Arabs Regret Loss of DeGaulle to (Continued Cause; Israelis Feel Different from Page 1) THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, May 2, 1969-7 Arabs"Gift' to Israel in 6-Day War: $2.4 Billion in Equipment and Bases Commentators expressed the will be turned in our history," Is- (The official Egyptian govern- (Direct JTA Teletype Wire ment spokesman, Dr. Mohammed hope that Israel's 50 Mirage jets, rhel and Jews the world over be- which specializes in works on mili- to The Jewish News) H. el-Zayyat, said in Cairo Mon- frozen for two years by the de gan wondering what the new page LONDON—The Six-Day War cost tary affairs. Gaulle embargo, would soon be de- would say. day that de Gaulle was "a man livered. But some cautioned that According to the Soviet source, Observers- in Paris believed that the Arab states $2,900,000, but Is- who lived by his principles." He rael's war costs, between $50,000,- said Egypt always held the general no drastic changes could be ex- most of France's 500,000 Jews op- 000 and $60,000,000, were more the Arabs lost 370 aircraft, 15 com- pected in French policy toward posed the referendum, upon which plete military bases, 84 communi- in high esteem and added that "he Israel at least until a new presi- President de Gaulle staked his than offset by booty in the form cations stations, 12 guided missile should be a shining example for dent is of war material worth some positions, eight railway stations elected and possibly for a political future. statesmen everywhere.") long time afterwards. with 12 locomotives and 600 trucks President (le Gaulle has been $2,400,000, it was reported here. In Jerusalem, there was no of- A few commentators tempered The Arab losses were establish- loaded with arms, 700 tanks, 8,000 courting the Arabs and trying to field reaction over the resignation their elation over Gen. ed by a Soviet investigating com- vehicles, 1,200 rifles and grenade de Gaulle's re-establish French influence in the of de Gaulle. But the Israeli man- departure with recollections of his Arab world since he settled the mittee headed by Marshal Zacha- launchers, 120,000 infantry wea- in-the-street, to whom Gen. de valiant fight for French survival Algerian crisis in 1962. Just last rov which tallied the loss of mili- pons and 18 munitions depots. Gaulle was an arch villian because against the Nazis in World War II. Saturday, France and Iraq signed tary equipment but not the cost of of his pro-Arab policies and em- They said that despite the "inglor- a cultural agreement providing for lost harbors, strongholds, oil fields, bargo on military material to Is ious end" of his political leader- technical, scientific and educa- armaments factories, ships and other vessels. rael made no effort to conceal his ship, the general's merits far out- tional cooperation. 8MM—SUPER 8-16MM delight over the French leader's weighed his shortcomings when The Soviet findings, along with Informed political sources say downfall. The state-owned Kol Is- viewed over the perspective of his that the election of George Pom- Israel's war losses and gains, were rael radio also abandoned some entire career. pidou would probably move France published in "The Military Events diplomatic inhibitions to broadcast When French Premier Maurice toward a more neutral French line in the Near East, June 1967," put Photographers songs and other material that Couve de Murville, announcing but he probably would fear aban- out by the West German publish- clearly ridiculed the 78-year-old President de Gaulle's defeat said, UN 4-8785 doning the de Gaulle embargo for ing house of Bernhard and Graefe former President. "beginning tomorrow a new page an indefinite period. It was mdi- cated that Pompidou would prob- ably make his "goodwill" views manifest in the Big Four talks. The low point in Franco-Israel relations began after President de- Gaulle declared Israel the aggres- Leave Every Saturday Beginning May 3rd • 8 Days sor in the Six-Day War. He alien- • Escorted • Deluxe Hotels • Sightseeing • 3 WASHINGTON (JTA)—A State attempt to make progress toward ated the Jewish people throughout Department official said here this agreement with the Soviet Union" the world in his famous press con- Swinging Nights in Acapulco • 3 Exciting Nights in week that "modest progress" had on a number of issues at the same ference of Nov. 27, 1967 when he been made toward a settlement time. He called such "linkage" of called the Jews a people that was Mexico City • Romantic Night in Taxco and Cue- formula for the Middle East by separate problems "very hazard- "elite, self-assured and domineer- rnavaca, the Big Four envoys in their talks ous." ing." He subsequently attempted to at the United Nations. The evalua- Rep. Ford called on the Justice water that statement down in a Lion was offered in a speech to an Department to probe the activities letter to former Premier David America Israel Public Affairs Corn- of an estimated 10,000 Arab stu- Ben-Gurion when he wrote that his mittee conference by Joseph Sisco, dents in this country to determine remarks were not "pejorative" and assistant secretary of state, who possible visa violations in their that there was "nothing unkind Plus 6% tax 8 service has been conducting talks on the collaboration with radical and dis- in stressing qualities thanks to Middle East with Soviet Ambassa- ruptive campus groups. which this strong people was able dor Anatoly Dobrinin, concurrent He told the conference that there to survive and remain itself after with the Big Four meetings. was evidence that the El Fatah 19 centuries spent in unimaginable Sisco also asserted that the terrorist group was operating in conditions . . ." United States remained convinced this country through Arab students Official Jewish bodies in Paris that the only possible Middle East to build an Arab "liberation front" are refraining from any comment settlement was one in which both similar to the pro-Viet Cong sup- until elections are held for Presi- sides compromised, but he added porters here. He said Arab students det de Gaulle's successor. But that "neither side would be ex- collaborated with such groups as many individual leaders were un- pected to surrender its vital in- the Black Panthers, Students for able to conceal their satisfaction TICKETS ANYWHERE terests." lie also said that the a Democratic Society and the U.S. with developments. Many French Nixon administration favored giv- Committee to Aid the NLF (the Army officers, particularly those TOURS IN THE ing Arab refugees "a choice be- Viet Cong) and other extremist who served in French forces dur- CRUISES WORLD tween repatriation or compensa- groups. ing the 1956 Suez campaign and in tion" as part of a settlement but Declaring American campuses the Algerian fighting, privately ex- he implied that the United States were already disrupted by domes- pressed their satisfaction. Israeli felt that the number of refugees tic radicals, he said "we have no circles were taken by surprise by EL 3-5811 HARVARD ROW MALL SOUTHFIELD to be admitted by Israel should be need for agitators from abroad." the president's precipitous down- The more than 414 delegates, fall. limited. Some United States officials have leaders of SS Jewish communi- suggested privately that Israel ties throughout the United States, take back 100,000 refugees as a unanimously adopted a statement gesture of conciliation with the of policy declaring that the "goal remaining 1.200.000 resettled in is an Arab-Israel peace" nego- Arab areas, mainly the currently tiated by the countries directly occupied West Bank and Sinai concerned, and expressing strong Peninsula. concern over the Big Four talks. Doubts about that "modest The Congressional "Declaration progress" were expressed in for Peace in the Middle East" was Jerusalem by Gideon Raphael, read by Rep. Emanuel Celler of New York, dean of the House and the foreign ministry director- general, in a television inter- chairman of its judiciary commit- view. He pointed out that the tee, at an Israel anniversary ALBERT COHEN Soviet stand was that Israel luncheon for the delegates to the Manager should take some steps which conference, at which Ambassador Oak Park Office might lead to peace and that the Yitzhak Rabin was guest of honor. United States felt such steps The luncheon, attended by more "Service to the Buyer, the Seller, and the Community" should be taken only after a than 100 Congressmen, was ad- PERFECT STARTER OR RETIREE HAMPSHIRE WOOD EXCLUSIVE SUBDIVISION peace agreement was reached. dressed by Rep. Carl Albert, the 2 bedroom Oak Park ranch with One of Southfield's nicest subdivisions 4 Bedroom Brick Colonial in Oak Park. Since the United States also in- majority leader, and Rep. Ford. Cozy extra bath & recreation room in base- offers this custom, quality built 1962 own custom home. Many in- sists that a binding mutual obliga- Both declared that American pol- ment 11/2 car garage, 9 Mile Rd. bus at ranch home. Four huge bedrooms, 21/2 Builder's terior extras. $45,800. LI 8-1500. Make offer. Asking $19,700. baths. 25 foot family room with fire- tion is what constitutes peace, he icy was dedicated to the preserva- corner. LI 84 500. OAK PARK place. 20 foot kitchen with all built-ins. added, it was difficult to see what tion of Israel as a free, demo- First floor laundry. expensive carpet- Modern colonial only 4 years old. Com- "modest progress" could have de- cratic and peaceful state. CANTERBURY GARDENS ing and drapes. Full basement. Central pletely carpeted and custom draped. air conditioning. Attached two car ga- Finished basement, attached garage, 3 veloped. Irving Kane of Cleveland, na- Three bedroom red-face brick ranch on rage. $59,500. EL 3-9000. bedrooms, with walk-in closets, family excellent Southfield street, 11/2 baths. Another speaker at the confer- tional chairman of the American an room, large family kitchen with built- Living room with dining ell. Table ins and concealed lighting. Walking dis- ence, House Republican Leader Israel Public Affairs Committee, space in kitchen. Carpet and drapes. FOUR BEDROOM RANCH tance to schools and synagogues. $35,- foot fenced lot. 1t,4 car garage. $24,- Exceptionally large rooms throughout 500. Gerald Ford of Michigan, said the was chairman of the luncheon, 60 LI 8-1500. 900. EL 3-9000. Two full bathrooms. Family room with which also was addressed by Sen. Nixon adminis- fireplace. 22 foot kitchen with built-ins. SOUTHFIELD CUSTOM BRICK RANCH tration must de-. Jacob K. Javits (R-N.Y.). Rep. In Plumbrooke Estates of Southfield. (Open Sun. 2-5) 18737 HILTON termine "whether John McCormack, speaker of the Center pass hall, 3 bedrooms, 21/2 baths, Central air-conditioning. Carpeting and drapes throughout. $41,900. EL 3-9000. Near 10 Mile is this newly listed cus- central air, family room, plus den, 21/2 Russia is trying House, was on the dais. car garage and many other features. tom built ranch. 1,800 square feet of living space. Three very large bed- Rep. Celler, in revealing the Ask to see this house. $38,900. LI 8-1500. to exploit the SOUTHFIELD rooms. Two full baths. Pass hall floor declaration, received a standing fear of war" i A very spacious four bedroom rambling plan. Completely built-in kitchen. Pan- ARE YOU LOOKING? ovation from the guests and fel- For a nice 3 bedroom brick ranch with brick ranch on an acre of land. Two elled den. Beautifully carpeted. Central the Middle East full baths. 26 foot family room with air Full basement. Beautk low Congressmen. He prefaced the a full basement and a big living room fireplace. 23 foot living room 18 foot ful conditioning.. lo promote a Big lot. 2 car garage. $43,900 FHA. on a street with no traffic that reading of the document with the located Four settlemen Is near schools and churches? Oak family kitchen. Built 1958. Nicely car- E L 3-9000. peted_ Attached 2 car garage. Asking remark that "every Pharaoh has Park's best buy only $23,900 FHA or GI $39,900. formula which APARTMENT DWELLERS EL 3-9000. Terms. LI 8-1500. You will love this easy to care for 3 his Moses." might deprive Is- bedroom brick ranch with 11/2 baths, IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY rael of peace and FIRST TIME LISTED 21/2 car attached garage, kitchen built- You must see this beautiful brick ranch Owner leaving state. New Oak Park ins in desirable 10-Southfield area. Inconsistency threaten its se- bedrooms and 2 baths, a full base- brick colonial with attached garage. 3 There is a fireplace in living room. Characters in a novel or a play 3 curity. ment tastefully finished, close to syna- bedroom, living room, modern kitchen, Hobby room, plus Family room. Excel- who act all the way through exact- gogues and transportation on a lovely family room. Many extra items to be lent assumable mortgage. This will go Sen. Fred Har- fast at $34,900. LI 8-1500. ly as one expects them to.... This Oak Park street. Asking $32,500. LI 8-1500 left with home. $42,900. LI 8-1500. ris of Oklahoma, COLONIAL TRI-LEVEL Democratic Na-' consistency of theirs which is held KINGSLEY ESTATES BONNIE ACRES In an outstanding Southfield location. tional Committee up to our admiration, is on the con- An 80x140 landscaped lot surrounds this A very sharp 1961 built brick ranch In Four nice size bedrooms. 1 1/2 baths. 20 three bedroom brick ranch in South- Southfield. Four large bedrooms. 11/2 Rep. Ford chairman, told trary the very thing which makes field. 11/2 baths, 18 foot kitchen has baths. Large kitchen with built-ins. Nice foot living room with fireplace. 20x15 family room with fireplace and beamed the conference he was "worried us recognize that they are artifici- built-ins. Nicely furnished recreation carpeting and drapes. Full tiled base- ceiling. Spectacular family kitchen. 100 room with wet bar. Gas FA heat. 21/2 ment. Large nicely landscaped lot. At- foot, nicely landscaped lot. Fresidept • P Nbfon:s: pparcnt, allrcomposed.—Andre Gide. about • Attached 2 car garage. 20x12 patio. 627,900. EL 3-9000. tached two car garage. . e • • . • •,• MOVIES sag& 3.cupuz, MEXICO HOLIDAY `Modest Progress' in Big Four Talks Described to Public Affairs Group by Sisco; Rep. Ford Questions Russ Role . ONLY $2 79 FROM DETROIT INCLU D1f ~ G ROUND, TRIP IMAM FARE JULES DONESON C a in REAL ESTATE CO. $36,900,031809 ,car. garage $42,900- EL 3-2000. •