UN Security Council Censure Israel Con tiemns i t (Direct JTa Teletype Wire to The Jewish News) JERUSALEM—The UN Security Council's vote Tuesday to con- demn Israel's March 26 bombing raid against Jordan was denounc- ed Wednesday by Israeli officials as "one-sided." Citing the council resolutions warning of "more effective steps" If the cease fire is violated again, the officials said that the council was 9}"so one-sided in its present CO 'aosition that even though it to sanctions, it cannot make ca difference either way." mu final vote was 11 to zero, T wi the United States, Great , Colombia and Paraguay Bri abs ining. Voting for the measure wer its sponsors, Pakistan, Sene- Bori Smolar's 'Bet en You • • • 'I nd Me' (Cop 1969, JTA Inc.) LEADER AT 70: This is the story o Prof. William Haber, the out- standing American academician, noted Y.•conomist, and warmhearted Jewish leader who reached the age of this month. Dr. Haber is the president of the A rican ORT (Organization for Rehabilitation through Training). He is so the chairman of the Cen- tral Board of the World ORT Union. H s' the first American to head this important organization which is t y one of the oldest Jewish organizations in the world, having been funded in St. Petersburg (now Leningrad) almost 90 years ago for the rpose of providing vocational training to Jews. Under his leadership, 4 ns of thousands of Jews are now being introduced to new skills in E pe, Israel, North Africa and other parts of the world. In Israel alon • some 28,000 men and women of various ages receive modern vocation; training in ORT institutions. Ever since its founding, ORT has b n fortunate in having men of 1 leaders. This was true when 1 great vision and endless devotion as its on Horace Guinsburg and the organization was established by Samuel Poliakov, the two most distingu ed Jewish philanthropists in Czarist Russia. This was true later w the leadership was carried between the two world wars by such pe nalities as Dr. Leon Bramson and David Lvovitch who developed OR into an organization of inter- national scope. This was the case also i the post-war period when Dr. Aaron Syngalowsky — a man of great • ility — brought ORT to new heights and extended its activities to Is 1 el and such remote countries as India and Iran. This is the case also ay under Prof. Haber. Anybody who knows Dr. Haber w. d never guess that he is 70. His energy and his constant cheerfulnek is that of a young man. He works with tireless zeal—especially w 1/4, it concerns the interests of the ORT. Nothing is too hard for him if can be of help to ORT. IMPRESSIVM RECORD: Prof. Ha• who came to this country as an immigrant boy, has an impressive r ord in the fields of economics and education. He has been a member the faculty of the University of Michigan since 1936 and served as h • d of its economic department. In 1963 he was appointed dean of the versity's college of literature, science and the arts. - While on the faculty, he has hel arious federal advisnry.posi- tions on policies involving Social Seoul , relief, industrial --r4ations; manpower and unemployment proble -and other ecoriontie ,;.:isineti The list of federal and state officials o sought his adyien -on -eco- ' - '- nomic and labor problems is too long t numerate-here. He also served as adviser on Jew - affairs to the American mili- tary command in Germany after the of the Nazi regime. Jewish victims liberated from the Nazi camps t that time were helpless and entirely dependent on whatever aid th ki could get from the American military authorities. Dr. Haber undo tood their needs. The period when he was engaged in helping the placed Jews has also brought him close to ORT which lost no time 'establishing workshops for the liberated Jews to teach them professio /and enable them to eventually stand economically on their own feet. 1,,I In the early years of the war, wh6, thousands of Jews from Ger- many and other European countries ught to come to the United States, Dr. Haber took the post of ex utive director of the National Refugee Service, an organization estab hed in this country to give the refugees all possible aid from the ve / 'first day they reached New York. There were a great many intelqjtuals among the newcomers— lawyers, physicians, professors, enginee 143, architects—who needed both material assistance and proper advice 1p how to start their lives anew in the United States. Dr. Haber came V,) their aid with great tact and sensitivity. X1 THE HARD ROAD: Life was no •- 1 of roses for Dr. Haber in the early years of his youth. Born in RItaania, he came to the United States at the age of 12, together with l* 4/ younger brother, Sam, who is now the executive vice chairman of U, 1 Joint Distribution Committee. There were three other children and aSvidowed mother. The family settled in Milwaukee !Both boys, William and Sam, were the breadwinners for the entire timily by selling newspapers. In those years, boys of many Jewish i„.1/44migrant families were selling newspapers to supplement the meag income of their parents. The competition was therefore quite hea l . It took the two Haber boys quite a few years until they were in k , position to buy a newspaper stand of their own. In the meantime, f'.ey were also busy getting their higher education. 1/41 When William graduated from the• University of Wisconsin in 1923, he gained not only his degree but al. the most outstanding scholar- ship to Harvard University. There he istinguished himself by writing a classic study on industrial relation He received his doctorate for this study which was used for a long 4me as basic text in the field of economics. Soon he established for hit, self a reputation as one of the leading economists in this country. Ts reputation continued to grow as he proved himself as consultant om/pconomic and labor problems to various federal and state institutions.,;` In all his years of public and atademic activities, he was inti- ' nal life. Among others, he was sVi mately in touch with Jewish organiza Fl Foundations, engaged in chairman of the e Bnai Brith Nationa ifiel in several hundred cam- i)dents promoting Jewish education among puses. He is a member of the ex %ative of the Joint Distribution Committee, the American Jewish Corr ittee and of other leading Jew- ish organizations. He is deeply interesk in Israel and highly respected by the Israeli government. , gal and Zambia, along with the Soviet Union, France, Spain, Fin- land, Hungary, Nepal, Algeria and China. The council's action stems from Israel's air attack on the village of Salt which, according to Jor- dan, claimed 18 civilian lives. The principal operative paragraph of the compromise resolution declar- ed that the council: "Condemns the recent pre- mediated air attacks launched by Israel on Jordanian villages and populated areas in flagrant violation of the United Nations charter and the cease fire reso- lutions and warns once again that if such attacks were to be repeated the council would have to meet to consider further more effective steps as envisaged in the charter to insure against re- petition of such attacks." There had been fear that the unacceptability to the U.S. and Britain of a resolution which con- demned Israel but did not also condemn the Arab terrorism which has provoked Israeli air raids would be damaging to the Big Four talks on the Mid East, scheduled to begin Thursday. But that fear, observers said, was groundless, and the talks were ex- pected to begin either at the French mission or at the home of French Ambassador Armand Ber- ard. Agha Shahi, Pakistan's delegate, said that the three sponsors had acted to modify their resolution to prevent a division among the Big Four, all permanent council members, on the eve of the Big Four meetings. The altered draft dropped any direct citation of chapter seven of the charter which empowers the council to adopt enforcement measures such as economic or military sanctions in order to gain compliance with its decisions. Israel's UN ambassador, Yosef Tekoah, said that the vote was a clear sign that the U.S. and Britain were opposed to Arab ter- orism but that the Soviet Union was supporting it. U.S. Ambassador Charles W. Yost refused to vote for the reso- lution on the grounds that it did not cite Arab terrorism, and Sir Leslie Glass of Britain said he could not support a measure which condemned Israel without taking into account all violations of the Middle East cease fire established following the Six-Day War. An accommodation with the British and American points of view was frustrated by Arab refusal to accept any language that would label as cease-fire violations actions against Israel by Arab commando organise- lions. Tuesday's divided vote was among the few since the Security Council adopted a resolution on Nov. 22, 1967, that established the guidelines for a peaceful settle- ment. The council, considering the sensitivity of the problem, usually has sought unanimity even when compromise was involved. When unanimity could not be achieved, the council's president sometimes has stated a "consensus" with as formal vote. THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 6—Friday, April 4, 1969 MOVIES 8MM—SUPER 8-16MM sat/241_3wpm UN 4-8785 FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY ON THE '69 CADILLAC SEE OR CALL ANDY BLAU PERSONAL PICKUP & DELIVERY FOR SERVICE PRENTIS CADILLAC 2151 EUREKA AVENUE, WYANDOTTE RES. 642-6E36 CALL: BUS. 382-7820 Only Detroit Bank Offering Full Banking Services On Saturday! 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