AJComnuttee Sees Greater Efforts to Meet Kerner Report Recommendations in U. S. NEW YORK — A summary pre- pared by the American Jewish Committee of actions taken both by private businessmen and volun- tary organizations over the past 12 months in response to the recom- mendations of the Kerner Commis- sion Report has found that "pri- vate efforts, while insufficient to the need, have increased consider- ably." The evaluation by the American Jewish Committee, released by Mervin H. Riseman, chairman of its domestic affairs committee, as- serted that while the general com- mitment to eliminate bigotry and poverty has not been on a scale equal to the dimensions of the problems — many business, labor and religious leaders are now more conscious of community re- sponsibility. aware of urban and social problems and eager to work on their solution." The AJC cited projects by its national constituency and local chapters that spanned the United States. In the area of Negro-Jewish relations and black ,anti-Semit- ism, the AJC concluded that al- though in some communities where black extremists were most visible there may have been a "slowdown in Jewish par- ' ticipation in anti-poverty and civil rights work," there remains among AJC members a solid conviction that "black extremists formed a small but raucous mi- nority," and that Jew's must: continue to help the disadvan- taged. Among the examples of AJC structure." In addition, AJC national staff and Detroit Chapter representa- tives met with the superintendent of schools and the school board Archaeologists Find Site Believed to Be -Salt City Cited in Book of Joshua Kaminska to Revive Classic on Broadway NEW YORK (JTA)—Ida Kamm- April 19 for a dozen performances. the former "first lady" of the Mme. Kaminska adapted and di- Yiddish theater in Poland, will rected the version of "Mirele open on Broadway May 6 in a re- Efros" which will feature her her vival of the Yiddish classic, daughter, Ruth .Kaminska; "Mirele Efros" by Jacob Gordin. husband, Marian Melman; and was actress Karol Latowicz. The The play has been booked for a three-week run at the Brooks At- director of the government-spon- ska, attorney to discuss the board's suit against the state of Michigan. "The suit challenges the con- stitutionality of the present form- ula for allocating state aid to local school districts on the ground that kinson Theater. . sored Yiddish State Theater in differentials in the need for funds Another Jewish play, "The Warsaw when she left Poland be- by individual school boards are Megila" by Itzik Manger, will cause of the anti-Semitic cam- ignored to the detriment of dis- advantaged pupils in inner-city open at the Longacre Theater paign there. schools. "It is expected that the suit will reach trial stage in late spring. The Detroit Chapter is supporting this suit." programs created in response to the Kerner Report, cited as typical of hundreds more now functioning throughout the nation, were two from Detroit. "In r esponse to suggestions made by local AJC Chapter repre- sentatives, the Detroit Jewish Community Council is establishing an "Action Center" in a suburban area with a high Jew i s h popu la - Lion concentration. "The center will provide oppor- tunities for joint activity and dia- logue across racial and religious lines involving such matters as employment, housing, education, metropolitan political structures, business practices and law en- forcement activities. "Meanwhile, Detroit Chapter members are in- creasing their participation in the ' - Inter-Faith Action Council which has taken on a more permanent Friday, March 21, 1969-3 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Housewives Attention ... FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE WE CARRY CLEANED & KOSHERED • FRYERS • TURKEYS (6 to 22 lbs.) ) • DUCKS • CHICKENS (All Sizes) • ROASTERS • CAPONS PASSOVER STARTS SUNDOWN APRIL 2nd PLEASE PLACE HOLIDAY ORDERS EARLY For Qualify and Service in Fine Jewelry—See GEORGE OHRENSTEIN CERTIFIED MASTER WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER OF KAPLAN BROS. S a t n rd ict p lo y ulK to ry sher Meats 18229 WYOMING—WE DELIVER—UN 1-4770 BIRMINGHAM CUSTOMERS %. HARVARD ROW We deliver in the Middlebelt-15 Mile area. 11 MILE and LAHSER PHONE: 3534146 Save the American Way NOW EARN JERUSALEM—A site believed to be the Salt City mentioned in the Book of Joshua (chapter 15) ha , been uncovered beneath an ancient settleMent found by archaelogists on the shore of the Dead Sea. The settlement itself — 10 miles south of the ruins of Qumran — dates back to the days of Jesus and must have been the center of the desert sect, whose scribes i penned the Dead 'Sea scrolls, the announcement said. The archaeologists, working under Pessath Baradon, found in one of the 20 tombs nearby a jar with the .Hebrew inscription Yo- banan written in script very simi- lar to that of the Dead Sea scrolls. Coins, cooking pots, jars and a stone lamp were found, as well as the bases of five pillars with par- tition walls between them. The building is believed to be a com- munity hall of the sect. elkor-4 Yea Eastland Lot 4 Northland Lot G 11 ,9 I = , _ NEW SPRING ARRIVALS BUTTE KNITS 259" on 90 day Passbook Savings JuSt ask for our new American-90 Passbook. $2,500 minimum amount. Compounded and payable on 90 day minimum investment period, Effective April 1,1969