosed that Is- raeli envoys abroad had been alerted to approach the heads of state and of international humani- tarian agencies In that connection. The Knesset was to convene in extra-ordinary session Thursday to discuss the situation of Iraqi Jews at the request of the govern- ANTS? Make 'em holler UNCLE! Call 862-3200 ,:%•sr . "20111 "'itti t 46 4;1;111111P4 A - K PEST CONTROL SERVICE, Inc. Guaranteed Control ro of Roaches, Mice, Spiders and Clover Mites. Evenings Call 3574641 - • ment. The Knesset has been in Nations had agreed to Israel sd e- TEL AVIV (JTA)—Defense Min- future cabinet with respect to con- mand that it investigate the con- recess. ditions of making war or peace," dition of Jews in Arab countries ister Moshe Dayan said that Israel The Jewish Agency Executive the Iraqi regime might have "sec- I was prepared to negotiate all out- he said. held a memorial meeting Monday and thoughts about continuing its standing issues with the Arabs ex- for the two Jews hanged in Bagh- reign of terror." cept for the status of Jerusalem dad. They were identified as Itz- and the return of refugees of the The British Poole Zion ad- ELECTRONIC hak Eliahu Dallal, a small shop- 1948 war. He said those issues keeper. and Raphael Yehezkel Yaa- dressed a statement to Prime Mini- ! were "hermetically sealed" and GARAGE DOOR ster Harold Wilson and the gener- cob. 55, who was engaged in trade I could not be placed on any agenda. OPENER and commerce and was once al secretary of the British Labor Gen. Dayan spoke to political re- among the richest Jews of Basra. Party expressing shock over the porters in his office on the plat- Both were married. Yaacob was Iraqi executions. The organization the father of three children. urged the British government to form adopted by the Israel Labor use its good offices to free the Party-Mapam alignment for the - Chief Rabbi Itzhak Nissirn said Jews of Iraq, Egypt and Syria." Oct. 28 elections. He said the chap- that the Iraqi executions were a : The Anglo - Jewish Association ters pertaining to future borders "warning to mankind" to do some- "strongly condemned the senseless were intended to inform the elec- Colt Evenings Until IP thing about "a state which live execution 15 innocent and help- torate what the party's security by the sword and destruction and less men" ' and called on public concept is. But "no government de- 353-3284 continues to sit together with the . opinion to make itself heard cision can bind the hands of any United Nations." against "the latest act of inhuman- ity." In Tel Aviv Sunday night, the Association of Iraqi Jews in Is- In Geneva the World Jewish rael held a mass rally at which Congress denounced the Iraqi ex-' appeals were made to world ecutions as did the DAIA, the leaders to help save Iraqi Jews central representative body of ! facing the gallows. The names of Argentine Jewry. The messages the 15 Iraqis executed Monday said that Iraqi Jews were being were not the same as the 12 men held as hostages and suffered per- and women whose arrest on spy secution. charges was announced by the ' The International Congress of Baghdad radio on Aug. 17. Two Jewish Lawyers and Jurists ad- Jewish brothers were in the lat- journed in Jerusalem after adop- ter group. Their fate is un- tion of a resolution condemning known, and it is presumed that the latest executions in Iraq. The they and the other accused are text of the resolution was cabled FALL & WINTER '68-'69 awaiting trial and execution. to Thant. It stated: "The international PRE-KINDERGARTEN THRU 9th GRADE American Jewish organizations congress of hundreds of lawyers bitterly denounced the Iraqi execu- tions and warned that more could , and jurists from all corners of PRINCIPAL NATE FINE be expected unless world opinion the free world convening in Jer- CALL 474-3642 — 425-9370 and the United Nations acted to usalem devoted its first session on the subject of human rights to avert them. the executions in Baghdad of 15 Philip H. Hoffman, president men without proper trial and in of the American Jewish Commit- violation of all fundemental human tee, called the executions "an ef- rights. The congress expresses its fort by the government to lead the horror and indignation at this bar- mass of Iraqis to believe that the baric mass execution and calls on country's social and economic prob- the world legal community in par- If you desire a new and relevant approach lems have not been solved because ticular and civilized mankind in to of alleged subversive elements in- general to rise in protest and ef- Jewish education for your children volved in spying for Israel." fectively outlaw such uncivilized He said "We call upon the and inhuman methods and to have then United Nations and men of good the rule of law upheld every- will everywhere to halt this trav- where." esty of justice and to end once and for all the persecution of Jews Hospital Gets Grants and the minorities - in Iraq. The American Jewish Congress, for Narcotics Program with its philosophy of HUMANISTIC JUDA- in a telegram to U Thant, urged PHILADELPHIA (JTA)—A Phil-' ISM may be what you and your family will enjoy the secretary general to extend his adelphia hospital under Jewish personal protection to Jews living sponsorship has received a $407,- Please call the BIRMINGHAM TEMPLE office in Moslem lands who face "per- 700 federal grant to develop a pro- for information about Sunday School and -secution and terror" as a result gram in the field of narcotics ad- of Arabs demands for a holy war diction for Montgomery County' Hebrew School. against Israel. residents. The message. signed by Rabbi The grant to be Ea gleville Joachim Prinz, chairman of the AJ Hospital and Rehabilitation Center, Congress international affairs corn- an affiliate of the Federation of w arne d that "thebrutal Jewish agencies, was made by the Registration: Sunday, September 7, 1969 executions of a group of alleged Center for the Study of Drug Abuse Robert Frost Junior High School spies for the E. S and Israel today of the National Institute of Mental Scotia, North of Nine Mile Road in Oak Park . . may prove to be a foretaste of Health for one year, starting next the revenge which blood-thirsty April 1 and is subject to renewal. Arab tyrants have sworn to wreak against Israel as a result of the unfortunate fire at the El Aksa mosque in Jerusalem. Rabbi Israel Miller, chairman of the American Zionist Council, noted that the execution of 15 al- leged spies in Iraq came at a time when spokesmen in Cairo and other Arab capitals were "capital- izing on a fire in Jerusalem which, as the whole world knows, was the work of a misguided non-Israeli" not of the Jewish faith. Rabbi Herschel Schacter, chairman of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations, expressed "deep regrets" over the failure of diplomatic efforts to save the executed Iraqis In Washington Rep. Leonard Farbstein, New York Democrat and a - member of the House For- eign Affairs Committee, asked Secretary of State Rogers to file a U.S. government appeal at the UN to deter Iraq from further ex- ecutions and to condemn Iraq for its past actions. Rep. Farbstein added that a way must be found to facilitate the emigration of Jews Membership Chairman Rabbi Meyer Minkowich from Iraq before they are exter- Mr. Irving Prizant minated. FE 4-4149 - FE 5 - 1740 FE 4-7031 - FE 4-4602 The Board of Deputies of British High Holiday Seat's Jews called the executions in Bag- Pres. David Utley Mr. Arnold Wine hdad a "willfull act of savagery," and the Zionist Federation of Great - - 682.3181 FE 2-4413 Britain observed that if the United (how° LIVONIA JEWISH CONG. SUNDAY SCHOOL ENROLLMENT SUNDAY, SEPT. 7, 10-2 BIRMINGHAM TEMPLE SUNDAY SCHOOL THE BIRMINGHAM TEMPLE 5495490 (549-5490) CONGREGATION B'NAI ISRAEL 143 ONEIDA RD. PONTIAC, MICHIGAN Unaffiliated residents of Pontiac and the suburbs are welcome to worship with us and to join our member- ship. Our Sunday School Classes start with kindergar- ten (ages) through confirmation. Week day Hebrew School, Bar and Bas Mitzvah and Jr. congregation youth and adult activities for all age groups. Conser- vative congregation. For Particulars Contact