28—Friday, June 20, 1969 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS They 31age The Grade Bar Mitzva Four 3100 scholarships. "Julius burg Memorial Outstanding Thes- Arthur Rabinowitz, son of Mr. Passerman's Lincoln Drugs Schol- pian Award. In the fall, Amy will and Mrs. Seymour Rabinowitz, arships." were awarded to Mary attend Eastern Michigan Univer- 15935 Harden Cir., Southfield, will Ellen Bender, a graduate of Our sity where she will major in speech observe his Bar Mitzva 9 a.m. Lady of LaSalette: Janet Thurman. and drama. She had major roles in Thursday at Cong. Mishkan Israel. graduate of Oak Park High School: ''Rebel Without A Cause" and Lynn McCarthy, of Our Lady of "Kiss Me Kate," presented during Fatima: and Roberta Rosner. of the school year. Berkley High School. This is the These four Mich- 14th year of the awards at the Fake Franklin Change igan high school ,.. A diary, purported to be that of high school level. and the 10th year graduates were ":,,7 of the awards to the two Catholic Charles Pinckney, in which vicious awarded $250 col- anti-Semitic statements are attri- schools. lege scholarships • • • buted to Benjamin Franklin. was by the Depart-:', • Wayne State University's speech exposed as a fake by historian ment of Michigan `, department announced the presen- Charles A. Beard in 1935. Frank- Jewish War Vet- tation of awards to several students lin had always been friendly to- erans and its La- from this area, among them Terry ward the Jews and was interested dies Auxiliary Ann Schwartz of Harding Ave.. Oak in Jewish culture. during their an- Park. for high over-all honor point nual convention average: Lawrence M. Lawson of * here recently. Re- Marlow Ave., Oak Pars, for the cipients of the de- high average in mass communica- partment awards • Birmingham tions: Michael I. Rolnick of Plum- 1‘ • are Jeanette ttl WEST brook Ave.. Southfield, the Clara se Boukn ig h t (sec- MAPLE RD. B. Stoddard Award for his con- s /Pi and from left), a Ml -1 410 tributions to speech correction: • 4. graduate of Mac- , heqr F. l . and Mrs. Barbara Bean of Rock *BIG BAND OR SMALL COMBOS .1 kenzie High i *• Creek Dr., the E. Ray Skinner D...;,/ ll School, and Mich- :UN 3-8982 UN 3-5730! Award cor Interpretation. isuis 4.1% elle Philips of • • • • Oak Park Hi g h ELLIOTT BERRY, a student at School. Ronald Kopelman (left), a graduate of Henry Ford High, was the University of Michigan, and honored by Sholom Auxiliary, and Alvin Weiner, graduate of Ann Arbor DAVID S. HAMBURGER, a stu- High School, got the Bloch-Rose Post award. Scholarship chairmen for dent at Eastern Michigan Univer- the Michigan JWV were Mrs. John Nemon, past national president, and sity, are among the 39 collegians Saul Glosser, past post commander of Bloch-Rose. Awards are made who flew to Europe and Israel this to children of veterans regardless of ethnic origin or creed. week on an eight-week study mis- FURNITURE & UPHOLSTERING CO. sion sponsored by the United Jew CUSTOM MADE FURNITURE—DRAPERIES ish Appeal. The annual University Study Mission will include stops in INTERIOR DECORATING Switzerland. Germany, A us t r i a. Romania and France, as well as 273-1863 15345 W. 7 MILE more than four weeks in Israel. • • • RONALD GENE ZACK, son of Children of leading Jewish families in your community attend Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Zack of Hen- drie Blvd., Huntington Woods, was named to Phi Beta Kappa and Psi Chi honorary society in psychiatry. upon graduation from Wayne State • (203) 325 - 2231 Shippan Point, Stamford, Conn. University with a bachelors degree. Daniel Trotsky, Director Zack plans to go into medicine. • • • HIGH and COLLEGE AMY BETH MASON. daughter PREPARATORY SCHOOL of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard A. Mason, former Detroiters of Monroe, was • American-Jewish cultural home hfe. • Only 45 minutes from New York City. Bnai David High School has instituted an annual Israel scholar- named "Outstanding Thespian" of her troop at Monroe High School ship of $500, to be awarded to each of two graduates, who have ENROLL NOW FOR FALL for the year 1968-69. She also was proved outstanding in scholastics, attitude, interest, and participation Graduates at all leading universities the recipient of the Richard Lem- in school and synagogue activities. At the consecration and gradua- tion program, the scholarships were presented to Howard Sherizen (center) and Barbara Young. Due to personal reasons, Barbara was unable to accept the scholarship, so the alternate, Jay Novetsky, received the award, and will leave with Howard for Israel this sum- mer. With the three honorees are Meyer Berman (left), chairman of the education committee; Rabbi Aaron Brander, educational director. and Max Sosin (right), president of Bnai David. Youth News Four Veterans' Children Win Awards sao w ill iNe Hal Gordon MUSIC Bnai David Gives Israel Scholarships The ROOSEVELT SCHOOL nouncements June 9—To Mr. and Mrs. Alan D. Croll (Sandye Starman), former Detroiters of Los Angeles, a son, Daniel Victor. • • June 8—To Mr. and Mrs. Ronald A. Rogers (Frances Blumenstein). 25301 Henley. Huntington Woods, a son, Jason Mark. • June 7—To Mr. and Mrs. Perry Tzanis (Fay Brody), former De- troiters of Los Angeles, a daughter. .Marla Kathy. • • June 4—To Mr. and Mrs. Larry Singer (Rena Browarny). 14630 Borgman, Oak Park. a daughter, Nlarci Alyse. • May 30—To Mr. and Mrs. Den- nis P. Dickstein (Share Sachs), 27126 Pierce, Southfield, a son, Loren Marc. Recommended by Physicians RABBI Leo Goldman Expert Mohel Sere ing Hospitals and Homes LI 1-9769 LI 2-4444 ZACHARIASH MOHEL 341-1595 *. I • REV. GOLDMAN L. MARSHALL MOHEL 353-5444 .... ■■■•■■•• RABBI JOSHUA SPIRO Experienced Mohel Serving in Hospitals & Homes May 29—To Mr. and Mrs. Leslie i Edward Hubert (Barbara Ross), 24265 Shiawassee, a daughter. i Michelle Claire. I • * • May 29—To Mr. and Mrs. Phil- lip Shusterman (Phyllis Shapiro),' former -Detroiters of Chamblee, ' Ga., a son, Michael Andrew. • * * May 25—To Mr. and Mrs. Barry N. Simon (Lois Aidem), 22111 Harding, Oak Park, a son, Brad- . ley Mark. 1 • • • i May 19—To Dr. and Mrs. Robert J. Wilensby (Gail Susan Roggin), of Btslt.inorej•. a son Peter Benp- .1 - - "- ' • - 'Win . r j Banquet Perfection Choose from our beautifulk appointe4I banquet menus. The food is exquisite. the service swift and courteous. Best of all. we can tailor a banquet to fit any budget. Please accept our invitation to come to B'nai David Synagogue and inspect our facilities or. if You prefer. a phone call to our Banquet Director will ar- range eNerything. AL ROSENBERG Cong. B'nai David 24380 Southfield Road 358-1540