34—Friday, March 14, 1969 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Start Chile Center for Jewish Studies De Hartog's 'The Children' Exposes Tragedy of Waifs, Adoptive Means In "The Children," de Hartog de- Jan de Hartog had already earn- ed acclaim for his works about scribes the plight of half-caste chit- refugees, survivors from Nazism, dren who are the abandoned "sou- Jews aspiring to escape from the venirs" of the Soldiers in Vietnam, indignities of the Holocaust into the Korea and other points where the land of Israel. inhumanity of wars made itself felt His newest work, "The Children," and left marks of disgrace. Adoption methods are outlined by published by Atheneum (122 E. 42nd, NY17), "a personal record de Hartog to show how unfortunate for the use of adoptive children," children can be given their due deals with a theme that perplexes sense of honor in society. many but for whom this work Excerpts from "The Children" are worth noting as indications of should serve as a valuable guide. the immensity of the theme dealt with. irth n 17 0 uncements March 5—To Mr. and Mrs. How- ard Weinberg (Barbara Leinoff). 10643 Ten Mile, Oak Park, a son, Gordon Jay. r March 5—To Mr. and Mrs. Mi- chael Weitzman (Judie Borinstein), 27629 Sutherland, Southfield, a daughter, Lisa Marla. * Y * March 4—To Mr. and Mrs. Her- schel S. Wander (Roberta Cher- niak), 3201 Evergreen, Royal Oak, a son, Kevin Oscar. • March 4—To Mr. and Mrs. Her- schel Wander (Bobbie Cherniak). 3201 Evergreen, Royal Oak, a son, Kevin Oscar. r March 3—To Dr. and Mrs. Elliott M. Wolf (Ilene Barden), former Detroiters of Denver, a daughter, Heather Lauren. • * Feb. 26—To Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. Newman (Cindy Corman), 23210 Gardner, Oak Park, a son, Richard Brian. * * Feb. 25—To Mr. and Mrs. Jack Winograd (Phyllis Wald), 2700 Mark, Windsor, a son, Bradley Milton. * * Feb. 12—To Dr. and Mrs. Melvin Rosen (Ellen Merkle), former De- troiters of San Francisco, a daugh- ter, Bonnie Jill. * * r. Jan. 17—To Dr. and Mrs. Jerome Helman (Sandra Winkelman), for- mer Detroiters of Beverly Hills, a son, Daniel Seth. * * * Jan. 3—To Mr. and Mrs. Myron D. Winkelman (Betsy Wilson), for- mer Detroiters of Cleveland, a son, Steven Ronald. * * * To Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Grossman, 3259 Tuckahoe, Bloom- field Village, an adopted son, Mark Brian. REV. GOLDMAN "L. MARSHALL MOHEL 353-5444 RABBI JOSHUA SPIRO Experienced Mohel Serving in Hospitals & Homes 544-2864 certainly love to dance for you. . . . At the sound of any music, be it a com- mercial jingle or Bruckner's Fifth, -they will go through a complete performance involving pirouettes, bows and graceful kicks ,which at any moment may sud- denly change into a bump-and-grind ex- hibition of a startling nature. It must be that most of these children wit- nessed at a tender age, through the cracks of bar room doors, the gyrations of the dancing girls who since time im- memorial have followed the train of any ak with re te conquering army. ali;rny 6l . ‘,. ,,, Ta ht esoll ui ; their tenuous lifeline was severed by a sword the night they crossed the ocean; to re- act with disapproval to any aspect of their repertoire is to cut back the living shoot of a plant that is trying to survive a hazardous transition. Our children ar- rive in our homes in a state of total innocence; give them a chance to live in paradise for just a little while longer before the fate of man compels them to heed the snake, eat the apple and come tpdef. For the time being, let them w nk, Jut their buttocks and grind their pelvis, as they dance around the tree of knowledge flushed with the tender green of spring." • • • "Each new generation of young girls hears it said and reacts to it with a sense of revelation that, in the begin- ning, a person is in love with the idea of love, not with one particular human being. We parents start by being in love with the idea of a child, until the individual hacks his way through the foliage of our sentimental generaliza- lion. Never fear, he will; probably sooner than later. In no time at all he will stop being 'the Vietnamese orphan you and your wife adopted,' he will stop being orphaned, Vietnamese and adopted in succession, ultimately he will even stop being a child and be- come himself: unique, irreplaceable, never seen on earth before, never to be seen again, absolute and ultimate entity of mankind." •• • • "Will the child himself, at times, feel like an outsider, even though your own children accept him completely as a brother? Certainly. He may even, when an order or a refusal has aroused his resentment, say that he wants to go back to Korea. This will alarm you, until you have the same experience as a good friend of ours who has one Korean daughter and one of her own. When her natural daughter was told one night that she could not stay up to see Lassie on television, she said, "I'm sick of this I'm going back to Korea!' Maybe this will help you keep your cool when the straw fires of childhood fury rage around you and smoke gets in your eyes." • • • "At first sight it may seem ludicrous to turn Asian children into funciamen- tat Baptists or to place a yarmulka on the head of an obviously Mongolian boy, but as all religions worthy of the name are based on the love of God and compassion for one's neighbor your child will soon get the point of religion if it expresses itself in practice. . So by all means, send your child to cate- chism, Torn lessons, Sunday School or revival meetings; but don't be dis- tressed if it takes him a while to sort out in his untrained mind the angels, lambs, Fathers, Sons and doves which have been part of our theological gallery from childhood. My younger daughter, after months of Quaker First-Day School which she attended enthusiastically, asked me at Christ- mastime whether Jesus slept with His wings inside or outside His pajamas." Israeli Firm to Market Radioactive Compounds Recommended by Physicians RABBI Leo Goldman Expert Mohel Serving Hospitals and Homes LI 2-4444 • • • "Suddenly, as I stood there in the darkness fumbling for my car keys, my knees gave way. I leaned against the wall, overwhelmed by a sudden wave of despair that made me cover my lace with my hands. I saw my pleasant, well-organized life collapse in confusion. This meant the end of the intimate Ireiationship I had had with Marjorie" (Mrs. de Hartog) all these years. :Everything I cherished and cared for—my peace, my middle- aged comfort, my serenity—was shat- me tered by this stranger calling 'Daddy.'" • • • "If your child is a •girl from Korea between three and six, she will almost LI 1-9769 ZACHARIASH MOHEL 34171595v: REHOVOT—Miles-Yeda Ltd. has reached an agreement with the Nuclear Research Center-Negev on a joint program for the develop- ment of radioactive compounds and their worldwide sale. This was announced by Dr. R. Gvion, head of the radiochemistry and isotopes laboratory of the cen- ter, and Alex Miko, general man- ager of Miles-Yeda. George Washington was ignorant of the commonest accomplishments qf„y_onth, He_c.outd.not even Dr. Herman Ramirez-Necothea, dean of the School of Philos- ophy and Education, University of Chile; Dr. Bernardo Berdichewsky, director, Center for Jewish Studies; and Moses Kaplan, cultural di- rector, Ashkenazi Kehilla, attend inauguration of first university Center for Jewish Studies in Latin America, which has been or ganized by the American Jewish Committee, the Jewish represent- ative Committee of Santiago, the Israel Embassy and the Kehilla, at the University of Chile. The center offers courses leading to BA and masters degrees. Research on Polish Jews Approved in Warsaw series of re- search projects dealing with Polish Jewry during the Nazi occupation in World War II has been approv- ed by the Polish minister for cul- ture and the arts, Lucian Motika, it was disclosed in Warsaw by Dr. Simon Datner, recently appointed director of the Jewish Historical Institute. Motika is in charge of imple- menting Poland's laws dealing with the preservation of archives and cultural relics. Dr. Datner said that despite a reduced staff, the institute would be able to pursue a number of pro- jects. These will include compila- tion of a complete list of Jewish communities destroyed by the Nazis; a list of Polish Jews who perished either as resistance fighters or in the armed forces of nations fighting the Hitlerites; a chronological list of the major events in the life of Polish Jewry during the Nazi era; a list of war criminals who committed crimes against Jews and Poles; and a history of Polish Jewry with spe- cial reference to its participation in revolutionary movements. LONDON (JTA)—A When our best friends are in trouble, there is always something that is not wholly displeasing to us. —La Rochefoucauld. BEL-CREST STUDIO 33195 Grand River at Farmington Road 474-7762 When my friends lack an eye, I look at 'hem in profile. — Joseph Joubert. Ou.n. Mg) is attocuia PERSONALIZED FITTING t f LEIB SHOES FOR PASSOVER SHOES FOR THE FAMILY ) 15224 W. 7 MILE ROAD 1 1/i Mks. E. of Greenfield PHONE: 342-8559 Hours: 10 to 6 9 It's model changeover time At the Statler Hilton ON THE LINE: Famous Trader Vic's Remodeled Lobby Area Polynesian Restaurant Automatic Elevators New Hilton Towers Color Television Renovated Guest Rooms New Attractive Street Entrances Redecorated Meeting Rooms New Coffee Shop Service MAKE RESERVATIONS FOR YOUR SPECIAL FUNCTION NOW AT DETROIT'S LUXURY - HOTEL X Please Call KE 1-0104 MRS. S. LEIBICK Select PHILADELPHIA—A gift of $53,- 000 was made by Walter H. Annen- berg, president of Triangle Pub- lications, Inc., to Dropsie College for Hebrew and Cognate Learning. Announcement of the gift was made by Dr. Abraham I. Katsh, president of the 60-year-old post- graduate institution dedicated to the study of Hebrew, Arabic, Ara- maic, Akkadian, Syriac, Ugaritic and Sumerian. Annenberg's gift, said Dr. Katsh, will enable the Dropsie College to broaden its manuscript research and expand its training of scholars so as to "better add to our ever- strengthening fountain of learn- ing." "Our rare library collections and the center of unique microfilm material, hitherto unavailable to Western scholars, will oe helped enormously in enabling our stu- dents to carry on effective re- search and investigation," Dr. Katsh added. WEDDINGS • PORTRAITS BAR MITZVAS For fine color photography and fair prices for Wed- dings, Bar Mitzvas and all your simchas. Aain $50,000 Gift to Boost Dropsie College Research THE DETROIT HILTON WASHINGTON BLVD. & GRAND CIRCUS PARK DETROIT, MICHIGAN 48231 965-7800 • AREA CODE 313 ARNOLD FISHER Offers Quality Day Camping Wd/oway ay Camp FOR YOUR CHILD • Acres of nature and craft, fun and sun • Heated swimming pool designed for learning • Enthusiastic, mature staff in ratio 1-6 • Riding, fencing, fishing, boating, dramatics, tennis, etc. Call Lorraine and Arnold Fisher EL 6-8123