THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 30—Friday, August 8, 1969 Promises, Promises-Desalination Plant Shunted Aside by New Administration? Department of the Interior. The new secretary of the interior, Wal- WASHINGTON — The Nixon ad- ter Hickel, appeared before Con- copy of "Medina Ivrit—Judenstaat" Congress and became Vice Presi- By JOSEF FRAENKEL ministration must make a decision press on Feb. 18. Sec. Hickel indi- Oskar K. Rabinowicz was in the I suddenly noticed Nazi soldiers. I dent of the Conference on Jewish within the next few weeks on cated that his department was con- first term at Brno (Bruenn) Uni- never went back to the printers, or Social Studies. Two years later, in whether to honor the five-year-old sidering deleting $40,000,000 from versity when the 12th Zionist Con- even saw the last edition of the 1958, his "Herzl-Architect of the U.S. pledge to assist Israel in the 1970 budget of the Office of paper. Oskar, who had been in Lon- Balfour Declaration" appeared, erecting a desalination plant. Saline Water Research which his gress was convened in September where he demonstrates that Herzl's department, only a month before, 1921, in Carlsbad. His family were don in October 1968, told me that negotiations with England paved While Israel is confronted by a Zionists, and his father was the he did however— after 30 years — the way, in 1917, for Weizmann, water crisis, the U.S. government had recommended for construe- ion of a prototype desalting plant compiler of a Hebrew textbook. He receive the last copy of his paper. Sokolow, Gaster, Rothschild and faces a credibility gap. On Feb. 3, in Israel. went to Carlsbad where he was as- As editor, Oskar K. Rabinowicz other collaborators, in obtaining j 1964, former President Lyndon B. Now a measure has been offered signed the job of "page" to Nahum really acted as a teacher who, un- Johnson announced that the U.S. by Reps. Benjamin S. Rosenthal, Sokolow. He spoke Czech, German, tiringly, taught and commented the Balfour Declaration. This book had decided to initiate a coopers- New York Democrat, and Peter Hebrew and Yiddish, and Sokolow upon Zionism. He won hundreds is of particular value to Zionist literature. five project with Israel to turn salt often discussed Zionist-literary af- over to the Zionist cause; he loved water into fresh water. The use of Frelinghuysen, New Jersey Repub- 'Oskar's essays on Jewish and fairs with the young student. Dur- discussion, and in the debate was nuclear energy for the projects was lican. It would provide foreign aid ing the Congress, which went on Zionist problems appeared in tolerant of his opponent's f envisaged. Benefits would be made funds to finance the desalination for 14 days, he saw the great men always many books, In various periodi- undertaking. views. available to all nations. cals and in the Herzl Year Book. The $40 million is only a frac- of the Zionist movement, among In 1939, he settled in London, and He was also co-editor of the book In July 1965, the American-Israel tion of the total cost to be borne them Motzkin, Chajes, Bialik, Jaffe, "The Jews of Czechoslovakia" Desalting Board reported that a by Israel, but it is a decisive fac- Ussishkin, Sprinza k, Rubashov took up the task of re-unifying the N.Z.O. and the Jewish State Party, (1968), edited a second volume, plant producing 100.000,000 'gal- (Shazar) and through Sokolow, he tor. With American assistance, which was achieved at the end of which will probably appear this lons of water and generating 200 met many of the leading Zionist the cost of water would be about 1945. But before that he lost inter- year, and had prepared a third megawatts of electricity was feasi- 35 cents per 1,000 gallons. In the personalities. est in narrow Party activities and one. For years he had worked on ble. It projected completion by It was an extraordinary Congress: absence of the envisaged plant, a "History of Zionism," for which '19'72 at a cost of $200,000,000. Zionism without the cost would soar to about 60 Weizmann's policies were criticized, wanted to serve party ties: In 1942, we both met, he was collecting documents and, The Johnson administration went cents, probably making construe- and Jabotinsky supported Weiz- together with Joseph Leftwich, with besides this, be has left a more on talking about the project but mann and his actions. During the bon of a large-scale plant finan- a Center for the object of forming extensive manuscript on "Toyn- took no final action. Congress, Weizmann gave Oskar's daily prohibitive. in London. We bee's Anti-Zionism." Research The issue received some pub- The plant would produce almost face a friendly pat and Oskar, for Zionist were in favor of an objective de- licity in 1967 when a nuclear de- 40,000,000 gallons per day. This wash afterwards, did not want to Oskar K. Rabinowicz would oc- salination project was advanced is 10 times the largest current wash the spot on which Weiz- lineation of Zionist history, and casionally publish a letter on some by former President Dwight D. yield from any existing desalina- mann's hand had rested. against historical misrepresenta- controversial, historical problem. O.K.R. interested himself in Zion- tion. Eisenhower and the ex-chairman tion plants. Also, the plant would He did so in a Zionist weekly in O.K.R. had already published a London, in 1966. The debate, in of the Atomic Energy Commis- generate 450 megawatts of elec- ist literature, in Pary programs and in the opposition. Gruenbaum, history of the Jews in Aussee (Mo- which Ben-Gurion and writers sion, Admiral Lewis Strauss. tricity. Thirty Republican and 20 Demo- - The last of Israel's meager water Goldmann, Stricker and Soloveit- ravia), in 1927 and, 10 years later, from many countries participated, cratic Senators joined as co- resources will have been fully util. schik were outspoken opponents of his important work on Shechita, went on for months and in the end, sponsor's of a plan portrayed as ized by the 1970s. The Israeli popu- Weizmann's policies, and Oskar was referred to by Poland and Ben-Gurion had to admit that Os- a solution to the Arab-Israel lation is estimated to be reaching began to feel himself drawn to- other countries, where anti-Semites kar's claims were substantiated. problem. But no action was taken a growth rate that will produce a wards the ideologies of the opposi were campaigning against ritual In Prague, O.K.R. owned a vast by the House. total of 4,375,000 thirsty Israelis by tion. slaughter. "Fifty Years of Zionism" (1952) collection of books, mainly on Zion- Before the 13th Zionist Congress The Eisenhower-Strauss plan re- 1981. ism, history, the Bible and Chas- belongs to the most outstanding (1923). Jabotinsky had already re- emerged in a plank of the 1968 a collection of of Oskar's books. In it, as an idism, as well as signed from the Zionist Executive. Republican platform. President Selective Service Ruling Jewish periodicals. His wife Rose, objective historian, he analyses I and at the 14th Congress (1925), be Nixon voiced approval and on a succeeded in saving these books, Weizmann's "Trial and Error." made a speech about the aims of number of occasions advocated— on Delinquency Draws It was suggested, at that time, and in bringing them to London. In prior to November 1968--desalina- AJCongress Complaint i Zionism, in the name of the new 1957, the library consisted of 16,000 that another edition of "Trial and opposition party, the Union of Zion tion aid to Israel. NEW -YORK — A brief filed last Error" be printed to include the books, and today, there are about Before leaving office, Johnson week in the U.S. Supreme Court ist Revisionists. "corrections" of Oskar K. Rabin- 20,000. He maintained a corre- O.K.R. joined the first Zionist wrote the Israel government that argues that vaguely worded de- owicz in the appendix. Only the spondence with Zionist personali- Revisionists of Czechoslovakia the U.S. Executive Department linquency regulations of the Selec- French edition of "Trial and ties, historians and writers all over and began to publish articles sup- had decided to help construct a de- five Service System, under which Error" did so, and for this reason the world. His library was at the porting them in the Brno weekly, salination plant in Israel. On Jan. registrants can be reclassified 1-A Juediscbe Volksstimme. He was the book was — "out of print" — disposal of his many friends and 17. 1969, the U.S. Department of and called up for immediate induc- a fine speaker, a fighter for poli- after a few days. Oskar only scholars and has been left to the the Interior transmitted a proposed tion, give local draft boards uncon- tical Zionism, and was a delegate managed to find a copy of it— Hebrew University. bill to Congress. stitutional powers to deter free to the 17th and 18th Congresses after some fifteen years—in a His death is a sad loss to Zionist But administrations changed that speech. (1931, 1933). He became one of bookshop in Israel. i literature. He died in New York at month. So did the attitude of the The brief was filed by the Ameri- labotinsky's close collaborators, the age of 67. His friends and Jewish , "Winston Churchill on can Jewish Congress acting as a member of the Zionist Actions Problems" In a mem (1956) Churchill is por- readers in Israel and the diaspora "friend of the court" in two cases Committee, and helped aliya UN Development Fund When the split came, one frayed as one of the greatest friends will always cherish his name. which the Supreme Court will h ear "B". to Help Israel Establish in the fall. part remained as within the Zionist f the on Jewish people. Oskar was Organization the "Jewish working another volume—"Win- The brief argues that "failure Science Instruction Center other formed ston Churchill and Zionism." of the regulations to limit the TEL AVIV (JTA)—The United State Party," the scope of the delinquency proced- Nations Development Program the New Zionist Organization un- In London of he was a member of , the Jewish Historical the council ures affords local draft boards Photographers will assist Israel in the establish der the leadership of Jabotinsky. Oskar became chairman of the Society, of Carmel College, of Jews' "unbridled discretion" in decid- ment of a National Center for In College and became managing di- For Restoration ing in each case when and if the struction in the Natural Sciences. New Zionist Organization in New rector a the Anglo-Federal Bank- UN 4.8785 procedures are to be invoked. The aid will be channeled Czechoslovakia, and editor of the _ ing Corp. He was the founder of the pro- t /wi The regulations referred to through the United Nations Edu- weekly "Medina board may de- I a draft vide that cational. Social and Cultural Or- Judenstatt" (1934-1939). He wrote Jewish Office and a mem- — her of the Record Association of Jewish ganization (UNESCO). which dare as delinquent any registrant an editorial every week. Journalists and Authors. In 1956, signed the agreement with the Is- failing to perform any duty under When I arrived in Prague from 1 i 0 K R settled in New York and raeli government to establish the the Selective Service Law or its reg- Vienna in March 1938, after the illations, reclassify him as I-A and Anschluss. Oskar invited me to be- I joined the board of the Jewish Pub- of the lication Society, the World Jewish This is the first project of it. call him up for immediate induc- come co-editor of his paper, This al- kind to be approved by the UN Dc- tion. The brief notes that since - though I was a member velopment Program in any corm- these regulations give the boards "Jewish State Party." Some time Herb & Marilynn Shapira's try. It is the first project approved no standards or guidelines as to I afterwards, on my way from my flat for Israel in the field of education, how or when to exercise these pow- to the printers, to see the latest while the 10th approved for Israel ers, they leave the boards free "to 33195 Grand River under the UN technical assistance enforce their own political, social at Farmington Road program. and other prejudices through the Moshe Menuhin Keeps WEDDINGS • PORTRAITS The aid will total $384,000 over mechanism of the delinquency pro BAR MITZVAS Writing Anti-Israel cedures." three years, while Israel will 474 - 7762 According to the Observer of spend $571,428 over the same period for buildings, laboratories Citrus Growers See Impact London, Moshe Menuhin, one of the extremist Jewish anti-Israel propa- and manpower. The UN funds on Economy From Fire gandists, has published a new 598- will also be used to bring to TEL AVIV (JTA) — The fire page book blasting what he called Israel international experts in which gutted the Cargal cardboard "the jingoistic, military junta of the instruction of science. Ce ,nc:lete Selection including the Finest 14 Kt. Gold Jewelry The Israeli center was estab- plant near Lydda July 30 will force napalm Israel." Sec Moms Watnick lished jointly by the Hebrew Uni- Israeli citrus exporters and fruit The Observer reports that the versity, the Weizmann Institute and vegetable growers to shift to book was published by the Insti- more costly wooden boxes, which tute for Palestine Studies; that a of Science and the ministry of may have a more severe impact on U. S. publisher rejected the book education for the purpose of im- (;11 FT, JEWELRY proving. the level of science in- the economy than the estimated and would not publish it; that losses of nearly $600,000 in plant, Menuhin spent $6,000 to publish the struction in Israel's secondary 6 4 4 -7 6 - '6 Thurs. Cr Fri. to 9 p "- 283 Hamilton schools within a relatively short machinery and material, officials book and $5,000 to advertise it— Birmingham :Near 0^mery'si reported. for a circulation of 1,500. period of time. BY MILTON FRIEDMAN (Copyright 1969, ZIA, Inc.) I ., Tribute to Oskar K. Rabinowicz Banker, Author and Historian l I SUISA 3aipte BEL-CREST STUDIO A GIFT FOR EVERY OCCASION "Smartest Move You'll Ever Make" 17350 LIVERNOIS DI 2-1300