Purely Commentary Epigramatist Elbert Hubbard put it well when he said: "There is no freedom on earth or in any stnr for those who deny freedom to others." In the Passover leison there is inherent this basic 'principle; and in the battle for justice in on- time this idea of liberty and equality for all is applicable to all peoples, all faiths, all races. It is because we fail to learn this lesson that we have the struggle everywhere — in the civil rights effo ts, in the Far East, in the Middle East. Had there been recognition of this prin- ciple in the Middle East there would have been an end to a war that interferes with the rights of the Jewish people whose sur- vivors from the worst of the world's infer- nos are settled in their ancient homeland. Those who would interfere with the rights of their ne'ghbors to life and to liberty have never learned the warning in a famous poem ("Weep On, Weep On") by Thomas Moore: "0 Freedom! once thy flame hath fled. It never lights again." Libertarians have the responsibility of assuring that this flame is never extin- guished. Meanwhile there are tears, many tears, in the struggle for just rights. They are flowing from many eyes in lands of op- pression. and the paniceas ple -Igel in the democratic way of life are yet to be attained by the downtro Id 'n of whom there are many, far too many, in many parts of the globe. The f mous Jewi h poet Shimeon Frug once expressed it in a poem he had written in Russian. In hi= famous "The Cup of Tears" he expressed a prayet for an end to suffering, thus: my darling mother. What dear gn n 'pa used to say — That a wonder cup in heaven God has near Him night and day? "Is it true "That, should sorrow st-ike His people, Should misfcrt ne lay Clem low, In the cup a tear of pity From the eyes Of God will flow, "Till the cup, one day of mercy, Will be filled with tears divine; Then the sun of joy and glory Will again above us shine? And Messiah, whom we hoped for Through the bitter years of pain, Will arrive and He will lead us To the holy land again?" "True, my son." The child stood thoughtful, And his wistful eyes grew dim. "Is that cup without bottom, That it fills not to the brim? "When, 0 when, please tell me, mother, Will that cup be filled with tears? Does its sacred, precious contents All dry up throuhgout the years?" Faith and anguish, silent prayer, Beamed and burned within his gaze. And the mother's head was bowed — Heart a-flutter, eyes ablaze. On her checks two tears were gleaming, Rolling downward like two pearls. Then they lingered and descended On her darling's raven curls. "These tears, 0 God, forevermore In Thy cup of mercy store!" How sad it is for mankind that the cup of tears is not yet filled to overflowing so that redemption may come for those yet in bondage! Frug did not live to see realiza- tion of his prayerful hope for those who found comfort in the holy land. But there are yet so many for whom the new cup emerging from 'suffering remains unf lied! In this sense, too, since freedom must be enacted for all if the fortunate ones are to retain it, the Frug poetic outcry remains a valid Passover message. When he paid tribute to the memory of Levi Eshkol, Gen. Itzhak Rabin, Israel's ambassador to the United States, quoted a famous Eshkol stitement in which he had said: "If our reborn society wants really to be free and have the dignity of free- dom. it must he able to do everything it needs b" If we want our streets to be clean we must be the sweepers. If we want bread, we must grow it. If we want to live. we must be prepared to d'-fend ourselves. And if we are attacked, and defense calls for sacrifice. it must he our blood that must be offered in sacriree and not the blood of anyone else." In this trying period of Israel's struggle to retain freedom, this declaration is so vital and so valid! Levi Eshkol pleaded for a people's right to live and to battle for its liberties. But he made it clear that to attain justice one must exert himself in his own behalf. What he had said was intended as a message to Americans that Israelis do not ask for American soldiers to fight for them. He was emphasizing anew the prin- ciple of self-liberation, of auto-emancipation, as Leon Pinsker expressed it nearly a cen- tury ago, when there was little freedom for the masses of the Jewish people. Now that message becomes all the clearer. Levi Eshkol expressed it well and Rabin inter- preted it properly. a * * Passover is a time for realism, and it is also filled with legends, with parables, with splendor to be found in Jewish litera- ture. This is a good time to recall a fine story that was related by Sholom Aleichem. Folk Tales About Passover and Freedom . . . Frug's 'Cup of Tears' . . . Sholom Aleichem's Children's Tale . . . Eshkol's View of Freedom The great humorist had written many good stories for and about children — more about them than for them because the elders needed inspiration in his time, just as we need it now. Several weeks ago there was a television program that sullied the good name of Sholom Aleichem because the interpretation of his works, intended as a tribute, was marked by misinterpretations and by the selection of tidbits that failed to acknow- ledge the genius of one of the great creative figures of our time. Because Sholom Aleichem had made of Passover such a splendid occasion for glory, one piece he had written about the festival is worth quoting to disabuse the wrong that was done to him and to his work in a nation- al broadcast. Here is the short story "Elijah" by Sholom Aleichem: Passover has conic at last=the dear sweet Passover. I was dressed as befitted the son of a man of wealth—like a young Prince. But what was the consequence? I was not allowed to play or run about. lest I catch cold. I must not play with poor children. I was a wealthy man's son. Such nice clothes, and I had no one to show off before. I had a pocketful of n uts, and no one to play with. It is not good to be an only child, and fretted o:'er—the only one left oat of seven. and a wealthy mart's son into the bargain. My father put on his best clothes, and went off to the synagogue. Said my moth- er to me: "Do you know what? Lie down and have a sleep. You will then be able to sit up at the Seder and ask the Four Quest;ons !" Was / mad? Would I go asleep before the Seder? "Berne /11 ber, you 7111ISt not sleep at the Seiler. If you do. Elijah the Prophet will come with a ban on his shoulders. On the first two nights of Passover, Elijah the Pronliet goes about looking for those who have fallen asleep at .,:the Seder and takes then away in his tag." . . Ha! Ha! Will I fall asleep at the Seder? I? Not even if it were to last the whole 71 inlit through. or eren to broad daylight. ..What happened last year, mother?" "Last year you fell asleep soon after the first blessing." "Why did Elijah the Prophet not conic. then with his bag?" - Then you were small, now you are big. Tonight you must ask father the Four Questions. Tonight you must say with father—'Slaves were we'. Tonight, you must eat with us fish and soup and matzo balls. Hush. here is father back from the synagogue." "Good 'Yorn-tov . !" "Good 'Yonetor . :" Thank God. father made the blessing over wine. I. too. Father drank the cup full of wine. So did I. a cup full, to the very dregs. "See, to the dregs," said ntoth- By Philip Slosnovitz -er to father. To me she mid: "A full cup of wine ! You will drop off to sleep." Ha ! Ha ! Will I fall asleep? Not even if we were to sit up an the night, or even to broad daylight. "Well," said my father, "how are you going to ask the Four Questions? How will you recite Haggai- da? How will you sing with me—'Slaves were we'?" My mother never took her eyes off me. She smiled and said: "You will fall asleep—fast asleep." "Oh, mother, moth- er, if you had eighteen heads, you would surely fall asleep, if someone sat oppo- site you, and sang in your ears: 'Fall asleep, fall asleep'." Of course I jell asleep. I fell asleep, and dreamt that my fa- ther was already saying, "Pour• out thy wrath." My mother herself got up from the table and went to open the door to welcome Elijah the Prophet. It would be a fine thing if Elijah the Prophet did come, as my mother had said with a bag on his shoulders, and if he said to me: "Come, boy." And who else would be to blame for this but my mother, with her "fall asleep, fall asleep." And as I was thinking these thoughts, I heard the creaking of the door. My father stood up and cried. "Blessed art thou who contest in the name of the Eternal." I looked towards the door. Yes, it was he. He came in so slowly and so softly that one scarcely heard him. He was a handsome man. Elijah the Prophet--an old man with a lotto grizzled beard reaching to his knees. His face was yellow and wrin- kled, but it was handsome and kindly without end. And his eyes ! Oh, what eyes ! Kind, soft, joyous, loving. faithful sues. He was bent in two, and leaned on a big, big stick. He had a bog on his shoulders. And silently, softly. he came straight to me. • • • There are many folk tales about Pass- over. Among the famous ones related to the Exodus is the following from Mishna Raba — Song of Songs: Because of four things, was Israel re- deemed from Egypt: (1) They did not change their names. Theydid not change their lam (2) gua They did not speak evil of one another. (4) They did not act shamefully. They did not change their names— they went down to Egypt as Reuren and Shimon and they were delivered as Reis- yen and Shirnon. They did not call Shi- mon—Julian: neither did they call Reit- yen—Rufus; or Joseph—Justus: nor Ben- jamin—Alexander. They did not change their language—they spoke Hebrew. Are these principles too much to ask in our time? The lesson, nevertheless, is im- plicit. (3) Historic Manuscripts Microfilmed at U. of M. Seder Ritual of Remembrance For the six million Jews who perished at the hands of the Dr. Mehamen Schmelzer, chief In 1962, a tragic fire raged and for the heroes of the ghetto uprising through the Jewish Theological librarian, observed the scholars at Seminary Library in New York their microfilm readers and re- Perform this Ritual after the Third of the Four Ceremonial City destroying over 60,000 precious marked, "Through the miracle of Cups. just before the door is opened for the symbolic entrance of volumes. Consumed in the flames science we can preserve the mira- the Prophet Elijah. was the work of hundreds of schol- cles of the past. Our students will study microfilm instead of the doc- ars and historians.' On this night of the Seder we remember with reverence and love Although the fire wiped out an uments themselves. Thus, we can the six millions of our people of the European exile who perished at the important part of the Seminary's , eliminate the usual wear that re- hands of a tyrant more wicked than the Pharaoh who enslaved our collection, it was stopped before sults from study." fathers in Egypt. Come, said he to his minions, let us cut them off Available from the Seminary's reaching the Mortimer and Harriet from being a people, that the name of Israel may be remembered no M. Marcus Rare Book Room. Had , library, on microfilm, will be 145 more. And they slew the blameless and pure, men and women and the flames engulfed the Rare Book unique Hebrew books known as little ones, with vapors of poison and burned them with fire. But we Room, which houses the world's I "incunabula," produced in the ear- abstain from dwelling on the deeds of the evil ones lest we defame the finest collection of prized Hebrew liest days of printing; 10,000 hand- image of God in which man was created. documents, the loss would have written manuscripts culled from Jewish history before and during Now, the remnants of our people who were left in the ghettos and been inestimable. Even before the total damage of the medieval era; thousands of camps of annihilation rose up against the wicked ones for the sanctifi- fascinating, unrelated bits of parch- cation of the Name, and slew many of them before they died. On the the fire was tallied, officials of the Seminary met to discuss ways of ment referred to as "Geniza," first day of Passover the remnants in the Ghetto of Warsaw rose uP preventing future fires and protect- I telling of life during the Dark against the adversary, even as in the days of Judah the Maccabee. Ages; and nearly 500 books from They were lovely and pleasant in their lives, and in their death., they ing what remained. the works of bibliographer Moritz were not divided, and they brought redemption to the name of Israel Many Seminary officials were Steinschneider, with the scholar's through all the world. opposed to subjecting the precious own marginal annotations. Text by the late Rufus Learst parchments to preservation meth- ods that would disturb some of the more fragile works. Finally, it was To Be Read at Seder Table decided that the wisest way to pre serve the collection without re- stricting access to timeless prose was to utilize microfilm. This matzo, which we set aside as a symbol of of hope for the 3,000,000 Jews of the Soviet University Microfilms, part of reminds us of the indestructible link that exists between us. Xerox Corporation's education di- As we observe this festival of freedom, we know that Soviet Jews are not free to learn of their Jewisli vision. was called in to micro- past, to hand it down to their children. They cannot learn the languages of their fathers. They conn2t film the irreplaceable writings. I teach their children to be the teachers, the rabbis of the future generations. They can only sit in silence and become invisible. We shall be their voice, and our voices shall be THE DETROIT JEWISH HEWS joined by thousands of men of conscience aroused by the wrongs suffered by Soviet Jews. Then shall they know that they have not been forgotten, and they that sit in darkness shall yet see a great light. _ 2—Friday, March 28, 1969 Nazis A letter sent by Moses Mai- monides from Egypt to surround- ing North African communities in the year 1170 CE was found among Geniza fragments, and is now available from University Microfilms of Ann Arbor, as part of the microfilm collection of the Jewish Theological Seminary. The letter asks community lead- ers to help raise money to re- deem captive s. Maimonides writes, in what may be the first recorded fund-raising appeal: "We constantly urged the people —in the synagogues and in the study houses and on their own doorsteps—until something was achieved for this noble cause." Matzo of Rope: Prayer for Russian •ews .