New 'Warming-Up' War on Borders Described to Human Needs Parley JERUSALEM (JTA) — Defense' education and research, housing, Minister Moshe Dayan said Tues- manpower, social welfare, cam- day that while Israel regards the paigns and development towns. present situation as "transitory," j Slum clearance and the short- a new war has begun. It is not an age of housing were cited as two all-out war but rather a gradual of the most important social prob- 'warming up" along the cease-fire lems facing Israel. Minister of Mies, he said. Housing Mordecai Bentov describ- Gen. Dayan gave this appral- ed the situation to a workshop on Sal to more than 200 delegates housing. from abroad attending the In- Be4ov said the housing short- ternational Conference on Human age increased social tensions, Needs in Israel. The delegates and sl m conditions influenced represent major fund - raising future eneration, and noted that bodies in the United States and slum clearance was less expen- 23 other countries. The purpose sive n the long run than the cost of their conference is to appraise of um existence. Israel's needs in the fields of Beitov said that rentals in Israel education and immi- average from $75 to $85 per month. grant absorption. For this reason, housing is an es Gen. Dayan spoke at a closed sential requirement of the state Military briefing, which also heard and must be heavily subsidized, he ! housing, cerned. New methods have been worked out and employed in the Lachish regional settlement area which were successful, he said. Tsur noted that most of the land in Israel requires costly reclama- tion. He said 45 per cent of the land available for settlement was pro- vided by the JNF, which builds roads, clears away rocks and levels the ground. The problem of finding means of support for the 20 per cent of new immigrants arriving with a low level of education and skills was discussed in a workshop on man- power and development towns. Mordecai Alton, mayor of Upper Nazareth, a new development town, described the purpose of Is- rel's population, which is made up largely of immigrants with low skills and little education. The ave- rage population of these towns is 10,000, and special facilities are needed in them such as cultural centers and social workers. Deputy Minister of Absorption from Israel Chief of Staff Maj. said. The minister said that 13,000 Gen. Haim Bar-Lev and Maj. Gen. new housing units were constructed Zvi Tsur, the deputy minister of last year, but the need is for 90,000 defense. units plus absorption centers and hospital s. I ease d after- a er- new A communique re wards reported that Gen. Dayan Minister of Health Israel Barzilai said the new warfare consisted of described to the workshop on Arye Eliav said that many new sniping, artillery exchanges and health the various illnesses intro- immigrants are young, and most terrorist raids, all in violation of duced into the country by new im- : have skills or professions that the cease-fire agreements. He said ' migrants. Barzilai said the diseas- ' enable them to integrate rapidly. a full-scale war was not envisaged es ranged from trachoma, common ' He said that out of 30,000 new- but that the situation along the bor- among immigrants from Oriental comers last year, 500 were engin- ders could deteriorate further. countries, to drug addiction among eers, 2,000 clerical workers and Gen. Bar-Lev said the Israel young people .tho came from West- 2,500 with experience in trade , and industry. He said that 80 per Army has achieved its main oh- ern lands. jectives: re-enforcement of the He said that despite the increase cent of them are likely to be ah- Cease-fire lines; the administration in types of illness. Israel's infant sorbed into the economy. The of 1,000,000 Arabs in the occupied mortality rate has decreased con- problem lies with the 20 per cent territories without undue difficul siderably and is among the lowest who lack trades, skills or profes- ties; and frustration of terrorist in the world. Ile said the big prob- ! sims• Meyer Weisgal, former president efforts to cause a general uprising lem was a shortage of doctors and in the occupied territories. of auxiliary medical personnel. He of the Weizmann Institute of Sei- that a recent strike in ence, chaired the workshop on said Israel could hold out in- pointed out ne definitely in the present situation a large government hospital was higher education. Speakers repre- shortage of nurses, not senting various institution of high- even if there is a deterioration' over the wages. . er learning agreed that facilities along the cease-fire lines. insufficient to train the large Gen. Tsur described Israel's de- A workshop in agricultural set- were numbers of students that Israel re- Tense budget and explained the tlement heard from Dr. Raanan quires. They said it costs the state eConomic aspects of national secur- Weitz, head of the Jewish Agen- ity, plans for acquiring additional cy's agricultural settlement de- I $17,000 to train a student for sci- weapons and equipment and Is- partment, and Yaacov Tsur, ence even if he pays full tuition fees. rael's plans to produce defense chairman of the Jewish National The workshop was told that Jews . Fund. Dr. Weitz said that about items for itself. extraction comprised Max M. Fisher joined the Det- 500 rural sellements were estab- of Oriental 55 per cent of the school population of which about 1948, roll delegation consisting of Paul ' lished since the primary level, 40 per cent in Zuckerman. William Avrunin and 1 300 are economically and socially at the secondary school and only 12 per cent at university level. Edu- He said there were about 50 set- cators said that to increase the and the address of welcome at the tlements dating from before Is rael's independence which were not calve number of Oriental Jews who re- session Monday. a high education required Zuckerman was co-chairman of j yet consolidated, and he attirbuted r assistance almost from the workshop on manpower. Av. j this to lack of funds and the fact financial special courses to main was secretary of the social that a large proportion of their in birth as well as way. But edu- Toby Citrin at the conference. Fisher gave the opening remarks f Farband Branch 114's general meeting 8:30 p.m. Saturday at the Labor Zionist Institute will feature Movsas Goldoftas, educator, as guest speaker. Refreshments will be served. The public is invited at no charge to this closing meeting of the year, according to Abe Freedman, president. SALESMANAGER FOR THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, June 20, 1969-17 THGrant I NCORPORATE D ,A DATA PROCESSING BUREAU Unusual opportunity. Proven ability required. Salary and commission. All rtplies confidential. Reply to Box 932. The Jewish News rtistry in 1 ewels 0' - 20010 James CotrzerisDrive Detroit 35, Michigan asenpat4 Otef.7244"6.9... 17100 W. 7 Mile Rd. Detroit, Mich. 48235 Phone:342 - 5666 NEW CADILLAC? SEE or CALL ANDY BLAU WILSON-CRISSMAN CADILLAC 1350 N. WOODWARD, BIRMINGHAM RES. 642-6836 CALL BUS. MI 4-1930 Now 2 Locations To Serve You! BORENSTEIN'S Featuring: self-sufficient. 1 habitants are immigrants from Or- 1 help them standards, along the the workshop welfare workshop• cational The conference considered the iental countries. said the usual methods was told, must not be lowered. Dr. Weitz Israel Finn n o Minister Ze'ev shops: agricultural settlement edu- of integrating immigrants were in- said that if the nation could cation and culture, health, higher adequate as far as they were con- Sharef reduce its defense budget by 16 per problems of Israel in nine work- Israel cent, it could by itself solve such social problems as housing, poverty and equal education for all. But, said Sharef, Israel cannot afford to cut its defense expenses by so much as 6 per cent, and security needs will continue to account for 40 per cent of the national budget. Sharef said Israel will need an annual infusion of over $140,000,000 to cover the costs of imigrant ab- sorption, education and housing. this summer combined business with pleasure in Fisher said the conference was concerned with advancing Is- rael's most precious resource— its people. He said its aim was to improve facilities for education, immigrant absorption and health services at a time when almost every effort of Israel's govern. ment and citizens must be dir- ected to insuring physical surviv- al in face of continuing hostility from the neighboring Arab lands. attend the First World Congress of Jewish Lawyers & Jurists. Aug. 24-25, '69 Organized by the Israel Bar, the conference will include seminars, official receptions, sightseeing and social functions. Choose from S Inclusive Tours From $510 • 2 Weeks Israel only From $925 • 3 Weeks Israel only *2 Weeks Israel a From Rome • 3 Weeks Israel, London, From $999 Rome • 3 Weeks Israel, Athens, From $1,045 Rome, London Farband Closing Meeting to Feature Lecture EL AL See your travel agent for com- plete information or call directly 963-7626. . . . . - The-Airline of the People' of Israel • He said the goal of the gathering was to "build an Israel marked by excellence in all the arts and sci- ences of healing, life-giving accom- plishments and the ability to ad- vance through great achievements the welfare and betterment of man- kind." Rabbi Herbert A. Friedman, ex- ecutive vice chairman of the Uni- ted Jewish Appeal, said Wednes- day that Israel needs $350,000,000 a year to cover the costs of immi- grant absorption and relatedlields. A COMPLETE SELECTION OF • RECORDS • BOOKS • RELIGIOUS ARTICLES • ISRAELI MADE PRODUCTS • JEWELRY •GIFTS GALORE EVERYTHING FOR THE JEWISH HOME ! 40 7 25242Greenfield, Oak Park Just North of 10 Mile Rd. IN THE GREENFIELD CENTER Phone: 398-9095 Ample Free Parking And At 13535 W. 7 Mile Rd. at Schaefer DI 1-3268 DI 1-0569 HOURS: DAILY 9 to 7; SUNDAY 9 to 6