• Middle Ages to Renaissance Covered in New Dubnov Volume cause it revives interest in the With all the new improvisations, role of Jewry in Spain, in changes, additions, new research France, under the Roman Popes, in Jewish historical writings, the in Poland and also in the early work of Heinrich Graetz and years of the Jewish settlers in Simon Dubnov remain among the America. great classics in Jewish history writings. Experiences in France. expul- sion of the Jews from France and For the first time, the works of Dubnov, who died a martyr's death at the hands of the Nazis, now are offered in an excellent translation from the Russian. pre- pared by Moshe Spiegel. Two volumes in this series have already been published and Thomas Yoseloff has just issued the third volume in the complete new undertaking. Dealing with the eras from the later Middle Ages to the Renais- sance, the new volume is an en- richment of historical literature enabling English readers to be- come thoroughly acquainted with the history of the Jews. .. The new translation is espe- cially valuable at this time be- ld en era in S pa i n ! England, the goen and the subsequent tragedies under the Inquisition are among the vital periods under discussion. In this magnus opus, Dubnov's historical records deal not only with the physical status of Jews, the persecutions, expulsions, burn- ing of the Talmud, but also with the spiritual life of Jews in the centuries under review, the -liter- ary creations, the rabbinate and internal conflicts. We have here an evaluation of the Sephardic-Ashkenazi differ- SIMON DUBNOV ences, the mysticism, the mes- sianic hopes, the emergence of the Kabala and its influence upon life in the 16th and subsequent cen- turies guages and dialects that were ht use, especially the Judeo-Ger- man, the Jude a-Italian and basic information, definitive ex- planation, encouragement to re- search in Jewish history. There is thorough coverage of the life of Jews in Germany and in Poland and the record of the autonomic Polish center in the Golden Age, in the early years of the 15th century, of the self-govern- ment during the functioning Kahal and the Vaad Arba Arazot — the Diets and the Council of the Four Lands—serve as reminders of bet- ter days in contrast with experi- ences in the 20th century. In the exceedingly informative data about the cultural attain- ments, under stress and in eras where there was a measure of freedom for Jewish observance and scholarship, the reader gets For a fuller understanding of the Marranos, of the struggle against the story of a history that was re- the Inquisition; the period of the plete not only in suffering but also tragedy of Baruch Spinoza and in creative attainments. For a full appreciation of this Uriel de Costa and those who be- came involved in the controver- tremendous work, it is necessary to take into account the supple- sies, Dubnov's work serves the ments that deal with the Ian- significant aim of providing Judea-Spanish, and, of course, the Yiddish. The surveys of sources and literatures are valu- able for the record. Catholic reactions to Jews, docu- mentaries, mysticism and the atti- tudes of the rabbis—scores of sub- jects related to the internal and external developments involving Jews meet with reviews that em- phasize the thoroughness of the great historian's research. By extending the current work into a study of the first American Jewish settlers, the new volume serves as an introduction to the later volumes which will continue with historical data closer to our own time. The excellence of the transla- tion, the completeness as the Dub- nov treatment indicates, serve to make the translation of history from the Russian into English a task of great magnitude. Commentary Tel Aviv Sephardic Chief Rabbi purely Raises Hairy- Issue Over Wigs . (Continued from Page 2) • By MOSHE RON TEL AVIV—The new Sephardic chief rabbi of Tel Aviv, Owadia Josef, is only 50 years. One of the most distinguished Talmud experts in Israel, he- was a boy of 5 when be came to Palestine. When he was 20, he was made a rabbi and four years later he was a member of the chief Sephardic rabbinate in Jerusalem. In the year 1947, he went to Cairo, lead Egyptian Jewry with Chief Rabbi Nahum Effendi. After the War of Independence, Rabbi Owadia returned to Israel and later was elected a member of the great Rabbinical Court in Jerusalem. Not long ago, when Rabbi Owa- dia took over his new high office in Tel Aviv, the new Sephardic chief rabbi declared that if a religious woman wears a wig, her husband could divorce her. The religious women revolted and declared they would not put up with such an order. • Chief Rabbi Owadia announced religious women should not enter a synagogue or appear in public with a wig, as this is against the cus- toms of Jewish daughters and against modesty. He appealed to the religious newspapers not to publish any advertisements about wigs. Whereas the religious women were very sorry about this appeal, nonreligious circles in Israel were watching this argument with satis- faction. This is the best propa- ganda against religion, these cir cies argue. Rabbi Owadia tried to deny that he ever prohibited religious wom- en from wearing wigs and that such a custom is a reason for divorce. He admitted that he had written a booklet and dedicated one of the chapters to the matter of wigs, on the demand of the Sephardic community in Israel. as Sephardic women had stopped wearing head-clothes and started to wear modern wigs. The newspaper Ha'aretz con ducted a referendum among reli- gious women about the question of wearing wigs, and the majority of them voiced their opinion against the demand of Rabbi Owadia. Only the wife of the chief rabbi of Tel Aviv, Zipia Goren, has accepted the stand of the Sephardic chief rabbi. But with this, the matter was not closed. The management of the school of wigmaking in Kfar Habad (the religious village, which is being supported by the Lubavitch Rebbe in New York). opposed Owadia's opinion. The director of the school, Rabbi Shmuel Hefer, maintains that in the Shulhan Aruk there is no prohibition of wearing wigs. There are some thoughts about it, that hundreds of daughters found work in this religious school in which wig-making is taught. In religious circles, people are afraid that the extreme position of the Sephardic Rabbi Owadia in this question may bring about certain changes in the Tel Aviv rabbinate and create difficulties in marriages, divorces and other religious matters. People are anxious that the new believe that the concert goers side. Later that night, a kerosene- !would be protected. 9. These preparations were large- filled pan was placed against the house and set in flames. The clap- ly a sham insofar as the Westches- boards did catch fire, the burned ter County police were concerned area extending from the lower and left the concert goers unde- board to the eaves, over an area fended. 10. The wounding of William about 10 feet high and three feet in Secor, rioting veteran, occurred width. Although anti-Semitism and Ne- gro-phobia were less marked at the second riot than the first, tran- scripts made by radio reporters at the second riot record a new and fearshome epith. "White Niggers," shouted at Jews seen associating with colored people. Moreover, busses and houses were plastered with stickers reading " . .. COM- MUNISM IS TREASON. BEHIND COMMUNISM STANDS—THE JEW! THERFORE, FOR MY COUNTRY—AGAINST THE JEW!" According to unimpeachable testi- mony, the stickers are identical in color, type-face and border design to similar stickers mailed to this country by Einar Aberg, the Swe- dish anti-Semite These stickers • normally come from Sweden in small lots and are sent out to a haphazard mailing list. They are received along with other anti- Semitic literature. Ashkenazi chief rabbi of Tel Aviv. Rabbi Shlomo Goren, should take over his office and find together with Rabbi Owadia new ways to make religious life easier instead of more difficult. But the Sephardic Jews in Israel are proud of their Chief Rabbi Owadia as, he is a great expert in talmudic affairs, and they do not want anything to interfere with his position. • • • For several weeks, there has been a dispute between the minis- ter for religious affairs, Dr. Zerach Warhaftig, and some leaders of the Labor Party about the question of holding elections for the offi- ces of the two chief rabbis of Is- rael. The two chief rabbis, Isser Ye- huda Unterman and Yizhak Nis- Based upon the evidence the in- . sim, and the eight members of the vestigators reached the following chief rabbinate of Israel were conclusions: 1 elected five years ago. Chief Rabbi 1. There is no evidence whatever Unterman has passed the age of 80 of Communist provocation on either and would hardly be a candidate occasion. again. Chief Rabbi Nissim served 2. The unprovoked rioting was several office terms. All this causes difficulties in fostered largely by anti-Semitism, the National Religious Party, growing out of local resentment and the Labor Party is ready to against the increasing influx of postpone the elections until Jewish summer residents from March 1970 in order to maintain New York. It was heightened by "peace" with its religious part- the area's tradition of political vio- ner. Dr. Warhaftig proposes to lence as evidenced by the physical postpone the 1 ti for t wo comabt against the KKK which is years, but the cabinet does not now an important part of the local legend. consent to such a long period. while he was assisting in the com- mission of a crime. 11. The location of the veterans' parades was deliberately provoca- tive. The county authorities did not insist that the 'parades be held 12. The evidence indicates that at least some of the state troopers honestly tried to preserve law and order while county police frater- nized with the rioters. 13. There is strong indication that the violence was planned and was carried out according to plan. 14. Terrorism spread over the whole area and included threats against private individuals, against their sa fety, lives, property and business. By Philip Slomovitz 15. National condemnation has been the chief factor causing Peek- skill to question this action. The local clergy have joined in this de- nunciation. 16. The area is now hopelessly divided and there is evidence that the legal authorities plan to restrict freedom of speech and freedom of assembly in violation of the Consti- tution. On the basis of the findings, the six sponsoring organizations have urged that where a meeting is like- ly to arouse a mass demonstration protest and disturbances of the peace, the right to hold the meeting should not be curtailed, but the opposing forces should be prohibit- ed from demonstrating at the same time and place, adequate police protection should be given, and those who commit acts of violence or disturbance should be promptly arrested. Adoption of such a policy by municipal authorities will pre- serve the public peace without vio- lating the constitutional guarantee of freedom of speech and the American tradition of freedom of - discussion. This report is quoted at some length because of its significance as a lesson for our time, because it is a chapter in American history that teaches us a great deal. It's a sad chapter, but it has its admonitions. In the interest of retaining the best relations between Jews and Negroes, let it be stated that Paul Robeson, on the day after the Peek-- skill outrage, told a press conference: "We Negroes are deeply indebted to the Jewish people, hun- dreds of whom stood at our side yesterday, to protect me and all of us." The lesson to be learned is that when bigotry sets in it threatens; that Jews and Negroes st000d together for justice and they stand to- gether for common decency today; that any attempt to divide our population is criminal in itself. Incidents like the one in Peekskill 20 years ago should not be for- gotten. There is a duty to perpetuate good will and cooperation and constantly to remind both our peoples of the friendship that is not to be ; broken, of racism not to be tolerated in the ranks of either of us. 1 Let history speak—through the facts we have just related! * * * A Paul Robeson Footnote i Paul Robeson was a Communist—admittedly. He paid the price for 3. The local press bears the main it, when he was denied a passport to go to Russia. He was not per- responsibility for inflaming, possi- mitted to go to the USSR to receive the Stalin Prize for his artistry, bly through sheer irresponsibility. and presumably for his friendship to the Kremlin. But the U. S. Peekskill residents to a mood of Supreme Court overruled the State Department in 1958 and he went violence. to the Soviet Union. On his appearances there he sang Yiddish songs. 4. Robeson's concerts were not an even though he was warned there was no one to understand the intrusion into Peekskill but were melodies. private gatherings held five miles At an appearance in Moscow in 1958, in spite of the admonition outside of Peekskill which were dis- not to sing it, he gave what developed into one of his famous rendi- ruted deliberately by invading tions—the "Kaddish" of Levi Itzhak of Berditchev in which the rabbi gangs from nearby localities. who became famous for this selection challenged the Almighty to iple are united in the state of Israel 5. Terrorism was general against a Din Tora for permitting the persecution of Jews. and there is no reason for such an all who advocated freedom of Robeson turned to his Moscow audience and told them he was ; ethnic division in each town. The commission also is consider- speech, fdeedom of assembly and about to sing a 150-year-old song by a Russian rabbi who protested ing proposals for changing the preservation of constitutional rights. against Czarist tyranny. An audience that was moved to tears rose form of the election of chief rab- 6. The evidence proves beyond to cheer Robeson when he sang: bis. The last elections in Tel Aviv question that the veterans intended "I, Levi Yitzhak, son of Sarah of Berditchev, say: caused a storm of anger, as elec- to prevent the concerts from being From this place I shall not move; tors were accused to have voted held. From this spot I shall not budge, under pressure. The matter was Until there should be an end to all this . . . 7. Effective police protection at brought before the high court in He was famed for many other Yiddish and Hebrew selections. Jerusalem. Now a new election the first concert was deliberately Paul Robeson may not have abandoned Communism, as many of his law is being considered which withheld. 8. Preparations to police the sec- friends (Howard Fast, for example) did. But he was not a bigot. but not everyone can issue a rul- should enhance the prestige or ing in this delicate question, rabbis among the nonreligious sec- ond concert appeared adequate, Rabbi Hefer states. He pointed out , tions of the population as well. and therefore there was reason to 40—Friday, July 18, 1969 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 1 1 The minister of justice, Yaakov Shimshon Shapira, and Dr. War- haftig have put forward a "revo- lutionary" proposal: to dispense with electing an Ashkenazi rabbi and a Sephardic rabbi in each town. A special committee under the chairmanship of the religious vice minister for education, Dr. Kal- man Cahane, was formed to study this proposal. It was argued peo-