Gerald Green's 'Artists of Terezin' an Expose of Terror An indictment of the Nazi beasts; An expose of the brutalities that were practiced on human be- ings; The terrors under which children lived in concentration camps; The silent protests, expressed with brush, paint, charcoal by artistic souls who had no other way of expressing their disgust of the Hitler inhumanities; An expose of the Red Cross that fell victim to the Nazi propa- ganda and failed to cry out against the outrages. He did it all in "The Artists of Terezin — Illustrations by the Ir- mates of Terezin," a text accom- panied by the evidence: the paint- ings of the inmates. This deeply moving story, pub- lished by Hawthorn Books, is the outcry of an author who has sue- ceded in compiling the data, in getting first-hand information about the artists, their art, the sub- jects they excoriated with great subtlety, the manner in which many of these works of art that spell anti-Nazism have been pre- served. Terezin, where these art works were created as an expression of anguish and of protest, was the Terezienstadt concentration camp. It was, as Green explains, "a collection point for Ausch- witz . . . to further the Final solution, to assemble a lot of Jews in one place, so that they might be efficiently dispatched to the gas chambers." Green introduces, so that the louts should never be forgotten, • spend pond o. angrily to criticism, would allow the Danes to continue send- ing food and medicine to Tere- zin the Germans were pleased, the Jews, as indicated in Rabbi Baeck's mournful comment, were shattered. They knew that there was no hope. The world had been deceived; the Nazis could move ahead with a systematic exter- mination of every Jew in Tere- zin. That fall, transports were increased. It was the time of the infamous 'family camp' of Bir- kenau . . ." the form of humor that enshrined building, later to have them re- Gerald Green has composed— • Nazism — the obscene, outhouse type of delight, as shown on photo- graphs that have become historic, portraying "old Jews scrubbing the streets, Jews playing horsey for SS hoodlums," and the Nazi type of joy," Green writes, "be- comes more apparent when one studies the various names the Nazis. gave to Terezin. At different times it was known as Theresien- bad (Spa Terezin), Reichsalter- sheim (State Home for the Aged). Judische Selbstverwaltung (Jewish Self-Administration), and in some of the early propaganda, Paradeis- ghetto. Like all involved lies, it had a germ of truth. The fact of the matter was that if you were young, strong, had a good job, or even a privileged person, Terezin was a vast improvement over Bergen- Belsen or Buchenwald. That is to say, it was better until you were shipped to Auschwitz and death. - ' In this volume an opportunity is created to review the Nazi crimes and the author does it determined- ly, effectively, accomplishing the ,purpose of exposing the crimes of Hitler and his cohorts. He shows those who were misled into be- lieving that they would have 'a town of their own." They were soon to learn the truth—that it was a means of eventually transporting them to Auschwitz. Heroic figures emerge from this story — artists like Bedrich Fritta, Otto Ungar. Karel Fleisch- mann, Leo Haas and others who produced works of art. who were able to hide many of them in the walls of the concentration camp Some Will Explain By PAM SHRIMAN (Editor's Note: Miss Shriman, a journalism major at Wayne State University, has served as editorial assistant for The Jewish News this past year. Born after the Holocaust, she said this poem represents a new awareness of that tragic period in Jewish history that is passed over so quickly in school textbooks.) They cut a long straight incision and split dark flesh mixed with yellow sprinkling now blue corpuscling now red menstruating—then slipped no jammed no pounded in an artificial impulse with 6,000,000 particles. The operation almost completed they stitched no zippered no slammed the wall to my brain cell shut. Rubber hands and chalk faces fell to the ground. I gagged on stuffed food of bizarre thoughts. Six Million Jews Killed In A Holocaust Twenty-Five Years Ago. 6 comma o o o comma o o o oh no no no Not such a round compact approximation arrived at for the convenience of future generations, degenerations, 1171hilInallized dehumans. In a century will the number shrivel to 6.000 or only 6? The bones of an unbarmitzvaed 14-year-old-boy lie in Auschwitz ashes. If you are number six million five hundred and fifty-four thousand—I remember you— I am stuffed with all but recall. I vomit very frequently in strange places. The African nigger Negro spade schvartze Black slave scapegoat oppressee nonviolent militant over there on that stage hands rising— fingers reaching—summoning an uprising—He calls the Six Million "irrelevant"—waves his arms and banishes their memories down down to the earth to be resurrected in occasional smoke puffs. I will light six million—no six million five hundred and fifty-four thousand yahrzeit candles in every Danzig Jerusalem Harlem Berkeley and Beaver Falls, Pennsylvania; by every ant hill wind mill echo mountain molten monument shallow stream line factory six story erection. Some the rain will smother, some the snow will cover, one person will ignore, another will cry, some people will look, some people will wonder and some will explain. One will be kicked over and a fire will start a forest fire a city fire a country fire an ocean fire an international fire—some people will look, some people will wonder and some will explain. • • • • • 0_ • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ." .• . 0%. • trieved so that we now have the evidence of a source of artistic skill that remained to indict the Nazi 'terror. Green relates that the artists were accused of being propagan- dists and of spreading horror and there were punishments, and he relates: "The artists, as evidenced by their horror propaganda were also viewed as troublemakers. It was all of a piece; all part of the implementation of the final solution. At any rate, Haas re- flected, as they waited, he had had the foresight to hide many of his paintings. With the help of a fellow prisoner named Beck, a Czech engineer, he had pried open a wall and hidden many works within the paneling. 'I did not forget to leave some unimportant drawings lying about,' Haas later wrote, `so that if there were another search by the Gestapo, I could stop the mouths of the wolves.' Fritta and some of his friends located a large tin case in which they deposited any pictures that might make trouble for him. They buried it in a farmyard. All these hidden works of Fritta and Haas survived the war." Horrifying to the nth degree is the quoted account of the trage- dies at Terezin from a statement by Dr. Milos Bic, "a Hussite min- ister who spent three years in the 'Kleine Festurg.' " An expert on Nazi prisons, Dr. Bic's account tells of actions so inhumane as to make one's hair stand on edge." A self-portrait in this volume by 17-year-old Petr Klein is among the most pathetic of the portraits that have been recovered from the Holocaust. Other paintings no doubt will remain as evidence of the German crimes for generations to come. (It's a pity that so excellent and deeply-moving a volume should The artists, like the other con- have been marred by a regrettable centration camp inmates, were ■ error. The caption for the paint- hounded, and among the chief in- ing reproduced on page 131 reads: spirers of the terror was Lt. Col. "The Tora reading on the Sabbath Karl Adolf Eichmann whose role by Karel Fleischmann" and shows is depicted in this volume in all his a man with Tefilin. Tefilin are not worn on the Sabbath or festivals). cruelty. An added factor of great value The most revealing of all the in Green's book is the section facts exposed in Green's book is the unsavory role of the Red Cross. Rabbi Leo Baeck was one of the MUSIC DESIGNED TO PLEASE Theresienstadt inmates and his and views are quoted. PERSONALIZED TO SUIT The camp was set in order for a YOUR PARTY visit by the Red Cross represent- by ' atives, and the Nazis skilfully mis- led them. In the description of the International Red Cross commis- AND HIS ORCHESTRA sion's visit, the fears of the artists (Hy Utchenik) are indicated. Green states in his 342-9424 account of this aspect of the Tere- zin story: HY HERMAN "Following the Red Cross in- spection, the SS had begun to crack down. Most prisoners were filled with despair. Most of them , understood that transport meant death, that Auschwitz was no mere labor camp. As Rabbi Leo ' , Baeck noted: "Perhaps the com- mission knew the real conditions. but it looked as if they did not want to know the truth. The ef- fect on our morale was devastat- ing. We felt forgotten and for- saken.' "The rabbi was correct. The International Commission had had submitted a laudatory report to the Red Cross in Stockholm. Terezin was a comfortable com- munity, not a filthy ghetto. (In "' fairness to one Danish commis- sion member, Dr. Frantz Hvass of the Danish Foreign Ministry, his role in this affair should be recorded. Dr. Hvass claimed that he deliberately exaggerated his praise of the camp so that the Germans, who were known to re- •Jewish Historical Society. Angry Man" and "To Brooklyn With Love") has rendered a great service with his splendid work that gives an account of a resistance in a form that is indelible. —P.S. THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, June 13, 1969-27 CANDIDS Of Weddings & Bar Mitzvahs Photographers UN 4-8785 FOR THE BEST IN MUSIC AND ENTERTAINMENT SAM EMMER And His Orchestra 358-0938 PHOTOGRAPHY CARSON ZELTZER 547-4805 WEDDINGS — BAR MITZVAS SPECIAL OCCASIONS Fredrick of Berko-wer Furs Complete Fur Service 19329 LIVERNOIS Near Cambridge 862-2566 Traurig's Quilt Shop Our 50th Year REMAKING & REPROCESSING DOWN & WOOL QUILTS 15144 W. 7 Mile Rd. Between Coyle & Sussex 342-9448 Sat. by Appt. Instant Decorating . . . The Foolproof Way to Buy Carpet ! Tells you what carpet goes with what furniture If modern is your bog, Mogee's Instant decorating has got Rally. Rally from Magee 's Freeway group of moderns. A 1;1. shag made of that long wear- r‘i! ing stuff nylon for only $7.95 tij a yard. Rally comes in 12 out of sight colors. Like Jean Hor- low White. Had enough? Then 0 shake it down to us and we'll s51*. get down to the nitty gritty !::;: at a $ 795 low a yard Pi H istory Magazine Marks Tenth Year "Fredrick E. Cohen, A Pioneer Michigan Artist," by David Emil Heineman, reprinted from Volume 23 of the publications of the Ameri- can Jewish Historical Society, 1915, is featured in Michigan Jewish History magazine's June issue. "Historical Accuracy" by Allen Wursen, another article, deals with "Detroit's First Jew" and "Who Founded Beth El?" "Dr. Hugo Freund and the City of Detroit," by Dr. Irving I. Edgar, represents the second part of an article on "Dr. Hugo Abraham Freund" and deals with Dr. Freund's many contributions, es- pecially with his directorship of James Couzen's Children's Fund of Michigan. This issue commemorates the tenth anniversary of the Michigan producing the poems and draw- ings of the Terezin children—a collection that has already drawn serious attention and has con- tributed towards a total expose of the Nazi terror. Green (author of "The Last THE ROBERT HIRSCH CO CARPETS 11 21184 GREENFIELD 2,5 Phone: 398-5522 GREEN-8 SHOPPING CENTER 4