Arabs 'Moderately Pleased' by Pompidou % Elee BOSTON (JTA)—The Christian Science Monitor reported from Beirut Tuesday that Arab capitals "appear moderately pleased" by the election Sunday of Georges Pompidou as president of France. The Monitor quoted the indeendent Beirut news- paper Al Jurida, as saying that while Pompidou was not another de Gaulle, the European leader most widely admired in the Arab world, "he is better than the other Candidates." The Beirut paper said that whatever changes the new president may introduce In French policy toward Israel. - he _annot give up our friendship or support for the basis of our (Arab) cause." 'The Man i festo' : Threat of Revolt, Affront to Religion and Government Commentary Page 2 THE JEWISH NEWS I=)E R C=101 -1— IN/1 I I—IIG.•=..N.I A Weekly Review of Jewish Events Michigan's Only English-Jewish Newspaper — Incorporating The Detroit Jewish Chronicle VOLUME LV—No. 14 -a"Fx ■ - 27 14)11 Cairo Radio stressed that Pompidou had carried out Gaullist policies when he served as premier under former President de Gaulle. According to the Monitor, "Arab interest in Pompidou's Mid East policy centers on his attitude toward French military aid to Arab countries and continuation of a total arms embargo imposed on Israel after the Israeli raid on Beirut Airport last December." The Monitor said that "Some Arab commentators have privately noted that Pompidou was in the early 1950, a director of the Rothschild Bank in Paris. But this has not become a public issue iit Arab news media." Related Stores on Page 18 17100 W. 7 Mile Rd., Detroit 48235 — VE 8-9364—June 20, 1969 Anti-Semitic Trends in Poland and Among French Editorial Page 4 $7.00 Per Year; This Issue 20c Death of U. S. Tourist Draws Wide Condemnations; Israel's Travel Safety Affirmed by CCAR Bnai Brith Starts Drive Among American, Canadian Teen-Alters on Drug Abuse WASHINGTON, D.C.—A national effort to arm teen-agers with the latest information about drug abuse soon will be undertaken by the world's larg- est Jewish youth organization. it was announced at a conference of professional workers of the 50.00')- member Bnai Brith Youth Organization at its na- tional headquarters here. The conference received results of a survey by the organization's program department that confirm- ed widespread recent news reports of an "alarming escalation" among high school and junior high school students of experimentation with marijuana and other drugs. It indicated that purchase of ''pot" some middle-class neighborhoods—in the words of one BBYO worker—had become as commonplace as "buying a doughnut and coffee in the corner lunch- eonette.•" Federal and New York City addiction-prevention experts have agreed to aid as consultants in develop- ing the organization's program, along with adult workers of the Bnai Brith Youth Organization. But two BBYO youth officers emphasized it will be "strictly our own thing—factual and 'cool', and with. out adult-type preaching and lecturing." Arthur Schaefer, 17, Sierra Madre, Calif., and Patricia Giniger, 17, Decatur, Ga., also said the pro- gram will be launched at two international BBYO conventions in August—those of the Aleph Zadik Aleph boys' group, headed by Schaefer, and the Bnai Brith Girls, headed by Miss Giniger. The two groups, along with the Bnai Brith Young Adults, conduct their activities through more than 1.600 chapters throughout North America—and many addi- tional chapters in South and Central America, En- rope, Israel and Australia. In the survey results reported at the conference, BBYO professional staff members throughout the United States and Canada generally agreed that to- day's adults cannot accurately gauge the actual ex- tent of teen-age drug abuse partly because the "gen- eration gap" too often hampers youth-adult com- munication. But, with a few exceptions, all said they believed teen-s age drug abuse was approaching a critical point. Seymour Cohen, BBYO program directeor, said the new program will aim to equip the young people themselves with reliable facts -and techniques to make more effective their discussion with their peers on the hazards of drug abuse. A second purpose, he said, is to suggest better guidelines than have usual- ly been followed, for adult advisers and social work- ers to "get through" to today's young people on this issue. "We will especially seek to avoid scare techni- ques that too often turn-off today's young people. Our main focus will be on the pressures of the con- temporary environment that too often lead teen- agers to seek excitement or release in marijuana or other drugs." Worldwide condemnation of Arab attacks on civilians and tourists followed the death of the first tour- ist ever to suffer from the terrorist acts perpetrated against Israel. While many Israeli lives have been lost in the endless attacks upon Israeli border settlements since the Six-Day War, Shirley Louise Anderson of Rochester, N.Y., is the first tourist to die in the Arab- Israel conflicts. Protests have been sounded against the terrorist acts in Congress and in Houston, Tex., where the American Reform rabbis are holding their convention. The Central Conference of American Rabbis vot- ed a resolution Tuesday deploring Miss Anderson's death and affirming the general safety of Israel for tourism. "We note with profound shock and sadness that Arab terrorist activities have taken a further toll of civilian life and limb," the measure said. "We are aware that a crucial aim of such terror is to discourage tourists from coming to Israel to isolate the land from its people. "Despite this and previous acts, Israel remains a safe and secure land. People walk through its streets and villages day and night with complete confidence. We will continue to urge people everywhere to visit Israel in the future as in the past. "We reaffirm that the CCAR will hold its next convention in Israel in March, and we expect to go there with our families and many of our congregants," said the resolution, which was moved by Rabbis W. Gunther Plant of Toronto and Jacob J. Weinstein of Chicago. WASHINGTON (JTA) — * * The Congressman representing the New York State home county of the Amer- ican tourist killed in Israel Tuesday denounced the killing and said she was an "innocent victim of Arab terrorism." Rep. Frank Horton, New York Republican, said that he had spoken with the State Department and had confirmed the death of Shirley Louise Anderson, 25, the daughter of Gordon B. Anderson and Mrs. Anderson of Rochester, N.Y. The girl's father is a Republican member of the New York Legislature from Monroe County. -the counts- governing body, and an employe of the Eastman Kodak Co. in Rochester. Rep. Horton conveyed condolences Tuesday to the Andersons. Rep. Hamilton Fish, Jr., New York Republican, said Tuesday that the killing and wounding of American tourists, by military forces of Jordan required that the State Department consider suspension of export licenses for further shipment of U.S. munitions to Jordan. Rep. Fish said that he was particularly concerned about the pending shipment of F-104 fighter jets and other weaponry, including tanks and artillery. The Congressman said the latest incident indicated that "King Hussein has appeased extremists within his kingdom to a degree that the Jordanian govern- ment seems no longer its own master." Rep. Fish said that he doubted the wisdom of continuing U.S. arm shipments contracted in Wash- ington by Jordan during the Johnson administration. He said that "any military assistance provided to Jordan must be conditioned on strict observance by that state of the cease-fire agreement." He added that (Continued on Page 7) Ruling; Bonn Parties Agree to Extend Limitations Statute; Israel Ambassador's Lecture Disrupted BONN (JTA)—West Germany's two ruling coalition parties agreed last week to extend the statute of limita- tions on Nazi war crimes prosecution from 20 to 30 years so that the search for and trial of Nazis involved in crimes of murder can continue. The statute of limitations is pre- sently scheduled to go into effect at the end of 1969. The draft bill, worked out between the Christian Democratic Union, headed by Chancellor Kurt Georg Kiesinger, and the Social Democrats, headed by Foreign Minister Willy Brandt, went to the Bundestag (lower house) where de- bate began. Informed sources said they were certain the measure would gain a parliamentary majority. The draft was regarded as a compromise between Chancellor Kiesinger and Brandt, who wanted to abolish the statute altogether. The chancellor favored exemption from prosecution of those who participated in murder under orders from their supporters. A West German Su- preme Court ruled last month that persons who commit- ted murder under orders could not be held guilty of mur- der for base motives. Only in cases where such motives can be proved can convictions be obtained in the future The two parties also agreed to abolish the 20-year limit on prosecution for crimes of genocide. BONN (JTA)—Arab students and their left-wing Ger- man supporters prevented Israel's Ambassador Asher Ben- Natan from addressing a crowd of 2,000 at Hamburg Uni- versity June 11. It was the second time that demonstra- tors carrying banners supporting Arab guerrillas and de- nouncing Israel disrupted an address by Ben-Natan. He was shouted down Monday at Frankfurt University where he spoke to an audience of 1.500 on the occasion of the beginning of Peace in the Middle East Week in Germany. On both oc- casions he was denounced. alon g; with West German Chancellor Kurt Georg Kiesinger and Is- rael's Defense Minister Moshe Dayan, as a "Nazi" and "fas- cist." The Israeli ambassador's appearances were arranged by the Organization of Jewish Stu- Ben-Natan dents in Germany in Frankfurt and the German-Israeli Students Union in Hamburg. The demonstrations against him were instigated by the radical (Continued on Page 3)