Purely Commentary The 'Jewish Mother' Fable Marketed in an Youth Rebellion Roth and His Wares Aura of Filth and an Admoni- tion to Seek Wisdom. Youth versus Elders: Confrontations and Search for Accord Israel's 21st Anniversary—a Festival for the Family To mark Israel's 21st birthday, Do April 23, provision has been made for family groups to have special festivities, and a program of merit has been prepared for that occasion. "Yom Ha-Atvmaut as a Family Holiday" was inaugurated several years ago by a national leader of Pioneer Women, Dr. Sara Feder, of Columbia, Mo., who heads the programing for such occasions as na- tional chairman of the project. The impressive program arranged for the suggested events is so well arranged that it can serve the needs of all factions, observers and the indifferent. It contains prayerful as well as nationalistic hymns and readings, as well as songs and other necessary material for cele- brations. Dr. Feder's apepal for observance of Yom Ha-Atvmaut as a family function, her introduction of her program to serve as a children's holi- day in honor of Israel's Independence Day, deserves the cooperation of rabbis, teachers, schools, synagogues and centers. Good community spirit, emanating from the family and the youth, can be created through such programs. * * et 'Portnoy' . . . (Philip Roth's) . . . All About 'Jewish Mama Market'.. . . 'Enough Already' "Let's put the id back in Yid" is Philip Roth's battlecry in his sen- sational "Portnoy's Complaint" "port-nolz kam-plant?" — (see Jewish News Feb. 21) and he has been assured a cool million for the book, reprints in magazines, (movie?) and other privileges made possible by the publication of his work by Random House. Fantastic! That a book that thematically marks conflicts with the constipated father, the nervous (!?!) mother, the desire for shikses and the urge to masturbate has taken such a'strong hold on a generation that has become concerned about mother. The Solomonic praise, "Eishet Iiayil mi yimtza"—"a woman of valor who shall find?"—once again grows upon the best -seller list. And the eishet hayil is so under- standing: she knows exactly what Alex Portnoy said when he told the psychiatrist: "To be bad, Mother, that's the real struggle: to be bad— and enjoy it! That's what makes men of us boys, Mother. Let's put the id back in the Yid!" So it isn't mother alone: also the Yid! How else can a contemporary Jewish writer emerge best-selling the stuff that—as so many reviewers said, is not pornographic—is just a bit filthy—with an appeal that sells: with Jews as ,the theme! Especially the Jewish Mother! It is not the novel we are now, concerned with but the remarkably fine subject that has emerged: the variety of, reviews and the opinions of reviewers.) A new subject can be added to college curricula: the manner of reviewing books; and only one text would be needed: the collection of reviews of "Portnoy." There were two reviews- in Use New_yo4 Times. In one, special attention was called to Roth's (PortnofEraThonition to the psychia- trist to whom the complete tale is related that he is living his life "in the middle of a Jeywish joke." That reviewer (Josh Greenfield) asserts: "Whether a dead-end auto-da-fe or open-end bar mitzva peroration (and not just "Today I am a penis') on the road to cultural manhood—read 'Portnoy's Complaint.' And don't feel the least bit guilty about enjoying it thoroughly . . ." Then there was a review in the NYTimes by Christopher Lehmann- Haupt, who is a bit more philosophical and analytical, who stated: - What does it all add up to, besides being Roth's best work since "Good- bye, Columbus" and a brilliantly vivid reading experience? "Portnoy's Com- plaint" is a technical masterpiece that succeeds in 274 pages in bringing the genre of the so-called Jewish novel (whose various practitioners have more or less dominated the literary scene for the last two decades, to an end and a new point of departure. This is not to suggest that Saul Bellow or Bernard Malamud or Bruce J. Friedman or Stanley Elkin will have to turn in their typewriters; but the literary vein they've been mining will never be the same. For Roth has taken the archetypal Jewish parents and fixed their exact location in the Jewish son's nightmare, and he has permanently identified the narrative style of the Jewish novel—with its schticks and spiels, its self-deprecations and hallucinations—as a neurotic's cry of guilt and frustration and comic despair from the psychoanalytic couch. By, definitively mapping the shockingly recognizable, "Portnoy's Com- plaint" also points the way to the unexplored territory, because at the end of the book Alex's analysis—his therapy—has not yet begun. This therapy will involve an understanding of the individual and collective histories that produce Portnoys. Whether it takes place through the medium of a psycho- analytic novel (whatever that may turn out to be) or through some other new form, it will inevitably be more concerned with what the Jewish hero ' has in common with all humankind than with what separates him and identifies him as a Jew. So—we have been introduced to a new appeal to reason—a new Jewish philosophy in which our bar mitzva problem is scrutinized (ass if we do not have enough problems with our confirmations!) and our identity as Jews is studied by way of the psychoanalyst's couch, the avalanche of obscenity, the quest for compassion over a Jewish writer's provision of ammunition to anti-Semites by way of the sex urge and the craving for shikses! But Roth does not appeal to the anti-Semite! He is the proud Jew! George Plimpton, editor of the Paris Review, addressed a few questions to Roth, and in an additional special article in the NYTimes we have the queries and the answers: Do you think there will be Jews who will be offended by this book? I think there will even be Gentiles who will be offended by this book. I was thinking of the charges that were made against you by certain rabbis after the appearance of "Goodbye, Columbus." They said you were "anti-Semitic' and "self-hating," did they not? In an essay I published in Commentary, in December, 1963, called "Writ- ing About Jews," I replied to those charges, and at length. Some critics also said that my work furnished "fuel" -for anti-Semitism. I'm sure all these charges will be made again—though the fact is (and I think there's even a clue or two to this in my fiction) that I myself latte always been far more pleased by my400d fortune in being born a Jew than any of my critics may begin to' imagine. It's a complicated, interesting, morally demanding and very singular experience, and I like that. There is no ques- tion but that it has enriched my life, but when I say "enriched" I don't know that I mean the same things that my rabbinical critics may mean when they use that word. What I do mean is that I find myself in the his- toric predicament of being Jewish, with all its implications. Who could ask for more? But as for those charges you mention—yes, they will doubtless be made again. Because of the UN condemnation of Israeli "aggression,' and anti-Semitic rage flaring up in the black community, many American Jews must surely be feeling more alienated right now than they have in a long time; consequently, I don't think it's a moment when I should expect a book as unrestrained as this one to be indulged or even tolerated, espe- cially in those quarters where I was not exactly hailed as the messiah to begin with. I'm afraid that the temptation to quote single lines out of the entire fictional context will be just about overwhelming on upcoming Satur- day mornings. After all, the rabbis have got their indignation to stoke, just as I do. And there are sentences in that book, alas, upon which a man could construct a pretty indignant sermon. This does not complete our selectivity. Perhaps the best review of "Portnoy" was written for the Nation (March 10) by Therese Pol, an editor at Rutledge Books, whose father is a German Jew and her mother an American Methodist. Miss Pol is the one whose review was entitled "The Jewish Mama Market." It's such a splendid piece that we quote it here: The subject of the Jewish family in general and the Jewish mother in particular—with its catastrophic consequences for all those who 2—Friday, March 21, 1969 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS By Philip Slomovitz ”55 ALLAH, WE ARE DOOMED! A JEWISH MOTHER/I - The "Jewish. Mother" theme, in all its exaggera- tions, nevertheless seems to have an aura of admiration and respect in many quarters, and certainly among non- Jews. A typical example of veneration is expressed in Oliphant's cartoon. Enough already? Plenty . . .! move within their orbitcan no longer be regarded as a literary en- deavor on the American scene. It has become a big industry, nearly as threatening as the military-industrial complex. In this sense Philip Roth, the author of "Portnoy's Complaint," is merely the latest, if enormously successful, tycoon. It was Philip Wylie who started the mother-kicking bit with his crusade against momism. With brutal impartiality he condemned all American mothers. Reviewers across the land have already praised Roth's new book as the culmination of the Jewish mother motif, apparently forgetting that Bruce Jay Friedman beat him by several miles in "A Mother's Kisses." Friedman did a final demolition job. Now comes the culmination of the culmination—Roth's resurrec- tion of ,this type of woman. The best that can be said of his accom- plishment is that Mama Portnoy is a caricature drawn by a master cartoonist, but she's no more than that. That is not to say that Roth has not added other touches to the over-all picture of Jewish family life which, is depicted, must be the most destructive form of living known to mankind. Some of Roth's scenes are outrageously funny. Alex Portnoy has an obsessively Jew- ish father, who is an insurance salesman in New Jersey, and chronic- ally constipated (not as irrelevant as it sounds). The bathroom be- comes for a while the center of the fun, with papa spending many unsuccessful hours on the john and Alex, the kid, masturbating him- self into near lunacy. Roth's treatment of constipation is a scream— but how much mileage can you really get out of constipation? Roth's book is a long monologue addressed to a hypothetical psy- choanalyst (does the man listen?), in which Alex dissects his stifling childhood (mother, father, the whole damn Jewish neighborhood, come under the microscope) and his subsequent, and practically pre- ordained, troubles with sex. Because all the girls he yearns for are Gentiles. Alex drank in the longing for Gentile sex, whatever that is, with his Jewish mother's milk. Alex, the adult, a successful civil servant of sorts, has the worst experiences with his women. He really picks them. The Monkey, an illiterate high-fashion model from West Vir- ginia, blackmails him with suicidal impulses. The Pumpkin, straight from the Corn Belt, is wonderfully American but becordes a bore. The Pilgrim, a Mayflower product, has too much class for her own good, and is incapable of giving Alex oral gratification (of which there is a great deal in this book, in case anyone wants to brush up on it). The novel ends with a five-line scream of ahhh, and a slap- stick suggestion from the analyst to the effect that perhaps now the treatment might begin in earnest. The pacing of Roth's book is frantic, which gives it a one-dimen- sional quality. lie is filled with orgies of various kinds, saved from total tedium only by Roth's comic vein. The melancholy truth about orgies is that in the long run they are dull, even funny orgies. The barrage of four-letter words is also getting to be a pain in the ass, to use Roth's idiom, although he has justified it on the highest artis- tic grounds. In effect, Roth has created the same permanent Jewish joke that his Alex so bitterly complains about in the novel, complete with Jewish sell-loathing and guilt far beyond anything Saul Bellow ever had to offer, but certainly nothing brand-new. There are of course some gems in this book. At the age of 5 or so, little Alex is so mixed up by the overarticulate salt-of-the-earth peo- ple, their vindictive religion, their superstitions, the whole kosher household, that one day he looks out of the window into the drifting snow and asks, "Momma, do we believe in winter?" Some people profess to see the depths of despair—both Jewish and cosmic—in Roth's book. Maybe so. But Thomas Mann once said that irony can become so dense that it is no longer recognizable as such. So it is with Roth's despair. There is something else wrong with it: it is basically trivial because it is rooted in endless self- examination, leading nowhere in particular, which no amount of sty- listic cleverness can disguise. And his occasional gallant attempt to pass from the ridiculous to the sublime without losing his balance simply does not come off. The main trouble with the Jewish family theme Is that It has been overwritten. Unlike the plague in the Middle Ages or the pog- roms in Czarist Russia, the Jewish mother goes on and on, spawning more mother-smothered Jewish girls, who in turn will inevitably smother their own brood. It is a vicious circle which can be broken only by a moratorium on the whole subject, guilt included. Enough already. Indeed: Enough already? We doubt it. The contemporary Jewish writers now have a guideline: "Portnoy" is worth a million, why not keep the Jewish Mama market open for business? And what's more, if what Roth produces as a problem echoed in "Jew! Jew! Jewel Jew! Jew!" why can't other writers continue it? That, too, is good business. And all of it stems out of the marketing of filth, of an author's failure to close the toilet door while in the performance of acts that demand privacy! We have come to the point provided by Shikse Therese Pol: ENOUGH ALREADY! . Have students been "disenfran- chised" in our universities? If the charge is true, then the Hillel Foundations, the "structure of or- ganized Jewish life" and the na- tional organizations have been guilty in the implied failure to se- cure a proper confrontation with our youth and the decision arrived at by the Hillel commision to cre- ate a "partnership role" was just- ified, belatedly. There never is justification for "superficiality." There can be no other road other than full coopera- tion in advancing Jewish cultural ties between the young and their elders. Yet we wonder whether the approach that was made at the exciting meeting in Washington last week is totally ,realistic. If there is to be a unity of action, why further splintering? There was a similar experience in Jerusalem last year when Jew- ish youth demonstrated at the World Zionist Congress sessions. The youth were granted 21 of the 100 seats on the Zionist Actions Committee. Now they are put to the test, to prove that they can fulfill their responsibilities to the world Jewish community. The el- ders • did their duty: now we need the total response in cooperative efforts. Youth also displayed a desire for action locally , when they gathered some weeks ago in meet- ing challenges on t h e Wayne State University campus for a re- sponse to anti-Semitism. But at that gathering there were boos against the "establishment" and expressions of antagonism to Hillel. We question whether that was necessary, whether it was to have been assumed that the exist- ing agency for action could not have fitted into a thoroughly co- operative scheme of action on and off campus for adherence to basic Jewish ideals, for opposition to racism, for free expression of views, for instructive and construe , - tive Jewish programming. If students feel affronted, the fault undoubtedly lies with the rul- ing class, with the elders. Never- theless, the admonition to them by Dr. William Haber that the "most unfortunate" aspect of their unrest is that "students make clear only what they are against, not what they are for." Dr. Haber described the present generation of students as "the brightest" in his 40 years of ex- perience on the campus. He ac- knowledged the validity of their "grievances." But he maintained that the university is not "an ac- tion society" capable of abolishing the draft or stopping the Vietnam war and he gave all of us some- thing to think about when he said: "The difficulty arises in that being smart and bright is not the same as being wise. Wisdom takes experiences and students need maturing before they can talk of experience." Is this asking too much? Aren't we also asking for wise action on the part of the elders? Isn't our aim cooperation, to the fullest, not mere coexistence? Aren't we striv- ing f6r an affluent society to reach out for an intellectual aristocracy terms we have emphasized time and time again without receiving a proper response? We concur that something good may have come out of the Wash- ington confrontation bet w acts young and old. - We submit that youth need not wait until another generation challenges it for its im- petuosity before there can be firm steps towards joint tasks for the good of our comunities--and the welfare of our comunities must be viewed as the welfare of this country, its people, its ideals which are rooted in fair play and ,creativity. • —