Purely Commentary A Defector and Protesters in the Soviet Union - Why did Anatoly Vasileyevich Kuznetzov defect from Russia? It's true—he has said he can and may go back at any time. But he did leave, he did protest, and the reason is quite obvious. He primarily objected to the Soviet role in Czechoslovakia, and he is certain to gain many adherents to his view on that score. But he also had another gripe. He had written a book on Babi Yar. He recalled, from childhood, the horror of the mass murder of Jews by the Nazis, he knew about the Russian sience about that tragedy, and he had heard Russians comment that not enough Jews were murdered—and his sense of justice rebelled ! There are Russians who do not accept the Soviet way of treating Jews. Earlier, also on the subject of Babi Yar, another great Russian writer, the poet Yevgeny Yevtushenko, also protested, and he, too has been bounded. New Jews, too, have begun to pro- test. Kuznetzov and Yevtushenko are not Jews. Boris Kochubiyevsky and D. S. Drabkin are Jews. Kochubiyevsky, a 33-year-old Kiev radio engineer, was sentenced May 16 last, to three years in a Soviet labor camp, on the charge of slandering Kuznetzov the Russian system of government. What had actually happened was that he had drawn attention to the Bai Yar mass murder, and be had defended Israel at an anti-Zionist lecture at his factory. The court charged him with "bourgeois-nationalist-Zionist propaganda, ousted him from his job, deprived his non-Jewish wife of her university job, also on the charge of being a Zionist. The couple wanted to go to Israel, was told to pick up emigration permits, instead was arrested a week later, and their trial was held in the same courthouse in which the infamous Mendel Beiliss trial was held 65 years ago. Anti-Semites, as in the outrageous ritual murder episode, packed the court room, and outside Kochubiyevsky's brother was jeered: "You are a Jew, Jew, Jew." On Nov. 28, 1968, the condemned Jewish radio engineer wrote this letter, exactly a week before his arrest: I am a Jew.'I want to live in a Jewish State. This is my right, as it is the right of a Ukrainian to live in the Ukraine, the right of a Russian to live in Russia, the Right of a Georgian to live in Georgia. I want to live in Israel. This is my dream, this is the goal not only of my life but also of the lives of hundreds of generations preceding me that were expelled from the land of their ancestors. I want my children to study in a school in Yiddish. I want to read Yiddish newspapers. I want to attend a Yiddish theater. What's wrong with that? What is my crime? Most of my relatives were shot by the Fascists. My father perished, and his parents were killed. If they were alive today, they would be standing next to me. Let me go! With this request, I turned repeatedly to various departments and achieved only dismissal from work,' my wife's expulsion from her institute and, to top it all—prosecution, accusing me of slandering Soviet reality. What is this slander? Is it really a slander that in the multinational Soviet state only the Jewish people cannot educate their children in schools in their own language? Is it really a slander that there isn't a Yiddish theater in the USSR? Is it not a slander that there aren't any Yiddish newspapers in the USSR? By the way, nobody denies it. Perhaps it is a slander that for more than a year I haven't been able to leave for Israel? Or a slander that nobody wants to speak to me, that there is nobody to complain to? Nobody reacts. But that is not even the point. I don't want to interfere in the ethnic affairs of a state in which I consider myself an outsider. I want to leave. I want to live in Israel. My wish does not contradict Soviet legislation. I have an invitation from my relatives, all formalities have been observed. Is that why you are instituting a criminal case against me? Is that why my home was searched? I am not asking for mercy. Listen to the voice of reason: LET ME OUT! As long as I live, as long as I am capable of feeling, I will do all I can to be able to leave for Israel. And if you find it possible to sentence me for it, then all the same. If I live till my release, I will be prepared to oo to the homeland of my ancestors, even if it means going on foot. A similar case is that of D. S. Drabkin, a middle-aged Moscow Jew. On April 18, 1969, he wrote the following letter to Nikolai Podgorny, president of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet: On Dec. 17. 1968, I applied to OVIR (the state security apparatus which screens and registers Soviet citizens applying for exit) at the MVD, asking for a permit for myself and my family (wife and a twelve-year-old daughter) to leave in order to join my family in Israel. On April 15. 1969, I received a postcard without any indication of the sender but containing a handwritten sentence stating "please telephone OVIR 297-85-71." There was no signature. I telephoned that number on the same day about 10:30 a.m. I gave the name of my wife and myself. A woman who replied asked me to repeat my address and said that we had been refused exit permits. In reply to my expressions of disappointment that person added: "There are too many of you Jews. We shall not let you out. We shall finish you off here." That person was most probably Catherina Pavlovna Archipova, an officer of the Ministry of the Interior of the USSR. As a rule, it is she who replies from that telephone and I have several times made inquiries from her asking whether "there was already a decision in my case." I am not sure to what degree this threat to finish off the Jews in the USSR corresponds to the present reality. But this threat was made from an office of the MVD of the USSR, and this compels me to treat very seriously this behavior of an officer on duty and to ask whether it is (or may be) the expression of government policy. In these circumstances, we, myself, my wife and my child, are kept by force in the USSR and threatened with destruction. In such circumstances, I can no longer consider myself a citizen of the USSR. I DECLARE HEREWITH THAT I CONSIDER MYSELF A CITIZEN OF THE JEWISH STATE OF ISRAEL. I hereby request to be deprived legally and as soon as possible of Soviet citizenship because it is no longer possible to continue remaining here. It is no wonder that there is a protest against the outrageous pol- icies of the USSR, that the Student Struggle for Soviet Jewry has been 2—Friday, August 8, 1969 The Zionist Controversy and Democracy .. . A Philo-Semite's Assertion on Jerusalem Status mobilized, that the students will have a mass rally at the Manhattan Garment Center on Aug. 12. A revealing explanatory statement has been issued by the Students containing these facts: "The Declaration of Rights of the People of Russia, signed by Lenin, swept away Jewish disabilities. Shortly thereafter, there ap- peared 11 daily Yiddish newspapers and some 60 weekly and monthly journals. There were 40 Jewish theaters, a Jewish drama school in Moscow, a dramatic institute in Kiev and numerous Jewish publishing houses printing dozens of Yiddish books of all kinds, in issues reaching millions of copies. Jewish schools were set up in towns and villages with Jewish populations. "Even after Stalin began to strike at every aspect of Jewish life in the 1930's, Yiddish continued to be recognized as an official national language and from 1930.1940, 4,700 Jewish titles were published. How- ever, in 1936, a substantial group of Yiddish writers and artists were liquidated, and in 1937 the Yiddish schools were curtailed. By 1938, the last Jewish collective farms were dissolved, the Jewish Communist Party officials of Birobidjan were executed for Zionist affiliations and Emes, the only remaining Yiddish national daily, was shut down. These years saw the constant public denunciation of Zionist imperialism and endorsement of the Mufti's violence against Palestine's Jews. "With the Nazi-Soviet Pact of 1939, Jewish security fell to a new low. As the Red Army moved into Poland, all Polish Jewish institutions dissolved, the physical plants of the world's greatest Jewish publishers smashed, and Jewish intellectuals banished and executed. "When Hitler attacked Russia, Stalin loosened the reins on Soviet minorities in order to encourage patriotism. This emboldened two Polish socialists, Victor Alter and Henryk Ehrlich, who bad been seized by the NKVD, to propose the establishment of a Jewish Anti-Fascist Commit- tee to provide relief for Jewish war victims and to .mobilize Jews every- where. Alter and Ehrlich were executed, but shortly thereafter the Jew- ish Anti-Fascist Committee was established. The Committee did a good propaganda job for the Kremlin and sent out Shlomo Mikhoels, the ac- tor, and Itzik Feffer, the poet, to America and Europe. When the Krem- lin reversed itself on Jewish affairs after the War, these two men who had followed their orders so carefully were accused of concocting a gigantic nightmarish plot with American imperialists against the Soviet Union. "Perhaps the most significant aspect of the Anti-Fascist Committee was the way in which it developed into a Jewish address. It was an organ—however distorted with Soviet hypocrisy—of Jewish autonomy and Jewish self-expression. "This was unwelcome to the Kremlin and, having outlived its use- fulness to Soviet policy with the end of the War, the premises of the Committee were padlocked in October 1948 as a center of subve;sicn. In January 194£ Mikhoels, Its president, was found decapitated on a Minsk street. The Emes Publishing House was shut and the Yiddish typeface smashed and melted down. In April 1949, the magnificent Yiddish Art Theater was closed. "By this time, Jewish intellectuals slept with packed bags by their beds, expecting to be awakened at any time by the secret police. The great majority were. Theater director Zushkin committed suicide when the secret police came. "Der Nistar" cried out, Thank God, you have finally arrived! The world-famous Dovid Bergelson went mad in prison. "The culmination of the terror came at the secret trial and execu- tion of 24 of the most gifted Jews in Russia. They had been associated —some of them unwillingly—with the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee. Their accusers unravelled a fantastic world-wide conspiracy by Amer- ican imperialists and bourgeois-nationalist Zionists whose instruments, it was proved, they had become. The Crimea and Birobidjan were to be the points of entry for America. "In the months following the executions on Aug. 12, 1952, the evil assumed nightmarish proportions. Soviet press and radio resounded with the plans of Jewish doctors to poison the entire Soviet leadership. Preparations for mass Jewish deportation to Asia were under way when Stalin died. On hearing the Doctors' Plot declared a fraud, Har- rison Salisbury's taxi driver in Moscow muttered: Those svolochil They got away this time. But their day will come. We will get those Yids. "It is not surprising, therefore, that Khrushchev's 1956 secret speech to the 20th Congress which contained many hours of denuncia- tion of Stalin's crimes, made no mention of the enormous wrongs done to the Jews. It is true that some of the writers were later rehabilitated, but not in proper fashion, while the survivors were released on grounds of "insufficient evidence." "This is characteristic. Soviet authorities not only refuse to recognize a living Jewish culture, but they will not even permit the attribution of Jewishness to the dead. Hence, there is no memorial for the 70,000 murdered Jews at Babi Yar. "A number of significant changes have occurred since Stalin's death over 16 years ago, yet the fundamental policy of strangula- tion of Jewish living and Jewish self-respect remains. Within the overall framework of oppression and deprivation, however, there has developed a remarkable expansion of Jewish consciousness among young Jews and the growth of a desperate courage. A wide- spread state of inner rebellion exists and tends to spill out more than ever before into overt acts of defiance. The letter of Boris Ko- chubiyevsky (appended) to Brers-nev reflects this very well. Koehn- biyevsky himself has no Jewish education, but he wants his de- " By Philip Slomovitz scendents to have access to their own cultural heritage. If this is a crime in Russia, he declares, then "LET ME OUT . . . to the home- land of my ancestors." Typical again is the remark of a Soviet Of- ficial reported by a Moscow Jew, D. S. Drabkin, in his letter to So- viet President Podgorny: "There are too many of you Jews. We shall not let you out. We shall fin- ish you off here." "It is clear that the combination of deliberate cultural strangula- tion and straight anti-Semitism makes the trials of the martyred writers and today's young men seeking freedom a common one. There are differences, however, between them. The sufferings of the earlier generation were com- pounded by their feelings of guilt for having revolted against the Judaism of their fathers, for their personal emotional, spiritual and moral involvement in Soviet Com- munism until they were swallowed up. The Kochubiyevskys and the Drabkins, however, have managed to detach themselves inwardly from the Soviet system. They are rid of the guilt, and they want to return to Jewish identification with all their heart and all their might. "It is up to us to cry out on their behalf In order to save their lives, diminish their torture and to ob- tain their release." Indeed, there is a duty to cry out against the bigotry. We join in that expression of protest, in the appeal to the human elements in the Russian sphere who are represented by Kuznetzov and Yev- tusjenko and their fearless spokes- men for decency. May the protesting voice be heard and may all people who seek justice join in the cry against the tyranny of the Kremlin. Highest Military Office Assigned Jewish Chaplain HEIDELBERG, GermanY — The highest administrative postion ever achieved by a Jewish chaplain in the U.S. Army has been given to Chaplain (Col.) Joseph B. Mess- ing, with his appointment as dep- uty staff chaplain of the U.S. Ar m y European Headquarters. Simultaneously, the National Jew- ish Welfare Board Commission on Jewish Chaplaincy received word that Chaplain Messing had been awarded the Legion of Merit for "exceptionally meritorious service as director of administration, Of- fice of the Chief of Chaplains, De- partment of the Army" from June 1966 to May 1969. Chaplain Messing, who has been in the military chaplaincy since 1945, served at Fort Knox, Ky., Kobe, Japan, and then went to Korea during the Korean War as the first Jewish chaplain on duty there. Later he saw service at Fort Jackson, S.C., Frankfurt, and Hei- delberg, Germany. In the latter as- signment he organized Torah con- vocations and religious retreats for Jewish chaplains and Jewish serv- ice personnel in cooperation with the military and the JWB Commis- sion on Chaplaincy. From 1961 to 1965 he was on the faculty of the U.S. Army Chaplain School and then spent a year as Deputy Army Chaplain of the 4th U.S. Army before being assigned to the Office of the Chief of Chap- lains in Washington. Chaplain Brooklyn College and was ordained in 1945 by the Hebrew Union College-Jew- ish Institute of Religion. Before entering the chaplaincy he was the rabbi of Temple Beth Tefillob, Brunswick, Ga. In addition to the A native of New York; Messing is a graduate of Boris Kochubiyevsky and his wife in the years prior THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS protests against the anti-Semitism of their countrymen. to their Legion of Merit, Chaplain Messing also holds the Bronze Star.