THE JEWISH NEWS Incorporating The Detroit Jewish Chronicle commencing with issue of July 20, 1951 Member American Association of English-Jewish Newspapers, Michigan Press Association. National Editorial Association Published every Friday by The Jewish News Publishing Co., 17100 West Seven Mile Road. Detroit, Mich. 48235. VE 8-9364. Subscription $7 a year. Foreign $8. Second Class Postage Paid at Detroit, Michigan PHILIP SLOMOVITZ Editor and Publisher CARMI M. SLOMOVITZ Business Manager SIDNEY SHMARAK Advertising Manager CHARLOTTE DUBIN City Editor Sabbath Scriptural Selections This Sabbath, the fifth day of Tarnuz. 5729, the following scriptural selections will be read in our synagogues: Pentateuchal portion, Num. 16:1-18:32. Prophetical portion. 1 Samuel 11:14-12:22. Candle lighting. Friday, June 20. 7:53 p.m. Page Four VOL. LV . No. 14 _ June 20. 1969 Poland's Successful 'Judenrein' Campaign Poland has learned well from the Nazis. Hitler Germany aimed at making Germany Judenrein and in the main has succeeded. Poland's similar aspiration nears a triumph for the imitators of the medieval barbarism that was motivated by such deep-rooted hatred that only the destruction of the Jews would satisfy them. This seems to be the German-imitated Polish attitude today. There is no other way of judging the Polish decision, as reported by Poland's offi- cial news agency. PAP, that emigration of Jews will be stopped on Sept. 1. Already having attained a goal of depriving Jews of their means of earning a livelihood. Poland now has yielded to pressures from Arab potentates who object whenever there is an opportunity for .Jews to come to Israel. It may well be Arab interference that prevents an open door for Russian .Jews who wish to emigrate to Israel. That was the case several years ago when the exit of Jews from Ro- mania was curtailed for a short time. Arab fear that Israel will be strengthened by the influx of more people of knowhow from lands. of oppression has caused this attitude which has stood in the way of settling many Jews from lands of oppression in a free Israel. There may also be a realization by Po- land that the country • losing a large num- ber of its skilled en ineers and scientists. But such concern undoubtedly is limited to the more rational elements whd have Poland's highest interests at heart. It can not possibly apply to the bigots in the govern- ment, the ruling elements who take their orders from the Kremlin and who have cre- ated the Zionist bogey as a means of per- petuating an inherited anti-Semitism that is one of the vilest on record. The Polish press agency reports that since July 1, 1967, 5,264 Jews had left Poland for Israel. A report from the Institute of Jewish Affairs in London provides the additional information that 14.000 Polish Jews had applied for exit visas. It is known that since Poland had broken diplomatic relations with Israel after the Six-Day War, applicants for visas to go to Israel are assisted in their emigration plans by the Dutch Embassy in Warsaw. that their entry to Israel is guaran- teed and their travel costs to Vienna assured. but that not all go to Israel after reaching Vienna. A serious problem has been created for the Jewish relief organizations by the res- trictions on emigrants from Poland. They are permitted to take with them S5 and a limited amount of personal belongings. There are restrictions on transfer of personal savings or assets abroad. The less than 25.000 Jews who had chosen to remain in Poland now realize that Communist rule is not a panacea and that oppression is predominant. During the Nazi regime. Poles collabor- ated with the Hitler hordes. The preachments of Hitler. have borne fruit not only in Ger- many but also in the lands he had influ- enced. notably Poland. And Poland. like Ger- many, is becoming "Judenrein." Rebirth of Med ieval Credulity Polish anti-Semitism stems from political machinations. Similarly. in the main. Rus- sian discrimination results either from the search for a scapegoat as means of diverting the people's attention from government ills or is linked with a desire to foment trouble in the Middle East. It's an entirely different story when med- ieval prejudices are revived to accuse Jews of many crimes, to charge them with ritual murder — a revival of which occurs from time to time in the Ukraine and other Com- munist-ruled areas or with kidnapings. as in the instance of a most amazing spread of hatred in the French city of Orleans. The trumped up accusations in Orleans were so incredible that there is amazement that anything of the sort could possibly have been concocted in the 20th Century. Leading .Jewish-owned stores in Orleans were charged with having set up tunnels through which to transport kidnaped women for sale in the white slave market. and the rumors also re- sorted to such fairy tales as drugging of women. their alleged disapperance while shopping and subsequent embellishments that have emerged into a portrayal rivaling the worst lies of the Middle East. How could anything like it happen in an enlightened age? Why were the rumors spread in the schools, why were they spread into such a madness that women who had shopped in Jewish stores for many years — should suddenly have declared that they would not enter them unaccompanied by others as a protection? And the result was that people stopped visiting Jewish stores and the lie spread like wildfire. It has sub- sided. and there should be evidence of shame over what had occurred. It remains to be seen whether the Jewish community will re- ceive a mass apology from citizens who were duped back into the ignorance of the Dark Ages. How did it all happen? Some say it was manufactured by competitiors. That often happens. Some ascribed it to a prank. That. too. occurs. But the majority in Orleans who have been asked for an opinion now submit that it was sheer anti-Semitism. That's more rational. The anti-Jewish menace is emerging anew. No matter how confident we may be in the superiority of human nature over the ignorance that is linked with hatreds, the hatred of the Jew is now becoming all too evident again. The Arabs have helped to foment it. Communist Russia has contributed to it. Bigots in our midst are among the guil- ty. and extremists who are fomenting distrust in schools of higher learning have aided the haters. Once again even the ranks of intellec- tuals are contributing to the campaign of hate. Hitler would have gloried over the tri- umph his philosophy of hate has attained even in enlightened areas. Panic-Spreading in Middle East Chief spokesman for Egypt's President Nasser, the editor of Al Ahram. Mohammed Hussanein Heykal. predicts "a hot and ex- plosive winter" as a follow-up to the Israeli elections in September. If Heykal listens to the declarations of the Israeli statesmen, he should know that condi- tions do not change, that the established policy remains intact, that Israel is not fooled by the present conditions, and its leaders and Leviant Compiles 2,000-Year Treasury of Hebrew Literature Prof. Curt Leviant of Rutgers University has produced an antho- logy that provides exactly what the subtitle of his new book claims: - A Treasury of 2.000 Years of Jewish Creativity." In "Masterpieces of Hebrew Literature," published by Ktav, Dr. Leviant has gathered a number of masterpieces of post-biblical times. lie has shown good judgment in the material he has chosen for this work, and his introductions to the various sections, his supplementary facts about the authors and the times in which they wrote. serve to produce a magnificent record of great literary creations. From the literature of the .Apocrypha—the Wisdom literature and the popular writings in the Middle East—to the 18th Century. he has chosen the major works and has elaborated upon them. He com- mences, for instance, with his note on the Apocrypha and his explana- tory essay is typical of his entire evaluative work. About the Apocrypha he writes: "The books of the Apocrypha (known in Hebrew as 'Sefarim 111t- zonina. the 'Outside Books') were officially placed outside the bib- lical canon. But the ban in no way diminished their popularity, as may be seen by the somewhat hyperbolic statement of R. Akiba (2nd Century CE): 'Whoever reads the Outside Books loses his share in the World-to-Come.' A thoroughly stringent remark not at all typical of Akiba's gentle demeanor, the intent may have been to warn the reader against accepting these books on the same level as Holy Writ. "The prohibition notwithstanding, the books of the Apocrypha were read and copied, and their influence, whether through direct quotes or indirect suggestion, w as felt in various Midrashim, legends and ancient liturgic poetry. Hebraic in spirit and variegated in their subject matter, the Apocrypha, in Greek translation, was kept by the Church for two millenia as part of its sacred writ, and linked with what Christians term the Old Testament. Only in the past generation have all the books of the Apocrypha been retranslated into the original Hebrew from the Greek." In this section he proceeds with "The Wisdom of Ben Sira." "The - Story of Susanna" and "The Book of Tobit," and the gems of old lore are shared with readers who will surely treasure this entire collection in which are incorporated: Pirke Abot (Ethics of the Fathers) in a fine translation: other selections from the Mishna and Talmud: Josephus' "The Jewish War: The Fall of Masada'', Bahya Ibn Pakuda's -Duties of the Heart;" the noteworthy portions of "Ethical Wills" by famous scholars: Leon of Modena's "Responsa:" portions from the writing of Maimonides: Moses liayim Luzzatto's - The Path of the Upright;" Nachmanides' "The De- putation With Paulo Christiani:" and other famous portions from the great writings by our most distinguished scholars over a period of 20 centuries. Many eras. a vast variety of subjects are covered in this antho- logy. We have here Rashi's Commentary, selections from the finest poetic works by authors of the Golden Age of Spain (Samuel Ha - Nagid, Solomon Ibn Gabirol. Moses Ibn Ezra, Judah Halevi) and other classics. Prof. Leviant has turned to a new field, his previous works having dealt with Sholom Aleichem and other related subjects. He adds to his good record with another good book, these "Masterpieces of Hebrew Literature. - Exposition of Observances "The Jewish Way" by Rabbi David H. Weisenberg, published hf Christopher Publishing House, Boston is subtitled "A Lucid Exposition of Jewish Observances and Proper Conduct." It is just that. It contains definitive brief essays of Jewish ceremonial practices, symbols in Jew- ish traditional worship, synagogue rituals, holiday observances, Sabbath lore and many related subjects. The author, whose work was illustrated by Leo Hirsh, deals with kashrut, divorce, conversion, the Jewish calendar, prayers for all li occasions, yahrzeit, candle lighting, and nearly every aspect of Jewish people know that the "hot war" has never receded. Also—if Heykal were to visit Israel, he'd know that except on the borders there is no panic, normalcy prevails and whatever panic There is a section with questions, the provided answers to which may emanate from Israel stems from news - additionally guide the reader towards an understanding of many /Mr paper reports in the foreign press. portant facts in Jewish conduct and observance. If the calmness of Israel could be shared Explaining the mezuza, the sukka, Passover and its symbols, by the Jewish state's neighbors there 'd be less the author provides the information the Jewish layman needs in order fear and more confidence in a possibility for I properly to approach Jewish observances with knowledge and under- peace in the Middle •East. standing.- • • - • - --- • ..... -