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July 25, 1969 - Image 15

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 1969-07-25

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Reform Jews Expa nd Israel Activities


(JTA) — Funds and the Hebrew Union College-
from a special campaign among Jewish Institute of Religion, the
American Reform congregations Reform seminary.
are being allocated for the hiring
Rabbi Hirsch added that funds
of two additional rabbis in Israel, also were being allocated to es-
starting this fall, which will bring ' tablish a national budget for the
the number of full-time liberal Board of Progressive Synagogues
rabbis there to five, according to ' in Israel and to finance a joint
a report by Rabbi Richard G. advertising campaign in Israel for
Hirsch, director of the Israel Com- holidays and special events.
mittee of the Union of American
He disclosed also that the UAHC
Hebrew Congregations.
Israel committee had allocated
for an Office of Youth Acti-
He reported that the funds being
received from a campaign seeking vities in Israel which will coordi-
$1 from each Reform congregant nate all programs for American
were being transferred to the Reform Jewish youth in Israel. He I
World Union for Progressive Juda- said the new office also would as-
ism for that purpose. He reported sume "responsibility for the de-
also that the money will be used velopment of an indigenous youth
to raise the salaries of rabbinic movement of progressive Judaism
staff members in Israel, to set up in Israel."
He reported also that he had
"an equitable personnel plan" and
to increase subsidies to the seven learned of a study of attitudes of
Israelis indicating that most
liberal synagogues in Israel to
enable them "to expand their pro- of them, when asked what they
gramming and acquire better were, "preferred to identify them-
physical facilities." Details of the r selves as Israelis, rather than as
program were reported in the cur- Jews." He said the study, being
rent issue of "The Voice," issued made by a Hebrew University
by the Reform Jewish Appeal, sociologist, whom he did not iden-
which raises funds for the UAHC tify, showed also that young Is-
' raelis tend to associate the word
"Jew" with religion and with Jews
Saboteurs Damage Tablet outside of Israel and that "Israeli"
I identifies them "and their own
Marking Cyprus Camps
TEL AVIV (JTA) — Saboteurs I nationhood." He added that the
have damaged a monument near scendingly that religious expres-
Famagusta, Cyprus, commemorat- ' study also indicated that "the aver-
ing the Jews interned in British rage young Israeli admits conde-
camps after their attempts to mns of Judaism are good for Jews
break the British blockade of Pal- outside of Israel because they help
to keep Jews alive but he sees no
estine during the post-World War
II mandate days. it was reported place for the institutions or forms
of religion in Israel."

The monument is near the site
of several large camps. The offi-
cial ground - breaking ceremony
was held last week with hundreds
of the camps' former internees
Local police were investigating.
During the ceremony, Arab demon-
strators were dispersed by police.

Indian Language
in Handy Guide

Have you ever tried to communi-
cate your thoughts and feelings to
someone who spoke a completely
unfamiliar language? The Ameri-
can Plains Indians were able to
do this well, though they spoke
many different languages. They
used a universal sign language.
William Tomkins lived among the
American Plains Indians, and in
the late 19th and early 20th cen-
turies, he learned the language,
primarily from the Sioux Indians
of Wyoming. The result of his ef-
forts was a handy little book, "In-
dian Sign Language," (a Dover
paperback) which teaches you how
to make the hand and finger ges-
tures that comprise this amazingly
sophisticated means of communica-
tion of facts and feelings.
"The Indians Book" is packed
with the traditional music of 18
tribes — songs of war and love,
hunting songs, songs to cure the
sick, corn-grinding songs, cradle
songs and ceremonial songs. They
were collected from Plains, Lake,
Northwestern, Southwestern, a n d
Pueblo tribes, and are written in
full for singers and guitarists.

Book on Isaac Halevy

A new biography of Jewish scholar
and historian Isaac Halevy (1847-
1914), incorporating never-before
published letters and documents,
confirms Halevy's remarkable ac-
complishment of bridging Russian
and German Jewish Orthodox reli-
gious philosophy and his founding
of the Agudath Israel international
religious movement.
The book, "Isaac Halevy: Spokes-
man and Historian of Jewish Tra-
dition," is by Dr. 0. Asher Reichel,
spiritual leader of the West Side
Institutional Synagogue in New
York City, and has been published
by Yeshiva University Press. It
establishes Halevy, author of the
seven volume "Dorot Harishonom,"
a classic polemical work, as a
"giant among the defenders of tra-
dition and in the interpretation of
Jewish history."

Second Trial for Ex-Nazi
Yields Life Imprisonment

BONN (JTA) — A 69-year-old
man was sentenced to life impris-
onment for his participation in the
mass shooting of 12,000 Jews in
Lida, White Russia in May 1942.
Leopold Windisch was found guilty
by a jury in Mainz for his part in
the killing. He was also alleged to
have summoned a special comman-
do unit to execute 86 witnesses to
the massacre.
This was Windisch's second
trial. The first trial was held in
1967 but a new trial was required

because of procedural errors.

Biffeer Jerusalem Council
1 Reflects
Population Hike

Jerusalem Municipal Council will
number 31 members, 10 more than
its current total.
The decision to add the new
members was reached by the min-
istry of interior upon the request
of Jerusalem Mayor Teddy Kol-
; lek.
Interior Minister Haim Moshe
Shapiro told Mayor Kollek that the
expansion of the council is in ac-
cordance with the increase of the
population which, with the Arab
population of East Jerusalem, is
now 275,000.

2 Authors Honored

JERUSALEM — Dr. James M.
Hester, president of New York Uni-
versity. visited Israel for five days
to present Irving and Bertha Neu-
man literary prizes to two Israeli
authors and to meet with govern-
mental and educational leaders of
that nation.
The $1,000 awards, which are
given by NYU's Institute of He-
brew Studies for outstaMing works
published in Hebrew, were present-
ed to Gershon Shofman and Lea
Goldberg by President Hester in
ceremonies at the Hebrew Univer-
University, Jerusalem.

Talmudic Rules

"Sumptuary" laws during the
Middle Ages severely restricted
dress, festivities and other aspects
of daily life. Originating in the Tal-
mud, the laws regulated the num-
ber of guests in a home at one
time, the meals served, the amount
of jewelry worn by a woman and
the apparel to be worn and the

number and type of gifts one may
give at a wedding.

Classified Ads Get Quick Results


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