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April 04, 1969 - Image 2

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The Detroit Jewish News, 1969-04-04

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Purely Commentary

Undiminished Conflict. With the USSR

Rabbi A. Hechtman of Montreal has returned from Russia with
advice—that Jews should try to meet the Soviet Union halfway without
protests and violent demonstrations.
Pledges had been made to the Montreal rabbi, who directs his
city's Jewish Community Council, that there would be an easing of
restrictions on Jewish ritual practices. There is a promise that more
prayerbooks will be printed and that Jewish calendars will be made
available. • •
Meanwhile it also was reported that 90,000 pounds of matzo were
baked for use by Jews.
Attacks on Israel by Russian delegates have diminished at the
United Nations, and there have been increased hopes that possibly the
USSR will refrain from all-out war of nerves on Israel and on Jewry.
Nevertheless, the Russian antagonism remains one of the serious
threats to the peace in the Middle East and the East-West confronta-
tion certainly has not vanished in the Mediterranean area.
From the USSR stemmed the ridiculous bogey of anti-Zionism
which had spread to Poland, is being utilized by anti-Semites in Czecho-
slovakia, has spread to the black element that has embraced anti-
Jewish prejudice in this country and is utilized to a vast degree by the
New Left.
The manner in which the anti-Zionist stupidies are being capitalized
upon in Russia was outlined in a special article in the Christian Science
Monitor recently. Writing about " 'Zionists' as targets" and how the
Kremlin fans prejudice." Paul Wohl stated in his article:
As the energizing power of the Soviet Communist Party wanes,
the Kremlin's propaganda strategists are once again appealing to
deep-rooted prejudice.
They are using anti-Semitism to galvanize the indifferent
masses. As in Poland, it is called anti-Zionism.
The new line, spelled out in Sovieskaya Rossiya Jan. 24, is that
every Jew is actually or potentially an Israeli spy. Or, as an East
European Jew recently described the situation, "all Jews are paid
by or potential agents of international capitalism."
Domestic and international anti-Zionism, as a major plank of
Soviet policy, was hinted at by Politburo member Alexander N.
Shelepin in a speech before the international conference of Arab
trade unions in Cairo Jan. 30.
Mr. Shelepin's address was the sharpest policy statement on
the Middle East ever made by a top Soviet leader. Its contrast
with the Kremlin's more conciliatory attitude of recent weeks may
well be another indication of differences in the Politburo. The only
other explanation is that Mr. Shelepin, as trade-union president,
did not commit the Soviet government.
This is a spurious argument.
As a Politburo member, Mr. Shelepin continues to play an im-
portant role in Soviet policy. This was shown by the fact that im-
mediately after his return from Cairo he took an active part in the
reception of the Czechoslovak national front delegation.
In Cairo, Mr. Shelepin not only encouraged Arab terrorism, but
also intimated that imperialist agents had wormed their way into
Arab, as well as Soviet ranks. "It is our common duty to repulse
decisevely and powerfully the forces of imperialism and to start an
active offensive against their provocations," he said.
It is also the common duty of Arabs and Soviets, said Mr.
Shelepin, to "unmask and oust from our ranks the double-faced
accomplices of imperialism and reaction." This is an admission of
internal dissensions.
But the reference to double-faced people parallels Sovietskaya
Rossiya's complaint that according to Zionists, Jews have "two
fatherlands and a dual loyalty," a concept which is "impressed on
Jews living outside of Israel by Zionist subversive propaganda."
"Regardless of whether you have decided to settle in Israel or
not, it is important that . . . you become servants of the Jewish
people," the leading daily of Russia proper quotes the Zionist credo
as reading.
"This creed is embodied in the activity of the Israeli intelli-
gence service" continues the paper. The strength of Israel, intelli-
gence, it contends, lies in "its connection with Zionist sympathizers
throughout the world."
The weekly Nedelya, a supplement of Izvestia, developed a
similar line Nov. 24 in an article on Israeli intelligence. According
to Nedelya, this highly efficient service "pressures the people it
needs by threatening to take vengeance on those who refuse to
acknowledge their 'national duty,' according to the Zionist inter-
Behind it all, according to Jewish observers, is "the idea of an
international Jewish conspiracy striving not only to overthrow the
Soviets' communist regime, but to weaken and wipe out Russian
influence all over the world."
Since the somewhat abstract notion of Western imperialism no
longer impresses Soviet audiences unduly, it now is being embodied
in the image of the dishonest Jew ensconced behind thick doors in
Wall Street or in Israeli emissaries. Even more significantly as
pictured in Soviet cartoons, this "crooked Jew" is not only anti-
Soviet and anti-Communist, he is also anti-Russian, an especially
ominous angle of the new campaign.
Why such prejudices should have spread remains a mystery, espe-
cially in view of the Russian position vis-a-vis the new state of Israel
in the initial stages of Jewish statehood. The reasons are understand-
able: Russia has a stake in the Middle E4st, in the Mediterranean and
the seas leading to the Far East. Therefdre the competitive spirit, the
desire to displace the United States as an element to contend with in
the Middle East, play an important part. For these reasons the USSR is
wooing the Arabs, although it has become increasingly apparent that
even the friendship measured by millions 'of dollars' worth of munitions
provided for the Arab states do not create genuine friendship.
Did Russia always support the Arabs and back up their ex-
treme aims to destroy Israel and to introduce terrorism in that area of
the world? The following facts will clarify a major puzzle and will
remind the knowledgeable to what had occurred in the past in the UN:
At the opening session of the Conference of Solidarity with the
Arab nations, held in Cairo on Jan 25, 1969, Egypt's President
Nasser asked a number of rhetoncll questions in the style one
might expect at a propagandistic for/un of this kind. One of these
questions was the following:
"Were the Arabs ever the ones to launch aggression? Was it they
who launched the aggression in 1948l"
The straightforward and unequivocal answer to these questions
was given — already in 1948 — by Nasser's friends of today, the
Russians, as well as by the Arabs themselves.

Christian Dedication to Scriptural Theme and Prophecy
for Israel's Redemption . . . Contradictions in
USSR's Middle East Role.

By Philip


rightful owner. Actually, the territory described
in these verses and in Elrod. 23:31 and Dent.
11:24 encompass a vast area that includes not
On Feb. 21 it was our privilege to devote these
only contemporary Israel but the entire nation of
columns to the text of a serious article from the
and parts of Egypt, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq;.
Herald of Christ's Kingdom published by Associated
and Arabia.
Bible Students, listing proof of at least four Title
But Israel has never possessed that much ter-
Deeds possessed by the Jewish people to the Land
ritory, not even at the height of her glory during
of Israel.
opulent reign of King Solomon.
Supplementing that Christian set of assertions
We've learned, however, that a promise made
based on scriptural lore, the Christian Bible Stu-
is sure of fulfillment—as sure as man's
dents Association of Warren, Mich., in its magazine,
likelihood to doubt it: When God said (Jer. 16:12,
Harvest Message, provides additional data of Chris-
13) that Israel would be cast out of their land
tian interest in the Zionist ideal.
because of her unfaithfulness to Him, Israel
In an article in Harvest Message under the title
doubted it—but it happened. When God said (Jer.
"The Land of Milk, Honey and Bitter Herbs," Ron
16:14, 15) that the Jews would return to their
Prosken wrote:
land, drawn from out of all the nations where He
An upnholy spirit again stirred in the Holy
had driven them, everyone doubted it, including
Land. To the south, seven Russiin equipped divi-
the Jews—but it happened. If, then, God said that
sions moved into the sun-baked Sinai Peninsula
Israel would possess all the land mentioned above
and blocked the Strait of Than, cutting off Isra-
—it will happen; so will His promise that through
el's shipping to Asia and Africa. At her eastern
Israel He will "bless all the families of the
border Jordanian troops and Iraqi armored
earth" (Gen. 22:15-18).
units mobilized. In the north, the children of
Once before God had prepared and sanctified
Israel looked directly into the deadly barrels of
a land in the earth—"eastward in Eden." There
Syria's artillery situated on the fortified heights of
placed his noblest terrestrial creation—Man—.
Golan. Only the calm blue Mediterranean to the
whose pleasant employment was to tend the love-
west met Israel in peach, reflecting nothing of
ly garden home set apart for him. This too, was
the mounting tension that was about to explode.
a Holy Land whose borders the Man and his chil-
Gamal Abdel Nasser, president of the United
dren would have gradually extended until all the
Republic, was confident: ". . . With God's help
earth had become the Paradise of God, and all
we shall triumph . . . our objective will be to
his children, the children of God. The Man failed,
destroy Israel." This time he wasn't bluffing.
but God's original purpose, we read, will yet be
Nearly surrounded and hopelessly outnumber-
realized. In the Holy Land that purpose is begin-
ed Israel concluded that she couldn't survive a
ning to take shape.
defensive war against these overwhelming odds.-
But the will of Man has never yeilded easily
So, on June 5, 1967, Israel struck; struck with an
to the ways of God; nor will it now. Drunk with
unsheathed fury that had been sharpened through
the strong wine of human philosophies, greater
centuries filled with the terrors of a thousand
and greater will be the strife among the raging
other threats to destroy her people.
nations. And more and more will their anger be
Within hours Israeli forces completely smash-
directed against the Israel of God whose convic-
ed the UAR army and air forces. Within six days
tions still insist upon a Messianic Kingdom to
they took the Sinai Peninsula, the Gaza strip,
supercede all the kingdoms of this world (Isa.
Jerusalem, all the land west of the Jordan River,
and on the sixth day triumphantly unfurled the
The noted American philosopher, Eric Hoffer,
Star of David atop the Golan Heights. On the
said recently, "The condemnation of Israel in the
seventh day the Holy Land was at rest again,
United Nations Security Council is the culmina-
leaving the wide-eyed nations of the world to pon-
tion of a tendency which has been shaping up for
der the significance of this modern day smiting
some time. There has been an ill wind blowing
of Goliath.
for Israel; you feel its bite every time you open
No less wide-eyed was Mr. Nasser. Clearly,
up a newspaper."
God didn't help the Arabs.
Without parallel in human history will be the
Folowing this great catastrophe Mr. Nasser
final confrontation (See Studies in the Scriptures,
addressed his smarting nation in these words:
Vol. 4, Ch. XI.) when the sword of God will fight
"Brothers, perhaps Almighty God wanted to give
for Israel as in the days of old (Ezek. 38:14-23).
us a lesson to teach us what we had not learned,
Not until then, shocked and sobered by the bitter
to remind us of some things we might have for-
herbs of experience, shall the nations say to him
gotten, and to cleanse our souls of the blemishes
that is a jew, "... . we will go with you, for we
that have affected us and the shortcomings that
have heard that God is with you" (Zech. 8:23).
we must avoid as we build our new society."
Then, in all the land, instead of bitterness shall
Unfortunately, this words of contrition were
be the sweet nourishing taste of milk and honey;
followed by solemn oaths to continue the same
and the Holy Land of God, the Paradise of God,
hostile Palestine Liberation policy that bad led to
shall extend its fragrant borders "even unto the
the war with Israel—a policy designed to "return
ends of the earth."
the land to its rightful owner." This accom-
These views are especially welcome in view of
plished, the fractured Arab world would then,
the unfortunate situations that had arisen prior to
hopefully, unite into one homogeneous brother-
and since the Six-Day War when there were causes
hood. Apparently, the lesson Mr. Nasser and his
for deep regret that Christians had not spoken firmly
people "had not learned" is that God is carrying
against the Arab threats to Israel and were not
out His own Palestine Liberation policy.
beard from when it was vital that Israel's security
be assured.
The land of Palestine, we read, is a land set
Now the editor of the Harvest' Message, Ken
apart by God—a sanctified land, a Holy Land.
Wade Bordes, of Warren, Mich., informs us that he
God originally promised this land to Abraham's
and his wife had been to Israel last October, that
seed (Gen. 15:18-21), but specifically to Abra-
"it was one of the most inspirational journeys we
ham's seed through Isaac and Jacob (Dent. 1:1,
ever made," that they took more than 500 color slides
7, 8)—"unto all Israel." Israel is Palestine's
* * *
* * * _
* * *
and that "In fact, we hope to go
On May 15, 1948, the Arab armies launched their full-scale back to Israel in the future."
Which goes to prove, as has been
invasion of Israel—and Egyptian Foreign Minister Mahmoud Fawzi
officially notified the United Nations of this event, in a cablegram indicated on several occasions that
of the same date addressed to the president of the Security Council there are Christians who are
moved by humanitarian needs, who
(UN Document S/743):
"The Royal Egyptian Government declares, now that the Bri- remain inspired by Holy Scrip-
tish Mandate in Palestine has ended, that Egyptian armed forces tures, not to forget a duty to
Jewry, nor to overlook the needs
have started to enter Palestine ..."
SOVIET REACTION—Mr. Tarasenko, addressing the Security of the time to prevent another
Council on May 20, 1948: "We are concerned with the plain fact that Holocaust.
* * *
a number of Palestine's neighbor states have sent their troops into
Palestine. And knowledge of that fact is not based on rumors, or Potpourri . .
on newspaper reports, but on offical documents signed by the gov-
This is a crucial week . . .
ernments of those states informing the Security Council that their with Passover intervening .. . last
rites for a departed ex-President
troops have
ments signed and sent by the governments of Egypt and Trans- . . . debates over the Middle East
at the United Nations . Israel's
"I should like to point out in passing that none of the states continuing refusal to permit guer-
whose troops have entered Palestine can claim that Palestine rillas to undermine the nations
forms part of its territory. It is an altogether separate territory very existence.
The Seder (there was only one
without any relationship to the territories of the states which have
in Israel) was conducted by many
sent their troops into Palestine."
Mr. Gromyko, in the Security Council, May 29, 1948: "This is in military barracks ... wine cup,
not the first time that the Arab States, which organized the invasion Hagada, matzo hi one hand, Va•
of Palestine, have ignored a decision of the Security Council or of for defense available for the otheZ.
the General Assembly. The USSR delegation deems it essential
That's how history repeats Ds,
that the Council should state its opinion more clearly and more self — as in days of old when:
firmly with regard to this attitude of the Arab States toward deci- gun and plow were side by side.
such is the inevitability of the
sions of the Security Council."
We had already taken occasion to quote from Gromyko's statement human right to life, liberty and
about Jews, Israel, Zionism. Did it do any good? We are presenting the pursuit of happiness
the above facts now: will it bring some relief from the tensions that the right also to self defense.
have emerged?
It may be hopeless, but we may as well keep trying to prove to the
Russians that there is a peaceful way of establishing good relations. 2—Friday, April -4; 1969

The 'Sanctified Land' . . .
Israel's Titles . . . Christian Concern


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