THE JEWISH NEWS Incorporating The Detroit Jewish Chronicle commencing with issue of July 20, 1951 Member American Association of English-Jewish Newspapers, Michigan Press Association, National Editorial Association Published every Friday by The Jewish News Publishing Co., 17100 West Seven Mile Road, Detroit, Mich. 48295, VE 8-9364, Subscription $7 a year. Foreign $8. Second Class Postage Paid at Detroit, Michigan PHILIP SLOMOVITZ Edgier and Publisher CARMI M. SLOMOVITZ Business Manager SIDNEY SHMARAK Advertising Manager 00000114 INS OM 4001E CHARLOTTE DUBIN City Editor Sabbath Scriptural Selections This Sabbath. the second day of Elul, 5729, the following scriptural selections will be read in our synagogues: Pentateucha/ portion, Deut. 16:18-21:9. Prophetical portion, Isaiah 51:12-52:12. Candle lighting, Friday, Aug. LS, 7:15 p.a. VOL. LV. No. 22 Page Four August 15, 1969 Difficulty in Counteracting False Propaganda Problems posed by anti-Semitism, revival of libelous charges and accusations that have no basis in facts always are accompanied by the puzzle as to how to present the truth to those who have been indoctrinated with hatred. For example: A circular aimed at spread- ing suspicion in the race issue makes attacks on Jewish organizations and indviduals, re- vives an old bogey against Stephen S. Wise. who was accused of taking instructions from or having collaborated with the Communists. The only ones who can be reached in an effort to refute the charges are those leveling them. and you certainly can't reason with them. Distribution of such a circular in large quantities in Detroit's downtown area is dif- ficult to combat. Those who get the circular. unless they are reasonable people who will seek the truth, immediately fall prey to the lies. Or take another instance: One of the stu- pidest brochures packed with lies is the so- called "truth about the Talmud" in which all sorts of nonsense is incorporated in an effort to malign the Jewish people. Once such trash reaches the uninformed, there is the danger that the lies will be believed. Wasn't the worst kind of propaganda believed in Orleans, France, several weeks ago, about Jews con- ducting a white slave trade? Lies like the ritual murder accusation have been spread widely, and from time to time it is given circulation even in progressive # arrus coo —4teme, PEACE America. If those who are subjected to it could be reached, they could be reasoned with. But once the malicious circulars are —JTA distributed, it is impossible to counteract the libels. That's why the racist propaganda circu- lated here last week is not easily counter- acted: it hasn't a grain of truth in it. but it is impossible to reach those receiving the hate leaflets. This is why, in a democracy, the liar has Many factors relating to Israel emerge in clearer light from the as free a platform as the disseminator of truth, and the latter is all too often on the public pronouncements of the nation's leaders. The late Prime Minister Levi Eshkol's views remain of immense value as declarations that rep- losing end of the game. 'State Papers of Levi Eshkol' Emphasizes Major Israel Issues Consular 'Wisdom', Religious Freedom When the Armenian Patriarchate of Jeru- salem arranged the exhibition of priceless old treasures—including illuminated manuscripts, gold and silver lamps, vestments and reli- quaries—Bishop Shane Ajamian commented that the display was a response to "the charm of Mayor Teddy Kollek of Jerusalem, who invaded the whole Patriarchate with his en- thusiasm." It was an unusual exhibit that attracted widest attention. Its arrangements were the result in part of the assistance given by a Detroit Armenian leader, Edward Mardigian. It won acclaim from people of all faiths, and Israelis flocked to Jerusalem from all parts of the country to witness it. But the consular corps from several coun- tries, including the United States, saw fit to besycott it! It was being held in East Jerusa- le.n, and to the representatives of the United States, Great Britain, France, Turkey, Spain, Belgium, Italy and Greece it became a poli- tical matter. These very people put on a sanctimonious front of seeking religious freedom, yet they would not join in a demonstration of interest in a religious exhibition that was shown with- out partisanship. • It is no wonder that Mayor Kollek, an- gered by what had taken place. will re-impose municipal fees upon these consulates. The consular "wisdom" is an echo of the prejudices that are being enforced among some people in dealing with Israel, and our own representatives, on orders from Wash- ington, assume a role Of men who speak through both sides of the mouth— avowing friendship for Israel, which is being misinter- preted as partisanship towards Israel, while practicing bigotries of an inexcusable nature. These consular corps spout pleas for religious freedom while ignoring the truth that never before had all faiths enjoyed as much liberty, in worship, in conducting their church affairs, as they do now under the Israeli administra- tion and the charm of Teddy Kollek. It is from such "wisdom" that much of our trouble stems today in the Middle East. Plea for Cultural Rights for USSR Jewry Persecution of writers in Russia whose activities are being drastically curtailed, as was evidenced in the case of the defector, Anatoly V. Kuznetsov, poses the question as to the possible effectiveness of the appeal by American writers to the Soviet Writers Union for the restoration of cultural freedom in the USSR. Writing from London to the Central Com- mittee of the Soviet Communist Party. on Aug. 1, Kuznetsov stated: suffered from the Soviet prejudices, it is very doubtful whether more attention will be paid to appeals in defense of just rights for Jews now than in the eras of domination by Stalin and Khrushchev. I have arrived at the complete rejection of the conditions under which Jews are deprived of their rights as an ethnic group may be recognized and so that just dealings may be reintroduced. The smallest religious or nationality group within Russia—some that number less than 250,000—have been granted cultural rights. After much serious reflection over many years, Marxism-Leninism. I consider today that this doctrine is utterly incapable of resolving the contradictions in society today, and, what is worse, it has led, continues to lead and threatens to go on leading to frightful social tragedies. I can no longer remain a member of the Com- munist Party, which bases its policy on the doc- trine. I request you to release me from member- ship of the C.P.S.U. I hereby withdraw from my duties as party secretary of the Writers Organization of the Tula region. I have left my party membership card there. Under circumstances which indicate the suppression of freedom of expression of non- Jewish' Writers as well as the Jews who have Nevertheless, in the interest of public opinion, and in the hope that the throwing of public light on the doing in the Kremlin may bring about a change in Russian tactics vis-a- vis its Jewish population, the current protests are vital. They should be expanded to em- brace every element in American life, so that The Jewish community has become spiritu- ally impoverished, deprived of synagogues, cultural centers, newspapers, the theater. Perhaps the voices that have been raised by some of the most prominent of American writers will bring better results than the appeals to justice that have been sounded until now. Coupled with protests against in- tolerance and oppression, these voices may bring the succor' so urgently'ridedee" • • ' resented the views of his party and of the coalition government In behalf of which he had acted for six years. There- fore, "The State Papers of Levi Eshkol," edited {, by Henry M. Christman, published by Funk and Wagnalls, is a volume of considerable importance for students of developing events in the Middle East. Christman took into account the basic issues that confront Israel and the Middle East by draw- ing upon the most important addresses that had been delivered by Mr. Eshkol. In the texts be quoted are comments on the economic, the poli- tical and the military, and some of the issues relating to the Six-Day War become especially understandable from the definitive statements by Levi Bread the man who spoke for the government of IsraeL As Christman indicates in his introduction, these complex problems "are interrelated . . . all must be solved democratically . . . for it must never be forgotten that Israel is one of the most lively and truly dynamic democracies in the world, with a broad spectrum of political viewpoints, zealous protection of civil rights and civil liberties, and an outspoken free press. Israel, as a state and as a society, is dedicated to the freedom and fulfillment of the human spirit." In pursuance of the task of linking these issues, the editor of these collected addresses and public statements utilized speeches to the Knesset on the social situation in Israel and diplomatic relations with Germany and the important declarations during parliamentary debates preceding and after the 1967 war. Mr. Eshkol's speeches on water de- salination, on festivals, on Independence Days and at the 1968 Economic 'Conference add to the value of this collection. Noteworthy is the address be delivered to the chief rabbis of all Israel communities on June 7, 1.967, with instructions on regulations for enforcement of reli- gious liberties for all faiths. Christman had readied his book for the press when word came of Mr. Eshkol's death on Feb. 26, 1969, and he was able to insert an addi- tional note of tribute to the man whose works he quoted and whose life story be incorporated in this valuable work. Iberian Peninsula's Synagogues Two study tours of the Iberian Peninsula, in 1966 and 1968, enabled Don A. Halperin to prepare the results of his research in a paperback that has been published by University of Florida Press. In "The Ancient Synagogues of the Iberian Peninsula," Halperin surveys every bit of evidence about the synagogues that were estab- lished in Spain and Portugal. He had gone into every community where he could find traces of a synagogue, and be describes those that still can be viewed as noteworthy structures as well as ruins. He defines architectural forms used by Jews prior to 1506, when Jews were exiled from Portugal. He reviews the contrasts be bad found between the ordinary synagogue and those on the larger scale. He tells of a disappointment is Lorca: "The last remains of the ancient synagogue there had been bulldozed in 1964." To assist the reader in following with him the adventure through the Iberian Jewish houses of worship, Halperin -has written a brief history of the Iberian Jews and has described briefly the origin of the synagogue and the development of architectural form. He brings back memories of a rich period In Jewish history, and While tracing the ruins he takes his readers into communities nearly forgotten in history. Where he finds remains, he offers interesting facts he has gathered to assure an historical appreciation of a golden period in history that ended with the cruelties of the Inquisition. The return to the old sites and the reconstruction of synagogues currently, as the rights for Jews to worship freely is being restored to them, is noted in this interesting ateurhulation• of noteworthy historiCal. tit ********** • • • • •