Women's Cluh LADIES OF YESHIVATH BETH YEHUDA AND WOMEN'S SAB- BATH LEAGUE will meet for lunch noon Tuesday at Cong. Shomrey Emunah. Rabbi Shaiall Zachariash will speak, according to Mrs. Leo Laufer, program chairman. Mrs. Walter Epstein is social chairman. * • BATYA C H A P T E R, Mizrachi Women, will hold a beauty clinic 8:30 p.m. Tuesday at the home of Mrs. Manny Schreiber, 14840 Tal- bot, Oak Park. Guests will be Mrs. Frank Lederman, wig specialist. and Mrs. Melvin Rose, facial and gtosmetic consultant. ALPHA ZETA OMEGA AUXILI- ARY will meet 8:30 p.m. Tuesday at the home of Mrs. Manuel Katz-' man, 26240 Raine, Oak Park. t ion of officers is on the agenda. • • • MARTIN PLACE OSTEOPATH- IC AUXILIARY wil hold its instal- lation luncheon 12:30 p.m. May 28 at Tam O'Shanter Country Club.' Mrs. Andrew Berry, vice president of the Michigan Women's Osteo- pathic Auxiliary, will be installing: officer. Mrs. Helen Moss will pre-! sent a book review. Highlighting the afternoon will be the presenta- tion of a nursing scholarship to Marian Stewart. Miss Stewart, a ward secretary at Martin Place East, will begin studies in August at the Grace Hospital School of Nursing. Officers to be installed are Mesdames Maurice Belkin, president: Robert Tam, Melvin Foster and Terry Podolsky, vice presidents: Herbert Miller, Marvin Rivkin and Richard Bayles, secre- tar i es: and I rwinPhillips. treas- urer. Mrs. Alan Belkin is luncheon chairman. • * s OAK PARK NSHEI CHABAD STUDY GROUP will meet 3:30 p.m. Saturday at the home of Mrs. Berel Shemtov, 14100 W. Nine Mile, Oak Park. Rabbi Jacob Kranz will speak. S t t NORTHWEST NSH.EI CHABAD , STUDY GROUP will meet 3:301 p.m. Saturday at the home of Mrs. Jennie Tomarin, 18491 Kentucky • UPPER NORTHWEST NSHEI CHABAD STUDY GROUP will meet 3:30 p.m. Saturday at the home of Mrs. Bernard Jerusalem,' 20227 Freeland. Guest speaker will be Mr. Jerusalem. • s * SOUTHFIELD NSHEI CHABAD STUDY GROUP will meet 3:30 p.m. Saturday at the home of Mrs. Fred Lax, 17160 Maryland, South- field. • • • ALPHA OMEGA DENTAL AUX- ILIARY will honor Mrs. Milton Jacobs as newly-elected president, at a noon installation luncheon Tuesday at the Town and Country Club. Mrs. Leslie Moss will give the invocation. Mrs. Gerald Bloom . will be installing officer. Other of- " ficers include Mesdames Jason Goode and Richard Williams, vice presidents; Sylvan Faller, Sheldon Mintz and Daniel Gilbert, secre- taries; and Michael Blume, treas- urer. Board members are Mes- dames Eli Berger, Easton Brod- sky, John Cohen, Joseph Dobrusin, Stuart Falk, Harold Firestone, Charles Goodman, Sheldon Plotnik, Leonard Posner, Marvin Rosen, Edwin Schneider, Paul Scbreib- man, Bernard Shapiro, David Sil- ver, Eugene Smoler, William War- ren and Sidney Weber. Outgoing president is Mrs. Murray Shekter. • • • BETH HILLEL SISTERHOOD will hold a mother and daughter a ctivities CONG. SHAAREY ZEDEK SIS- TERHOOD will present its annual Mother's Day installation-luncheon noon May 12 in the synagogue. Mrs. Irwin Groner will be install- ing officer. Cantor Jacob Sonenk- lar, who will retire shortly and assume the position of cantor emeritus, will be honored for his service to the synagogue and sis- terhood. Mrs. Allan Levin, vice president of program, announce that Mesdames Evelyn Orbach and Joyce Feurring will appear in their latest dramatic production, "If Not Now . . ." Chairman is Mrs. Nor- man Feder. The prayer will be given by Mrs. Daniel Mendelsohn. For reservations, call the synago- gue office, 357-5544. President Mrs. Marvin Fleischman invites guests. * x t GLENNWOOD CHAPTER. Wo- men's American ORT, will hold its annual installation 7 p.m. Thurs- day at Topinka's Country House. Rabbi Sherwin T. Wine of the Bir- mingham Temple will be guest speaker. Past President Mrs. Mar- shall Shanbrom is installing offi- cer. Newly-elected officers are Mesdames Allen Rosenfeld, presi- dent: Andrew Friedman. Lewis Randell, Saul Chudnow. Stephen Brown and Edward Lusky, vice presidents; Burt Winer, Burton Hollander and Arnold Waxman, secretaries; Arnold Smith, treas- urer; and Seymour Rubenstein, parliamentarian. Guests are in- vited. Reservations may be ob- tained by calling the chairmen, Mrs. Randell, 531-7024, or Mrs. Leonard Hammer, 542-2939. ✓ r. * ROSENWALD AUXILIARY, Am- erican Legion, will hold an execu- tive board luncheon meeting 12:30 p.m. Wednesday at the home of President Esther Raminick, 19420 Biltmore. The annual luncheon and games party to be held June 10 will be discussed. • • CHANA CZENESII CHAPTER, Pioneer Women, will meet noon Monday at the Labor Zionist Insti- tute. Chana Michlin will speak on "Important Women in Israeli Gov- ernment Services." She also will present slides of the Pioneer Wo- men's work in Israel. Refreshments will be served. Guests are invited. • r * NEGBAH CHAPTER, Pioneer Women, will hold a social meeting noon Wednesday at the Labor Zion- ist Institute. Adele Mondry will speak on her book. "A Shtetl Bairn Bug." Hostesses are Mes- dames Anna Goldstein and David Schrage. Friends are invited. KINNERET CHAPTER, Pioneer Women, will hold a luncheon meet- ing in honor of Mother's Day noon Wednesday at the Labor Zionist In- stitute. Rabbi Sherwin T. Wine will speak on "Israel and Neighbors." Mrs. Esther Shrager will present a reading dedicated to mothers. Hos- tesses are Frances Shayne and Julia Weiss. Guests are invited. * * * COHN BRANCH PTO of the Un- ited Hebrew Schools will hold a rummage sale 9 a.m.- p.m. May 15, and 9 a.m.-12 p.m. May 16, at its headquarters, 31840 W. Seven Mile, Livonia. • s MONTEFIORE LODGE will meet 8:30 p.m. Tuesday at the Women's City Club, Ferndale . Milton Gottesman, nominating committee chairman, will read the 'slate of officers for the coming year. Refreshments will be served. Hostesses are Mesdames Morton Snyder, Jules Hackman and Jos- eph Camden. Host is Louis Katz. * * * CITY OF HOPE CANCER FIGHT- ERS will hold a board of directors dinner 6 p.m. Tuesday at the syn- agogue. The Rose Nash Choral meeting noon Monday at the Zion- Group will provide the entertain- ist Cultural Center, Southfield. ment. All mothers and daughters Volunteers are needed for the an- are invited. For reservations, call nual Tag Days May 18-20. For in- Mrs. Bert Westheimer, EL 6-2339, formation contact Mrs. Sheldon I, rt. ht4M ai litrEciVaigiS aS te.latireldfiwirliii414P9.4.aVa • • • ACHIEZER, a philanthropic or- ganization for orphanages in Is- rael, will hold its first annual Mother's Day luncheon 12:30 p.m. May 11 at Oak Manor Caterers. Mrs. Chaya Primak, president of the Achiezer Chicago chapter, will be the guest speaker. A children's fashion show featuring member's children will be presented. For in- formation, call Mrs. David Gel- berman, 399-1652. THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, May 2, 1969-23 I Six Scholarships Officers and directors of Detroit ! Men's ORT Chapter honored Dr. William Haber, world president of ORT, at a luncheon at Standard Club recently. ! The intimate group subscribed a sum of $2,400 to pay for six scholarships in ORT schools in honor of Prof. Haber's 70th birth- day. Greetings in behalf of the group were extended by the chapter's president, Harry Platt, the chair- , Man of the luncheon, Malcolm Lowenstein, and Philip Slomovitz. from age 6 to 15 at the hospital; the treatment of each child costs CARIH an estimated $6,000, raised by women's auxiliaries in 39 cities. Eighty per cent of the children ' discharged from the hospital are totally rehabilitated and will never again suffer from the disease. 'Parkwood to Serve Tea and Fashion Tea and a medley of fashions will be served up by Parkwood Chapter of Women's American ORT (Organization for Rehabilita- tion Through Training) Monday at the home of Mrs. Sidney Bertin, 19444 Parkside. Fashion showings will be at 1 and 3 p.m. Proceeds will benefit the "School Building Project" to maintain 650 trade and technical projects locat- ed in 23 countries. Friends are invited to lunch or tea. Fashions, furs, hats, cosmetics and coiffures will be featured. Mrs. Daniel Goldman, chairman, is assisted by Mesdames Herman Berlin, Arthur Brown, Walter Cohen, Jack Cohen, Bernard Al- laun, Louis Gottlieb, George Seid, Ben Hencken, Sidney Bertin and Charles Viksgre 6 FROM THE IMPORTER SEYAILOUfft. KAPLAN a.rid. Co. IMPORTER AND CUTTERS OF FINE DIAMONDS 15738 LIVERNOIS DI 1-5515 There's No Store Like Our Store for Pre-Teens and Juniors Women Conduct Fund Raising for Asthma Research A door-to-door youth march today through Sunday will be held in the area, with member volunteers from five leagues manning street corners. There are some 165 children ■ IF 1r? SAVE!" SAVE! t- BUY DIRECT Honor Dr. Haber MASSADA CHAPTER, Pioneer Women, will hold its installation of officers noon Wednesday at Tam O'Shanter Country Club. Officers to be installed are Charlotte Rov- ner, president: Dorothy Kaplan, past vice president; Ruth Kanter, Nettie Turner and Ann Silverman, vice presidents; and Bess Finn, Betty Karbel, Mary Boren and Reba Coleman, secretaries. Com- mittee chairmen include Helen Kirschbaum, Molly Weisberg, Net-' tie Turner, Ann Silverman, Betty Karbel, Ethel Barnett, Ruth Kan- tor, Betty Block and Dorothy Kap- lan. Detroit League Children's Asth- ma Research Institute and Hospit- al, will hold its donor luncheon 12:30 p.m. May 14 at Raleigh House, to raise funds for "A Child's Sake." May 1-7 has been proclaimed by President Nixon as National CARIH Asthma Week in recognition of the work done by this volunteer organ- ization of women who support the free, nonsectarian haven for in- ' tractable asthmatic children in Denver. The Michigan members of CARIH will be conducting a canis- ter campaign this weekend to raise funds. Mrs. Jonas Kicken, wife of the national director of development for all CARIH chapters. will be luncheon entertainer, with opera- tic solos, according to Mrs. Sydney Wallace, cultural chairman. There also will he prizes. For tickets, call Mrs. Sol Perlman, 863-2039, ticket chairman, or Mrs. Ed Sklar, 358-3097, donor chairman. The head of Michigan CARIH, Mrs. Allen Levin, said that funds are needed to continue the re- , search work of Dr. Kimi Ishizaka, CARIH's immunology director, who is working toward the devel- opment of an anti-asthma vaccine. . to ORT Schools in Oak Park 23133 .NLV-t1 I COOLIDGE, Just North of 9 Mile K • SI . 111:1(11 AN ■ • : • • • • • m onth-end a arance JeciJoit icationJ early O pen SIlliclayi 12-5 Dress Department Reductions Now $28.00 Now $18 Now $21 2 & 3 piece Wool Knits $49.95 Daytime dresses $26.95 and $29.95 Daytime dresses $35 and $45 Long Gowns $89.95 to $300.00 Off . More than Mostly one-of-a-kind sizes 6 to 18 Famous brand names reduced but not advertised Rain Coat Department Grey worsted all purpose Sizes 8 to 16 Reg. $35 Now $19 Now $14 Poplin .7 4 Lengths Four Colors Sizes 8 to 16 $22.95 Sportswear Reductions Reduced to $8 Now $15 Printed Pants. Reg. $18 Group of Junior Shifts. $29.95 Group of Junior Shifts. $22.95 Group of Junior Shifts. $18.95 PANT SUITS, All Wool. $85 $10 Now $ 9 Now Now $58 1.4 Off Others, $29.95 to $69.95 Slack Sets. $29.95 Now $15 Now $13 Slack Sets $24.95 Now §10 Slack Sets. $22.95 Many more items reduced but not advertised LONG AND SHORT SLEEVE HELANCA NYLON KNIT TOPS $7.00 $8.00 Now $3.50 Now $4.00 $ 9.00 $10.00 Slightly Soiled :1‘ . • :‘ Now $4.50 Now $5.00 n Daily 9:30-6 Sundays 12 - 5 SUBURBAN •