THE bilncirriEwitti NEWS` Julius, Annette Chafes Team Up Friday, May 23, 1969-31 for Hadassah Donor Luncheon Susan D. TI inick to Be Lion of the composer, Paul Paray Julius and Annette Chajes and the Detroit Symphony Orches- tra premiered Chajes' Piano Con- certo with the composer at the piano. His opera, "Out of the Des- ert" was commissioned and per- formed by Temple Israel in 1966. Mrs. Chajes, a native of Pennsyl- vania, attained her vocal training in Philadelphia and New York. She was winner of an all-state competi- tion and appeared in concerts and recitals throughout the East. She was soloist in the largest conserva- tive synagogue in Philadelphia for eight years prior to coming to De- troit, and has been featured on both Room At The BOHM Mr. Aller's June Bride Members of the Metropolitan De- troit Chapter of Hadassah who have contributed $75 or more dur- ing the past year to Hadassah's radio and television. various projects will be guests at Since coming to Detroit she has the first annual donnor luncheon been heard often as soloist and June 3 at Raleigh House. has performed for organizations Mrs. Norman Rosenfeld, chair- both here and in Canada. Her man of the day, stated that a repertoire includes songs in He- MISS SUSAN WINICK sherry hour will precede the lunch- brew, as well as arias, art songs eon, and a musical program fea- and musical comedy selections. and Mrs. William Winick of Mr. turing Julius and Annette Chajes Mrs. David Schwartz, chapter Courtland Ave., Oak Park, an- will follow. donor chairman, will be assisted nounce the engagement of their Julius Chajes, director of the by Mrs. William Gross and Mrs. daughter Susan Diane to Michael Decor galore — gifts and more! • NEV Men's Clubs I Temple Beth El elected Gordon S. Gard president at its 50th annual meeting Tuesday. Other officers elected were Albert D. Blatnikoff and Harold Law- son, vice presi- dents; Philip M. Fisher, treasurer; Jerome L. Reiss, secretary; and Stuart A. Graff, assistant secre- tary. The follow- ing were elected to the board of directors for a two-year t erm: Gard Dr. Morey Fire- stone, John Gaylord, Morton G. Gottesman, Harold Josephson, George Karden, Dr. Stanley H. Levy, Isadore E. Malin, Herbert L. Miller, Rodman N. Myers, Donald Pearl, Robert L. Rosenbush and Harvey E. Schatz. The following will remain on the board of direc- tors: Paul J. Dizik, Herbert L. Eb- ner, William M. Harris, Aid Kush- ner, Richard H. Love, Lee J. Marks, Marvin Novick, Ellis Rabb, Ivan Scholnick, Douglas Schubot, Markus S. Simon and Frederick Winkelman. Gard, a confirmand of the temple, served as a vice presi- dent of its Married Group. He has been active in the men's club as a board member and officer. Gard is a member of Knollwood Country Club, Town and Country Club and Perfection Masonic Lodge. SHAAREY ZEDEK MEN'S CLUB will hear William S. Broom- field, Congressman from the 18th District of Michigan, 8:30 p.m. Wednesday at t h e synagogue. Rep. Broomfield, a member of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the House, will speak on "The World Today," with particular emphasis on the problems confronting the Middle East. Wives and guests are invited. Admission is free. s • • Company • :._ itur Bukery ORLEANS • .-. MAT I Jewish Center Symphony Orches- Seymour Wohlman, arrangements Craig Aller. tra, is a concert pianist and corn- chairmen. For information on eligi- Mr. Aller is the son of Mrs. poser. He gave his first recital and bility and reservations, call Hadas- Charles H. Aller of North Park Dr., wrote his first composition at age sah, BR 3 - 5441. Southfield, and the late Mr. Aller. 9 in Lwow, Poland, where he was Group citation awards will be Miss Winick and her fiance plan born. In 1933, he was honor prize to marry June 29. winner at the first international j presented at this event. competition for pianists in Vienna. A year later, he was named head of the piano department at the Music College in Tel Aviv. Coming to the United States in 1937, he was engaged to play three recitals in New York's Town Hall. Chajes came to De- troit in 1940, and he has been conductor of the Center Sym- phony Orchestra since. In recent years he has concertized and conducted his compositions in major European capitals, in Is- rael and throughout the United States and Canada. "Shabbat Shalom," a Sabbath evening service by Chajes, had its world premiere in New York's Temple Emanu-El under the direc- Bubb s Country Kitchen • • “ • F on :. Shoe Sernce At The Bottom • UNDER THE BRIGHT ORANGE ROOF at GREENFIELD and 10 MILE ROADS NATIONALLY ADVERTISED PRODUCTS AT LOW, LOW EVERYDAY PRICES ! SUPER SPECIAL! Strictly n V7 ROAST BEEF, DELMONICO BEEF (Rib of Beef) or PEPPERED BEEF Your Choice Now Only $199 lb. SUPER SPECIAL! ROYAL GELATIN DESSERTS All Flavors 4 29` EXTRA SPECIAL! ROKEACH BORSCHT Beet, Schav, Diet Beet, Lemon Beet Fancy Albacore HEINZ Fancy TOMATO KETCHUP 20 oz. 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PAULS MACABEE CHICKEN LIVERS CHOPPED ONIONS ONION RINGS KOSHER PIZZA GOLDEN Reg. 79c 8 oz. 33` Pkg. 12 oz. Bag 15` . 1147 . 1 lb. 69C Pkg. 1 45` each BIRDSEYE CORN/ CARROTS With Marshmallow Sauce 5 Reg. 39c ea. io oz, $1 00 ai r Pkgs. Produce Specials Famous PUFF'S FAYGO CANNED POP FACIAL TISSUE Reg. or Lo-Cal White or Pastel All Flavors Can 10` 200 Ct. 22` Box Long, Green Krisp I Super Select Sweet, Juicy Ripe Extra Fancy CUCUMBERS WATERMELON 3 for 29c 10` lb. GRANNY-SMITH APPLES 29 c lb. • Produce Specials Good Friday, Saturday, Sunday FOR YOUR SPECIAL PARTIES OR OTHER EVENTS . . . TRY OUR STRICTLY KOSHER TRAY SERVICE Dairy or Meat Trays, For Free Delivery Call ... JO 6-4640 You'll Also Be Delighted With KOSHER BAR-B-Q CHICKEN Our Very, Best Delicious Very Green, Krisp Jumbo HEAD LETTUCE 25 c ea. 18 Size FRESH FISH DEPARTMENT The finest and largest selection in the area. We clean, bone, skin and grind all fish free of charge. For special service call JO 6-4640