Peace Message From Truman Marks Hebrew U. Meeting in Jerusalem; New Center to Spur Research JERUSALEM—The board of trus- tees of the Harry S. Truman Cen- ter for the Advancement of Peace. meeting July 6 at the Givat Ram campus of the Hebrew University under the chairmanship of Arthur Goldberg, former Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court and U.S. Ambassador to the UN, issued this communique: "The trustees of the Truman Center, consisting of American and Israeli members, meeting in Jeru- salem, pledge the resources of this organization bearing the proud name of a great world statesman devoted to peace throughout the world, to the cause of a just and lasting peace in the Middle East. "We endorse a program of ac- tion and research for the organiza- tion designed to further a perma- nent peace so essential for the wel- fare, social progress and economic development of all peoples a n d countries in the area. A message to the meeting from former President Truman, brought by David Noyes, a member of the board and a lifelong associate and aide of President Truman said: is enjoyed by more people than governors of the Hebrew Univer- ever before, there are millions I say: Louis Boyar of Los Angeles, and millions of people who are Nathaniel Goldstein, vice-chairman hungry, starving, who lack the of the board, and David Noyes. barest essentials of life—m o r e Founders who attended the meet- poor unfortunates than ever be- ing included Emma Schaver of fore in the history of man. These Detroit. forgotten people have a call on our conscience, and we must try to do something that will help show the way to a solution. -In the time of my adminis- tration we made a major effort to do something about the plight of these people. We instituted Point IV and other measures The Israel members attending included Avraham Harman, presi- , dent of the Hebrew University, and Eliahu Elath, former presi- dent of the university and honor- ary chairman of the board. Among the action taken at the meeting was the establishment of an international board of overseers ("Moatza" with former U. S. , Chief Justice Earl Warren as chair- I man and including Hubert Hum- I phrey. Paul Henri Spaak, Prof. I James Bryant Conant and others. = and we seemed to make some progress towards enabling these people to help themselves. "Perhaps this center could un- dertake some such program as Point IV, on a much lesser scale, of course, as a pilot test. to the same end. I would like you to explore it. "These are some of the things Hebrew University Schaver-Lazaroff Dormitory Dedicated THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, July 18, 1969 -5 Hebrew U. Faculty Members Conduct Teachers Seminar NEW -YORK—Two Hebrew Uni- versity faculty members now in the United States will conduct the I annual Summer Teachers Seminar and Ulpan sponsored by the De- partment of education and culture of the Jewish - Agency - American Section to be held at Camp Ramah, Wingdale, N.Y., Aug. 6 to 27. Forty Hebrew school teachers from throughout the country will I participate. Aharon Rosen and Dr. Gershon Shaked will conduct the two basic courses at the seminar. MURRY KOBLIN -•"1"- ' DOES HIS THING AT 8440 if'. 9 3IILE 548-5600 FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY ON THE '69 CADILLAC SEE OR CALL ANDY BLAU PERSONAL PICKUP & DELIVERY FOR SERVICE PRENTIS CADILLAC 2151 EUREKA AVENUE, WYANDOTTE RES. 642-6836 CALL: BUS. 382-7820 that I would have wished to dis- JERUSALEM — Speaking at a cuss with you in person, if it had ceremony July 8, at which the sites been possible for me to under- were dedicated for the Allan Laz- take so arduous a journey. aroff and Emma Schaver Dormi- "I continue to have faith in tory, the Rose and Isaac Taylor "We cannot be reminded too man's instinct for self-preserva- Dormitory, the Grossman Family often that we are in a difficult tion, and that his better nature Dormitory, t h e Elisabeth Zax and dangerous time. This is espe- STILL LEADS IN BOOK SALES will prevail over those who would Nursery, and the Louis and Eli cially true of this part of the incite him to aggression and put Rousso Building for Pre-Academic world, in which ancient hostilities Repeated by Popular Demand him in peril of self-extinction. Studies, all of which are to rise in and incited prejudices cause pe- the near future on the Mount Sco- "In that spirit I remind you of riodic eruptions that feed on Abba Eban's the solemn obligation to make t pus campus of the university, He- themselves, and pose a major good our commitment to help ' brew University President Avra- threat of general involvement. light the way- to peace, and I ham Harman said: "These are man-made p r o b- "Today we are celebrating the wish you Godspeed." Items, and our task is to come up The American members attend- beginning of a number of projects with some practical answers — ing the meeting were Samuel Roth- concerned with the welfare of the authentic answers. "In a world where prosperity berg, chairman of the board of student population of the Hebrew University and the three main $17 . 50 problems which our students face: housing, scholarships and suitable pre - academic preparation for NEW YORK—The press in the , lieved to discover themselves alive would-be students." Mid East reflect the growing ten- and the war 'all over' as far as Mrs. Emma Schaver expressed sions that grip the area during they are concerned, intent upon great happiness, and pledged fu-1 another hot summer of sporadic making their future—behind bars hostilities between Israel and the in Israeli jails—as comfortable as ture efforts to the growth of the Arab world. they can. They claim they have university and the revitalization of "Two years after the Six Day been misled, lied to and hence its first campus. Reg. $10.00 The university awarded an hon- War the attitude of the Arab popu. have no obligation to any one. • oraryfellowship to James Ross of "They often helped to identify lation in the occupied territories Youngstown, 0. If Purchased Together toward Israel varies from passive other local citizens who had work- dislike to open hatred." says the ed with them. This was where the See Shandeh First! Jerusalem Post Weekly as reprint- deterrent effect of destroying the ONLY FOR YOUR NEW ed in the August issue of Atlas homes of those who cooperated Magazine. with the gangs came in. It may • LILLI ANN SUITS have seemed a harsh policy to LeJour of Lebanon. presenting , $ 110 upwards some: 250 houses have been dyna- an Arab viewpoint, says: mited so far. But it had results. Exciting New Knit Costumes. In The Dexter Davison Shopping Plaza "The bitterest part of the Six - People think * twice about giving With and Without Fur Trim. 6-18. Day War is that nothing has been house-room and protection to deduced, nothing understood, noth- would-be saboteurs," among the 154 So. Wood,Oard ing grasped. We're even more trau- 16,000 West Bank Arabs working MI 24150 Birmingham matized t an we were before with in Israel every day. the same illusions, the same men- tality and the same destructive spirit that is both the joy and the good fortune of the enemy . . . "Still circling over the destiny of the Arabs are all those preda- tory birds: despotism. sloppy and abortive socialism, the nationalist and unionist monopolies. persecu- tions, and. above all, words." The article in the Jerusalem Post Weekly says that, after inter- viewing security experts. the bit- terest of the Arabs "is a continu- ous factor and will have to be dealt with for a long time to come." However, the reporter, Ze'ev Schul, delving into security, quotes You may not race or rally or even own a sports car, but whatever and an Israeli intelligence expert, as however you drive, you can do it better on the same kind of DUNLOP saying that "the main trait we quality that has led the way in so many important automotive competi- share with them (the Arabs) is tions through the years. stubbornness" and adds that "in- ternal security may be a problem, You can expect this from the world-wide company that invented the Pneu- but it's also a fact. This country' matic tire in 1888 and patented the radial tire in 1914. does have internal security." This, the Atlas article points signed—Jerry Stutz by the failure of is indicated out, the Arabs to establish a major scale underground on the West ALL TIRES AVAILABLE AT DISCOUNT PRICES Bank as seemed likely imme- Sidney Stutz, Oakland U., Rochester diately after the Six Day War. The Up City Reps: While hatreds continue to sim-1 mer, military sources offer several; Jerry Stutz, U. of M., Ann Arbor reasons for Arab mount Bcnji Stutz, Roper Bloomfield an effective resistance, one of the reasons being "frequent coopera- Detroit— Phone 321-1234 tion of the gang members with the 3140 Grand River authorities . . . You can scarcely stop them talking if they are (Next to Carl's Chop House) members, re- AL STUTZ, YOUR FRIENDLY PROPRIETOR WHEEL ALIGNMENT SPECIALISTS caught. The gang gardless of status, rank or back- ground, seem tremendously re- SPITZER'S "MY PEOPLE" THE STORY OF THE JEWS 5 00 Arab, Israel Press View Security Status Leo Leo Rosten's "The Joys of Yiddish" $800 $2000 1 24900 COOLIDGE at 10 MILE 542-7520-1 SHANDELS OPEN ALL DAY SUNDAY THE UNBEATABLE TYRE! PAST RECORDS INCLUDE: 1st & 2nd at Sebring Dunlop on First 3 Cars at 24 Hours of Daytona Dunlop on First 5 Cars at Monte Carlo Rally TELEPHONE 321-1234 NEVER, NEVER UNDERSOLD UNION TIRE CO.