Jews, Southern Baptists Hold 1st Dialogue LOUISVILLE (JTA) — The first interfaith dialogue between Jewish and Baptist scholars was held here this week at the Southern . Baptist Theological Seminary. The confer- ence brought together 50 prominent Baptist and Jewish theologians and biblical scholars from all parts of the United States. It was sportsored jointly by the Home Mission Board of the South- ' ern Baptist Convention and the in-1 terreligious affairs department of ! the American Jewish Committee. The Southern Baptist Convention. with more than 11.000.000 mem- bers, is the largest non-Catholic de- nomination in America. Dr. Eric C. Rust, professor of Christian apologetics at the Seminary, said Tuesday that re- ligious motivation is at the root of most contemporary anti-Semi- tism as it has been throughout history. Dr. Rust, who spoke on the Jew in Christian thought and practice, said "Anti-Semitism as practiced by so-called Christian civilization is a manifestation of the pagan depths in the humau soul. Even when it has been superficially Christianized." He said the pogroms of Czarist Russia and the Nazi Holocaust "sprang from a seed which the church itself sowed in the earls days of history." He said the Ro- man Church, in acknowledging its guilt, "challenges all Christian men to stand by its side." In a companion paper deliv- ered at the same session, Rabbi Marc II. Tannenbaum, director of the AJCommittee's interreligi- ous affairs department, said that the Nazi Holocaust and the mean- ing of the state of Israel to the Jewish people and to Judaism were the "two decisive events The Ultimate in Nursery Schools BETH ABRAHAM NURSERY * TRANSPORTATION PROVIDED! * REASONABLE RATES! 8100 W. 7 Mile Rd. Call 358-3721 CONGREGATION SHOMREY EMUNAH NEW YORK (JTA) — A health for public , education program of contemporary Jewish experi- school teaching assistants in the ence" that "must be taken into New York City Board of Educa- account in any effort to under- tion's district one has been spon- stand the interior life of the Jew sored by the Beth Israel Medical today." Center as part of its continuing Rabbi Tannebaum maintained services to the Lower East Side that it was impossible to under- community in Manhattan. stand Jews or Judaism without understanding "the impact on American Jews of the Arab-Israeli War of June 1967." He said Arab threats to destroy Israel and annihilate its population drew "a response of Jewish unity, of Jewish solidarity and of a new consciousness of independence in fate and destiny that is literally unprecedented in the last 2,000 years of Jewish history." He said that response stemmed in part "from a still deep psychic reaction to the Nazi holocaust of the 1930's," from a "preoccupation with Christian silence in face of Nazi barbarism" and from feel- ings of gilt over the silence and inadequacy of the Jewish response. Rabbi Tannenbaum said the fact that Israel became a haven for the Jewish survivors of the I 14 — Friday, August 22, 1969 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Photographers FOR CHILDREN UN 4.8785 YOUNG ISRAEL OF NORTHWEST DETROIT 17376 WYOMING AVENUE INVITES FRIENDS AND NEIGHBORS for HIGH HOLIDAY SERVICES IN ITS ATTRACTIVE, AIR-CONDITIONED SYNAGOGUE TICKETS AVAILABLE NOW EVENINGS, 7:00 TO 9:00 P.M. SUNDAY MORNING, 10:00 TO 12:00 UN 1-7691 — UN 4-9776 Holocaust was one reason for its importance to Jews today. "An I equally important fact is that Israel is the only place in the world where Jews have created, out of the distinctive Jewish ethos and their own intellectual, Is A Pioneer Congregation in A New Concept of spiritual and moral resources, Jewish Religion Called the own economic, military, poli- tical and social institutions." Dr. A. Jase Jones. area mission- ary director for the Baptist Home Mission Board said that "Christian The philosophy is a bold attempt to merge the best responsibility for anti-Semitism ethical and esthetic traditions of the Jewish past with and the participation by Christians ! the scientific integrity of the twentieth century. in the persecution of Jews" were contrary "to the love of Christ and the gospel of a loving God." Dr. Jones' paper on "Images of the Jew in Southern Baptist Lit-; erature•' followed a presentation ! by Prof. Leonard Dinnerstein, of : Fairleigh Dickinson and Columbia OF THE universities on "Jewish History in the Southern United States." Dr. Dinnerstein said that Jews in the South have always pros- Will be held at The Robert Frost Junior High School pered but socially they have never been fully accepted and in times Scotia at Nine Mile in Oak Park. of crisis "frequently became the Tickets required ... Please call the Temple office butt of prejudices and scorn." He attributed their situation in part for reservations — S49-5490 to Southern religious teachings and stated that Southern Jews today -- live in fear of anti-Semitism. THE BIRMINGHAM TEMPLE HUMANISTIC JUDAISM 18716 Schaefer Highway announces that AUXILIARY SERVICES will be held in the "Schaver Auditorium" of the DETROIT FEDERATION OF MUSICIANS 19161 Schaefer as in the past SALE OF TICKETS FOR BOTH LOCATIONS AT THE SYNAGOGUE: Sundays, 10 a.m. to 12 noon, 5:30 to 8 p.m.; Daily 5:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. For further information call Mr. L. Laufer. 398-7146 or Mr. E. Simon, DI 1-2347. Sam Byck, Ticket Chairman Congregation Beth Hillel 19371 Greenfield at Vassar Health Education Course BR 3-0570 Announce Their Ticket Sale For High Holiday Services Sundays: (Beginning August 24) 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays: 9 a.m.-1:15 p.m. In Their Beautiful Air-Conditioned Sanctuary Beth Hillel is now opening a membership drive and offers those joining before the high holidays member- ship privileges without building assessments. Reservations for the Religious School are now being accepted. BIRMINGHAM TEMPLE SUNDAY SCHOOL If you desire a new and relevant approach to Jewish education for your children then THE BIRMINGHAM TEMPLE with its philosophy of HUMANISTIC JUDA- ISM may be what you and your family will enjoy Please call the BIRMINGHAM TEMPLE office for information about Sunday School and Hebrew School. 5495490 (549-5490) RegistratiOn: Sunday, September 7, 1969 Robert Frost Junior High School Scotia, 1■ 19rtkoi,Iiirrie-Mile.Road in Oak Park ...... - ROSH HASHANA AND YOM KIPPUR SERVICES BIRMINGHAM TEMPLE "They are continually looking over their shoulders to see what their Gentile neighbors are doing, and are constantly anxi- ous lest some Jew might of- fend members of the dominant group," Dr. Dinnerstein said. I Dr. Jones acknowledged that some Baptist writers "make statements that are examples of those attitudes and expressions I which can be considered anti- Semitic or as contributing to the creation and continuation of anti- Semitic attitudes and emotions." He stressed however, that in re- cent years Baptitst articles and books have sought to counter the thrust of anti-Semitism "by creat- ing a correct understanding of the Jew and an appreciation of him." Quoting from E. Luther Cope- , land's "Christianity and World Re- ligions," Dr. Jones stated, "The Christian's primary responsibility is to love the Jew." In quotations from other works, the Baptist leader noted that I "Jews are no more guilty of Jesus' death than non-Jews" and added, "the so-called Christians who have participated in the per- secution of Jews did not represent the spirit of Jesus or his teach- ings." Dr. Dinnerstein said "At present the Jews are a dying breed in the I South. Outside of Florida, not only has the ratio of Jews to the rest of the population been declin- ing in every Southern state since 1937 but in six of them . . . the total number of Jews is lower than it had been in 1927." Self-Control Whatever liberates our spirit without giving us self-control is disistroits.—Gbethe. SPECIAL NOTICE ! TO ALL SUBURBAN RESIDENTS Enroll Your Child Now! (AVOID WAITING LISTS) In the New Suburban Branch of the COMBINED YIDD SH CULTURAL SCHOOL of the Arbeter Ring—Labor Zionists—Sholem Aleichem 18340 W. Seven Mile, Detroit KE 7-5440-1 ELEANOR ROOSEVELT SCHOOL 10 MILE and GREENFIELD We Are the Only Secular Jewish School System to Provide Your Children With a Broad background Which Will Enable Them to Identify With the Jewish People the World Over. .A ■o■■•■■■ •.” 04•Mor ■•■•■•0■.•■••■•■.■e■ oe.m.smo ■ ww... ■■•■.■.• • JEWISH HISTORY & BIBLE • LANGUAGES — YIDDISH & HEBREW • JEWISH HOLIDAYS & FOLKLORE • JEWISH LITERATURE • SINGING, DRAMATICS, ARTS • CONTEMPORARY JEWISH LIFE • ISRAEL • BAR Cr BAT MITZVAHS Bus Transportation Provided in all Areas Affiliate of United Hebrew Schools