UN Truce Officer's Burial Accompanied by Thant Plea, Israeli Accusation THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 6—Friday, August 8, 1969 "In addition to its responsibility for the deterioration of the cease- fire and for deliberate attacks on UN personnel and installations, Egypt bears heavy responsibility for persistent obstruction by armed attack of Israeli efforts to construct shelters for the UN military ob- servers. Israel has expressed its grief at the death of Major Plane in the cause of peace. It hopes that the UAR will abandon its policy of aggression and will maintain the ceasefire so that tragic casualties may be avoided. Israel will con- tinue to abide scrupulously by its ceasefire obligations on a basis of reciprocity," Israel's UN envoy said. Jerusalem City Council Expanded to 31 Members JERUSALEM (JTA)—The next Jerusalem Municipal Council will number 31 members, 10 more than its current total. The decision to add the new members was reached by the ministry of the interior at the request of Mayor Teddy Kollek. Interior Minister Haim Moshe Shapiro told Mayor Kollek that the expansion of the council accorded with the increase in the population of Jerusalem which, with the Arabs of East Jerusalem, now totals 275,000. UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. (JTA) —A ceremony was held at United 1 Nations headquarters Tuesday to pay homage to the memory of Ma- jor B. Roland Plane, the 37-year- old Swedish officer who was killed in the Suez Canal sector July 27 1 while serving as a member of the UN's Truce Supervision Organiza- tion. Maj. Plane, the first fatality sul-: fered by UN forces in the Suez Canal zone, was hit by fragments of an Israeli shell at an observation post near Port Tewfik. He was bur- ied in Sweden. Secretary General U Thant placed a wreath beneath the plaque which honors UN mili- tary observers who have lost their lives in the service of the organi- zation. Thant, in a report to the Security Council. reiterated his past pleas to the parties to observe the cease fire. He did not, however, indicate that he was contemplating asking ; the council to withdraw the cease- fire observation mission. He termed the death of Major Plane a "dramhtic symptom of the breakdown of the cease fire" and warned that this breakdown threatened not only Middle East regional and world peace but risked setting a precedent that would jeopardize the 20-year-old UN peace observation operations which have been in force in the world. The report included in great de- tail the findings of a UN Truce Supervision Organization investi- gating board of the circumstances surrounding the death of Major Plane, who, it said, had b e e n struck by shrapnel from an ar- tillery shell that landed in t h e • street directly outside a window of his observation post. The report did not, however, pl a c e blame on Israel for his death, though it indicated t h a t there had been a lull "in Israeli firing" just before Major Plane headed toward the window and that Israeli firing continued after Israel had been notified of his death. Thant said that "during the re- cent escalation of firing . . . each of the parties has accused the oth- er of flouting the decisions of the Security Council. Without passing judgment on their respective posi- tions. I can only note that both parties, whatever their reasons may be, have been violating the ceasefire with the result that the situation in the Suez Canal sector has greatly deteriorated and a United Nations military observer has died." In his extensive report the secre- tary general appealed "once again the members of the Security Coun- cil. both individually and collec- tively, to do all within their power to influence events in a new and constructive direction. i He also said that "the absence of the implementation" of the Se- curity Council's resolution of Nov. 22; 1967 "is one of the factors which tends to increase the inci- dents of ceasefire violations not • only to the also in other sectors of the Middle East." Israeli Ambassador Yosef Te- koah said that the Thant report . "fails to remind the world that the deterioration of the situation in I the canal sector has been brought about by the open disavowal by the Presenting historic England for a buck. • United Arab Republic of the cease- fire. "Egypt's publicly-proclaimed pol- icy of undermining the ceasefire and pursuing arm e d attacks against the Israeli forces is the cause of the present violence of which Major Plane was the victim. "No report on the situation is adequate if it omits the UAR's re- sponsibility for the increased ten- sion along the Suez Canal. We note that the report does draw at- tention to the fact that UAR mil- itary positions are situated in 'the nearby vicinity' of the observation post in which Major Plane was killed. '‘In fact, Maj. Plane was hit by fragments of a shell which exploded short of these UAR po- sitions. It will be recalled that, as reported by the secretary gen- eral in the past, the UAR author. ities refused to remove their mil- itary positions from the immedi- ate proximity of UN observation posts," the envoy said. "We also noted that the secretary general's report indicates that from June 1 to July 29. 1969, there were 74 instances of firing at or near UN posts or personnel by UAR forces and only 15 such in- stances of firing by Israeli forces. "This has been the case despite the fact that the Israeli forces do not maintain military positions ad- jacent to UN observation posts, while the UAR forces do. As re- corded by the secretary general on May 2, 1969 these Egyptian at- tacks resulted in the wounding of Capt. George Young of Ireland on April 22. Son of Jordanian Senator Arrested in Hebron Incident JERUSALEM (JTA)—The son of Jordanian senator Hashed el Kha- tib was one of 30 Arabs arrested in Hebron following the hurling of a grenade at a truck, injuring 11 Kibutz members. Many of those arrested have been released. A number of noted Hebronites have indicated that they want to go to Jordan to discuss with King Hussein prevention of saboage ac- tivities which they regard as harm- ful to Arab populations or towns and villages on the West Bank. Hebron Mayor Mouhamed ali Jaabari met with notables and vil- lage leaders July 28, reportedy to discuss the prevention of sabotage acts. He maintained that Arab pop- ulations suffer most from these a cts. In a related development, three 18-year-old Nablus high school seniors, all girls, were sentenced to seven, five- and three-year terms for planting a bomb last spring in the Nablus branch of Bank Lemni. Previously it was disclosed that the UN had withdrawn some of its ceasefire observers from the Suez Canal, leaving only 14 of its 18 posts manned. A report by Lt. Gen. Odd Bull of Norway, chief of the UN observer mission, said the partial withdraw- al was made "in view of the esca- lation of firing incidents" and the "increasing danger" for the 90-95 observers. The report came on the heels of the death of Maj. Plane. Gen. Bull said that two of the now closed posts would be manned again "as soon as adequate shel- ters are available." Bliineyi You'd have to cross the Atlantic to find something more English than the Hungry Penguin. Don't bother ... England's been transplanted to Berkley, Michigan. Right from the door, everything is veddy British. Especially the food ... genuine English fish and chips. Eat it et the Penguin or lake some home in a copy of the London Times. The cost? One American dollar. And for a limited time, you'll receive your change in English pennies. Try some Hungry Penguin fish & chips today. You'll Wye 'CV* luvi Don't forget . t9 try our Yorkshire Bisqvits. Hungry Penguin 11 Mile Rd. & Coolidge—Berkley Division of Susie-Q Restaurants, Inc. TEL AVIV — An important sales boost for Israeli shoe manufactur- ers is anticipated in the participa- tion of at least nine footwear pro- ducers in the New York Shoe Fair this month, under the auspices of ATID, the government - sponsored body for the promotion of Israeli exports to the United States. For Less Morley AT MORRIS BUICK 14500 W. 7 Mile GE For Bar Mitzvahs TRAVELING Call Anywhere X....A7 342-7100 UN 4.8785 Everywhere YESHIVATH BETH YEHUDAH 15751 W. 101/2 Mile Rd. Itesenre Now for the Following Events in Israel 1. Mizrschi Convention ion 2 Lawyers & Jurists C 3. High Holidays, Etc. Eve. 862-0963 353-6750 MU) SCOTCH APP WEBS ... have made it the growingest Scotch from coast-to-coast In another Nablus court action, a 37-year-old nurse was given three months, imprisonment for publish- ing pamphlets hostile to Israel. Lawyers in the Samaria district of the occupied West Bank have ap- parently ended their more than two year old strike and have decided to participate in court actions under Israeli jurisdiction. A Nablus lawyer appeared in the nurse's case. Lawyers in the Judea district ended their boycott about two months ago. Plans Afoot for Shoe Manufacturers in Israel IS THE BUY You Get More Buick Photogrophers The bomb exploded causing property damage but no injuries. The girls were members of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, a guerrilla outfit which claimed responsibility for bombing the Hebrew University cafeteria in Jerusalem. The Hungry Penguin opens. Features authentic English fish and chips. MORRIS BUICK Your Scotch Lauder's has been enjoyed for its quality and smooth taste since 1834 . . . and continues to gain preference every day. Dollar Buys More With , Lauder's X 5 ,61, PIFT4 ALL TAXES INCLODUt 100% BLENDED SCOTCH WHISKIES, IMPORTED & BOTTLED BY GOODERHAM & WORTS LTD., DETROIT, MICHIGAN