Jews Who Seek Isolation From Urban Woes Condemned as 'Marginal' by Head of NCRAC PITTSBURGH (JTA) — The chairman of the National Jewish Community Relations Advisory Council termed as a "return to the marginal Jew" those concepts of Jewish survival which propose that Jewish organizations restrict themselves solely to Jewish edu- cation, culture, worship and other "uniquely Jewish purpose" and withdraw from involvement in the nation's racial and social problems. w h o Criticizing individuals favor such "isolating" trends, Jordan C. Band of Cleveland, in an address commemorating the NCRAC's 25th anniversary, warn- ed that this process could only weaken the "democratic plural- ism" of American society on which, he said, the status and se- curity of Jewish life depends. In a speech to some 250 repre- sentatives of the NCRAC's nine national and 82 local organizations holding their annual conference here, Band urged his listeners to combat a trend among Jews who are "turning inward" and who "may even look upon withdrawal from the great social issues of American life, to devote their en- ergies solely to 'taking care of our own,' as a kind of program for Jewish action in these times." He recalled that a generation ago, "it was considered deplorable that the Jew was a marginal man, living a kind of schizoid existence, affair also was a tribute to Isaiah Minkoff, NCRAC's exec- utive vice chairman since its in- ception and the guiding force in its development. The delegates also castigated "Jewish extremist groups" that seek to justify "violent and coer- cive tactics in what they deem to be defense of Jewish security and Jewish interests." This criticism was apparently directed partly in the American culture, at—but did not name—the Jewish partly in a culture essentially Defense League in New York. alien to America." This "mar- Denouncing vigilante tactics, ginality" created "Jewish hang- NCRAC declared that paramilitary ups of alleged Jewish inadequac- or any organized private use of ies and maladjustments," he said. force, threat of force, intimida- "Now, it appears, we are being tion or coercion (is) destructive summoned to marginality as a of public order and injurious to Jewish virtue." civil liberties." Band was re-elected to a third The NCRAC statement said one-year term. that such actions should not be The NCRAC celebrated its growth and expanding areas of activity in the 25 years since it was established in this city. The the values inherent in Rabbi Landman's study for laymen as well as rabbis and students of the Talmud. The dictum Dina D'3Ialkutha Dina is attributed ac- cording to the Talmud to the 3rd Century CE Babylonian scholar Rabbi Samuel and Rabbi Landman's study indicates how it is quoted in his name several times. released by mere verbal emanci- pation." The Dina D'Malkutha concept developed through the ages, according to Dr. Landman's anal- yses in the Gaonic period. Did Samuel's edict contradict sacred law and Divine injunctions? This explanation by Rabbi Landman clarifies and justifies the accept- ance of the law under which Jews live: "During the talmudic and Gao- nic periods, as well as long after- wards, the prevailing opinion was that no king could come to power unless God so willed it. Any indi- vidual who ascends the throne, does so by Divine Will. An edict issued by the king expresses the desire of the king, and since the king himself is sanctified by God, his laws have authority. "On the basis of this theory, the Geonim justified Samuel's law. Just as God rules over the kingdoms of the world, so it is the right of a king to rule over the property of man and to do with such properties as he pleas- es. He acts according to his will, and his subjects must obey ..." Taking up the matter of a possi- ble contradiction in practice, and the injection of the theory of the "rule of kings," Rabbi Landman adds: "Actually there is no contradic- tion. The Geonim had no need to relinquish their autonomy. The kings, to a great extent, allowed them self-government. They were permitted to live according to the Samuel's role emerges here in the outline presented at the outset ; dictates of Jewish law. Conse- quently, their theory never enter- by Dr. Landman based on acquisi- ed into conflict with life. They tion of land and rulings of a Gen- recognized only the need to sup- tile court. port governmental law when it Instances illustrating the point involved the welfare of the state that "the law of the kingdom is the and the welfare of the public. law" are presented; and one of the Towards this goal they whole- references to Samuel's law, accord- heartedly subscribed." ing to Dr. Landman, In later periods, when Jews were "occurs when the Talmud speaks . of a Gentile who failed to pay his', deprived of their just rights, as in head tax and was required to ! the 14th Century Spain, Rabbi work for a Jew who paid the , Landman points out that "the kings head tax for him. Rabbi Papa! were denounced,"" Samuel's law wonders whether the Gentile is was declared inapplicable "to subject to all the laws of a slave high-handed and inequitable laws so that when he is to be eman- just as it does not apply when cipated he would require the cus- extortionate taxes are levied." It tomary bill of manumission. was then there was a turn of Rava, in the name of Rabbi She- events in Europe where Jews until shesh, replies that it is the law of the 13th Century enjoyed freedom, the king that he become the slave but with a turn of events Jews of the one who pays his head tax. "no longer saw the relationship 'The law of the kingdom is the between themselves and the king law' and as such requires the in terms of 'social contact.'" Under rule of discriminating Gentile to become a slave. Should he wish to marry a Jewess, he kings, the Dina D'Malkutha con- would have to receive a writ of cept underwent changes and ap- manumission and undergo con plications to the times of stress. version rites before he may do Threats of expulsion compelled so. Should a Jew redeem the submission, but when law under head tax of a fellow Jew,- the consideration was not for the en- latter would also require a writ tire kingdom, as when clergy was of manumission. He could not be exempt from taxes, laws against and rejected their contention that white and black cultures were in- compatible. Earlier, David Ginsburg, former executive director of the Kerner Commission, told the NCRAC, "It's one year later and one year ernment to take "over-all respon- sibility for public education. Dr. Drachler said only the national government has the necessary re- sources available for performing the "improvements needed in American public schools.") The NCRAC took issue last American public over such issues as the plight of Arab refugees and the administration of Jeru- salem "but little general knowl- edge of the basic political, terri- torial and security issues between Israel and the Arabs." On the situation of Jews in So- viet Russia, the NCRAC said there were indications that the Kremlin was not insensitive to the pres- sure of world opinion. It noted Soviet toleration of open demon- strations of interest in Judaism on the part of young Russian Jews, the availability of matzo for the Passover holidays and last year's visit of Moscow rabbi Ychuda Leib Levin to the U.S.• with offi- cial consent. The NCRAC urged the Jewish community to keep up its public agitation, particularly for the ful- fillment of Premier Alexei Kosy- gin's 1966 promise to permit So- viet Jews to emigrate in order to be reunited with their families. worse," in an assessment of de- velopments in the urban crisis since the commission issued its historic warning last year that America was heading toward racial polarization. The council charged Monday forms" of public assistance to parochial and private education. The dissenting group was the that some major Protestant Union of Orthodox Jewish Con- church groups, whose overseas gregations of America which has missionary activities play a dom- endorsed public aid to sectarian inant role in shaping church schools on the grounds that the policy, were among the "major assistance is essential to the pupil vendors" of the notions that Is- and not to the religious group in- rael is "inflexible and obdu- volved. rate" about a Middle East peace (D et roit Superintendent of settlement. "confused" with the activities of Schools Dr. Norman Drachler The delegates also found "wide- groups that, in cooperation with earlier called on the federal gov- spread emotionalism" among the police, patrol areas in which the incidents of violence is high. 'Dina D'Malkutha Dina' Precept Thoroughly Reviewed in Landman's 'Law Confrontation' A basic Jewish principle, from the Talmud — "Dina D'Malkutha Dina"—"the law of the kingdom is the law"--is given thorough eval- uation in a significant study by Rabbi Leo Landman of Philadel- phia. It has been published by Dropsie College under the title "Jewish Law in the Diaspora: Confrontation a n d Accommoda- tion." In a foreword to the volume. Prof. Solomon Zeitlin of Dropsie College gives due recognition to Dr. Landman's research by stat- mg: '•Dr. Leo Landman, in his book 'Jewish Law in the Diaspora: Con- frontation and Accommodation. - shows his mastery of the Responsa and skill of interpretation. It is an admirable piece of work, full of new insights and ideas. The book will be indispensible for historians of the Middle Ages. At the same time it is a valuable book for the intelligent layman who wishes to learn about the Jews and Judaism in the Middle Ages. It is a remark- able accomplishment." This commendation summarizes "Our condemnation is directed to j those who take the law into their own hands," the statement de- ' dared. In a not he r policy action, NCRAC warned of a "spreading pattern" of state aid to church- related schools and other continu- ing "circumventions" of the Con- stitutional separation of church and state. It reaffirmed, with one dissent, its opposition to "all a minority group were not con- weekend with demands by some black extremists that college ad- sidered valid. missions be based on the ratio It is interesting to note this de- of the Negro population to the finitive statement by Rabbi Land- man explaining the Jewish atti- , whole and that the same "pro- tude: "The Jews, in every age, portional quota system" be ap- did not allow themselves to be ; plied to private and government employment. consistently and logically limited strangled by the secular authori- The delegates went on record ties and certainly not by means in favor of Jewish support for of their own principle. The law of special education, job training. the kingdom was the law, but welfare aid, employment and when they found that the power thereby extended to the monarchs threatened to hurt them, they and curbed such power. Obvious. ly their protests were not heeded, since the king's authority and force did not depend upon the approval of the Jewish commu- nity. Nevertheless, internally, the Jews applied the concept of Dina D'Malkutha Dina. All applicable matters are dis- cussed in this study, including the matters of taxes, loans, interest, land possession, the courts and judges. Inter alia. Dr. Landman dis- cusses the position of the Bet Din, the Jewish court of law, and in ex- planation of the mingling of Jews more freely with the non-Jewish world he shows how the Bet Din's power waned and comments: "A once powerful and significant institution in Jewish life has all but disappeared except in areas dealing solely with religious law. How have the mighty fallen!" Rabbi Landman shows how "with modern times, and modern prob- lems, modern applications of Dina D'Malkutha Dina were made," he summarizes: other assistance for disadvantaged minority group members. But they insisted that such aid must be based on individual needs, "not race, religion or ethnicity." The issue of "compensatory ra- cial or ethnic quotas" arose re- cently in the controversy over admissions to City College of New York. The delegates. in a policy statement, contended that a free admissions policy based on min- ority group population figures "would be inconsistent with the concept of equality of education." The NCRAC delegates also de- plored black advocates of "full and permanent black separatism" Jews in Vancouver Jews have lived in Vancouver. British Columbia, since the muni- cipality's founding in 1855. Its pre- sent Jewish population is -10,000. 1 The city's first synagogue, Beth El, was established as an Ortho- dox synagogue in 1887 and is now a Conservative congregation. Zuckerman Family Establishes Detroit Garden in Jerusalem "The law of Samuel, Dina D'Mal- kutha Dina, which came into being in the 3rd Century CE was constantly developed to meet the prevailing conditions in every nation and at all times. However, neither Samuel nor the rabbis after him made use of Dina D'Malkutha Dina when dealing with religious law, Only when civil issues were involved was Samuel's precept invoked. "'The law of the kingdom is the law' was the central factor which guided the Jew along a - path true to his ancestral way of life and yet in harmony with the laws of the nation in which he lived." " Thus there never was abandon- ment of Jewish adherence to the religious heritage of the people in the application of this principle. Rabbi Landman's is a highly in- formative volume. It is valuable for the lay reader. For the rabbinic student his book can well serve as a textbook on a most important Jewish subject into which are inter- Two views of the Detroit Garden in Jerusalem, which was estab- lished by the family of Paul Zuckerman, were taken recently while Zuckerman, national chairman of United Jewish Appeal was attend- ing the Conference on Human Needs. The meeting was called by Prime Minister Golda Meir and brought together experts from Jewish communities throughout the world to consider social welfare problems related issues involving Jewish re- in Israel. lationships with their neighbors and citizenry's duties to state. 32—Friday, July 4, 1969 , THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS