Israel Election: Paliy Differences Noted Astronaut Schirra Honored in Israel THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 28—Friday, July 18, 1969 Mrs. Meir was asked how she differences between herself and By MOSHE RON First of all a man must see, he- could help Sapir in his job as gen- Sapir. Special News Letter From TEL AVIV (JTA)—Walter Schir- 1 HenryDavid She answered: "There is hardly ra, the veteran American astro- . re eral secretary of the party? She Tel Aviv Correspondent Thoreau. one member in the party with naut, who has made a private visit TEL AVIV — One need not envy answered: "I would have liked to — whom I agree on all points. Every- to Israel, was the guest of the party leaders in Israel. They are do more in this line. I have been body has his free opinion. With Israeli Air Force at a reception MUSIC BY already pondering how their can- before general secretary of the Sapir I agree on most questions, which turned out to be one in honor didate-lists for the forthcoming party and I know quite well how but there are also cases of dis- of the young pilots who earlier in to esteem help from party mem- elections will look. Who will be agreement. This has nothing to do the week shot down four Egyptian added and who will be eliminated? bers, but unfortunately my present with our friendship. This is well- MIGs in a Suez dogfight. The astro- AND HIS ORCHESTRA It is a small problem in the small job in the government does not founded and cannot be influenced naut could not conceal his admira- me enough time for the party. give parties, but it is a big problem in LI 1-2563 by false rumors in the press. tion for the young Ayers, declaring the alignment between the Labor I appreciate what Sapir did for the When I asked Sapir about Golda's "you are like young lions." Party and Mapam with its five party. He left the important post of declaration, he reacted: "I have He visited the Sinai Peninsula groups: Old members of 111apai, minister -of finance and dedicated got accustomed to all kinds of 3t- and, riding a camel, made a visit PHOTOGRAPHY Achdut Haavoda. Rafi and Mapam. himself to work in the party. He succeeded to bring up till now the tacks in the press against me. Let to the famous Santa Katerina mon- The general secretary of the La- census of party members to 220.- them indulge in this hobby. It is atery in the Sinai desert. He re- bor Party. Pinhas Sapir, faces a not worth while reacting upon such marked that "it is easier to reach 547-4805 dillema. There is • the problem of Golda was asked about political unfounded matters." the moon than Santa Katerina." WEDDINGS — BAR MITZVAS "new faces, - ' who want to appear SPECIAL OCCASIONS on the List. There is the delicate Clergy in Paris Form problem of the 10 first candidates. Group for Better Relation Many party members maintain, that Vice Premier Igal Alton PARIS (JTA) — A committee of should appear in second place. But Famous men from many lands, ler. Dag Hammarskjold, Pearl Catholic clergymen has been estab - ! the partisans of Moshe Dayan point lished here to better relations with from all faiths, are represented in Buck, Pablo Casals, Dwight D. out that within a few months they the Jewish community and work the selection of credos in an inter- Eisenhower. Harry Truman, Elea- have collected 150,000 signatures in nor Roosevelt, and two-score other for mutual understanding between the campaign "Dayan for Premier- esting book edited by Roland Gam the two faiths. notables. mon. ship" and it is obvious that Dayan Each of the quoted credos is In -All Believers Are Brothers." should appear at least iti second FOR THE BEST IN preceded by a biographical sketch Gammon has inserted the views of place on the List. MUSIC AND ENTERTAINMENT David Ben-Gurion, Reinhold Nie- of the quoted personality. There are party members who buhr, ' Richard M. Nixon. David Ben-Gurion's essay deals with claim second place for Party Sec- Sarnoff, Pope Paul VI, Helen Kel- the emergence of Israel's state- Phone retary, Sapir. Some leaders put hood and the first prime minis- And His Orchestra, forward a compromise solution: In 549-7170 ter of Israel and he expresses 358-0938 the first places should appear the the universal message of his peo- members of the government in ple by declaring: "While engag alphabetical order. There are other ed in our national regeneration problems which cause a headache Professional Entertainment we must always remember the to party leaders. The Rafi Group messianic vision of redemption insists on choosing their candi- that preserved us for thousands JERUSALEM (JTA)—The small dates, but most party leaders and of years. That vision foresaw especially Sapir maintain that all Jewish community in Lebanon is not only the complete redemp- growing uneasy for its safety and candidates should be chosen by a tion of all nations. And we shall special central committee of the many Lebanese Jews want to leave discharge the great and difficult that country, it was reported by an party. task that is laid upon us only if Private and Commercial Skews Sapir tries to put off formation East Jerusalem resident who just we are true to the great vision of the candidates' list, which must returned from Beirut. The infor- 547-0896 545-2737 of the latter days which Israel's mant said that three large Jewish- be completed under the Election prophets foresaw and which will owned stores recently closed in Law by Sept. 23. He maintains that surely come,tp ,pass. The vision the Rafi Group has undergone a Beirut. shall be realized in all its full- split and some of its leaders like ness if, side by side with all our Minister Josef Almogi, A. Wolfen- Weiler Says British Use practical efforts, we also cling son, U. Agami, Ch. Lamdan, etc. Sanctions Against Israel tightly to spiritual values: the have ceased their activity within NEW YORK (JTA) — British achievements of science, the FURNITURE & UPHOLSTERING CO. this group. "sanctions" are in effect against ethics of the prophets, and pio- It is nearly sure that David Ben- ;Israel. Jack D. Weiler, one of the neering that fulfills." CUSTOM MADE FURNITURE—DRAPERIES Gurion will run on his own list in '